Friday, 30 January 2009
Stonewalls do not a prison make...
There iz about half a day's work to get this lot to the green patch by the white screen.From there it iz a nice easy gradient.My back is still twinging , but with care a
bit of steady physical work should sort it out.
Frost and torrential rain have delayed the planting of garlic, the leaves on Marie-Therese's are already three inches high. Broad beans also have been delayed, plenty of time,they are called Fevre after all.
A pile of stones well placed iz better security than money in the bank.We will be sowing tomato seed in pots this week or next. We haven't finished the last of last years fresh ones yet. It iz all very reassuring."Pleasant work, Az it should be . Doing the do iz all." IZNIBZ WAZIR.
Labels:Eco Logic
Om Sweet Om
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
From a philosophicaL democratic republican living in exile to a prince of the realm of iz former homeland...
Open letter to P.C.Windsor.
Iznibz to Iznibz, I take notice when stuff you reportedly say crawls unsolicited into my personal private domain. I am not ,by deliberate habit, a sycophantic penny catcher following the Royal Progress.I write to you from the historic stamping ground of a former Royal Harry. Brittany. I have peace here, something I couldn't find at home.
By directing this letter to you there may be some small chance that , if you don't read it there will be many others in the pompous circumstantial gravy train that leads to your private sanctum who will. This is not a rant against you personally but is my perhaps ineffectual means to draw attention to matters neglectfully ignored by those who profess to serve the interests,of the country , town, gown, and crown,who not
least of all profess to serve the needs of even the lowliest of the common citizenry, in the public interest. One reserves judgement on their fitness to serve.
Some time ago,(a while and a bit, as the crow flies,) a great fuss was made about the insignia of the Prince of Wales Feathers being used inappropriately and that moves were afoot to attempt to restrict exploitation of the historic emblem. One understands the perceived need. The adopted standards of honourable well meaning institutions are easily corrupted against intended purpose. So they are, so they are.
The Feathers may be as much a cause for fear and distrust as an assurance of honourable service. One does what one may.One hopes for the best.
This preamble leads to the subject of malpractice within British institutions being maintained on the nod,by accident,neglect or by political unmandated criminal design.If you've a mind you may speak up,or appoint a representative to blah blah on your behalf.The Prince of Wales Feathers, plucked out of the arse of some poor over celebrated ostrich obviously means a lot to your historic household. So here iz opportunity to clean up some of the worst excesses that cast the shadow of disrepute on all who loyally serve within the professional and statutory code.
There's many that say ,a wageless vagabond such as I. would never reach the ear of one such as thee, we shall see.
The matter of complaint occured during the time of Chief Constable Terrence Grange's
service, he passed the responsibility of dealing with it to Chief Superintendent Paul Amphlett.My apologies to P.A. for not being empowered nor enabled to deal with the matter to a resolute and equitable conclusion up to now.Sad to say Chief Superintedent is perceived to have dealt with the matter in a less than adequate way. Fair warning to him. His part will be audited, one thing at a time.
This iz a "Lest we Forget"posting.
Exerpt from Iznibz and Tales from the Journeyman's Pen: September 28th, 2007
Misuse of mental health detention law and enforced medication without informed consent. Contingencies abused on the nod by malignant networks against isolated disempowered individuals. Deliberate targeting or not,one reserves judgement here on principle. The most simple story is complicated by the telling.Racially specific toxic medication enforced intramuscular.Culturally divisive sadistic bullying and assault. Permanent damage,physical,nuerological,Parkinson like symptoms, massive teeth crushing brooksism,photosensitivity. All to cover bad policing. After five times harassing my son and I in one hour without legal or common moral cause. detained without charge, unduly processed and sectioned to a locked ward on a place of safety order. I kept what little cool I have,I was not a risk to self or others,I was not non- cognisant,I was not under any toxic influence,I habitually abstain from alcohol. I was tired from two days travelling and a long ,cold sleepless night and one day without food or wash,and vexed as any one might be naturally at the injustice.
