I will keep my hat on in future. I. WAZIR
Monday, 24 April 2017
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Pipsqueak Pipo...
Announcing the coming onslaught of iz tootling and thrashing around. "Scherzophonic" is being compiled at present. It'll take some getting used to, believe me.
I guess there are many would regard the recording as some kind of joke. Strikes me it would at least put a wry smile on a few faces if not a good laugh. Let's hope they get my meaning. "Worth a punt." Thinks I.
Old bum note compilation from the tramp with the amp.Threadbare melodies. Doggerel and worn out cliches. Pulled out of the unsorted and unwanted rubbish, those old notes don't sound too bad once they get cleaned up and find a place they may comfortably belong I am glad I made a place for them.
Music's a sharing thing, it isn't doing what it says on the tin if it isn't reaching listening ears. Talking about music comes a close second to writing about it for boring. I could do with channeling some of my waining word power into lyrics, happen.
I sowed some blue flowering runner beans yesterday and more this morning. I am about to sow another batch mixed in with scarlet Emperor and some red and white variety. Might end up with another sort. It's April 20, Anne-Sophie's Birthday anniversary. The sun is shining. More later I'm off out.
I guess there are many would regard the recording as some kind of joke. Strikes me it would at least put a wry smile on a few faces if not a good laugh. Let's hope they get my meaning. "Worth a punt." Thinks I.
Old bum note compilation from the tramp with the amp.Threadbare melodies. Doggerel and worn out cliches. Pulled out of the unsorted and unwanted rubbish, those old notes don't sound too bad once they get cleaned up and find a place they may comfortably belong I am glad I made a place for them.
Music's a sharing thing, it isn't doing what it says on the tin if it isn't reaching listening ears. Talking about music comes a close second to writing about it for boring. I could do with channeling some of my waining word power into lyrics, happen.
I sowed some blue flowering runner beans yesterday and more this morning. I am about to sow another batch mixed in with scarlet Emperor and some red and white variety. Might end up with another sort. It's April 20, Anne-Sophie's Birthday anniversary. The sun is shining. More later I'm off out.
Sunday, 16 April 2017
See what she's done...
It's worth taking a closer look.

"It iz"
Strawberry flowers and bluebells...
Bee Borage |
We have thyme... |
Une racine, beaucoup branche.
Friday, 14 April 2017
Thursday, 13 April 2017
My scrappy French may not be best suited to translate verbatim all that man writes or says. Enough translations exist for anyone to access his ideas, they are not just his, I would dare to say, "ours". Mélenchon has done the headwork, Walks the walk and talks the talk. Speaks for the hearts and minds of the common people, the majority, inclusively. France needs him, the world needs more like him. A "real" Republican. As opposed to what? A neo-monarchist perhaps. I don't hear much of that expression being bandied about.
To my view American "Republicanism" is just a P.C. cover. Mercenaries for the Royalist cause. They are heard to speak of "the American Empire". Some geriatric construct no doubt conjured to appease the guilt and justify the historic folly of their past actions. Make sense America, the Common kind.
Raise your ethical standard higher.
Not since my first encounter as a teenager , reading the work of Thomas Paine, have I been impressed by mere words. "Rights of Man", and "Age of Reason" Mr. Mélenchon does it for me. America might do itself some good by reintroducing "Common Sense", another of Paine's writings as compulsory reading. Do the American people regard themselves as mere serving chattels of the combined existing Crowns. They, the Crowned families, appear to act as a cohesive force worldwide. A singular entity.
The Proxy war in the Middle East illustrates well the dominant influence that motivates and supports the illegal agressive invasion and destruction. Support that and you turn your back on all equitable human progress. To hell with America if that is the best they can do.
The Grid Iron flag of the Royal East India Company, "went west" mutating over the years of popular forgetfulness into the present banner, the "subtlety" of the design of the meaning that the Stars and Stripes represents is something worth pondering on I reckon. To my view it does not represent any beacon of hope for the planet. There is no "New World", just the same good old one. The West is not a culture, nor a nation it is merely a geographical direction.
