Thursday 17 September 2009

Merci Beaucoup, Jean-Gérard et Yvonne...

Peaches and brugnons in scary quantity. Our good neighbours have been giving away some of their excess harvest.Bountiful nature makes folk generous.Anne-Sophie has heard that her Aunt Paulette has a stash of preserving jars she wont be using this season, what luck! A friend has given us some jam jars, I will be making peach conserve this afternoon. Anne-So has already stoned and bottled three large jars of brugnons,a small strong flavoured old variety of nectarine type fruit.The syrup is being prepared, there was just enough sugar in the cupboard for the job. Some of the brugnons will be preserved whole. Looks like I will be doing some baking this evening.Peach pie and a crumble . All the less perfect fruit will be trimmed and made into compot. The aroma in the kitchen will be delightful

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