Friday 7 August 2020

To my darling Daughter, (my only one), Emma Grace. Hiding somewhere in Lisbon, Portugal.

It was brought to my notice , with some reluctance I must add, by your loving brother Toby William, that your mother was encouraged to believe in my absentia, that I was lazy. She being at the fair or market selling my goods, whilst I remained in my workshop producing the goods,as well as attending to my domestic obligations. I didn't fail in either my domestic duty, nor did I ever miss a deadline.
What did for me was ten years of 16hour working days without remission. No love no care, nurture nor notice at home.Soul destroying gaslighting and nagging, no peace.I neverput my earnings in my own pocket Emma. Between the two of you siblings you seem to have performed a great disservice to your already delusional mother, but also to your family and to yourselves.Only natural that you may not have recognised what your father was doing was working. You filled your mothers head with imaginative lies that confirmed her already deluded bias.  So much for my inducting the Principles of Honesty and Truth. Both your brother and you passed the comprehension with flying colours, in
practice however you  both might be said to have failed miserably.
 Time out, I am about to cook. A dish called "Bhuja". I'll be back soon... Good result. A meal I have been making since childhood.  Cabbage, Potato , Onion,Garlic, Sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Crushed Cumin and two large Chillies. A good handfull of fresh mixed beans. two large Tomatoes and some virgin oil. The Evolved luxury version iz what... Unfailingly versatile, always delicious. My old dad loved my cooking. Handy thing, so did I,Still do. In my youth kids couldn't get their heads around the fact that my favourite snack was a cold "cabbage sandwich". They were too timid to visit and try it for themselves.
Have you explored my Flickr site? You will find it linked to the blog in the side bar labeled "a Journeyman's Notebook" (press, "Iznibz").
Not many images of me just some of my domestic creative play. Rocks and mud for the most part. "Lazy?" Judge for yourself... That word, uttered as a well planned provocative incitement, was the last straw. I lost 28kilos of my good working body through overwork exhaustion. No one in the threesome coven noticed.The montage of delusional and juvenile fantasies, do no justice in recognition of  my unique working reality. No nurture, no love, no understanding and no empathy.
You may notice details in the Flickr
 album , still photos are easier to gawp at. The results illustrated are images taken between periods of physical effort. "Work". Most of my labourious doings have and never will be recorded. Thus my energetic applications may never be noticed. Sometimes the virtue of work may have it's own reward. My results are rarely bad.
Nowadays, with garden home security, (a full time occupation),a nurturing, loving,understanding empathic spouse, a humane marriage, bonded and dedicated to a common cause. Egalitarian in all respects. We thrive in our frugal austerity. Appearing poor as church mice, our mortgage will be paid off by next year. A subsistence economy without a debt crisis. Solving all problems between us that may inhibit our mutual benign progress , without conflict or division. Without anger nor arguement.
 On reflection, you may remember many qualities you have since  my divorce , conveniently been encouraged to forget.  Substituting much bullshit where truth once resided, "a bit of filler ", perhaps.

 Moments to spare between meals or jobs of work produce content for your perusal on my blog. I wouldn't need to do this if we'd kept some civil contact. Join us anytime by word or in person. Any is better than none. Fortune favours the brave.  Good Luck, keep healthy...I.WAZIR

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