Introduction: I didn't design the scroll it doesn't suit all forms of written communication. My apologies for the length of the entry that will follow. It is transcribed from private correspondence. Henry upset me,what with the disrespectful slur against his "friend",added to the party prince's nazi style fancy dress. Now his father is revealed to have cultivated improper attitudes unbecoming. The sycophantic acceptance of the nickname by His polo chum, " you know you have made it when they give you a nickname" verges on vomit inducing, an insult by proxy,by Royal appointment, to his total ancestry.I had a nickname. I had no choice but to bear it, since six and a half years old. I fought against it then,when I did I was ragged mercilessly.It earned the playground bully in Woodfield Junior school a good boxing, It didn't make me popular,but I can live without the conditionallity that they put on their friendship, my real name ,my parents gift iz the one I am known by. Those prone to construct familiar montage of selected images from trivial brief encounters come nowhere near close to knowing the core identity and character of a person, familiarity breeds contempt.If folk can't call me by my true name ,in appreciation of my true nature I would rather they didn't call me at all.They may not call me friend without my objection.The beguiling smiles of friendly faces in an exclusive social clique, do not signify real friendship. Friendly, means "like a friend" . Facade of similarity needs to be put into perspective, Friend and Friendly are not congruent. Ingratiating himself into prince Charles's company , by the conditional acceptance of what is commonly perceived as a racial slur, is most undignified for a man, one might say perverted by ones own idealised humble standard. They say a man's best friend is his dog, The dog must know it's place and serve the master's will conditionally. The master may call the dog what so ever pleases his egocentric fancy. The dog has no choice. but to be submissive to the dominant personality. Really Charles is that the standard you expect us to raise our children to aspire to? A bit of an evolutionary downward spiral. Encourages the kids to adopt without question the parents big mistake.
I recall many occasions in the Blighted Isle as a youth being chased by gangs of skin head neo nazi football hooligans in Southampton, "There's a "Sooty", let's get him..."
Appeasing themselves when their team lost. . Those heady days of "Paki" bashing in the late sixties and early seventies don't endear me to nostalgia. It later became fashionable to target "hippies", to discourage any from "going native".
My passport states that I am a citizen , not a subject. living out here beyond the strand line of your diminishing pyramidic overview.A man, not a dog. I don't give a toss if no one in your family wants to call me a friend, having to live in exile now makes me no less a friend of my old Albion. My country does not get a choice with me, It's standard is trailing in the gutter of Scumbag Ally. It's not just the royal household that is brought into disrepute. The neo liberal tolerance at home ,known by many as the British disease is a consensus psychosis that will not magically disappear by denial.
Time for change, YES you bloody well can.I am as English as Obama is American.
Take on board some hard won intelligence from beyond the moated quarantine zone..
Written under the chosen nom de plume of Iznibz Wazir. You have lip waggled about sustainable development,and respect between faiths. Tokenism will not obviate the damage sustained at the collateral base of the working population. Innocents are being corrupted to conform to a malignant dominant consensus normalcy. You are the nearest to your own arse ,you shouldn't have to wait for others to kick it for you, lazy brained princes get far too much service as it is. Learn to catch yourselves in the act and nip it in the bud at source. Doing the Do iz All.
A whole lot of words to come. Scroll down, you will see why this entry iz titled "hit the ground running..." It iz like free falling without a parachute.
Now then the letter to someone who told me he wasn't friend material, contains details, which by forensic analysis may impart to those privileged to have abundant education,as well as helpers for the more difficult ideas, a clue as to some of the compromises from which I have naturally had to disentangle myself. Don't feel unduly patronised, like it or lump it , it is serviceable as useful data. Exercise as much patient care in the reading as I put into the writing iz my benign advice.
Exerpt from," Tales from a jouneyman's pen." 6/5/08
Firstly Dave,please accept now an invitation to a wedding,the actual date as yet is uncertain,but I would inform within a minimum of two weeks of the day,probably nearer four.