Common to both French and English, "gone West" was/is used to describe someone who has "lost the plot". I retain the old worlder , "Last Worlder" right to go in the direction of my personal choice without the coercive obstruction and interference of Imperial bullying..
Witness if you will the rallies of Mélenchon. Compare the dignity of their occassion with the exessive hystrionics that pervaded the American election. The "New World" must put it's own house in order. It abandoned the "old countries" the "old world". They have a lot they refuse to learn, ignorance being their drug of popular choice. Like it or not America is still working for it's absentee rulers. Mercenary shills, are really servants soldiers and slaves of the old corrupt colonial order. "Well past their sell by date", sez I. America has lost all moral credibility.
Mélenchon has a programme that will work. Read about it, hear the man speak. Understand his principles, his philosophy. Accused by those opposing of being a Communist, far from true. He is a fair square Communaute, dedicated to serving the collective common need without sacrifice of the ecological infrastructure, the patrimonie, without the sacrifice of the poor and the collateral base, fair and square he speaks for most all of us. He's the only one who appears to have a clue as to how equitable progress may be acheive. A way that leaves none but intransigent reactionaries behind. The crumbling decadent and unreconstructed pre war liberalism, the Chamberlanian compromise.
The "what's in it for me first", liberalism that now dare not speak it's name. The Old school liberals supported the Fascists in Spain, let us not forget. Chamberlain made nicey nice with Hitler,let us not forget. That small detail revealed the very large shitstain in the Liberal pants that made Britain reject the faceless middle ground self serving compromise. The Blairite period exploited the fading memory of the working people of Britain, New Labour was just a make over for old Liberals to get their grip on the serving ladle. Left right and centre are all out dated constructs that without exception bend their collective knee and bow their heads to an unaccountable Crown. The dominant personality of the faceless elite, the paymasters and their sycophantic pocket filling supporters.
Mélenchon advocates an upgrading , The Sixth Republic,is understood to be revolutionary,what is so bad about that? It only becomes troublesome if the will of the electorate is undermined, obstructed or opposed by the privileged minority. That minority has betrayed the people ,failed completely in it's espoused cause of good civil, economic management, investing it's ill gotten excessive profiteering in the arms industry. Leaves many Trillions of dollars of debt in it's wake. The "Royal Progress". Not least of concern the millions of dead and displaced people.
Let's go for the Sixth Republic, the world can do without the world wearying washed out "wisdom" of careering lifetime politicians. Virtually all have dipped their bread in the soup of corruption. The remaining uncompromising few that practice in service to the higher ethical standard are mocked and villified, smeared and denegrated by the effective dominant executive.
Mélenchon is representative of the greater body of France. He deserves the support. France in turn may yet have a chance to become a good example to the world by the collective efforts of her people, the benign influence of democratic republican progress is the progress we aim to share,@Zero % commission. America panics we don't want their wheat, we don't trust their Food and Drug adninistration. We don't need GMO produce. We are neither afraid of nor an enemy of the new Russia. Russia is not the old Soviet Union. We wont be fooled by regurgitated propaganda. Assad is not the enemy. We now see the Merry Con media lie for what it is.
America, you're fired. I am done for now. I. WAZIR
To my view American "Republicanism" is just a P.C. cover. Mercenaries for the Royalist cause. They are heard to speak of "the American Empire". Some geriatric construct no doubt conjured to appease the guilt and justify the historic folly of their past actions. Make sense America, the Common kind.
Raise your ethical standard higher.
Not since my first encounter as a teenager , reading the work of Thomas Paine, have I been impressed by mere words. "Rights of Man", and "Age of Reason" Mr. Mélenchon does it for me. America might do itself some good by reintroducing "Common Sense", another of Paine's writings as compulsory reading. Do the American people regard themselves as mere serving chattels of the combined existing Crowns. They, the Crowned families, appear to act as a cohesive force worldwide. A singular entity.
