The weather didn't know whether to laugh or cry today. Warm enough but the whole day was overcast, remaining in what I can only describe as an emotionally unstable and unpredictable condition. I didn't risk mixing mortar for fear my work would be washed away. Instead I dug down to the schist strata and set a small dry stone retaining wall in the trench. The top of the wall rises only as high as the original soil level, the brown earth path will in time become a fast draining soak away a feeder channel for the ground covered by the round house. The trough between the line of large stones in the centre of the image and the wall on the left will eventually be filled with good topsoil and compost to accommodate plants and shrubs, they will earn their keep by filtering the ground water. As the side walls rise so the hole in the centre of the round house kitchen will descend. Magic is happening. It does it on it's own. I guess you would have to be here and see the results in real life to understand. Arcane knowledge, esoteric mysteries, sacred geometry. There are no secrets, all is revealed as work progresses in service to and in support of Life's singular evolutionary destiny. What means this? This means this and that means that.
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