Now then, I don't write like this,I can't afford the time nor the eye strain. I will make an effort here,I'm struggling as it is with a down day in the world of chronic anemia.It's a sunny breezy day after much rain,a bit of weeding,I took the tops off the broad bean plants to help
the pods to fill more quickly,innumerable cups of tea .It is a resting day I am truly exhausted.
Although we live on the same planet, we appear to live in two different worlds.Anne Sophie looked at the website yesterday,A lot of the stuff looks like police training maneuvers that have got out of hand.Any up for the bundle are welcome to join. I am cynical, I have been through two anti open cast protests that were undermined by agent provocateurs.Highly dodgy characters well placed. I don't involve myself with such negative waste of creative energy.I have been homeless or insecurely housed and even in sickness I have been obstructed and attacked frequently,in an effort to unduly undermine any advantage I might gain by getting properly settled. Sounds like paranoia,I can substantiate well enough, witnesses and documents.I am virtually computer illiterate Dave But slowly working it out.
I am a good carpenter joiner ,gardener,I can organize workshop production well.Spiral simultaneous development of products from conception to sales.My music has been acoustic for most of my life. I love the real world.I am gregarious and enjoy social interaction,the real thing, all ages. I am not as insular as you seem to project. I wont waste my effort on feeding you with any much more about me Dave.There is a hand written scribble to come.You are welcome to relate real time face to face,the traditional way.Not worthwhile if you don't come as a friend.There is no neutral here,and no matter how credible your projected image may seem to you I wont tolerate being used as a surveillance subject.I have had to deal with that too many times.Don't "check me out",Get to know me or look to your own.I can do without the agitation.I have a lot to do now and life is far from the hopeless mess that you make it sound.I have been active promoting and practicing green politics,at the practical end,since nineteen years old. I am a craftsman Dave,Craft over trade,Principle before purse.I know what works from experience.I don't work for money I work for civilisation.Stow your imaginative prejudice,it's just bilge. There is a food crisis ,an energy crisis ,All that wasted effort in cwf could be better spent digging and sowing for home at the very least if not for the poor and infirm in your community.Fixing and mending as volunteer aid workers, I've got plans of my own,They don't involve sacrificing what's left of my life's potential peace in order to train riot police .I don't see any satisfaction in computer aiding what I love doing with care by traditional methods. Need to expose yourself to the adrenalin buzz of danger in the class struggle go to Colombia and join the FARC. Gardening within thirty kilometers of the action was enough for me,interesting stuff,gardening,a medium that all struggling cultures can relate to,staying alive without the master's money.We will be creating our own web site in time,if you can't make proper contact,it will give you plenty to read for the rest of your life,Blogs too planned now I have more Idea of what they are good for. Bipolar is an illness,hardly an enlightened condition.
A lot of people hide behind their illness to excuse them selves for being self indulgent or naughty.It doesn't wash with me. We had a guest recently who was as nice as pie for a year of knowing him. He got a bee in his bonnet about some thing and flipped his lid.said some disgusting rubbish threatened me with gangland shooting, we put up with it he shouted abuse for an hour outside the house,the neighbours called the army.We appeased them as we explained the man needed to exorcise his troubled mind ,that he acted within his rights targeting in his insults,only us,we having understanding had no complaint,He is bipolar.I like the man not the illness.He calmed quickly,He has already got a four month sentence hanging over him for similar action in less tolerant and caring circumstance.He tried to incite me to violence I found no cause,he resorted to beating his face with his fists.Sad more than bad really. he is still my friend.Turns out he was just trying to get us to invite him to live with us .We just don't have the energy now to offer full time therapy,I certainly don't I have been used too many times before.The Gendarme were civil and sincerely friendly,mutual respect shown,all's well.I don't have to put up with the British disease here,no doubt they can have their own brand of madness idiosyncratic to France It rarely causes me a problem.Why spoil it? In on of your letters you spoke about not being able to handle intense situations ,my son is like you in that respect,so too , his mother.Toby sets things up just for the buzz of watching from a distance as shit happens to others,he is a physical coward but sly and most insensitive to the harm he causes others,he pretends to be a child as his cover his virtually cannibal mam then feels justified in being spiteful always attempting to force me to strike,it looks better to her that way. My daughter has problems also,all three are in denial.I nearly died several times through their malignant action.O.K. Dave?Anne Sophie has had time to be objective about who or what was the cause of my marriage breakdown.She has also suffered at their hand several times,Who gives a shit about us , Right wing networks did the honours several times in my former wife's by proxy service.Swansea is a stronghold of BNP support. They are all nice to their mothers though.My contact to you about quite sensitive stuff ,not just familial problems was perhaps too much of a test Making it seem obvious to me at least that CWF doesn't give a fuck about anything except high profile photo opportunities. Or maybe that was just a failure of their propaganda machine.