In Cenarth ward, of St.David's Hospital I was subjected to treatment that was not medical practice, but covered for the convenience of the dominant consensus,unjustifiable attack without provocation. The clip board variant of the "have a nice day",acting as though it cares, in facade only, whilst turning a blind eye to illegitimate practice of staff.The Nelsonian over view offering no safeguard against criminal neglect and abuse institutionally.
The implications if not addressed are horrific. I am walking wounded , My health needs never discussed with me. My confidentiality was breached on several avoidable counts. My allusion to my culture,my faith,my education and intelligence,and reference to my own status in my vocational field recorded as though observable symptoms of illness. Even my allusion to my genetic identity, relevant in assessment for medication was treated as a deluded fixation. I was told by a nurse that I was "diluted".
2002 until the present day without recognition of even a need for effective remedy. The executives of the P. D. N.H.S. trust have deliberately obscured delayed and in some instances wholly obstructed,attempts by me to gain resolution, this is not about medical negligence.
Investigation of complaint was inhibited by the direct interference and directive of a Chief Superintendent. I have been treated as a subject,I am a citizen.
I now live in exile , being dissident to such abusive practice, it is evident that I have cause to fear for my safety from malignant factions, acting without mandate entrenched within our well meaning institutions. Lives are put at risk.
From my stronghold, I will expose all personnel and all institutional anomalies as any may find , identify criminality,without confidence.The Fast Track To Hell, has been an expedient abuse of the intended meaning of the law,by unofficial ideologically discreditted networks,on the nod for years. Who would dare to blow the whistle,of all persons involved that could know. Of those detained needlessly,few would be resourced enough ,fit or articulate enough after treatment, or through fear to relate in truth at all This is a matter of great importance in the public interest that full exposure is not obscured.
I am not constrained in my options to retaliate now as you might be as a Prince,I am victim complainant and key witness.
BUT WHO WOULD BELIEVE A CRAZY? Having striven for effective remedy without offer of advise or caring counsel,nor representation,one observes that psychiatry is colluding against it's own code and against statute to allow medicine to be used as summary justice without trial.
Beware of p.c. racism,the evolved or mutated form,"Its for your own good","be sensible or we'll have to force you".Basically, conform to the stereotype criteria of the perceived consensus normalcy, or risk permanent damage or death. A no win situation for the detainee/patient. Attempt was made to amend the law, in order to ostensibly legitimise the practice as per 2002 M.H.Amendment Bill. The potential for justifying past wrong doing and reinforce effective cover for future malpractice had the Bill been passed,must not be under stated.
The potential for racially targeted oppression and the" selected weeding out" of dissident voices against injustice or in defence of rights is real.
If I don't get representation soon,toward constitutional and equitable resolution ,I will not be constrained to submissive silence. I am a communicator.Needing no opinion,reasoning without argument from given truth. I have factual data documentary evidence of my own case history with logical commentary throughout. I am not stigmatised by my spurious psychiatric record, issues will be aired.THIS IS NOT AN ACADEMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE EXERCISE.
Strategies are in place to cause considerable controversy,which if not duly put to rights may cause public out cry and racial division. Is the answer tasers and toxic needles administered by prejudiced ignorance. Who's children would be safe from uniformed malpractice, against youth's first bold experiments with freedom.Colateral damage by friendly fire is not acceptable risk, misuse of mental health detention law is a crime of collusion and tacit conspiracy by institutional neglect of statute, a breach of Human Rights Law, the executive must be called to account.
Administrative oversight must also be noticed ,it is not an inconsiderable contribution to potential abuse.
Anomalies in administrative discipline allows dominant personalities, private in house cover, camouflage if you will.
Monitor the progress of my efforts , draw to anyones attention as you may within the field of interest. All qualified comment is welcome, I am other. I am also born in England,A Eurasian of fifty-six years.The elder, the first born after six generations of absence in service in India.We mixed throughout the height of Empire and the first Baul to be born in U.K. to my family. This iz part of an anti corruption action,an act of public service. Be warned you servants of high table academia, neglect of your influential moral duty now could have innocent victims languishing in misery and fear for perhaps their lifetime.Incitement to hatred by neglect may inspire violence in perceived opposition to tyranny. Mad, bad or sad the result may be , but in the absence of constitutional intervention,riot and treasonable acts would in extremis be held to be a legitimate natural right.
