Saturday 18 July 2020

No Masquerade in the Izdom of Iz...

 We take our risks, none of us are immune to the dangers that lie ahead of us.  As the last naturally born member of my family's regeneration, I uphold the right to face naturally what ever danger the organic world may throw my way.  I won't wear a mask, it would by the fact of masks reducing access to available oxygen, be detrimental to my natural health.Fearing one's own mortality is an unnatural condition that neither of my parents subscribed to. Not following the dictat of the herd was encouraged. No one wears a mask when they visit my home, If some reports are true then my friendly visitors are content to put my health at risk. I am told I am in a vulnerable group. Masks do nothing in the general population but temporarily appease the troubled mind. They are free to indulge in whatever dress code placebo fashion they wish. It identifies them as an expoitable demographic.  The social metrics are being collected on how to control and manipulate  the landless urban wage slave consumers. I wont even enter let alone buy from any establishment that insists on wearing a mask . Their right to demand, my right to refuse. The control experiment will fail us all.Creating a humane life supporting habitat is where we're at here. A full time occupation developing improving and maintaining.Preparing against all adversity. Overcoming forseeable risk in uncertain times adds to the spice. It's worth loving the work. That we do.
I will be making a start on sticking some stones together soo. The plums are enormous almost ready for harvest.Several kilos of string beans in the freezer. Pears are swelling, first sweetcorn near ready to eat.  the lock down didn't effect my daily life much, I stay at home voluntarily. . My Brassicas are doing well this year. Sprouts Brocolli, Cauliflower and curly Kale.I'll sow more seed for cabbage later this week. Plenty of Swiss Chard.a jungle of beans. Haricot Vert, Coco,  three varieties of runner beans. Pumpkins are invading the leeks. Walnuts are fattening near to dropping. Hazels both red and green have not quite filled their shells yet. The peaches are small with a wild flavoursome character. Fruit trees and bushes like it here. The nectarines are flawless; two fig trees aching with the weight. .
I will post some pictures tomorrow.

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