Friday 7 August 2020

Transcription of letter to Toby. 4th of May 2020

Your mother doesn't want anything to do with me, I am encouraged to feel that your present vacuous response is indicative of your own view. Symptomatic I would say of "Curtis-Allen Syndrome". If there is a more appropriate description I would like to hear it. I write this to inform you of the ongoing publication in my blog of past writings. There will also be explanations and commentaries over time. The content of my work may effect the three of you in diverse ways. It is not my intention to cause any harm or hurt, however a compensative action is overdue by the threesome ring that has yet to be morally discharged. Intransigence towards a resolution individually or as a conspiratorial group  would inevitably place a burden on you all that may prove to be most unpleasant to bear.  Duty of care appears to be something you all shy away from. Whatever harm or hurt was caused as a close knit collective may be addressed as individuals. Personal responsibility is severally within each of your power. Accounting for your own part as a voluntary action. I write for the record not to evade judgement.  There may well be the occasion of my platforming of my own worthless opinion, allusion to conversation or humoresque commentary throughout the tiresome verbage, "Hearsay" a court may call it, "inadmissable" as evidence. Fact will not be obscured. The majority of what may be called "the reading class", would , I have faith, be capable of divining the facts without obstruction or distraction from my intended purpose. Moral resolution, familial Justice, Honesty and Truth, without need for any narcissistic obfuscation or sociopathic hidden agendum.
I paid the piper Toby, allowing your family the unfairly gained prize. Perhaps I could have been more litigious, maybe that is yet to come. Calling my own tune and blowing the whistle will prove in the absence of a moral Allen-Godden response;  the only way I can see to clear away some of the negative shite that has unjustly been wiped on me.
If no  familial justice and in the absence of a chance of legal justice, then Poetic Justice will have to suffice. My words will then have hit the mainstream fan. They will outlast my life or your immediate family.  Discuss your threesome wisdom between yourselves. The"what to do," of it.  "Do what thou wilt." has been the Law in your Threesome coven without care of consequence. Alistair Crowley's injunction . It didn't impress me.  The "I love you Guise ", may cover a multitude of sins. As you like as you want.  I just thought you needed to be informed. 
The lockdown appears to have stimulated interest in my blog from Portugal of late.  Rare indeed. I may be wrong but I must presume it to be your sister. Killing the boredom I suspect. There's a starting point for discussion.. I see no likely disadvantage for any or all of you to relate  to your alienated fathers writing. . I wont hold my breath in anticipation of result. But I will look forward with interest 
for your response. I will close with trhat, save to express my hope this finds you in robust physical health and of good strong healthy mind. Yours sincerely, Dad.
May the Fourth be with you... I.WAZIR

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