Trust in the political integrity of intellectually corrupt administrations is fragile.
Executive denial of the existence of verifiable fact is visible symptom of psychosis within the personality of public service institutions.Have a care you'll need to know even if you don't want to.Lives are put at risk.One may not escape one's moral duty
I will post more information, details of correspodence and commentary. St.James Palace ,did acknowledge receipt of details the incident that led to my complaint. A personal reply was not expected. But as some members of the Royal Household were aware before World War 2 that a program of ethnic cleansing was anticipated with Hitler's rise but were allowed to get away with feigning ignorance. I felt obliged to bring to notice in my primitive naive handwritten way a record of mechanisms within British institutions, that act against the common universal good.There iz more to come.I. To I. Iz Fundemental.
Give my regards to the Blighted Isle.Give yer family a hug from me. Best of luck in the garden.IZNIBZ WAZIR.
Iznibz to Iznibz, I take notice when stuff you reportedly say crawls unsolicited into my personal private domain. I am not ,by deliberate habit, a sycophantic penny catcher following the Royal Progress.I write to you from the historic stamping ground of a former Royal Harry. Brittany. I have peace here, something I couldn't find at home.
By directing this letter to you there may be some small chance that , if you don't read it there will be many others in the pompous circumstantial gravy train that leads to your private sanctum who will. This is not a rant against you personally but is my perhaps ineffectual means to draw attention to matters neglectfully ignored by those who profess to serve the interests,of the country , town, gown, and crown,who not
least of all profess to serve the needs of even the lowliest of the common citizenry, in the public interest. One reserves judgement on their fitness to serve.
Some time ago,(a while and a bit, as the crow flies,) a great fuss was made about the insignia of the Prince of Wales Feathers being used inappropriately and that moves were afoot to attempt to restrict exploitation of the historic emblem. One understands the perceived need. The adopted standards of honourable well meaning institutions are easily corrupted against intended purpose. So they are, so they are.
The Feathers may be as much a cause for fear and distrust as an assurance of honourable service. One does what one may.One hopes for the best.
This preamble leads to the subject of malpractice within British institutions being maintained on the nod,by accident,neglect or by political unmandated criminal design.If you've a mind you may speak up,or appoint a representative to blah blah on your behalf.The Prince of Wales Feathers, plucked out of the arse of some poor over celebrated ostrich obviously means a lot to your historic household. So here iz opportunity to clean up some of the worst excesses that cast the shadow of disrepute on all who loyally serve within the professional and statutory code.
There's many that say ,a wageless vagabond such as I. would never reach the ear of one such as thee, we shall see.
The matter of complaint occured during the time of Chief Constable Terrence Grange's
service, he passed the responsibility of dealing with it to Chief Superintendent Paul Amphlett.My apologies to P.A. for not being empowered nor enabled to deal with the matter to a resolute and equitable conclusion up to now.Sad to say Chief Superintedent is perceived to have dealt with the matter in a less than adequate way. Fair warning to him. His part will be audited, one thing at a time.
This iz a "Lest we Forget"posting.
Exerpt from Iznibz and Tales from the Journeyman's Pen: September 28th, 2007
Misuse of mental health detention law and enforced medication without informed consent. Contingencies abused on the nod by malignant networks against isolated disempowered individuals. Deliberate targeting or not,one reserves judgement here on principle. The most simple story is complicated by the telling.Racially specific toxic medication enforced intramuscular.Culturally divisive sadistic bullying and assault. Permanent damage,physical,nuerological,Parkinson like symptoms, massive teeth crushing brooksism,photosensitivity. All to cover bad policing. After five times harassing my son and I in one hour without legal or common moral cause. detained without charge, unduly processed and sectioned to a locked ward on a place of safety order. I kept what little cool I have,I was not a risk to self or others,I was not non- cognisant,I was not under any toxic influence,I habitually abstain from alcohol. I was tired from two days travelling and a long ,cold sleepless night and one day without food or wash,and vexed as any one might be naturally at the injustice.