The Proxy war in the Middle East illustrates well the dominant influence that motivates and supports the illegal agressive invasion and destruction. Support that and you turn your back on all equitable human progress. To hell with America if that is the best they can do.
The Grid Iron flag of the Royal East India Company, "went west" mutating over the years of popular forgetfulness into the present banner, the "subtlety" of the design of the meaning that the Stars and Stripes represents is something worth pondering on I reckon. To my view it does not represent any beacon of hope for the planet. There is no "New World", just the same good old one. The West is not a culture, nor a nation it is merely a geographical direction.
Common to both French and English, "gone West" was/is used to describe someone who has "lost the plot". I retain the old worlder , "Last Worlder" right to go in the direction of my personal choice without the coercive obstruction and interference of Imperial bullying..
Witness if you will the rallies of Mélenchon. Compare the dignity of their occassion with the exessive hystrionics that pervaded the American election. The "New World" must put it's own house in order. It abandoned the "old countries" the "old world". They have a lot they refuse to learn, ignorance being their drug of popular choice. Like it or not America is still working for it's absentee rulers. Mercenary shills, are really servants soldiers and slaves of the old corrupt colonial order. "Well past their sell by date", sez I. America has lost all moral credibility.
Mélenchon has a programme that will work. Read about it, hear the man speak. Understand his principles, his philosophy. Accused by those opposing of being a Communist, far from true. He is a fair square Communaute, dedicated to serving the collective common need without sacrifice of the ecological infrastructure, the patrimonie, without the sacrifice of the poor and the collateral base, fair and square he speaks for most all of us. He's the only one who appears to have a clue as to how equitable progress may be acheive. A way that leaves none but intransigent reactionaries behind. The crumbling decadent and unreconstructed pre war liberalism, the Chamberlanian compromise.
The "what's in it for me first", liberalism that now dare not speak it's name. The Old school liberals supported the Fascists in Spain, let us not forget. Chamberlain made nicey nice with Hitler,let us not forget. That small detail revealed the very large shitstain in the Liberal pants that made Britain reject the faceless middle ground self serving compromise. The Blairite period exploited the fading memory of the working people of Britain, New Labour was just a make over for old Liberals to get their grip on the serving ladle. Left right and centre are all out dated constructs that without exception bend their collective knee and bow their heads to an unaccountable Crown. The dominant personality of the faceless elite, the paymasters and their sycophantic pocket filling supporters.
Mélenchon advocates an upgrading , The Sixth Republic,is understood to be revolutionary,what is so bad about that? It only becomes troublesome if the will of the electorate is undermined, obstructed or opposed by the privileged minority. That minority has betrayed the people ,failed completely in it's espoused cause of good civil, economic management, investing it's ill gotten excessive profiteering in the arms industry. Leaves many Trillions of dollars of debt in it's wake. The "Royal Progress". Not least of concern the millions of dead and displaced people.
Let's go for the Sixth Republic, the world can do without the world wearying washed out "wisdom" of careering lifetime politicians. Virtually all have dipped their bread in the soup of corruption. The remaining uncompromising few that practice in service to the higher ethical standard are mocked and villified, smeared and denegrated by the effective dominant executive.
Mélenchon is representative of the greater body of France. He deserves the support. France in turn may yet have a chance to become a good example to the world by the collective efforts of her people, the benign influence of democratic republican progress is the progress we aim to share,@Zero % commission. America panics we don't want their wheat, we don't trust their Food and Drug adninistration. We don't need GMO produce. We are neither afraid of nor an enemy of the new Russia. Russia is not the old Soviet Union. We wont be fooled by regurgitated propaganda. Assad is not the enemy. We now see the Merry Con media lie for what it is.
America, you're fired. I am done for now. I. WAZIR
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
I am still here...
