Friday 18 September 2009

Methinks they protest too much...

Until my little haven is complete,I have to accept that I will have to stay plugged into the national grid.Gradually we will reduce our dependency. Maintaining healthy bodies and healthy minds at home is our full time preoccupation.Our little field is still without a workshop,it will take a lot of manual effort,I have yet to see if whats left of me mortal credits are sufficient to the needs.If I don't get manual assistance @ 0% Commission, to mix the mortar I will have to rely on using an electric mixer. If that is beyond our economic reach I am resolved to just potter on mixing a few buckets at a time until the job is done. This isn't a protest against the Big Mistake, we are slowly but surely leaving all that behind both the protest and the mistake.. Achieving more with less is what it's about. If your progress leads you anywhere but towards a sustainable and equitable homelife, you are heading in the wrong direction.Here I am writing in English,who that ever spoke or wrote that language would understand to realise the point of the message."Superior" cultures become decadent then die.Abandon hope all who look to the high tables of the priveleged for a direction forward.The bi polar choice of Party or Protest is ultimately the road to poverty. How many of the 20,000 disappointed B.G.G. Festi fans have homes that really work properly. A vast number are just waiting for their overworked parents to die before any worthy lasting contribution will be forthcoming. I doubt that many of the Vestival crowd that recently invaded the Isle of Wight to protest against the wind turbine factory have invested their expertise and intelligence in providing their own domestic environment with sustainable energy source for their own cottage industry and home needs. We have had the technology and the collective knowledge to have divested ourselves of the need for the crude and wasteful 240 or 140volt domestic grid supplyfor the best part of a generation already. Those rich and priveleged enough to Protest and party are hardly to be held up as iconic examples to those forced by economic need to work throughout the summer. Then what?Indulgence in the regurgitated festifool nostalgia of the late sixties. I admit it I was there in 69 and 70. There has been plenty of time since then to wish I wasn't. It isn't worth repeating a new version of our historic folly or recycling the old one.
Three kilos of peaches has just been turned into nine jars of peach conserve, They will contribute well to the gradual improvement in the quality of our life here. Some of the stones will be sown in pots to bring on as new trees. A few for our little patch and scores to give away. this year we will sow silver birch and ash seeds to replant in the utility wood and to repopulate a small field that is to become our final homeland. I will be sowing damson and mirabelle stones in the hedge between the hazels. We are still looking to find a good crabapple. Hello Family. I haven't left you behind. I have just gone on ahead of you. Drag your heels at your peril.If you wait till I am dead you will be too old and decrepit to benefit from what I am doing now.The way the youth parties it is probably to late for them already. Leaves them fit for nowt worth keeping.
We will inevitably pull the plug on the mains electricity supply. Most of our vocational interests don't need any. This years Tax on the field came to an E-normous single Euro. The "rates" on the house cost about a hundred and eighty Euros.You'll not find one of these when you are out shopping. It's a life of working progress.
All is well in the Izdom of Iz. I still try to get through to the people I care about.I have given up on talking in frustration to the wall. Blah,Blah. Ha, Ha
Pardon me did I wake you. It is a quarter past four,in the afternoon.Go back to sleep. I will write again soon.

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