In Cenarth ward, of St.David's Hospital I was subjected to treatment that was not medical practice, but covered for the convenience of the dominant consensus,unjustifiable attack without provocation. The clip board variant of the "have a nice day",acting as though it cares, in facade only, whilst turning a blind eye to illegitimate practice of staff.The Nelsonian over view offering no safeguard against criminal neglect and abuse institutionally.
The implications if not addressed are horrific. I am walking wounded , My health needs never discussed with me. My confidentiality was breached on several avoidable counts. My allusion to my culture,my faith,my education and intelligence,and reference to my own status in my vocational field recorded as though observable symptoms of illness. Even my allusion to my genetic identity, relevant in assessment for medication was treated as a deluded fixation. I was told by a nurse that I was "diluted".
2002 until the present day without recognition of even a need for effective remedy. The executives of the P. D. N.H.S. trust have deliberately obscured delayed and in some instances wholly obstructed,attempts by me to gain resolution, this is not about medical negligence.
Investigation of complaint was inhibited by the direct interference and directive of a Chief Superintendent. I have been treated as a subject,I am a citizen.
I now live in exile , being dissident to such abusive practice, it is evident that I have cause to fear for my safety from malignant factions, acting without mandate entrenched within our well meaning institutions. Lives are put at risk.
From my stronghold, I will expose all personnel and all institutional anomalies as any may find , identify criminality,without confidence.The Fast Track To Hell, has been an expedient abuse of the intended meaning of the law,by unofficial ideologically discreditted networks,on the nod for years. Who would dare to blow the whistle,of all persons involved that could know. Of those detained needlessly,few would be resourced enough ,fit or articulate enough after treatment, or through fear to relate in truth at all This is a matter of great importance in the public interest that full exposure is not obscured.
I am not constrained in my options to retaliate now as you might be as a Prince,I am victim complainant and key witness.
BUT WHO WOULD BELIEVE A CRAZY? Having striven for effective remedy without offer of advise or caring counsel,nor representation,one observes that psychiatry is colluding against it's own code and against statute to allow medicine to be used as summary justice without trial.
Beware of p.c. racism,the evolved or mutated form,"Its for your own good","be sensible or we'll have to force you".Basically, conform to the stereotype criteria of the perceived consensus normalcy, or risk permanent damage or death. A no win situation for the detainee/patient. Attempt was made to amend the law, in order to ostensibly legitimise the practice as per 2002 M.H.Amendment Bill. The potential for justifying past wrong doing and reinforce effective cover for future malpractice had the Bill been passed,must not be under stated.
The potential for racially targeted oppression and the" selected weeding out" of dissident voices against injustice or in defence of rights is real.
If I don't get representation soon,toward constitutional and equitable resolution ,I will not be constrained to submissive silence. I am a communicator.Needing no opinion,reasoning without argument from given truth. I have factual data documentary evidence of my own case history with logical commentary throughout. I am not stigmatised by my spurious psychiatric record, issues will be aired.THIS IS NOT AN ACADEMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE EXERCISE.
Strategies are in place to cause considerable controversy,which if not duly put to rights may cause public out cry and racial division. Is the answer tasers and toxic needles administered by prejudiced ignorance. Who's children would be safe from uniformed malpractice, against youth's first bold experiments with freedom.Colateral damage by friendly fire is not acceptable risk, misuse of mental health detention law is a crime of collusion and tacit conspiracy by institutional neglect of statute, a breach of Human Rights Law, the executive must be called to account.
Administrative oversight must also be noticed ,it is not an inconsiderable contribution to potential abuse.
Anomalies in administrative discipline allows dominant personalities, private in house cover, camouflage if you will.
