Who on earth would ever heed the meaning of iz words.We don't need over indulged morally insensitive role models to lead our children. The Queens first minister Brown noze better than to suggest that our youth should adopt the arrogant patronising, febrile, friendship that is Henry's neo Liberal preference.
Do yer bloody sums Brown leave the understanding of the syntax of our language to the people . Henry said, "our little Paki friend", implying that he was speaking for others not just him. Kahn was not his units mascot. Presumably , given that it took three years for the shit to hit the fan Henry must have been vocalising attitudes with which his dominant peer group
agreed. Henry's "real" friends would not have been made a target of humiliation on camera ,for the private amusement of Henry's family and protective entourage at home.
Henry iz a security risk. If any young impressionable soldiers should ever stoop so low as to adopt his most unenlightened lexicon they would on entering civilian life be putting the lives and safety of themselves and others in jeopardy. The question arises,"Who iz the mysterious faceless Us , for whom Henry speaks?" Would they dare stand on their hind legs and own up to supporting the princes expression?
The prince takes the kevlar reinforced pith hat of all of us. If he can't excersise control over his mouth in the relative safety of a training ground, trusting him to adhere to the rules of engagement, in the heat of battle would seem a little more than his limited moral discipline could handle. The congenital xenophobia is not reconstructed since Empire days. I can still remember in the early sixties, being told, " We brought civilization to you people, if it weren't for us you would still be living in trees. You should be grateful we let you stay."I am English, Born in Leeds.
If there has been a quantum generational improvement in the attitudes prevailing in U.K. other than a mere p.c. propaganda facade, the prince lends the lie to it ever having reached the inner sanctum of moral influence in the Royal household.
Civilization iz a horse of a different colour.There will be more on this subject soon. You have caused me to lose sleep Henry,I hope you have learned to read, perhaps your friend Kahn could interpret for you what this pile of Lego writing is all about. That's what friends are for after all. Iznibz Wazir.
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