Thursday 15 January 2009

.....iz the song of the raggedy man."

It doesn't end with the last line. An epic ballad ,in a multiple time signature, A continuous moody weather beaten narrative that only has one line. I. Wazir, painting a picture in sound an on anon story visiting the primal dawn of non vocal memory,
"Iz the splainer o' things",sez I."bridges the immediate event horizon, over the hill and far away,touching the distant memory of man beyond the fog of forgetfulness."
"it does it on itzown" I. could never remember the tunes, it seems to do the remembering ,the practice is just preparation, clearing the deck ,making space for the guest appearance,when it happens I. can't take the credit.All thanks and praise must be laid at the feet of the one great divinity,lest the man become immodest.Hare Rama.

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