Hell, this is frustrating stuff. Just fumbling along trying to make some satisfying good out of this screen side interface. Not being formally initiated, though encouraged to actively participate. I'm being blinded by the light of on screen instruction. My eyes are photo sensitive. Attempting to learn from my computer without available real time human tutelage is destroying my eyesight. It is taking too long. My modest musical offerings may well be relegated once more to the dogshit covered streets. I thought those days were over. Recording video and publishing on YouTube is a favoured option,not ideal , I have yet to suss out how to get best audio quality.
My practice sessions are not up to scratch by my reckoning, they serve my critical ear for what they are, a means to monitor my own "progress". It's not a good enough result. There isn't enough expertise in my home to upgrade my presentation. Performance isn't suited to the medium, playing in isolation. I think I need to meet and work with others who have common interests.
Recently I discovered a Moondog album on the YouTube; The blind "viking", I wonder how much of his work would have been noticed had he not been blind or costumed. He seems to have had a mass of support and musical collaboration, (should that be cooperation?). Now he is dead he appears to be getting more exposure than ever. I met him in the early seventies, I had already been exposed to his music before that. Since then, until last week I heard little of the man and his music. I don't knock him or it. I still enjoy the music and I found nothing unpersonable about the man. I wasn't in awe, inspite of my impressionable youth, not of him his music or the fancy dress.
Busking the streets of Cork years ago, a man advised me that if I had a costume I would be likely to make a better living. The thought of appearing to be anything else other than a homeless ragged arsed empoverished "bum", would be grossly misleading. A distraction from the audio performance. If I'd had a change of clothes a theatrical costume would not be my priority. Appearing to be what I really am is important to me, preferred over Bloomin' Arty makeover. What you see of me is what you get in all my ragged glory. Folk ought to listen it's flute music not a visual circus trick.
Streetside , I thought I might meet other "displaced musicians", I did, but my luck, they had only been displaced from pubs. I have never been into the alcoholic pub and club life. How do I meet others.
The internet seemed like a good way to reach other frustrated creative musicians. The practice samples posted may inspire someone, to make practical contact. Before I fall of my perch. I am committed to keep playing, but without the fellowship of equally committed others, so inclined , a supporting cast if you will , little but my scrappy practice videos will occur. Chance to hear anything close to the performance as intended, is minimal. There is no occassion,context for the music.
Streetside noise, traffic exhaust fumes, distraction from drunks or lonely people who just need to talk to someone. Medicated loonies and every kind of drug salesman as well as the constant attention of police hardly make for good performance. My body is knackered from work, made worse by the conditioning of suffering the damage that standing in the street can do. The passing crowds they just pass by. A rare small, unquantifiable pecentage would deign to stop and listen long enough to hear what I try to do well. My lungs can't take much more of the hazards of the street , and my tolerance level of idiots(I'll be the judge), is worn down through over exposure. Folk stop my music to entertain themselves with my presence, it doesn't compensate for the time lost. Doesn't contribute to the music. Doesn't put money in the hat..
Do I have to go back to there in order to make some progress with my modest gift?
I can blow my tube and bang my drum in all manner of styles. My fluting has endured over fifty years practice. Rare is the occassion when I have been able to play with others. Little of those days was ever recorded. "Blessed Merry Be" and "Longwinded Soundbites" are just living room jams.
If there is anyone out there interested in some experimental realtime musical collaboration , on and for the record. Don't hesitate to make contact. I'm not going anywhere, not yet. Don't invite me to a party, I am not a party animal.
Well there is my grumbling brief. If anyone out there can help, it's your call. Get on wth it.
If you are serious, I'm friendly. Bon courage. If you have language difficulties, my French is terrible but I try and communicate, don't be too shy, music is the common language. Harmony melodic counterpoint and syncopated rythms , all existed naturally before academia got it's greedy mitts on the music. Don't be put off if you are unschooled in your gift. Just keep practicing what you want to excell in.
Where is this going.? Don't ask me. My typing finger is in need of a rest. That's all for now.
My practice sessions are not up to scratch by my reckoning, they serve my critical ear for what they are, a means to monitor my own "progress". It's not a good enough result. There isn't enough expertise in my home to upgrade my presentation. Performance isn't suited to the medium, playing in isolation. I think I need to meet and work with others who have common interests.
