Monday, 28 July 2008
Transplanted some purple sprouting broccoli, they look lush, I watered them in well. The coco beans are germinating fast. the first batch are just turning, the leaves going yellow. Beautiful speckled red pods beans fattening up inside. They will freeze or store dry and make cold winters feel good.
Had a visit from a curious little green alien yesterday it didn't stay long,I got a good photo, Anne-So got three.
Last years tomatoes and aubergines was a disaster,colorado beetle and blight.
This year iz treemendous.Our first aubergines are just setting, Many kilos of tomatoes, the picking season has just begun. We will be preparing beans for the freezer and for bottling this evening. I'll put a couple of tunes on the Strictly Kitchen collection. Plums and a gurkin will do nicely as labels. But you don't want to hear about that.
Blessed rain, Ive carried four or five bowsers of water across the field so far,two watering cans at a time,I stood in the downpour for half an hour just enjoying. the ground looks like chocolate cake when it's wet.
Anne-So iz weaving upstairs. It's been worse.
Have you been outside today? Your missing out.
Labels:Eco Logic
lizard daze
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Further from Rome, Nearer to Home

" Some of us woke up early, each in their time.You 'd be well to try it, we'd get more done between us and less need for blaming after. Eating iz what we do best with our mouths. Feed your head by all means but chew your food slowly for greater understanding. You learn nothing by swallering whole every morsel az iz thrown to you.They wouldn't eat the stuff they throw to you,youth. better off you would be with an aching hunger in your belly. Don't be tempted to lick the spit of another mans hand no matter how delicious his offer may seem.He eats the chocolate off the biscuits before he shares his fortune with others. Come home hungry,come home healthy. Don't be consumed by indulgent toxic pleasure. Intoxicated bewilderness iz not a right state of mind.Man and iz big meaningless ways broke our world continuum, our duty iz to re-establish our rightful domain, where all things mek one great big sense without contradiction or conditional opposition.Elemental, transtemporal equilibrium. We're here to redress the balance, we duz the do. Stay true to causal Nature and it will act in accord with you. Happen then you'd be more agreeable to me."
" The Elemental Gospel was never written down, nor was it ever bound by words nor crystalline imaginings.Principle endures without subscription, serves without distinction, supports us without deference to rank or wealth. We are guided in our mortality by the light that casts no shadow. So if your not here to move the earth to Sanctuary ground, I reckon I'll have to take the whole initiative meself. The earth needs be brought back home to safety, Gaffer's duty to do the do ,whether there's help and cooperation or not, I'm getting on with it."
There iz no choice in Iznibz's world, The choiceless executive option, Iz picks, "IZ KNOWS BEST." Happen he would, he iz the Gaffer, and he does the do. By primal principle most singular. "Typing iz wuss than talk." Sez Iznibz.
Labels:Eco Logic
lutin de bois
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Moronizmusic to come...
Three out of the first five Strictly Kitchen recordings stashed in Iznibz Wazir's Vox Blog.
When I have five I will transfer them as a collection to the Internet archive,then back here with a little player.
Strictly Kitchen iz a notebook sampler. Rough and ready, No frills package. A coolectable progress. Favourites will be developed into albums. Performance iz the point. Strictly Kitchen Iz a genre, a rag bag of styles and techniques. You will only get Ruff Notes for a while yet, Iz Tryin Toonz, occassionally very tryin toonz. I make no apology for how it iz.
Iz evolving melodies are heading home, az iz Iz. These bits and pieces will make more sense in the context of an appropriate venue.The roundhouse will provide the natural environment for the man and the music, you might even care to visit and take tea in person, yourself one day.
I have a hope that a raggedy man's music at least will be welcomed in to your kitchen, or wherever you keep the comfy seats in your home. Iznibz and Izmusic have spent a long time out in the cold.They will need to unwind for a while yet.
The Bodhran Collection will furnish a way to giving tutorials. There will be facilities for making bodhrans here soon enough, good things take time.I will fill the bucket, half a penny at a time. This iz moron a warning than a preview.Liking iz optional. Wait and see or sniff around with the clues you have for a listen.You could even try forcing your family and friends to listen, Punishment or Pleasure, only you can chooz. Iznibz has no option."The Doing iz All"
Iz's making good progress in every direction at once, his postings collection will eventually become a browser's paradise. Iznibz Wazir , Oblivion's Own invites you to keep in touch, look out of the window occasionally, focus on the details of a tree or count the number of species of grass there may be in a square metre of dirt.Or just measure how far you can stretch your chewing gum. Stay interested. With Izthanx.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Iz Ranting...