Monitor the progress of my efforts , draw to anyones attention as you may within the field of interest. All qualified comment is welcome, I am other. I am also born in England,A Eurasian of fifty-six years.The elder, the first born after six generations of absence in service in India.We mixed throughout the height of Empire and the first Baul to be born in U.K. to my family. This iz part of an anti corruption action,an act of public service. Be warned you servants of high table academia, neglect of your influential moral duty now could have innocent victims languishing in misery and fear for perhaps their lifetime.Incitement to hatred by neglect may inspire violence in perceived opposition to tyranny. Mad, bad or sad the result may be , but in the absence of constitutional intervention,riot and treasonable acts would in extremis be held to be a legitimate natural right.
Trust in the political integrity of intellectually corrupt administrations is fragile.
Executive denial of the existence of verifiable fact is visible symptom of psychosis within the personality of public service institutions.Have a care you'll need to know even if you don't want to.Lives are put at risk.One may not escape one's moral duty
I will post more information, details of correspodence and commentary. St.James Palace ,did acknowledge receipt of details the incident that led to my complaint. A personal reply was not expected. But as some members of the Royal Household were aware before World War 2 that a program of ethnic cleansing was anticipated with Hitler's rise but were allowed to get away with feigning ignorance. I felt obliged to bring to notice in my primitive naive handwritten way a record of mechanisms within British institutions, that act against the common universal good.There iz more to come.I. To I. Iz Fundemental.
Give my regards to the Blighted Isle.Give yer family a hug from me. Best of luck in the garden.IZNIBZ WAZIR.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iz picks "Iz knows best".
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Sad dad, Iz sane...Terrorist insurgency.
You can laugh,(perhaps),or mock,I have just reread Erin Pizzey's book,'The Emotional Terrorist'. Fair play to the woman,a great piece of work, my little chronicle doesn't seem so far fetched , in the context of her research,hers will certainly get publicity when mine gets finished.My record though historic is not an obsession with the past it is a philosophical overview.first one must establish the context, the many parts that make the whole,(don't go down the hole son),have to be seen with detachment.The projects that we have had to continually postpone,over years will get their chance to be realized, without the emotional disruption, eroding the domestic base.I don' trust the power playing games masters, I am a Man not a pawn to be manipulated by wannabee puppet masters.I do not live in the electronic void,nor in the deluded half light singular or collective, of relativist pipedreams.You have turned your coat so many times son ,I'm reminded of the reversable underpants.Not practical even as a theory.
The power play that your 'family' employed,in the mid nineties is the dominant influence in your personality.Role playing,and posturing although well practiced do not serve. Wearing a different hat does not make you a different person.
Cosmetic ritualised mannerisms,however fashionable do not initiate a person into another culture.One must protect against cultivated relativist insurgency undermining the security of the inner sanctum of our family lives.Being the excluded part ,the whipping boy,in your threesome family,I am well informed now as to the invasive nature of the beast.I don't mention your sister much do I Toby.Whether I address you or the other members of your strange family is immaterial as far as I'm concerned, a personality complex without, a hollow thing within, reflecting and projecting. Relating to the constancy of elemental nature in reality seems to have no place in your lives.Civilised code is not meant to be a pragmatic economic add on, camouflaging ulterior motives,and vested interest. The gamesmanship you practised at home in my absence , may have seemed stimulating in the short term but was not life supporting,relying on winners and losers. each participant shoving the prize in their own respective cake hole as soon as it was gained. cheating was regarded as fair play in your domain Toby, but is unsustainable and unsustaining in real life. Unsafe.
Gamesmanship must not be regarded as diplomacy Toby,the practice of the former in early life is inadequate to the needs of the greater world.Whether you are a pawn or a puppeteer,the code the rules by which you play or are played are limited to the context of your perception of the game.Flat earth models do not in truth transfer equitably to the real world, collateral damage,losers, the unwitting and unwilling participants in your unprincipled games disregarded as an irrelevance whilst you thought you were winning,are now beyond the epicentre of your destructive influence.Having at long last gained a stronghold, that offers security against the insideous nuisance that has obstructed progress towards what I feel is my principle destiny.I am bound to protect my interests,they being indivisibly one, all insurgency that has exercised undue influence,over years,whilst holding me in unfair disadvantage,displacing me from my rightful executive domain,must expect to be expelled and exposed for the damage they have done .Not to say the damage they may yet continue to do.
