Folk'll not see much that would make a deal of sense from the projected images on the screen. I dare say there's many would fancy that they understand what they are looking at. They can't see the work nor are they privy to the thinking that goes behind and ahead of it. Understanding photographs leads no one much closer to achieving their own domain. The blog is an indulgence. It lets interested parties and nosey parkers alike know that I am still alive and kicking. The only time you would get to see me working is when you are doing a good bit yourself along side. Over years, if my former family are to be believed, I gained the reputation for being a lazy man. Idle minds gain nourishment from rumour. They that spread it would be better placed with a trowel in their hand and join me on the other side of the social horizon.They might discover a morsel of the truth that bears no relation to their spurious imaginings.
There's tons to do before I even get to start working properly. I'll not daydream on that theme till the workshop facility is built. The "Journeyman's Rest" , is a deliberate misnoma, ambiguous at least. I will merely cease to be a journeyman.
It is trying to rain at present. I have filled some sacks with sand, replenished the water bin. One photo of some of yesterday's work, a little spiral of stone that will house the horns of the subframe of a door. There will be more photos of that as progress is made.
I fully intend to publish a complete explanatory guide to what goes on here. For those who can't be bothered to get off their fat arses and find out in person. I'll get on,Enjoy the pictures.
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