Sunday, 20 July 2008

Iz grumpy,

None of the electronic media is really fit for the purpose of promoting my work. Bits and pieces in various blogs doesn't even give a rough sketch. Having real people here who can relate through work is what' s needed. We are a long way from there.
The roundhouse will be my workshop. A crafty place where I might make a chair,a table or a full sized loom for Anne-Sophie to work on. A fire place fit to both cook or bash a piece of steel into useful tool. A place to turn osier into baskets.Stone, wood, wattle and daub. shale, schist and a shingle roof.A place fit for feasting in the round, a place to give hospitality in a more charming way than the modern idiom will allow. Izzit going to happen? On half a minimum wage between two, it will be a miracle, but it will be.We do nothing else but work on IT.My blog is not loading my photos for posting at present,you get this small pile of legowriting instead. My apologies. Iznibz.

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