Saturday, 12 May 2012

Beware of the "new"sixties...

(continued), If I can't have my bit of unconditional peace, I plan to give them hell. An original member of what was once thought of as the smiling revolution, "The best little coup that the world has ever seen."
I just had a rant at my son. Not for pleasure I assure.When I speak to him I feel as though I am speaking to a whole generation worldwide. God only knows if he gets me, it has to be by conduct seen, not as is currently favoured , by a solely academic grasp of the working mans lexicon.I am calming down a bit now. I don't like getting so angry. It's a caring loving thing you know.He tells me in agreement to my observation that we are witnessing an entropy of the common language , a mutation if you will. I play around with words a bit saves the reader from getting too dried out. It is rare that I deform my syntax to the point where intended meaning is obscured. I write for want of a platform from where I may speak and be comfortably received. I use a different narrative strategy in the written word on the internet. I would prefer to speak. Moreso, I would prefer to relate through the medium of my music. With pictures, won't you all be thrilled and delighted.
One hopes folk wont get too bored with my offerings. Last World Music Tour, looks like It may become a manifest reality. I hope so. It will be a real shame if I am the only one playing. I have been waiting to meet with compatible ensemble for 46years.I would be recording solo by now flute and drum together had I not been smacked out
by bad policing in the U.K. I feel blessed by the sanctuary I have found in France. Toxic poison in over dose against all medical need has destroyed my good bodhran tunes. Since the unprovoked attack, my stamina has been shot to shit and my body goes into involuntary spasms, tardive dyskensia I heard tell it is called. So now I need a percussionist would be the right kind of calling. I have a stack of unresolved issues I would like to shove under the noses of the dominant U.K. institutional management. The music would help to make the bitter pill go down easier. Something to enjoy whilst they make a move to fix some very real problems. I can't afford to bear any more damage. So I wont be seen speaking on the streets in the Blighted Isle. To be told by a scumbag of a Swansea magistrate that my appearence and my voice constituted a crime. I have a lot of justifiably derogatory obsevations of The British System. They can blow their own trumpet now inP.C.triumphalism about what's so great about the place. So they do.No one is saying their face isn't clean. Well meaning is not well enough to be rated as healthy. The stink is coming from the most neglected parts. No, not Denmark.
Misuse of police sectioning powers under the mental health act is by the neglect of the offices of the crown a crime against humanity. It has been used "on the nod" for years without legal mandate. The permanent damage endured after Six unrelated instances of abuse will not be forgiven.
Teresa May , Take notice. Some one stick the issue of Human Rights abuse in front of her face and don't stop shoving till she has pulled her finger out to do something practical and humane about it or until she stands down from politics altogether.
I would be glad to help. Many others more vulnerable than I have ever been are now at risk. It is her department, innit, Home Sec. The stink that comes from her pants is clearly identifiable from here on the other side of the Quarantine moat. She wants to do away with the Human Rights Act.
Then may we defend our lives and fundamental freedoms by all legitimate means , including resorting in extremis to violence in opposition to the tyranny of the state? I know what I am saying, I pose the Question. I guess she would love to watch that on the telly.
As a victim of said abuse I have been put in a position where first hand evidence was collected. I passed up the opportunity to bring a case to court on the grounds of Medical Negligence , because the issue at hand was not a medical problem. I wasn't sick.Racially specific toxic medicine was misused in unmitigated prejudice to my natural rights and against the best interest of my health and peace of mind. When Institutions act without legal mandate. Turning a blind eye and covering up for wrong doers within them, (not wishing to denegrate their self promoting propaganda, of course).
In the incident of which I write. the big players , the criminals for want of a more accurate description are the Pembrokeshire and Derwen N.H.S.Trust and the Haverfordwest police in concert. Others need to be alerted to the risks that they as a collective pose . For the record, I am "Other". Just one of many potentially vulnerable thousands at the very least. The effort has to be applied from the top down if beneficial lasting progress is to be made. The moribund dynasty has acted as though it was beyond reproach, objection to discredited and unmandatible unreconstructed attitudes since Empire's fading days of glory. I am not blaming Lizzie. I am blaming her loyal subjects. Moreover specifically I blame the Offices of her government.
The degree of their neglect of Duty of Care amounts to Incitement to treason.
I will leave you with that for now. More later.

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