Monday 25 January 2021

Transcending the New Crown Virus....

They will call it "British Disease", the vector historically seeded into the mainstream poste war progress world wide being the English language. We are being advised to,"follow the science". I laugh,(excuse me). One wonders what field of science they are alluding to. Political science is little spoken of. Manipulation and control of the population, a narcissistic and sociopathic tool in the hands of a bewildered and confused Government administration. Flying monkies to the all powerful faceless paymaster, the Crown. They may speak English, but can you trust their word? A post industrial population, a relic of former glory may not even trust their own language,"common use will excuse you from the high table". Slang, patois, regional expressions all lose intrinsic meaning  with time. Even the implied intended meaning of the letter of the Law is fading into the prejudiced amnesia of popular cliché and ambiguous overspun political rhetoric. Legal definitions are mutating fast.

Embittering times in the Blighted Isle. I mourn for my former homeland. Tears shed for the living.Prisoners of their mobile devices. Deluded into thinking that they are an alternative to Main Stream Media, (MSM).Abandoned worker population subjugated by WASPISH forward planning.  Think what you like... Your right to do. Here are your options , do this or do without. Your choice as to what you will be held blameworthy. G.C.H.Q. or C.I.A., N.S.A. and many other Government sponsored agencies world wide will have monitored and recorded your transmitted data before the message reaches it's intended destination.Being "right" by today's moral criteria  is no assurance that you won't be persecuted in the future for being "wrong". What flavour do you want your Koolade to taste of. The choice is yours. Ask the clickbaiting talking heads on the internet. 

I have been trying to make the internet work for me with minimal success. Resolved now to ressurect my original old school skills.  Using my original laptop. A block of note paper and a pen. The old fashioned way affords a more satisfying humane experience. Greater privacy assured, less energy expended often wasted. Stabbing at the keyboard is not writing.The state seems to have abandoned handwriting as well as a fluent understanding of it's own first language within the common education curriculum.  I have seen the results. I heard a past Home Secretary years back stating that Grammar is not important as long as the student can articulate  it's views.  FAIL.... All sense all meaning lost or misunderstood.

The Government encouraged a trulyWASPISH lie. ... I.WAZIR


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