The photographer took the opportunity whilst missing the point that was being passionately reasoned. he did well for his part , for that I thank him.
Iznibz has found a more efficient means of communication. A lone frustrated voice,shouting in the wilderness, no less passionate now,for having found quieter ways.This image will become a Link icon to articles in other blogs and discussion fora.
Iz really me folks!
Labels:Eco Logic
Trooly Iz.
Return the water to the Earth...
Return the water to the Earth , or the earth will return to the water. Rainwater is fresh intelligence to our plants. A well that is fed from the industrially compromised surface water, the uncontrolled run of from adjoining fields, will be nothing but a source of concern. We have little influence over the undue effluent produced seasonally by commercial agriculture, all we may do is filter the ingress of potential contamination and redress the imbalance. Fast tracking the deluge from the neighbouring fields , could produce an overload of the infrastructure further down the slope. I must slow the stream of water down.
This region , I am told loses on average 50mm. of mineral a year. Major culprits are fields expanded to accommodate large combination prairie machines, at the expense of hedgerows and old watercourses.It is a whole subject that will be returned to.
My border gullies are stepped and dog toothed to catch the fines of mineral particles depositted with every rain. The border gullies will be turned into deep stepped soakaways eventually. First line of defence against contamination of homeland water is utility hedges. To these matters we are attending.
All rainwater goods will direct collected water from the roof of the bothie, into covered tanks for surface arrossage and potting. Excessive overspill will be absorbed into shallow soakaways acting as a network of conduits that feed a small well at the bottom of the gradient. Where ever possible the topography of the raised beds will encourage the surface water to be retained long enough to be absorbed by the soil. Each distinct bed will contain an independant core of "clean" rainwater, topped up by "clean" homeland wellwater. All composting , en masse , will be done at the margins.Hazels , damsons, eglantine, auberpine and shrubs useful for tissage.These will make good of the liquors given off by the decomposing compost piles. The hedge is essential, a protector and provider, economic supporter and a good common social interface with adjoining land.To these matters we are attending.
The permanent walkways provide easy access for pedestrian, and a proscribed route for heavy traffic (the wheelbarrow ), avoiding steps. The surface of sand and pebbles will ensure fast drainage directly into the schist substrate. A cleanwater source that needs to be absorbed and channeled quickly to where it may be contained. Exposing the schist bedrock is almost complete. start again in autumn. the growing season takes precedent at the moment.
I now prepare my site for the construction of the walls, the timber posts and the first load of stone is accessible,We have some sand , the lime is yet to come. I had better not get too excited. My level and stringline has been found as well as a twenty metre measuring tape, such synchronisity, Matters iz gathering momentum.Ongoing Iz.
This region , I am told loses on average 50mm. of mineral a year. Major culprits are fields expanded to accommodate large combination prairie machines, at the expense of hedgerows and old watercourses.It is a whole subject that will be returned to.
My border gullies are stepped and dog toothed to catch the fines of mineral particles depositted with every rain. The border gullies will be turned into deep stepped soakaways eventually. First line of defence against contamination of homeland water is utility hedges. To these matters we are attending.
All rainwater goods will direct collected water from the roof of the bothie, into covered tanks for surface arrossage and potting. Excessive overspill will be absorbed into shallow soakaways acting as a network of conduits that feed a small well at the bottom of the gradient. Where ever possible the topography of the raised beds will encourage the surface water to be retained long enough to be absorbed by the soil. Each distinct bed will contain an independant core of "clean" rainwater, topped up by "clean" homeland wellwater. All composting , en masse , will be done at the margins.Hazels , damsons, eglantine, auberpine and shrubs useful for tissage.These will make good of the liquors given off by the decomposing compost piles. The hedge is essential, a protector and provider, economic supporter and a good common social interface with adjoining land.To these matters we are attending.
