Monday, 31 August 2020

Maximising utility...

What use...?

 +The mature black seed husks,when steeped in hot water render a pigment  for dyeing wool. The cooked seed is added to the chicken feed.

 Wisps of colour seeping out of the sunflower seeds.

 The strong purple and the grey/green is derived from the sunflower seeds the yellow from onion skins. The wool is spun by AnneSophie.

 Collecting from the community garden.

A good bunch of Carrots, a few turnips and some salad. More sunflower heads for the seed.We will leave some for the birds.

Fixing their "Where and When..."

Just wondering... I have been watching the Stats on this blog for a while. There seems to be a small number of returnees or the chore is being shared by localised social networks. Perhaps I am being monitored by folk with no common interest,"just a job" who knows? The nosy voyeurs don't communicate. I am aware that a small proportion of returnee readers will be awaiting the details of the "dirty email", sent to me with the conspiritorially silent cooperation of my corrupted offspring. False allegations of a most ugly sexual nature.
The big question, "When will it be published?" For those hypocrites who wouldn't allow filth to enter their mind... When I am ready.Don't hold your breath waiting for juicy bits to fall off the table.
The habitual readership has of course , "The right to remain silent. Anything you do say may be taken down and used as evidence." Perhaps they just like looking at the pictures. That's all past time, the shared joy of a passing moment fading into forgetfulness. I am happy enough sharing, nothing to hide. I create and define my own strategies for success. What I will leave behind is a legacy. Be there or be square. There's a lot of time yet to pass.  Some of us got here early. Predating the doom laden modernism. Us Hominids have been crawling over this planet for untold millenia, as each epoch of advancement  peaks then crumbles. We remain.  How it is, becomes more obvious with time,  needing no imagination nor "just supposings".
These are the Times for which we have been preparing. A "lifeboat" system, the domestic stronghold against all adversity.
Dare I ask? How's yours? Do you have a "sustainable forward" direction? Ours meks us feel richer every year. I hope you can enjoy the pixellated images of the Izdom of Iz. Hoping the pictures might inspire others to come back to Earth and do a bit.  Let me know when you are feeling brave enough to talk. ..There's a challenge.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Europe's History Of Genocide

They were right, I'm obsessed with creating a future worth living in...

The second tree...

Waiting it's turn to ripen.

The site for the garden utility shed...

Force doesn't work... I can wait.

Friday, 28 August 2020

What did I tell you. How come an idiot like me could know a thing like this?

An "Oh Oh" moment... An emergency in the Fabled Realm.

Already inundated with peaches to be processed for bottling. Half a bucket more arrived this morning.  Looks like we're about to be avalanched by Figs, our heaviest crop to date. Fig jam, jelly, Fig rolls. Syrop of figs. Nowhere for a "lazy"person to hide in our home, that's the way we like it.

The brown hen and her chicks have moved into comfy temporary quarters. Safe from trouble.Happy family.
Réglisse and his mate Noodle have become more like man and wife.They seem to enjoy each others' company. Healthy beasts.

 The sky's the limit.

 What going on here?

 I get it.

  Black fig ripe and ready for harvest.
 The " Oh,Oh " moment , a tree full ready to happen all together. There is another tree full to follow.

 The work is piling up. There will be six more large jars , maybe a cake or two.

 Pat de fruits, perhaps, tarts and crumbles...

 The birds love the seeds, bon apetit.

Russian Kale sees the light Leeks are cut back to fatten them up for winter.

 Eat your greens.

  Alban is most generous, he left some for us.

The bread's arrived, Thanks Marc.

Nina Simone - I Wish I Knew (How It Would Feel To Be Free) (Live at Mont...

Living right is the antidote to most of what might ail us and provides immunity from everything else...?

 It's bigger than it looks...

 First Five Figs.

 Six large jars , Peaches preserved in syrop. The promise of pear and peach crumble tomorrow.

The brown hen is a mam now, she's moved to more comfortable quarters to better care for her three chicks.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

26/08/2020,Good Morning...

The Crack of Dawn...

 Spooky image...

 Best shot yet of the "archive Japanese Onion".

 Runner beans fast growing pods, Feels like a mellow English summer.

 The leeks will be cut back. A selfseeded Russian Kale will welcome an increase of light. I think we all would.These plants look happy, they don't argue much.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

LIVE ! Taraful din Clejani - Instrumental Doina si Braul

On going in the Izdom of Iz...

Another happy permanent resident. Swiss Chard comes in a variety of colours, easily managed. prolific cropper. High grade vitamin store. Over winters well.

The chard shadows the newly cleared  ground, Spinach ,a distant relative is just emerging from the  ground; zoom in close.
 Cabbages are hearting up amidst Comfrey and Swiss Chard.

 They all seem to like  living here.

 It just caught my eye...

 Birch twigs and leaves ready for roasting. "More tea vicar..."

 I can feel my appetite warming up already. The chillies look good, it's going to be a hot winter.

 To be scalded and peeled,halved and stoned ready for bottling. A gourmet delight, Peches Le Breil.



Monday, 24 August 2020

Ayup Toby and Emma ,What do you think?

Do not Disturb...

40 Winks...

  A well earned nap after picking fruit and spinning wool.

  "Nectarines" or "Brugnons"..., Call em what you like,they are washed ready for stoning.

This batch will be turned into jelly.

By the clear light of morning, Gold and Jewels in the Fabled Realm...


 Once the pears are harvested, the tree will be pruned to a "Pyramid". Avoiding the loss of fruiting spurs and encouraging fresh green growth.

 Hollyhock regeneration...

 The Box wood hedge will soon be clipped. The block of evergreen act as a protective windbreak. The shade it provides at midday prevents the soil from drying too fast. A good spot to propogate seedlings.Splash of welcome colour from the Swiss Chard.

 The chillies have started to ripen...

 A heavy, "Good Morning" visit from Marie Theresse. Merci.

 Hanging on.The tree is getting tired. Leaves starting to wither. We harvest the walnuts when the fruit starts splitting.

 A new flush of flowers offers the promise of a bonus this year. Bean pods already forming.

Looks like we will have tomatoes for the coming year.More plants raised from cuttings are now thriving in flower. We will have plenty in store before first frost.

Bee Borage, Star Flower, Bug Loss. Happy to rip em out, just as happy to leave it in. It's a permanent resident.