Thursday, 17 July 2008

To be a worthy master...

I must do the work myself.
One is not ambitious to be the master of men. Modestly one may on rare occasion inspire others, an incidental by product of well executed work. It is towards the mastery of the craft of my calling that all paths of my journeying converge." There be not a name for this, doesn't mean it don't exist."
Ways forward must lead somewhere. Between here and there iz a mighty distance, though I may see it's haze hovering above the horizon. " All roads to Heaven come from Hell." " Body and soul going in the same direction.Best not be aburden on each other the journey will be hard enough, I have a mind to work in their assistance." So sez Iznibz.

What can he show me of what he knows? " What would anyone understand,to see any of what I've learned?" " I will serve them with their portion now, but no more,"
"there's a greater many that will take comfort from your fire,than care to carry the wood or the water." "It's best to keep hold of the ladle when you're surrounded by hungry people, ensures that everybody gets some."

I have just divided a few comfrey plants and set them about in the circle after the potatoes were lifted. I will water them in when it's cooler. We have mulched some ground with chopped straw. I'll be using chopped haulm from the beans and peas to flocculate the garlic patch. I am rolling the soil back in anticipation of the work on the little bothy. Space is at a premium when your doing the heavy work. Make sure the way is clear before you proceed. I will put a bit of sand down for an easy walk once I am down to the schist. Stone can be most unyielding under foot. So he sez, An so, A pleasure to the naked toe that path shall be.

By Heck, that were sweaty, A tonne of earth between sentences. How little effort in a word. Are you still here? Have you read Izpoetry? No? then "Go back to jail, and do not pass 'GO' Do not collect £200.I have watered the comfrey.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Erzelf bottles haricot beans for storage between caring for senior citizens in the locality. Iz story iz this she'll tell Erz 'erself. Erztory will be going long after I am dead and gone, Plenty of time to read it then, I'll look forward but I'll not be rushing.

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