Wednesday, 28 January 2009

From a philosophicaL democratic republican living in exile to a prince of the realm of iz former homeland...

Open letter to P.C.Windsor.

Iznibz to Iznibz, I take notice when stuff you reportedly say crawls unsolicited into my personal private domain. I am not ,by deliberate habit, a sycophantic penny catcher following the Royal Progress.I write to you from the historic stamping ground of a former Royal Harry. Brittany. I have peace here, something I couldn't find at home.
By directing this letter to you there may be some small chance that , if you don't read it there will be many others in the pompous circumstantial gravy train that leads to your private sanctum who will. This is not a rant against you personally but is my perhaps ineffectual means to draw attention to matters neglectfully ignored by those who profess to serve the interests,of the country , town, gown, and crown,who not
least of all profess to serve the needs of even the lowliest of the common citizenry, in the public interest. One reserves judgement on their fitness to serve.
Some time ago,(a while and a bit, as the crow flies,) a great fuss was made about the insignia of the Prince of Wales Feathers being used inappropriately and that moves were afoot to attempt to restrict exploitation of the historic emblem. One understands the perceived need. The adopted standards of honourable well meaning institutions are easily corrupted against intended purpose. So they are, so they are.
The Feathers may be as much a cause for fear and distrust as an assurance of honourable service. One does what one may.One hopes for the best.
This preamble leads to the subject of malpractice within British institutions being maintained on the nod,by accident,neglect or by political unmandated criminal design.If you've a mind you may speak up,or appoint a representative to blah blah on your behalf.The Prince of Wales Feathers, plucked out of the arse of some poor over celebrated ostrich obviously means a lot to your historic household. So here iz opportunity to clean up some of the worst excesses that cast the shadow of disrepute on all who loyally serve within the professional and statutory code.
There's many that say ,a wageless vagabond such as I. would never reach the ear of one such as thee, we shall see.
The matter of complaint occured during the time of Chief Constable Terrence Grange's
service, he passed the responsibility of dealing with it to Chief Superintendent Paul Amphlett.My apologies to P.A. for not being empowered nor enabled to deal with the matter to a resolute and equitable conclusion up to now.Sad to say Chief Superintedent is perceived to have dealt with the matter in a less than adequate way. Fair warning to him. His part will be audited, one thing at a time.
This iz a "Lest we Forget"posting.