The permanent walkways provide easy access for pedestrian, and a proscribed route for heavy traffic (the wheelbarrow ), avoiding steps. The surface of sand and pebbles will ensure fast drainage directly into the schist substrate. A cleanwater source that needs to be absorbed and channeled quickly to where it may be contained. Exposing the schist bedrock is almost complete. start again in autumn. the growing season takes precedent at the moment.
I now prepare my site for the construction of the walls, the timber posts and the first load of stone is accessible,We have some sand , the lime is yet to come. I had better not get too excited. My level and stringline has been found as well as a twenty metre measuring tape, such synchronisity, Matters iz gathering momentum.Ongoing Iz.
Labels:Eco Logic
from the book of Iz.,
Izplanetary notes,
Monday, 21 July 2008
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Iz grumpy,
None of the electronic media is really fit for the purpose of promoting my work. Bits and pieces in various blogs doesn't even give a rough sketch. Having real people here who can relate through work is what' s needed. We are a long way from there.
The roundhouse will be my workshop. A crafty place where I might make a chair,a table or a full sized loom for Anne-Sophie to work on. A fire place fit to both cook or bash a piece of steel into useful tool. A place to turn osier into baskets.Stone, wood, wattle and daub. shale, schist and a shingle roof.A place fit for feasting in the round, a place to give hospitality in a more charming way than the modern idiom will allow. Izzit going to happen? On half a minimum wage between two, it will be a miracle, but it will be.We do nothing else but work on IT.My blog is not loading my photos for posting at present,you get this small pile of legowriting instead. My apologies. Iznibz.
The roundhouse will be my workshop. A crafty place where I might make a chair,a table or a full sized loom for Anne-Sophie to work on. A fire place fit to both cook or bash a piece of steel into useful tool. A place to turn osier into baskets.Stone, wood, wattle and daub. shale, schist and a shingle roof.A place fit for feasting in the round, a place to give hospitality in a more charming way than the modern idiom will allow. Izzit going to happen? On half a minimum wage between two, it will be a miracle, but it will be.We do nothing else but work on IT.My blog is not loading my photos for posting at present,you get this small pile of legowriting instead. My apologies. Iznibz.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Toward the Fabled Realm.
The No shopping list grows as does the value of our meagre income, proportionally.
Lettuce, Haricot beans, Osier for baskets,Peas, Shallots, Onions, Carrots, Potatoes, Frise endive, Sweetcorn, Coco beans, Strawberries, Cassis, Tomatoes, Aubergine, Courgettes, Melons, Patisson squash, Cucumber, Runnerbeans, Celery, Celeriac, Parsnips, Cabbage,Sprouts,Cauliflower, Leeks, Topinambour, Beetroot, Swede, Potatoes, Firewood and Flowers.
Labels:Eco Logic
Labels:Eco Logic
Iz garden,
Iznibz Wazir.,
Om Sweet Om
The safest place a child may grow is by the parents side.
Labels:Eco Logic
Garden of Iz
In Roads Out...
Labels:Eco Logic
Izaz waz,
Iznibz Wazir.,
Mudskool philosophy
Friday, 18 July 2008
Thursday, 17 July 2008
A number of times...
We've been told, "You could come and work in our garden, We'll give you food, we could learn a lot from you."
They'd learn sod all and we would have grown the food they gave us.
They won't cultivate the good earth if they waste precious time attempting to cultivate naive and gullible servants and slaves.We can survive well without dependency on that kind of friendship. We laughed. Good job we remembered the secret to our lasting salvation,no rice Christians we.What izzit?
"KEEP MOVING, You gotta do the do yerself." Sez Iznibz.
They'd learn sod all and we would have grown the food they gave us.
They won't cultivate the good earth if they waste precious time attempting to cultivate naive and gullible servants and slaves.We can survive well without dependency on that kind of friendship. We laughed. Good job we remembered the secret to our lasting salvation,no rice Christians we.What izzit?
"KEEP MOVING, You gotta do the do yerself." Sez Iznibz.
Labels:Eco Logic
Labels:Eco Logic
To be a worthy master...
I must do the work myself.
One is not ambitious to be the master of men. Modestly one may on rare occasion inspire others, an incidental by product of well executed work. It is towards the mastery of the craft of my calling that all paths of my journeying converge." There be not a name for this, doesn't mean it don't exist."
