Friday 14 August 2020

Catering for the Mall Adjusted...

 *It's best that we don't." I will explain why after collecting more Strawberries.

You may have noticed, I have spelled "Mall Adjusted" with two "L"s. Whether adding to the conserve or consumed fresh in fruit salad or refreshing smoothy, We will never have enough to cater for any mass market demand.  Trusted friends and family will not suffer much during the predicted food shortage.I say "Shut down the Malls."Do your "Hanging out" at home, out of temptations way.Those who can might cultivate a reserve in backyard lots. Those without land, take a risk, guerilla gardening abandoned ground , might just take over from spraypaint graphiti. Some hope.
I'm thinking off Venuzuella, I am thinking of sad old Ireland. The Mall Adjusted will insist on armed guards on the covered markets. "To keep the "Riff-Raff" out". Witnessed in Columbia, Bandoliers of large calibre ammo. Magnum pistols,Rocket launchers... Troops guarding the "English Market" in Cork whilst the people starved in poverty. Coming soon to a Mall near you. If you can read this with any degree of illuminated understanding, take bloody notice. The recent couple of years worldwide have just been a practical training experiment to cope with the coming emergency. Metrics collected for analysis on crowd control, and the maintanence of Public Order. The COVID 19 scam was just a distracting cover. The question arose somewhere, "How compliant would the "General Population", the bewildered majority be in the event of lockdowns foreclosures mass unemployment, Depressing shortages, rising prices, Urban violence. Even if you can afford to fill your basket in the mall, you may have to risk being robbed on the way home.
My life in my home garden pioneers a better prospect. No one told me to do it, It just made sense.
A continual automatic upgrade in the quality of life. Enough we may share locally in periods of abundance, We neither buy, nor sell."Food for a healthy life not for unhealthy profiteering."
 Meanwhile our food is growing, we learn to weave, practice old almost abandoned crafts  Wood and wool. Cultivate neglected ground back to a state of grace. Something every family may do. We save seed for next years growing season. We store the bounty of this season's generosity. A domestic agrarian rennaissance may sound idealistic... and why not? We must raise our standard higher than the manipulative exploitation of Commercial interests. We need them less by each coming year. We will maintain our own good health, design and make our own clothing. Produce our own ceramics. Beat shape and cast metal, all mans knowledge may be manifest at the home hub. Without domestic control of our food at home no other liberating progress is possible.   I. WAZIR

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