Sunday 24 January 2021

Relearning to write with a broad nibbed Osmiroid 65 fountain pen.

 There's more satisfaction in the doing of the task than single finger keyboard stabbing. Typing isn't writing. We learned handwriting with an Osmiroid dipping pen in the early sixties. I don't recall any rebellious resistance to learning  back then in my primary school. It was a matter of pride to see our well presented penmanship displayed on the classroom wall.I have Been practicing with a pen who's reservoir has perished. I have to dip it , in my practice sessions. The last drop of Quink ink too.  I still have a few word miles to cover before my obsessive scribbled rantings may be fit for the exposure of publication. The practice brings back the joy and enthusiasm I had as a child in primary school. I will repair the pen soon and may have to source the "right kind of paper", the surface of the stuff I have now seems more suited to blazing biros.  Perhaps I am just mishandling the pen. The down side of writing with a ball point is the likelyhood of going too fast. Overtaking one's own thought process. I call it over shooting the runway. With a broadnibbed pen the thought is closer to the manifest fine motor function. Maximising care in penmanship  is an aid to thoughtful writing.

Chances are I will post hand written copy as photographs. That should reach new hights of disinterest. Some of the writing I will read out loud. Pointless the reader putting their own mentally approved voice in place of mine. My voice would be closer to the expression of my intended meaning. Some things need saying out loud. I have heard my written words being read out loud by someone who acted as though he believed he had got my message, used the work in public performance, sounding to me as if he was taking the p!!!. That won't do.

There was to be a photo but the camera is exhausted. Tomorrow... 


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