Ways forward must lead somewhere. Between here and there iz a mighty distance, though I may see it's haze hovering above the horizon. " All roads to Heaven come from Hell." " Body and soul going in the same direction.Best not be aburden on each other the journey will be hard enough, I have a mind to work in their assistance." So sez Iznibz.
What can he show me of what he knows? " What would anyone understand,to see any of what I've learned?" " I will serve them with their portion now, but no more,"
"there's a greater many that will take comfort from your fire,than care to carry the wood or the water." "It's best to keep hold of the ladle when you're surrounded by hungry people, ensures that everybody gets some."
I have just divided a few comfrey plants and set them about in the circle after the potatoes were lifted. I will water them in when it's cooler. We have mulched some ground with chopped straw. I'll be using chopped haulm from the beans and peas to flocculate the garlic patch. I am rolling the soil back in anticipation of the work on the little bothy. Space is at a premium when your doing the heavy work. Make sure the way is clear before you proceed. I will put a bit of sand down for an easy walk once I am down to the schist. Stone can be most unyielding under foot. So he sez, An so, A pleasure to the naked toe that path shall be.
By Heck, that were sweaty, A tonne of earth between sentences. How little effort in a word. Are you still here? Have you read Izpoetry? No? then "Go back to jail, and do not pass 'GO' Do not collect £200.I have watered the comfrey.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Erzelf bottles haricot beans for storage between caring for senior citizens in the locality. Iz story iz this she'll tell Erz 'erself. Erztory will be going long after I am dead and gone, Plenty of time to read it then, I'll look forward but I'll not be rushing.
One is not ambitious to be the master of men. Modestly one may on rare occasion inspire others, an incidental by product of well executed work. It is towards the mastery of the craft of my calling that all paths of my journeying converge." There be not a name for this, doesn't mean it don't exist."
Ways forward must lead somewhere. Between here and there iz a mighty distance, though I may see it's haze hovering above the horizon. " All roads to Heaven come from Hell." " Body and soul going in the same direction.Best not be aburden on each other the journey will be hard enough, I have a mind to work in their assistance." So sez Iznibz.
What can he show me of what he knows? " What would anyone understand,to see any of what I've learned?" " I will serve them with their portion now, but no more,"
"there's a greater many that will take comfort from your fire,than care to carry the wood or the water." "It's best to keep hold of the ladle when you're surrounded by hungry people, ensures that everybody gets some."
I have just divided a few comfrey plants and set them about in the circle after the potatoes were lifted. I will water them in when it's cooler. We have mulched some ground with chopped straw. I'll be using chopped haulm from the beans and peas to flocculate the garlic patch. I am rolling the soil back in anticipation of the work on the little bothy. Space is at a premium when your doing the heavy work. Make sure the way is clear before you proceed. I will put a bit of sand down for an easy walk once I am down to the schist. Stone can be most unyielding under foot. So he sez, An so, A pleasure to the naked toe that path shall be.
By Heck, that were sweaty, A tonne of earth between sentences. How little effort in a word. Are you still here? Have you read Izpoetry? No? then "Go back to jail, and do not pass 'GO' Do not collect £200.I have watered the comfrey.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Erzelf bottles haricot beans for storage between caring for senior citizens in the locality. Iz story iz this she'll tell Erz 'erself. Erztory will be going long after I am dead and gone, Plenty of time to read it then, I'll look forward but I'll not be rushing.
Labels:Eco Logic
"Doing the do is all" Iznibz Wazir.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
OBLIVION'S OWN, Iznibz Wazir, az IZ
What convoluted plot iz this? Iznibz attempts to explain. IzFAQ , iz life is an open book, if you feel you need to know,Iznibz feels duty bound to provide where possible, allusion to the facts aziz. "Wot iz known of what iz true."
Some words you see again in other places, hear in passing, in trivial chat . Phrases reoccur, in all media, via the art of political science and viral marketing. Ideas are nourished by subscription, and confirmed as facts by individual praxis and collective experience. What iz True must be beyond belief.What iz true iz all, remaining even without subscription. When iz True forever done? Bewilderment reigns in the Sea of Mass Confusion.
Little may be gleaned from the pool of hard won knowledge,by surfing the net or being the proud owner of exclusive wares hard or soft. Most of mankind's knowledge is none vocal. It may not be recorded by word. Iz looked Iz knows.Iz Duz the Do.
