Friday 13 August 2021

No Cure for what ails you...The Government can't help you...So many fantastic theories that don't work in reality. We will stick with our lifeline of a lifetime of learning and practical working experience. True tried and tested, traditional living, The healthiest option on the block

The Sky is the limit for the "Greek" climbing beans, (the white flowers). They share the space without constraint alongside a climbing squash,Mullein, as well as Scarlet Emperor and the purple climbers.

They have a Special name I can't recall it at present, The seed stock came from a friend, Vero, source Kokopelli I believe. They are massively productive. The young pods may be eaten like mange tout, they lose their colour when cooked. The bulk of the crop is destined to be harvested for the full term beans,  They freeze for immediate use, they also dry easily. Good source of vegetable protien. 

Delphiniums... I just like them.

 Painless scratch free harvest...Thornless Blackberry, large fruit ... Strong flavour.

 The White Currants provide the bulk of the Pectin for the Jelly, Their near neutral flavour is a good matrix for the Blackberries. One fruit for volume, one fruit for colour and flavour. A good mix.

 The liquid boils to rid the juice of  debri, unwanted rising dust and debri is skimmed off the  surface.

Slowly dripping Jelly Bag, don't be tempted to squeeze it if you want a crystal clear Jelly.

 Good Result.

 We have started to put green and yellow courgettes to store, preserving for winter by lacto fermentation.

 More Purple beans (with a close relative)...More later.

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