Monday, 28 July 2008


Transplanted some purple sprouting broccoli, they look lush, I watered them in well. The coco beans are germinating fast. the first batch are just turning, the leaves going yellow. Beautiful speckled red pods beans fattening up inside. They will freeze or store dry and make cold winters feel good.
Had a visit from a curious little green alien yesterday it didn't stay long,I got a good photo, Anne-So got three.
Last years tomatoes and aubergines was a disaster,colorado beetle and blight.
This year iz treemendous.Our first aubergines are just setting, Many kilos of tomatoes, the picking season has just begun. We will be preparing beans for the freezer and for bottling this evening. I'll put a couple of tunes on the Strictly Kitchen collection. Plums and a gurkin will do nicely as labels. But you don't want to hear about that.
Blessed rain, Ive carried four or five bowsers of water across the field so far,two watering cans at a time,I stood in the downpour for half an hour just enjoying. the ground looks like chocolate cake when it's wet.
Anne-So iz weaving upstairs. It's been worse.
Have you been outside today? Your missing out.

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