Iz, heretic to all dogma learns Izstuff the hard way,Iz blows izwhistle,Izmusic,Izjustiz,Iz Duty of care, true to iz elemental nature, Izinstincts,supported by the tutelage of izexperience.Iz iz, not theoretical, IzLife iz, not academic.
Iznibz is an unqualified success, a natural in a technologically mutated world.
What is his religion?
What is his nationality?
Is Iznibz the leader of a cult, or a member of a clandestine organization?
Can his observations be verified?
Is he true to his word?
It would be too much of a shortcut to reveal much of the background. I would encourage you to suspend disbelief and trust your own instincts. Iznibz is selling nothing. Acting in public service@ 0% commission. Working for the betterment of man, the sustainable progress of the world and the greater glory of God,whether there provably iz one or not.Iz idea iz good.Iz faith is irepressable, through knowledge of Izself.
The contextual narrative of Iztales are born of much journeying, beyond the flat earth horizon of limited possibilities. Deeds have been done , much hurt and harm has been endured. Iz in the public interest that mysteries and secretive lies are exposed. Iznibz survives where many have not. Warning shots need to be fired. If necessary, examples made to deter those who cheat and harm naive and trusting common working folk.
Things iz sed about iz . Iznibz feels there iz need to do some sedding izself.
Read along the many paths that lead Iznibz to the place of his unconditional belonging, The Izdom of Iz. The context for Iz every moral means must be transparent.
Iz poses the question , "Why should state institutions oppose obstruct and malign the legitimate progress of a righteous Individual?"
Iz does not believe that state institutions actively do that by design. "But wicked deeds iz done and no one as yet iz brought to account.Others iz at risk."sez Iz.
Iz sorted now and there iz a lot that has been delayed in the doing, Much scribbling and lego writing to be done. Abandon all opinion, Iznibz has been known to explain the impossible. Whilst confusion abounds, Iznibz picks,"Iz knows Best." The choiceless option.
In the tales from a journeyman's pen,many often whimsical poetic phrasings may be employed, As with Izmusic a rag bag of narrative styles all converge to support in the service of the common cause of Universal civilization. What may appear to some to be perhaps deluded fantasy may in time be proven to be the only available mechanism to explain reality.Everthing is one to Iz, The singular existential equation, How it iz, Iz how it Iz.
Iz philosophical view may not be reduced to a mere "ism". Iz Earth iz majik, It does it on it's own lads and it works for him. Iznibz iz the Gaffer, The grumbling giffer knows that all truth iz interconnective."Enduring principal iz all." sez Iz.
Iznibz hopes you are the gaffer too. I'll let you sleep this one off. We can join the dots up tomorrow. Iznibz means Bizniz.Zzzzzzz
Some words you see again in other places, hear in passing, in trivial chat . Phrases reoccur, in all media, via the art of political science and viral marketing. Ideas are nourished by subscription, and confirmed as facts by individual praxis and collective experience. What iz True must be beyond belief.What iz true iz all, remaining even without subscription. When iz True forever done? Bewilderment reigns in the Sea of Mass Confusion.
Little may be gleaned from the pool of hard won knowledge,by surfing the net or being the proud owner of exclusive wares hard or soft. Most of mankind's knowledge is none vocal. It may not be recorded by word. Iz looked Iz knows.Iz Duz the Do.
Iz, heretic to all dogma learns Izstuff the hard way,Iz blows izwhistle,Izmusic,Izjustiz,Iz Duty of care, true to iz elemental nature, Izinstincts,supported by the tutelage of izexperience.Iz iz, not theoretical, IzLife iz, not academic.
Iznibz is an unqualified success, a natural in a technologically mutated world.
What is his religion?
What is his nationality?
Is Iznibz the leader of a cult, or a member of a clandestine organization?
Can his observations be verified?
Is he true to his word?
It would be too much of a shortcut to reveal much of the background. I would encourage you to suspend disbelief and trust your own instincts. Iznibz is selling nothing. Acting in public service@ 0% commission. Working for the betterment of man, the sustainable progress of the world and the greater glory of God,whether there provably iz one or not.Iz idea iz good.Iz faith is irepressable, through knowledge of Izself.