Recently I discovered a Moondog album on the YouTube; The blind "viking", I wonder how much of his work would have been noticed had he not been blind or costumed. He seems to have had a mass of support and musical collaboration, (should that be cooperation?). Now he is dead he appears to be getting more exposure than ever. I met him in the early seventies, I had already been exposed to his music before that. Since then, until last week I heard little of the man and his music. I don't knock him or it. I still enjoy the music and I found nothing unpersonable about the man. I wasn't in awe, inspite of my impressionable youth, not of him his music or the fancy dress.
Busking the streets of Cork years ago, a man advised me that if I had a costume I would be likely to make a better living. The thought of appearing to be anything else other than a homeless ragged arsed empoverished "bum", would be grossly misleading. A distraction from the audio performance. If I'd had a change of clothes a theatrical costume would not be my priority. Appearing to be what I really am is important to me, preferred over Bloomin' Arty makeover. What you see of me is what you get in all my ragged glory. Folk ought to listen it's flute music not a visual circus trick.
Streetside , I thought I might meet other "displaced musicians", I did, but my luck, they had only been displaced from pubs. I have never been into the alcoholic pub and club life. How do I meet others.
The internet seemed like a good way to reach other frustrated creative musicians. The practice samples posted may inspire someone, to make practical contact. Before I fall of my perch. I am committed to keep playing, but without the fellowship of equally committed others, so inclined , a supporting cast if you will , little but my scrappy practice videos will occur. Chance to hear anything close to the performance as intended, is minimal. There is no occassion,context for the music.
Streetside noise, traffic exhaust fumes, distraction from drunks or lonely people who just need to talk to someone. Medicated loonies and every kind of drug salesman as well as the constant attention of police hardly make for good performance. My body is knackered from work, made worse by the conditioning of suffering the damage that standing in the street can do. The passing crowds they just pass by. A rare small, unquantifiable pecentage would deign to stop and listen long enough to hear what I try to do well. My lungs can't take much more of the hazards of the street , and my tolerance level of idiots(I'll be the judge), is worn down through over exposure. Folk stop my music to entertain themselves with my presence, it doesn't compensate for the time lost. Doesn't contribute to the music. Doesn't put money in the hat..
Do I have to go back to there in order to make some progress with my modest gift?
I can blow my tube and bang my drum in all manner of styles. My fluting has endured over fifty years practice. Rare is the occassion when I have been able to play with others. Little of those days was ever recorded. "Blessed Merry Be" and "Longwinded Soundbites" are just living room jams.
If there is anyone out there interested in some experimental realtime musical collaboration , on and for the record. Don't hesitate to make contact. I'm not going anywhere, not yet. Don't invite me to a party, I am not a party animal.
Well there is my grumbling brief. If anyone out there can help, it's your call. Get on wth it.
If you are serious, I'm friendly. Bon courage. If you have language difficulties, my French is terrible but I try and communicate, don't be too shy, music is the common language. Harmony melodic counterpoint and syncopated rythms , all existed naturally before academia got it's greedy mitts on the music. Don't be put off if you are unschooled in your gift. Just keep practicing what you want to excell in.
Where is this going.? Don't ask me. My typing finger is in need of a rest. That's all for now.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Herbie Mann, never heard of him...
Just heard some Stone Flute.I can't help but like it.There's hope for my breathless gaspings yet. Getting to the place where the music reaches a sympathetic ear or two seems to be the most difficult part of the melodic progress. I am playing in isolation. It would be good to meet others. Bass,percussion, guitar and maybe another woodwind. "Old fogey flootin" is coming up next.When we can't dance to the fast stuff anymore , we still keep moving closer together.
Ali's just chilling...
The first of the fig leaves...
Jean-Gerrard's cherry tree.
Wot's going on there?
Anne-Sophie, sorting out some new fleeces,for carding
See more of what that's about on<lefilharmonic.blogspot.com>.
