Sunday, 10 January 2021

Knife Crime... They keep confiscating my Opinel.


Lawful intention  whilst in possesion , transporting a knife from one life supporting job of work to another is not criminal. You can't blame Brussels for badly worded Law. The Brits appear to be forgetting  their own language. Groundless suspicion , born of idle fantasy or popular group delusion without corroborative substantiative evidence that there is an intention to harm, that there is a perceived threat or risk to others, or evidence that harm or damage has been done must be regarded as an unwarranted intrusion, targeting an individual without due cause, a breach and abuse of statutory power.

There's plenty more where that came from. I moved to France. 

It works for me...

Our "Smudge" sets a good example. Does he look terrified?  No paranoid delusions there.Relaxing in his untroubled mind in front of a roaring stove is what he does best...I. WAZIR.

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