Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Monday, 30 August 2021
Sunday, 29 August 2021
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Friday, 27 August 2021
Thursday, 26 August 2021
When the Taliban tell you...
To wear a mask , Take the jab, Lockdown in our homes. When they tell you to observe curfew on the street.. When the Taliban enforce regulation on schooling and intrude into our medical security.When dissadents may be beaten for opposing the administrative will that makes child vaccination mandatory. When the Taliban impose travel restrictions conditional on complying with the prejudices of the dominant authority. When the choice may be "Conform or Die." A person might be forgiven for bending the knee and tugging the forelock in submission. European and English speaking countries are imposing the same kind of bullying constraints upon it's own with little more than a critical whimper filtered through media reportage. The stretched out commentaries... everyone has their say but none the wiser. Governments are meant to reflect and represent the common will of the electorate. In a modern Democracy the voting public are the effective enablers overtly or covertly of all Administrative initiatives.Both blame and credit must be laid squarely at the feet of the voting electorate, whether they voted the winning team or not. Disasters are no respecters of party affiliation."Western culture" has failed it's self, by letting go of the reins of Due Process, naively trusting that we are electing the most virtuous, wise, knowledgeable and uncompromisingly honest individuals. "Leave it to them, they are the experts". You went on holiday too many times. ...You left it too late. You let your own nation's standard fall and ignored the need to pick it up. Thomas Paine warns of "placemen" in our institutions, There's no such thing as history. The Placemen hold the Standard now enjoying the rare powerplay. Of necessity we must push back the faceless resugence of the Liberal administrative entourage. A common higher moral standard for all ,Civilisation prevailing over exclusive societies. Resistance to the madness is strong here.I vowed I would die of natural causes. I am going to take my time about getting to the end..Maybe we should stop treating the gift of life as a sickness. Don't be afraid to live. And don't say "yes" when you mean "NO...!"
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Nutters and Has Beans...
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
Bean there... Done that.
It's not all doom and gloom. This time of year, normal is a seasonal certainty. Pick, bottle freeze or dry. There's jam to make as well as pickles and chutneys. I'm gathering Hazel nuts before our trees get raided by sqirrels. 30 litres of green Hazels so far. 20 litres so far of Red Hazels, we should fill another bucket this evening when it's cooler. Spuds, carrots and peas in store. A few aching back's worth of beans to harvest. Onions and garlic are dry. Fig trees are promising a bumper crop. I still have a couple of hundred leeks to transplant.
Trying to get a "yeah, if he can do it so can we..." reaction. I may never see the results, that's not the reason a man plants a tree near the end of his life. Future generations will benefit, naturally from the work we initiate now. Permaculture garden habitat, sums up briefly what we are about on our little patch of mud. Garden is fast becoming the Ultimate University, if not the Whole Universe.
Monday, 23 August 2021
Sunday, 22 August 2021
Saturday, 21 August 2021
Friday, 20 August 2021
Back down to Earth...
Too few of our common problems are solved by academic screenside punditry. Untested theories abound, without established practice on the ground. Plenty of lip waggling "talking the talk". Hordes of stylised photo oportunistic poseurs "walking the walk". Sinister Gram, the Arsebook International Antisocial Network. Follow the Twitterarti opinionisers for a more popular view than the raw truth.
We can live well enough thank you without any of it.Governments appear to be steering their "loyal" followers towards worldwide Pandemonium. A time when demons rule the world. Those idiots can stay inside their Urban iPhoney pandemic. I don't subscribe.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
More food for Thought...
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Ayup Portugal, Browsing High, What are you up to?
Monday, 16 August 2021
Sunday, 15 August 2021
Saturday, 14 August 2021
Encouraging a New Era of Rural Homestead Pioneers... establishing an Agrarian Rennaissance.
The prospect of labourious gridlocked servitude to "plantation agriculture", as I call it, held little appeal. It had a tendency to remind of landless wage slavery beneath historic watchtower's gaze. A food factory and a never ending job of work, rather than a home. Two years of planning in a holding pattern so's we didn't starve on the way had caused us to analyse nigh on every inch of our little patch of tired mud.
We aren't being railroaded by the grid iron slave tradition any longer. Looking back, I am glad we learned to "turn the ship around" and navigate a route towards a more durable future than the forlorn hope of popular commercial options, or government admin recommendations.
Now we are assailed by beauty and charm at every turn. There is peace in our domain.
Quote from Iznibz Wazir, " You can learn a lot from a bit of mud, and stuff uz grows in it".
Land Rights is a burning issue, make a start and change direction.Exodus from the urban grid before homestead land prices go through the roof. Get ahead of the crowd... So who is for a better Life ? Say hello sometime, we'd be glad to help and advise.... We store our best examples at home, you are welcome to join us....I. Wazir