The contextual narrative of Iztales are born of much journeying, beyond the flat earth horizon of limited possibilities. Deeds have been done , much hurt and harm has been endured. Iz in the public interest that mysteries and secretive lies are exposed. Iznibz survives where many have not. Warning shots need to be fired. If necessary, examples made to deter those who cheat and harm naive and trusting common working folk.
Things iz sed about iz . Iznibz feels there iz need to do some sedding izself.
Read along the many paths that lead Iznibz to the place of his unconditional belonging, The Izdom of Iz. The context for Iz every moral means must be transparent.
Iz poses the question , "Why should state institutions oppose obstruct and malign the legitimate progress of a righteous Individual?"
Iz does not believe that state institutions actively do that by design. "But wicked deeds iz done and no one as yet iz brought to account.Others iz at risk."sez Iz.
Iz sorted now and there iz a lot that has been delayed in the doing, Much scribbling and lego writing to be done. Abandon all opinion, Iznibz has been known to explain the impossible. Whilst confusion abounds, Iznibz picks,"Iz knows Best." The choiceless option.
In the tales from a journeyman's pen,many often whimsical poetic phrasings may be employed, As with Izmusic a rag bag of narrative styles all converge to support in the service of the common cause of Universal civilization. What may appear to some to be perhaps deluded fantasy may in time be proven to be the only available mechanism to explain reality.Everthing is one to Iz, The singular existential equation, How it iz, Iz how it Iz.
Iz philosophical view may not be reduced to a mere "ism". Iz Earth iz majik, It does it on it's own lads and it works for him. Iznibz iz the Gaffer, The grumbling giffer knows that all truth iz interconnective."Enduring principal iz all." sez Iz.
Iznibz hopes you are the gaffer too. I'll let you sleep this one off. We can join the dots up tomorrow. Iznibz means Bizniz.Zzzzzzz
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir,
Monday, 14 July 2008
Bastille Day.
It's a cloudless blue sky, not much of a breeze.Pleasantly warm.
The shallots have been lifted, to be bunched when they have turned to straw. A small barrow of garlic is racked between two sticks ready to be hung up to dry, they will see us right through the coming year with enough to give away and still have plenty for next years planting. Onions as big as my fist have their necks turned down, I will gently loosen their roots today to help accelerate their drying properly,ready for stringing. We will keep putting our winter wood ash on the onion patch, The raised bed gives good drainage,onions don't like to be cold and wet, they've not been watered the whole season, I think they'll keep well, we'll see.
The artichokes have bolted, Couldn't afford to give them the feeding they needed, "a barrow of muck per plant," I was told. They can get in the queue like everybody else. I'll cut the thistle flowers off today, We don't want their decadence spreading all over the garden. A greedy lot they. I'll keep a few plants, I love the look of the foliage.
The marigolds have just been dead headed to prolong the flowering season,worth to keep them as long as possible, they give the ground abit of shade on the east side of the runner beans. I've not got round to making calendula ointment yet , useful when it happens. The pyrethroids act as an insect repellant to a certain extent,the bees don't mind it though. The smell reminds me of my first garden, four years old ,I had radishes, carrots, peas and marigolds, The smaller genus called in England, "pot marigold". It's called "souci", in France I don't know why, I'm told it means "worry".
I will lift a few potatoes next. Slowly does it as it's hot. They will keep in the ground for a good while but I want to sow a green manure, Ble noir, most likely. Dig it in in the winter, the soil needs the fibre.
HOT,Hot, hot. I have just dug up some potatoes, as expected an unimpressive crop. That bit of ground is not holding water too well. I will be sowing comfrey as well as the ble, the ground needs juice. Lunch went down well.Our first outdoor tomatoes dressed with a vinaigrette made with shallots and basil, sauted new potatoes and omlette. A glass of grape juice and a piece of bread.It will take a while for the oxygen to get back to the brain. Happen, I'll relax for half an hour with a cup of tea.
The shallots have been lifted, to be bunched when they have turned to straw. A small barrow of garlic is racked between two sticks ready to be hung up to dry, they will see us right through the coming year with enough to give away and still have plenty for next years planting. Onions as big as my fist have their necks turned down, I will gently loosen their roots today to help accelerate their drying properly,ready for stringing. We will keep putting our winter wood ash on the onion patch, The raised bed gives good drainage,onions don't like to be cold and wet, they've not been watered the whole season, I think they'll keep well, we'll see.
