Tuesday, 15 July 2008

OBLIVION'S OWN, Iznibz Wazir, az IZ

What convoluted plot iz this? Iznibz attempts to explain. IzFAQ , iz life is an open book, if you feel you need to know,Iznibz feels duty bound to provide where possible, allusion to the facts aziz. "Wot iz known of what iz true."

Some words you see again in other places, hear in passing, in trivial chat . Phrases reoccur, in all media, via the art of political science and viral marketing. Ideas are nourished by subscription, and confirmed as facts by individual praxis and collective experience. What iz True must be beyond belief.What iz true iz all, remaining even without subscription. When iz True forever done? Bewilderment reigns in the Sea of Mass Confusion.

Little may be gleaned from the pool of hard won knowledge,by surfing the net or being the proud owner of exclusive wares hard or soft. Most of mankind's knowledge is none vocal. It may not be recorded by word. Iz looked Iz knows.Iz Duz the Do.

Iz, heretic to all dogma learns Izstuff the hard way,Iz blows izwhistle,Izmusic,Izjustiz,Iz Duty of care, true to iz elemental nature, Izinstincts,supported by the tutelage of izexperience.Iz iz, not theoretical, IzLife iz, not academic.

Iznibz is an unqualified success, a natural in a technologically mutated world.
What is his religion?
What is his nationality?
Is Iznibz the leader of a cult, or a member of a clandestine organization?
Can his observations be verified?
Is he true to his word?

It would be too much of a shortcut to reveal much of the background. I would encourage you to suspend disbelief and trust your own instincts. Iznibz is selling nothing. Acting in public service@ 0% commission. Working for the betterment of man, the sustainable progress of the world and the greater glory of God,whether there provably iz one or not.Iz idea iz good.Iz faith is irepressable, through knowledge of Izself.
The contextual narrative of Iztales are born of much journeying, beyond the flat earth horizon of limited possibilities. Deeds have been done , much hurt and harm has been endured. Iz in the public interest that mysteries and secretive lies are exposed. Iznibz survives where many have not. Warning shots need to be fired. If necessary, examples made to deter those who cheat and harm naive and trusting common working folk.
Things iz sed about iz . Iznibz feels there iz need to do some sedding izself.
Read along the many paths that lead Iznibz to the place of his unconditional belonging, The Izdom of Iz. The context for Iz every moral means must be transparent.
Iz poses the question , "Why should state institutions oppose obstruct and malign the legitimate progress of a righteous Individual?"
Iz does not believe that state institutions actively do that by design. "But wicked deeds iz done and no one as yet iz brought to account.Others iz at risk."sez Iz.

Iz sorted now and there iz a lot that has been delayed in the doing, Much scribbling and lego writing to be done. Abandon all opinion, Iznibz has been known to explain the impossible. Whilst confusion abounds, Iznibz picks,"Iz knows Best." The choiceless option.

In the tales from a journeyman's pen,many often whimsical poetic phrasings may be employed, As with Izmusic a rag bag of narrative styles all converge to support in the service of the common cause of Universal civilization. What may appear to some to be perhaps deluded fantasy may in time be proven to be the only available mechanism to explain reality.Everthing is one to Iz, The singular existential equation, How it iz, Iz how it Iz.
Iz philosophical view may not be reduced to a mere "ism". Iz Earth iz majik, It does it on it's own lads and it works for him. Iznibz iz the Gaffer, The grumbling giffer knows that all truth iz interconnective."Enduring principal iz all." sez Iz.

Iznibz hopes you are the gaffer too. I'll let you sleep this one off. We can join the dots up tomorrow. Iznibz means Bizniz.Zzzzzzz

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