You introduced me to the story behind Erin Pizzey's book Toby, for that I will be ever grateful. What I have read of it is painfully accurate, is it bigger than the article I found on the internet? It didn't answer questions that occurred to me a long time ago, I didn't need the book to explain the condition,the assurance that someone else out there had also acknowledged that the condition exists was a relief.What happens to the personality,not to say the character of the children of the dominant "controller". It is observed that dependant on circumstance, the three of you played each other. For a while Bitch culture ruled, Your sister introduced some most malicious variables into an already complex equation.
The amoral/immoral,domestic environment, Irresponsible Freedom, allowed by the parental executive,is the root cause of your exclusive family's demise.
Your sister's indefensible performance in Brecon High School, was not something you both need feel proud of bragging about. I doubt she will ever transcend the bad habits cultivated during that period of her life, you took a perverse pride also in the part you played.Claiming the teachers were "scared" of you. I doubt that very much,even if your barrack room lawyering was expert in defence of your sister in principle, you aided and abetted her knowingly leading up to the final incident,you were neither passive nor moral.your self appeasing view of your part is merely a delusion of grandeur, a chance to strut your stuff whilst your sister took the blame. I am not wrong Toby. Where was the moral guidance of a big brother, in my absence, where was your mother's moral guidance and moderating influence,ever? The don't tell Dad, mutual compromise , had no moral mandate in the civilised world. In your sulky silence Toby you locked yourself into the role of the Great Deceiver, not so bloody great really was it Toby? You couldn't play the part of a domineering woman so for an easy life you played the part of a co operative ,submissive male. Not a liberated, egalitarian Man, by definition a totally different identity. Your mother may have led you to believe by conduct that you werent missing anything, how would she know, even after menopause is she qualified to know what goes into the making of a Good Man. I have inquired of her many times to define what a good man was, each time she failed, by any acceptable common definition. ABSENCE OF INTEGER, will be a worthy, informative chapter of my book Toby,I advise to write your view in honesty, It would serve no worthy sustainable moral purpose to fabricate and construct in denial. Get this straight son, I don't blame you. One doesn' blame the soldiers on the ground in an armed conflict as long as they obey the rules of engagement.
However one must not be naive about taking sides, I have been struggling for survival against the odds that I would,(your collective desired objective). You pressed the wrong buttons whilst you were here.I'll write more soon. Answer or not , as you please. Upsetting the vocal part of my disadvantaged life has given the three of you much delight. My insecurity,the fear of losing whatever was saveable of my family, my homelessness,brought about by your joint and several interference in my private life, even years after divorce.Doubts about my sanity Toby by manipulative unconscionable slanders and libels,undermining my safety
and neutralising every attempt ,through my disadvantage that I would be treated eqitably in law or by the community at large.
Breaching the security of the silent man,the one they call Reinold here, the man you people knew the least about, was a big mistake. Soon isn't now I'll have supper I send this part, but will add to it later. REINOLD
Tom sent me an email in response to my apeal for informaton about my most recent trip to swansea. people reveal much about themselves in writing in haste from 'The emotional hip'. He was far from detached,tried his best to relate in loyalty to at least your former friendship. There is obviously a lot you didn't tell him about your family,and an awful lot he doesn't know about the world. I will write to him on occasion in the hope that some of the content will purculate through to you. Whether it does or not I gave fair warning that my correspondence is destined for publication.I recommended he read,'The Emotional Terrorist', he might be glad he did,the way you 'play',I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Both your mothers being counsellors doesn't qualify either or any of you. At least he tried to speak his mind, in that respect you could follow his example and record your view.I don't expect you to agree with my every word,but the longer the silence the more difficult you'll find it to relate objectively.
Pointless having to encrypt our historic common experience into fake games.
