Wednesday 14 October 2020

My "Old Normal"...

 It's just an ever evolving fantasy that in spite of many enlightening epiphanies that my normal had not yet become manifest in reality.A place where we could stay ahead of the popular psychoses. I knew what the old normal was supposed to be . The earth seems to be rising to meet me halfway. My modest childhood daydreams are being realised at last. The New Normal is something that Goebels, Gates and Soros may have dreamed up. My Old Normal isn't a commercial venture but a time tested domestic survival mechanism.Disaster avoidance over Crisis Management.

Starting to look tidy once more, early autumn prepping.The triangle will be enriched with compost and well rotted manure,the mulched with straw to keep the ground warm. Both Red and White pole beans will emerge  in the Spring. They can keep a low profile till the icy North Easterly winds have subsided.

In the background the support sticks have been removed from the runner beans. A chance to deepen and raise the raised bed further.The Kale is looking proud of itself.

Halfway through taking down the bean supports. I'll be gentle.The corn growing amongst the beans will go for chicken feed,as will the sunflower seed. As the little carrot patch gets thinner, interplanted garlic is starting to show.
The Boxwood bush will get trimmed back to the dark green to encourage a fuller form. The Leeks in the backround look happy enough.

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