Young Hazel and Forget-me-not look well together.
I will monitor this patch over the season. "lazy spuds".
Idle chatter...
The last of the seed potatos are planted. I didn't have to use the compost heap, happen I'll save that option, for leftovers from last years crop. What's doing today? Emile has mown the bordering access track. The grass has been drying in the sun for a couple of days. I'll turn it over and stack some for use as a mulch when the potato leaves start to show. They wont have high ridges , I am using a "lazy" method, "beeholes". I'll explain later. For now, grass iz wot.
Monday, 10 April 2017
squeaky notes and a right racket
Iz fluting and bodhran practice session, On my own, Hello... anyone out there...?
Moron Iz scrappy music videos, coming soon...
A notice dropped down asking if I would like to have my videos enhanced. They come out quite dark. "What's wrong with dark ?", thinks I. The image of little me isn't the point of the posting.I make the videos to help monitor my practice. they are basically audio recordings. Boring garden tours look like coming soon, I will have some better exposé / presentation.Somewhere I can put music without my scruffy image distracting. Edited highlights of idle chatter a meandering walk around the Izdom of Iz with threadbare melodies. It will happen but don't hold your breath. This is a busy time. I am off out now to sow the last of the spuds and plant a couple of poitti marron, not sure of spelling, squash iz wot. There's another video near ready I'll post it after I've done a bit outside. I. WAZIR
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Spring welcome in the Izdom...
Straight down the middle...
There's plenty going on. We take pleasure in the smallest detail.
First leaves and catkins on the young walnut tree.
Rooting gooseberry bushes...
First pick of rhubarb is already gone.
Sowed runner beans today, two kinds, one Scarlet Emperor has bright red flowers the other, no name,has red and white flowers. I have been given a stock of yet another runner bean variety with blue flowers. I'll give you a look when they are up and ready. Anne-So transplanted Butternut squash amongst the sweet corn. More later...
Saturday, 8 April 2017
Trump appears to have discovered Obama's legacy...
The "do what thou wilt" option. Not the action that makes any nation Great. A war of aggression sponsored by Saudi money.I guess America is so broke it has to sniff around the monarchist feeding troughs. Are the modern day American Republicans merely mercenaries to monarchist cause? Ironic innit? When do we hear news of a lasting peace anywhere. Will America ever embrace the notion of universal civilization,I doubt it. It wouldn't sell many movies. Brainless muscle flexing worldwide earns zero kudos and no respect. Assad is the good guy in the current crisis. It is time the New Worlders went home and start to scrape some of the shit off their own shoes.
Moron this later.
Moron this later.
Friday, 7 April 2017
Relating to patrimony over nationhood.
It's the mud 'n' stuff and things that grow. It's where the water comes from and where it goes. What happens to it on the way. How do we accomodate it? Our bit of terrestrial responsibility is gradually being coaxed back from the verge of slavery and inevitable extinction. The cabbages seem happy, the garlic looks more like a patch of leeks. Herself has just got a pile of newly shorn wool to clean and card.I think I will make a Rhubarb crumble tonight. Anne-So can make the custard. What a perfect combination . The Broad beans and the carrots are showing, onions and shallots too. Two rows of peas looking flush. No sign of parsnips yet. I got another four rows of spuds in, another kilo left. I'll sow some in a bit of rough ground, any spare can occupy the compost heap. It gave good result last season.
It's green allright ...
The fruit bushes promise more buckets of currants than last year. The peach, plum and pear blossom is just fading, Jean Gerrard's cherry tree looks like a firework in the moonlight. Early strawberries are just started to flower. I hope we can keep the peony happy it has about 15 buds, the ants are really busy. What else? Tons else...
Long winded Soundbites is on the sidebar. I will fumble along and figure out how to post my music. I a Im looking for a good player and free hosting. There are scores of old recordings waiting to be heard, the best is yet to come. I will keep doing till I drop off my perch. You'd never take the time to listen on the street,I'm giving you a second chance. I. WAZIR
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
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