Exerpt from Iznibz and Tales from the Journeyman's Pen: September 28th, 2007

Misuse of mental health detention law and enforced medication without informed consent. Contingencies abused on the nod by malignant networks against isolated disempowered individuals. Deliberate targeting or not,one reserves judgement here on principle. The most simple story is complicated by the telling.Racially specific toxic medication enforced intramuscular.Culturally divisive sadistic bullying and assault. Permanent damage,physical,nuerological,Parkinson like symptoms, massive teeth crushing brooksism,photosensitivity. All to cover bad policing. After five times harassing my son and I in one hour without legal or common moral cause. detained without charge, unduly processed and sectioned to a locked ward on a place of safety order. I kept what little cool I have,I was not a risk to self or others,I was not non- cognisant,I was not under any toxic influence,I habitually abstain from alcohol. I was tired from two days travelling and a long ,cold sleepless night and one day without food or wash,and vexed as any one might be naturally at the injustice.
In Cenarth ward, of St.David's Hospital I was subjected to treatment that was not medical practice, but covered for the convenience of the dominant consensus,unjustifiable attack without provocation. The clip board variant of the "have a nice day",acting as though it cares, in facade only, whilst turning a blind eye to illegitimate practice of staff.The Nelsonian over view offering no safeguard against criminal neglect and abuse institutionally.
The implications if not addressed are horrific. I am walking wounded , My health needs never discussed with me. My confidentiality was breached on several avoidable counts. My allusion to my culture,my faith,my education and intelligence,and reference to my own status in my vocational field recorded as though observable symptoms of illness. Even my allusion to my genetic identity, relevant in assessment for medication was treated as a deluded fixation. I was told by a nurse that I was "diluted".
2002 until the present day without recognition of even a need for effective remedy. The executives of the P. D. N.H.S. trust have deliberately obscured delayed and in some instances wholly obstructed,attempts by me to gain resolution, this is not about medical negligence.
Investigation of complaint was inhibited by the direct interference and directive of a Chief Superintendent. I have been treated as a subject,I am a citizen.
I now live in exile , being dissident to such abusive practice, it is evident that I have cause to fear for my safety from malignant factions, acting without mandate entrenched within our well meaning institutions. Lives are put at risk.
From my stronghold, I will expose all personnel and all institutional anomalies as any may find , identify criminality,without confidence.The Fast Track To Hell, has been an expedient abuse of the intended meaning of the law,by unofficial ideologically discreditted networks,on the nod for years. Who would dare to blow the whistle,of all persons involved that could know. Of those detained needlessly,few would be resourced enough ,fit or articulate enough after treatment, or through fear to relate in truth at all This is a matter of great importance in the public interest that full exposure is not obscured.
I am not constrained in my options to retaliate now as you might be as a Prince,I am victim complainant and key witness.
BUT WHO WOULD BELIEVE A CRAZY? Having striven for effective remedy without offer of advise or caring counsel,nor representation,one observes that psychiatry is colluding against it's own code and against statute to allow medicine to be used as summary justice without trial.
Beware of p.c. racism,the evolved or mutated form,"Its for your own good","be sensible or we'll have to force you".Basically, conform to the stereotype criteria of the perceived consensus normalcy, or risk permanent damage or death. A no win situation for the detainee/patient. Attempt was made to amend the law, in order to ostensibly legitimise the practice as per 2002 M.H.Amendment Bill. The potential for justifying past wrong doing and reinforce effective cover for future malpractice had the Bill been passed,must not be under stated.
The potential for racially targeted oppression and the" selected weeding out" of dissident voices against injustice or in defence of rights is real.
If I don't get representation soon,toward constitutional and equitable resolution ,I will not be constrained to submissive silence. I am a communicator.Needing no opinion,reasoning without argument from given truth. I have factual data documentary evidence of my own case history with logical commentary throughout. I am not stigmatised by my spurious psychiatric record, issues will be aired.THIS IS NOT AN ACADEMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE EXERCISE.
Strategies are in place to cause considerable controversy,which if not duly put to rights may cause public out cry and racial division. Is the answer tasers and toxic needles administered by prejudiced ignorance. Who's children would be safe from uniformed malpractice, against youth's first bold experiments with freedom.Colateral damage by friendly fire is not acceptable risk, misuse of mental health detention law is a crime of collusion and tacit conspiracy by institutional neglect of statute, a breach of Human Rights Law, the executive must be called to account.
Administrative oversight must also be noticed ,it is not an inconsiderable contribution to potential abuse.
Anomalies in administrative discipline allows dominant personalities, private in house cover, camouflage if you will.
Monitor the progress of my efforts , draw to anyones attention as you may within the field of interest. All qualified comment is welcome, I am other. I am also born in England,A Eurasian of fifty-six years.The elder, the first born after six generations of absence in service in India.We mixed throughout the height of Empire and the first Baul to be born in U.K. to my family. This iz part of an anti corruption action,an act of public service. Be warned you servants of high table academia, neglect of your influential moral duty now could have innocent victims languishing in misery and fear for perhaps their lifetime.Incitement to hatred by neglect may inspire violence in perceived opposition to tyranny. Mad, bad or sad the result may be , but in the absence of constitutional intervention,riot and treasonable acts would in extremis be held to be a legitimate natural right.
Trust in the political integrity of intellectually corrupt administrations is fragile.
Executive denial of the existence of verifiable fact is visible symptom of psychosis within the personality of public service institutions.Have a care you'll need to know even if you don't want to.Lives are put at risk.One may not escape one's moral duty

I will post more information, details of correspodence and commentary. St.James Palace ,did acknowledge receipt of details the incident that led to my complaint. A personal reply was not expected. But as some members of the Royal Household were aware before World War 2 that a program of ethnic cleansing was anticipated with Hitler's rise but were allowed to get away with feigning ignorance. I felt obliged to bring to notice in my primitive naive handwritten way a record of mechanisms within British institutions, that act against the common universal good.There iz more to come.I. To I. Iz Fundemental.
Give my regards to the Blighted Isle.Give yer family a hug from me. Best of luck in the garden.IZNIBZ WAZIR.

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