The artichokes have bolted, Couldn't afford to give them the feeding they needed, "a barrow of muck per plant," I was told. They can get in the queue like everybody else. I'll cut the thistle flowers off today, We don't want their decadence spreading all over the garden. A greedy lot they. I'll keep a few plants, I love the look of the foliage.
The marigolds have just been dead headed to prolong the flowering season,worth to keep them as long as possible, they give the ground abit of shade on the east side of the runner beans. I've not got round to making calendula ointment yet , useful when it happens. The pyrethroids act as an insect repellant to a certain extent,the bees don't mind it though. The smell reminds me of my first garden, four years old ,I had radishes, carrots, peas and marigolds, The smaller genus called in England, "pot marigold". It's called "souci", in France I don't know why, I'm told it means "worry".
I will lift a few potatoes next. Slowly does it as it's hot. They will keep in the ground for a good while but I want to sow a green manure, Ble noir, most likely. Dig it in in the winter, the soil needs the fibre.
HOT,Hot, hot. I have just dug up some potatoes, as expected an unimpressive crop. That bit of ground is not holding water too well. I will be sowing comfrey as well as the ble, the ground needs juice. Lunch went down well.Our first outdoor tomatoes dressed with a vinaigrette made with shallots and basil, sauted new potatoes and omlette. A glass of grape juice and a piece of bread.It will take a while for the oxygen to get back to the brain. Happen, I'll relax for half an hour with a cup of tea.
Labels:Eco Logic
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Picking Peas
Saturday 12th July,saw us helping harvest Marie-Therese's peas. Our evening was then spent shelling them for the freezer, two fifteen litre buckets full. We were advised not to damage the pea stalks, we gave them a chance. Glad they were well supported on pig wire,they will go on to produce more delicious results.
Labels:Eco Logic
Give peace a chance,
M.T.oversees the peas,
Supporting the peace talks.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Taking the rise in our stride???
Low lying settlements,threatened by rising sea, may be forced to leave traditional home lands in the face of the inevitable. Most folk would have a list of precious things they would not want to be without, they are at risk of leaving the most precious of all treasures, the working top soil of their Native culture.
Instead of shoving refugees in camps in a last ditch panic, provision must be made now,for viable options that offer dignified subsistance at least.The working soil would up grade much land in the surviving regions that often goes neglected . WHERE.???
Any where there's space of course, or are we going to cherry pick the refugees we want to use to the exclusion of their community and kin. To paraphrase,'If it hurts less it's working properly.'
I am inspired to save the earth. It works for us lads!
Iznibz has got a plan,Such madcap sentimental notions that one could cope with the disaster looming ahead and positively aid the poorest of coastal families.
Pro active disaster avoidance.Bring your gardens with you and your know how.No one need be forced into being an unnecessary burden.Host nations must not let let the potential profit of a cheap labour pool,mar their benign patronage. Acommodating the complete hegonomic ecological parcel,land included.
The earth has got to be brought up hill to safety, there are many flattened panned out fields that would benefit greatly after gross industrial abuse by agribusiness,and ill conceived centralised government directive has left poor Mother Earth crying in the dark, unnoticed with her knickers round her ankles.
Old empires have a duty of care,more at least than a sympathetic furrowed brow and a few bob in the hat. If they would just switch off their warmachine long enough to make a positive peace,(one without an enemy), that Civilization may take lasting cohesive root.
What resources we would have to solve all manner of logistic problems.
Who is up for doing the work,Iznibz iz for one.
Sounds like a singularly lonely job at present, I'll keep me own counsel till I have Real meaningful contact from "others". For now at any rate. Iznibz Wazir.
Instead of shoving refugees in camps in a last ditch panic, provision must be made now,for viable options that offer dignified subsistance at least.The working soil would up grade much land in the surviving regions that often goes neglected . WHERE.???
Any where there's space of course, or are we going to cherry pick the refugees we want to use to the exclusion of their community and kin. To paraphrase,'If it hurts less it's working properly.'
I am inspired to save the earth. It works for us lads!
Iznibz has got a plan,Such madcap sentimental notions that one could cope with the disaster looming ahead and positively aid the poorest of coastal families.
