Until I have the means to comfortably make my own videos and publish my own music I will be "filling in" with other peoples articles and postings that are relevant to my message to my "targeted following". It is not a sign of my laziness,there is a mountain of stuff to come, at present I am preoccupied with domestic doings that leave me too exhausted to improve the quality of my format or upgrade the content. Still photographs remain my main illustration of our agrarian progress, the scrolled scrawlings and rantings may require an understanding of English language not available to those for whom it is a second language. They may however provide the means by which students may upgrade their ability and practice. I hope so. There is no compunction to agree. It would be well to remain objective in overview. I can take criticism if need is felt. In the mean time, off screen, how's your garden growing?

Thanks to E.and U. your helpful visit made my day...We are happy to share a little peace in the Izdom of Iz.
A rare view from the shade of the Mirabelle tree.
There will be more to come. I have yet to taste them.. Easy to grow, good cropper.
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