Saturday 14 August 2021

Encouraging a New Era of Rural Homestead Pioneers... establishing an Agrarian Rennaissance.


The prospect  of labourious gridlocked servitude to "plantation agriculture", as I call it, held little appeal. It had a tendency to remind of landless wage slavery beneath historic watchtower's gaze. A food factory and a never ending job of work, rather than a home. Two years of planning  in a holding pattern so's we didn't starve on the way had caused us to analyse nigh on every inch of our little patch of tired mud.

We aren't being railroaded by the grid iron slave tradition any longer.  Looking back, I am glad we learned to "turn the ship around" and navigate a route towards a more durable future than the forlorn hope of popular commercial options, or government admin recommendations.

Now we are assailed by beauty and charm at every turn. There is peace in our domain. 

Quote from Iznibz Wazir, " You can learn a lot from a bit of mud, and stuff uz grows in it".

Land Rights is a burning issue, make a start and change direction.Exodus from the urban grid before homestead land prices go through the roof. Get ahead of the crowd... So who is for a better Life ? Say hello sometime, we'd be glad to help and advise.... We store our best examples at home, you are welcome to join us....I. Wazir

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