Pro active disaster avoidance.Bring your gardens with you and your know how.No one need be forced into being an unnecessary burden.Host nations must not let let the potential profit of a cheap labour pool,mar their benign patronage. Acommodating the complete hegonomic ecological parcel,land included.
The earth has got to be brought up hill to safety, there are many flattened panned out fields that would benefit greatly after gross industrial abuse by agribusiness,and ill conceived centralised government directive has left poor Mother Earth crying in the dark, unnoticed with her knickers round her ankles.
Old empires have a duty of care,more at least than a sympathetic furrowed brow and a few bob in the hat. If they would just switch off their warmachine long enough to make a positive peace,(one without an enemy), that Civilization may take lasting cohesive root.
What resources we would have to solve all manner of logistic problems.
Who is up for doing the work,Iznibz iz for one.
Sounds like a singularly lonely job at present, I'll keep me own counsel till I have Real meaningful contact from "others". For now at any rate. Iznibz Wazir.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir,
Oblivion's Own
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Looking into it with our eyes closed.
Psychoretinal paralysis. Photonsaturation. The minds eye retreats to soothing shadows. Crystalline fragments of consumed memory. Broken Continuity. The selective frequency channeling mass sacrifice driven hungry gnawing on the photoelectric bone. Fattening the indulgence of our dreams. The slaughter of our innocents. To hail the newborn king. Gladly thrusting tender hearts against a newly sharpened future. Cutting edge camouflage of parental neglect. Three dimensional appetites in a two dimensional world. Prefamine feeding frenzy. In fading memory on St.Stevens day, we search for those the madness overlooked. Critical faculties hang from screaming nerves. Hypothermic nostalgia for more caring times. Plastic wrapped, old husks pack small in the formless void of ritualised love. The skips are overflowing with discarded hopes and childhoods longing. Lotto till Lent, Blotto till spent. Whilst priests impressed by suffering, proclaim the New Republic in the spring.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir,
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Another small field of interest.
Charcoal kiln and a bodgers hut could be well placed here
I dug up a few new potatoes today,beautiful clean,no bigger than a large goose egg . We have about a bucket of peas to shell for the freezer.Many more to come.I lifted the shallots, not a great year regionally, a good store never the less. A litte undersize but firm.The onions more than make up for the shortfall. They're as big as my fist and almost ready for turning over. Hmmm, it's a nice cup of tea is that. I'll do some watering once I've sunk it.The first of the outdoor tomatoes, large, firm and alive with flavour.
If anyone is wondering why I should be rambling on about,enjoyable but quite mundane matters, iz to create context iz all.
"Oh Oh!Iz is leading to something".I wont pile it on too thick just now.Get some fresh air. I have finished shelling the peas. I couldnt resist turning down the onions,they need to dry before they get made into bunches. A nice subject for a little video iz that,I'll see what I can do.Don't forget to weed and water your window box.
You don't even have a window box.
I'll put you on my list of potential targets.I bet you don't even have a natural suntan and it's the middle of summer. Go on get out, or you'll be grumpy all winter.
I'm going out to photograph the onions now, they'll be famous.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Doing the do...
Talking the talk, about saving the Earth,Feeding the poor of the world and ethical trade, by the coffee table pundits and philosophers of the chattering New Enlightenment, one wonders who will do the work.Countries that import most of the food they consume are hardly likely to fool any one by the statements of well meant intentions,thrown to the crowd to appease growing distrust.The coffers of the executives grow fat as hope fades in the grass roots collateral base of the worker population.If the poorest and most disadvantaged are to progress to an equitable level of subsistence, support must be given to those dedicated to aiding self reliance and empowered non fiscal prosperity. There is no money to be honourably made from poverty.
Labels:Eco Logic
"Doing the do is all" Iznibz Wazir.
The journeyman's pen...
With tales that may not yet be told until the noble cause is won,whilst juggernauts leave deserts in their wake. The pen describes a word unsoiled by mortal tongue. The hoe, now guides us on the path that we must take.
A tick, a sign confirming all correct.It steers a course away from certain doom,the price of Man's neglect. A key, a note. transcending symphony, aspires to sainted harmony and opens gates to our true destiny.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Elfin safety,
Don't see things that aren't there,
It's bad for the imagination.
Working together in the same direction.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir
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