The problems to which I allude are a matter of some grave public interest,very real danger to the life and health of both Asian and Eurasian families in U K. You made it plain you didn't have a clue how you could help.I will organise my own action against corrupt institutional practice In Britain.I don't have a clue who your daughter and grand daughter are or where they are at.What deluded notion caused that irrational outburst.You had no morally justifiable cause.Yes it is good here because we strive to make it so . Even the poorest can be empowered to make a difference.We are open and honest,morally sound. We wouldn't last ten minutes here if we weren't.Write back when you are feeling mellow, objective and lucid at least.I am trying to be as straight forward and unambiguous as I can.We can't afford to be a dumping ground for any more bipolar madness.We are preparing to make a family for heavens sake .I will have peace without compromise.
It is two a.m. I started at twelve.I will finish this tomorrow then carpet bomb your Email.
Here we are again, eleven fifteen a.m., It is beautiful weather,I will stack more of this Lego writing up before preparing a couple of patches for peas and swede. Anne Sophie got her fix of garden stuff before doing service for her aging clients . She will be back this afternoon,we will spend the rest of the afternoon digging planting and sowing, tomorrow will be wet so we need to make the most of the opportunity.
I'm not a competitive man by nature,happy in my domestic domain when it's not under threat and when I have one.I am not the pocket filling type,not a profiteer or an exploiter of other's labour,I tend not to look to the lords' and masters' high tables for magic solutions.
My standard is an ethical one not a bloody flag, it's universally transferable.I'm really grateful for the opportunity to at least create a good working model of a practical proven hypothesis,before my mortal coil wears out. I will repel any political blurred visionaries that try to hijack my work, claim the credit or obstruct my autonomous self determined progress now. My life is real Dave, this is not the public or the commercial sector. No delusion of grandeur nor hippy pipe dream. The headwork for the most part has been done.
I was offered land in India to establish a base there free of charge, but my former family blocked me from accessing my resources in U.K.,I took another route ,they have snookered themselves and can't afford to lose any more "points" ,I have all the ammo I need now.I have just recycled all the stuff they aimed at me.and I am out of enemy range , displaced from my rightful domain,but recovering well against all odds.They thought I would die out there in the wilderness of their flat earth bipolar world.They tried to encourage it,sabotaging every effort I made to reestablish a stable economic home life. They wasted the potential of every resource they ever stole from me. My rights are secure by U.K. and European law, thankfully it is not regarded as a family law issue now, so I can bring a case into an open court. They either resolve to make restitution, equitably or risk losing all, enduring the ruin they tried unduly to heap on me.My stratagem are solid.
In the mean time we can get on with the real work.Doing on less than social security money. We hope to expand our territory with a view to giving other disadvantaged people a chance of long term economic stability.It will take a pile of work yet, we are up for it. They still "Dig for Victory ",around here, loving the life, loving the hard work.I'd hand out medals,
they are nearer to being "winners"than anything I have witnessed in Britain.
Somewhere out there Dave beyond possible view from the Class War barricades of your mind, is an unopposed dignified sustainable future. How does the song go ...
