Taking coffee in a bar,in Kerifisien ,Brittany,we got talking with locals about the ups and downs and whatever ails their region. We had just been aproached earlier that day by the Gendarme in the field where we were camping,just a routine check. The Gendarme had moaned about teenagers behaving badly,alchohol abuse,reckless driving and the then current "fun" occupation of removing manhole covers in the night hoping some older people would drop in sometime. The seniors in the bar concurred but were not empowered to do much to solve the problem,we noticed that no young people frequented the place,congregating instead either in another bar on the opposite side of the road,or more often in the market square outside "coolly" supping interminable cans of cheap lager. The old boys were broad of shoulder with weatherbeaten faces from a lifetime of outdoor work, agriculture and fishing traditionally having been the mainstays of the regions economy.
One man moved to volunteer his philosophical view offered, "The young aren't free today, they only have money." He told us of his youth, how the lads of his day earned their acceptance into the adult world. he had learned to sail as a child fishing with his dad. He had been introduced to gardening and field work at home as part of domestic initiation into economic living. Sick of being treated as a child at fourteen,he set about to "show the grown ups" that he could manage on his own as an independent man. His parents had set aside a patch of land ,his own "allotment". From spring till late summer he tended to a small field of onions.Once they had dried they were dressed and strung, and loaded into his "petit bateau", a small sailing dinghy, with his old bicycle as his only passenger.The intrepid youth then headed for England on the other side of the channel. It was just after the war, a time of shortage in Britain. The youth loaded his bicycle with his onions on arrival in England and sold them door to door.
He remarked to us on how well he was treated, being given cake, ice cream and "pop" by his appreciative customers, noting that he couldn't drink alcohol in Britain because he was under age.He told us his onions sold quickly. Once they had gone ,with his pockets bulging with money , he put his old bike in the boat and sailed home to Brittany. His independence established his acceptence into the adult world . He was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the "big lads". They recognising the boy's "bon courage" were happy to give him the respect without patronising deference that one affords to equals.Regardless of his youth he had in the eyes of his elders,earned the right to be treated as a man the risk for the young being equal in all respects to the old..
The basic skills of living in and with the natural environment as children assisting familial economy,by their parents side ,with common purpose may be relied on for life.
Wow ! Anne-Sophie has just brought in a tray of tomatoes , the last of the fresh ones till the summer. We still have bags of frozen tomatoes in the freezer.
Where was I? Belonging.At home in and with one's self,in harmony with ones environment.at peace with ones mind and accepted unconditionally by ones community.Britain we are being told comes Thirteenth out of Twenty..
Asking young people what they want for Christmas(make a list Kidz),or for life is hardly going to enlighten the parent body as to what they should be doing to aid their offspring's transition into the working world of adult life.
Has anyone in Britain identified what a generic way of sustainable living is,as opposed to consumer lifestyle choice.Who promotes a one size fits all civilization the all inclusive set.Where is the path that leads to the natural wholesome choiceless option.
80% of the British population are crammed into overcrowded urban environments.
stable prosperity is not encouraged, for continual expansion in an ever more competitive commercial world,there are bound to be losers.Trade reigns supreme over craft in UK plc.Putting, purse, prize and prestige before principle.To "get a life", you must first get the money. It is observed that young people are encouraged to"sell themselves". If Junior wants to dip his or her bread in the corporate trough Junior must learn to mind P's and Q's and say nothing. The moral high ground must frequently be abandoned in order to reach the legal bottom line,profit margins must be maintained. Keep the exclusive share holders happy,"everybody compromises", the mutually corruptive liberal allowance of the popular consensus cultivates minors by neglect by accident and by design.
Relative minimum standards , the easily achieved facade of normalcy act in denial of and in opposition to personal fulfillment.
Britain appears to be in the grip of a malignant psychosis. A congenital condition ingrained and remaining unreconstructed. A resurgent mutation of pre war chamberlainian liberalism. One wouldn't like to think that one could be like that would one? It doesn't sound like one,to one.Then how deeply does one dare to explore the dark spatial matter of the collective psyche? Which parts of one iz one?
The darkness iz in need of a little illumination. That in truth at least may not be denied.IZNIBZ GODABLOG WAZIR.One's perception iz clear...
Avoiding the Utopian dream,One needs to pioneer a sustainable Last World philosophical practice,,lessons continually learned truth immediately accepted.
The camouflage of uniform collective normalcy within our institutions hides a corruptive psychosis."I didn't fit in, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.They threw me out".
Britains future is held to ransom by a self seeking administration, Principle may be contaminated by habit of collective convenience. ~ So don't rock the bloody boat or you're out.
Junior may not want to squelch around in the quagmire of collective moral compromise. Junior might start taking the piss out of the convenience.
I mean the band could be left on the verge of a recording contract FOREVER !!!
A week can seem like a long time.The prospect of having to wear kneepads for life can be very intimidating to a youth who has just got used to standing on it's hind legs.
You have to touch the bottom before you can reach the top, Some times not belonging iz the healthier choiceless option. The pressure of being forced to become a bottom liner may be too much for idealistic youth to bear, Sitting in some one elses shitty nappy soundz too dirty, I don't want to stink that bad.
I wanted to play properly first. I might have to stay solo for the rest of my life,Uncompromised ,unmanageable.IZNIBZ WAZIR.Oblivion's own Oblivion Zone.
Perhaps the youth are right ,they don't belong.
Sezoo? SezI. Sayz Iz.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
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