Charcoal kiln and a bodgers hut could be well placed here
I dug up a few new potatoes today,beautiful clean,no bigger than a large goose egg . We have about a bucket of peas to shell for the freezer.Many more to come.I lifted the shallots, not a great year regionally, a good store never the less. A litte undersize but firm.The onions more than make up for the shortfall. They're as big as my fist and almost ready for turning over. Hmmm, it's a nice cup of tea is that. I'll do some watering once I've sunk it.The first of the outdoor tomatoes, large, firm and alive with flavour.
If anyone is wondering why I should be rambling on about,enjoyable but quite mundane matters, iz to create context iz all.
"Oh Oh!Iz is leading to something".I wont pile it on too thick just now.Get some fresh air. I have finished shelling the peas. I couldnt resist turning down the onions,they need to dry before they get made into bunches. A nice subject for a little video iz that,I'll see what I can do.Don't forget to weed and water your window box.
You don't even have a window box.
I'll put you on my list of potential targets.I bet you don't even have a natural suntan and it's the middle of summer. Go on get out, or you'll be grumpy all winter.
I'm going out to photograph the onions now, they'll be famous.
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