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery none but ourselves can free our mind,"
A whole generation has been brought up on electronic shoot em up and crusader style games, extending the childhood beyond the threshold of adult life,gacking out on shit food ,luxury self indulgence and toxic unsustainable pleasures. 14% illiteracy amongst the poor indigenuos working people of Britain.Less than 2.5% of the births natural home births by design, 25% of Welsh births now by cesararian section , so I hear. A population without a definable natural culture is a nation without hope, I strive to eat the food from my home ground as far as I may.I'm principally a "native" of where ever my kitchen garden grows. Toxic ground can be repaired, what is known of what is true is what we do.If you leave the land to petrol driven agribusiness,in return for the convenience of the supermarket and clean fingernails, prepare for a new kind of famine.Irish history ,is not effectively,or accurately portrayed in books. The oral history is however remembered ,their great grand fathers time not long ago.I wont bore you with the detailed truth of the causes of the Great Famine.It is not on the net nor contained cohesively in library archives.The links with slavery are not insignificant. Lest they forget I for one feel it my duty to remember.
I am OTHER Dave , a mix of seven generations of cultural integration. The Goddens left England in the eighteen hundreds, My father hitched walked and worked his way,back to what he was brought up to call home by family, state, church and school in 1947.A brown man , a part of the small change the empire tried to leave behind. I don't need supervision from the bipolar secretariat, Primitive hippy shite,your label of convenience to obscure your own inability to see an effective way forward,is a vacuous opinion,your right to believe I would defend,You vocalise in such a way as to incite hatred.Conduct unbecoming. Ignorance is the popular drug of choice in modern Britain,Our generation the most priveleged and the least deprived,working population,per capita,the world had ever known. Now it is one of the sickest, The most divided,and divisive. You rally beneath the shit rag of piracy,my ancestors sailed out of Brighton,displaced by politics as opportunist adventurers, my name isn't Captain Jack Sparrow,it's Reinold. The insignia of the skull and bones, is not a harmless joke to me Dave,and bless me crooked little fingers and the memory of me German Mam,I was brought up to recognise the meaning of symbols. Old Tom Paine regretted having sailed with Captain Death, his legacy, as clear a message as Gandhi's in his day didn't "endear" him to many in Britain.His life and work have served to inspire many.William Morris too a singular man, inspired visionary and philosopher,had some thing of great worth that stands on it's own merit as guidance towards the liberation of Mankind from the bondage of it's own ignorance.Strategic voting and bi polar political division serve merely to bewilder an already confused and distracted electorate. Dumbed down syntax and sloganeering,brings folk no closer to having a practical grip of their own language let alone an objective overview of the issues of the day. Ambiguity rules. You'll not find the meaning of progress in a word.
I have my own ways and means,I want to meet people who can,transcend the class ,the caste and the economic barriers that divide all ,in many differing ways,from the richest to the poorest world wide.Independant single minded incorruptable hard working not afraid to show their faces,and not prone to the unnecessary lost cause of mutually compromising violent struggle. You don't get many to the pound,but they exist at every level of stratified society world wide.
What did Gandhi say," They can't kill us all", I know "they" try.
Primitivism is just the definition of your own myopic perception. Happen you have been staring at the screen for far too long.
The slag heaps of Yorkshire should be growing fuel to burn on up graded coal fired power stations by now.Hippy Shite? They have been doing it in Sweden for years.After their lakes were poisoned by Thorpe Marsh and Didcot by the acid effluent ,they abandoned coal.High tech charcoal burners. They stopped the hydroelectric as it silted up the water ways.Stopped building nuclear power stations also by democratic consensus. They have wind and solar too,and triple glazing and heat exchangers.
The Bare Foot University, in Gujarat, trains people who are of the poorest in the world to be solar engineers,Illiterate people shoeless.up grading their own villages without the need for pollution.They have managed so far without electricity. Not primitive Dave ,the oppressed poor.Where have you been?
I don't need war Dave Edwards. nor do I need converting to the perverted socialism that thinks violence is necessary.Who do you lot think you are the bloody Taliban. If you were a muslim group you would be totally trashed by now.The muslim youth is statistically the most disadvantaged group in Britain today, economically at least. They are British and at some risk,What would you know from experience?The bipolar divisive politics is undermining cultural harmony and worker solidarity,scaring the uninformed to vote for BNP . CWF have to take their share of the blame for agitating the unnatural fears,xenophobia,Dave, can be harboured in the most well meaning.If you didn't know you had any of that you have no excuse now.
It's a mental illness,irrational and unfounded.The Fruedian slip is just a politically correct veneer.You spotted it the last season you contacted me.before wasting your good energy feeding the media covering the G8 summit.You apologised last time,I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a reply this time.Seems like you are on a circular path to nowhere.You wont find what you are looking for that way.My son my daughter and my former wife have betrayed most of the moral values for which I stand,and for which I have worked in service all my life. They can change or not ,I bore the pains of their collective manipulative amoral corruption.I don't play. I'm working on some thing far healthier.I loved my family,David. They are not my family now by their own ill conceived choice.I have no choice.
I cannot compromise myself further to accommodate their deviant needs.
That "nice lad" Toby has avoided meaningful work for his whole life.Turned his coat so many times in a war he would have been shot from both sides.I have been the sacrificial victim in his games over years.He claims to be a trustee of a small charity. what started out as my charitable vocational work legitimately.was reduced to an extension of his many short lived ego trips,he has an intellectually arrogant disdain for real working people.the world needs warning of the potential danger,he avoids all accountability for his own wrong doing and compounds the problems by allowing others to take the blame.He is a co conspirator in a familial fraud against me for prize pay and an easy liggers life style.fair warning to him if you pass that way,if he doesn't improve his performance I will insure that the many webs he has woven will be the trap of his own devising. he has helped to trash his grossly disadvantaged dad and my companion Anne Sophie Many times.The viral contagion of his Canadian mothers unreconstructed pre war Liberalism, cultivated attitudes in him more appropriate to a Quisling or a Vichy collaborator.
During the lead up to the war even that old darling Michael Foot was prepared to assasinate the liberal cabinet if they resisted leaving office. May one believe the media? Who Knows?
Toby knows what he is doing and he knows what he has done.I am not nice, a word once used to describe a fool in the French court. But he has not been can try and work out the meaning of that word yourself.How much do you need to know praxispuker.I wacked him ,he took the piss one too many times.If there is no attempt to resolve matters on their part they each will be brought to account in turn. I threw the devil out of my domain Toby willingly went with him My son can come back clean ,and of his own free will or stay away.If you would like to discuss any of the above in person or any other matter,come in peace. As a friend. I write thus
Without prejudice but without confidence.As all electronic mail may be monitored personal information may be shared with any third party.I reserve the right to publish all or any of my private correspondence at my own discretion.I will send a copy of this to him,I am not asking approval,
It is just my primitive way of showing due courtesy both to you and him equally.
The last balaclava I wore was knitted by my Granny, I was five.
I wont be heart broken if you don't want or can't handle contact this way I hate it. When one loses the family one once loved sensitivity changes for ones own protection.If you wrote snailmail by hand I would respect privacy and seek permission to publish within my lifetime at least.
It is eight minutes to twelve. I sowed a row of peas today,ate peas and potatoes from last years harvest with an omlette from Marie Theresa's
hens. She gave us a hand full of Lettuce seedling excess to her needs. They are planted out now. I did a bit of weeding, Anne Sophie planted out some cabbage seedlings. I wasted most of the rest of the day typing this,the light from the computer is murdering my eyes.I don't suppose you would give a toss. Let me know if you do.I hope I do hear from you. You can expect another scribble attachment tomorrow after I prepare the ground for the swede. We don't put Hippy shite on the garden. Last year it had cow manure, next year we will put chicken and rabbit manure. More wholesome good than anything that came out of a computer.
If you get this far you have done well. Good luck,I close, Iznibz Wazir.
"There we are then" as I fondly remember them saying in my former adopted homeland.The above was written to an old school friend, or so I thought. I haven't seen him since sixty eight. I liked him then.He is not a bad man, I like the man still, but just so's folk know I am not here just to have a bit of fun taking the rise out of the monarchy, It is about principles not personages.What means this? This means this.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
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