Where was I ? Who knows? Who cares?
A curiosity occurs to me . On the 20th October 2005 , Presumably when you were bimbling round Londinium or some such toxic architectural environmental mausoleum ,it was reported that a teapot was found on the steps of the library,maybe there was says I,no book however was found. Someone or no one was most disappointed,Now then Toby, I found reference to the item I was searching for in OUCH( a disability thing ), WHY should I find the reference there Toby.Have you been keeping a problem secret from your Dad? I asked your mother ,as none of you respond in a healthy human way,she took more than 45 seconds to respond and then only to ask why I was Asking, I guess she was trying to weigh up the potential advantange points.Impossible to get a caring response, human any way.
Of course I might be quite wrong about past references to specific frequency programming Toby ,But I'm not the only one that has worked out, has learned something about ,,or perhaps knows tons.I believe your mams head has been wiped that many times she can only guess or have an opinion of what she's doing in the immediate present,your unnatural closeness,to her ,with her bought M.A. book of cut out cliches is bound to leave gaps in your inner space you aren't the dominant in that domain.She claims that Anne-Sophie and I are Obsessed with the past, We might be if we remembered as little of our autonomous self determined lives as your mother and you seem to.of yours.
Our living experience is continuous so too our memory. We aren't enticed or seduced into programming boxes ,Naturally so .
Relate to your own memory of events Toby,you became intellectually awakened and creative beyond the idle mediocracy you had grown used to in Newport,you had all the symptoms of a puppet there.[ What was mountain girl doing ,following Your clues,anyway,they are all virtual red herrings.]
So son I'll keep writing,you may or may not be able to enlighten me, that is if we have a common definition.Your irrational behaviour as any dad would be prone to inquire,begs the question ,"who is pulling your strings?' and "DO they have security clearance?" Oh!And "are they private sector networks, independants,or sponsored by unmandatable discreditted faceless political ideologues ?" Just some of the notions that might go through the averagely well informed dad's mind given the obvious reduction in your practical life support intelligence.your debts are enormous,you don't seem quantifiably any better off for all your failed attempts at self promoting education.They have done your head little good .you are 26years of age Toby,I ask you, What kind of burned out mindless functionary are you planning to be when you grow up? I'll get back to you on the career advice thing, on a few others or many perhaps later.
I'll write a bit more about my apparent 'obsession with the past'. A title or heading,"Though my name be Mud". came to mind, a passable good one sez I,goes well with "Unfolding the future from the paradox of historic folly,"
So ,what do you think of a sick and disadvantaged man's efforts to support his people. I'm not talking about presently, I'm speaking of the Kilrush and the Tullycrine gardens. Tell me also of your impressions of Anne-Sophie's contribution.The evidence that we did any thing at all disappeared fast as soon as we stopped working there.Inchee did well enough, broke free of slavery and made an effort to become an independant man in his own right. The story behind that time needs recording,Our memory is good Toby how is yours? Were we just a gap filler? It looked that way at the time, looks even more so with hind sight.
You have trashed us at every available opportunity. We are not your virtual reality pawns Toby. We are people, not disposable user friendly commodities.
Nothing to do with your private delusion of Second Dot Comings,our lives are real.The mysterious time traveler, is a time waster, expensive too. I don't see much point in advertising in Timbuctoo,and Alpha Centuri if there is no economically sustainable ,and life supporting product, where you live, at home Toby.With your mam in Abercrave,Planet Earth. What your estranged threesome family calls a life is a cannibal.reliant solely on other peoples energy and talent for it's sustenance.Reliant too on other's suffering,tricks you learned at your mothers knee perhaps,or from your sister or may be you developed them all on your little ownsome,.Perhaps it's a little known BIG OUCH ! (a disability thing),as yet undisclosed,if it is then you'd best come clean, so too your mother and sister.
She claims that there is nothing wrong with you in such away as to cast suspicion on all three of you, she still tries to blame every problem that has beset your lives on me. that wont do at all.Neither will playing the part of an insurgent in an emotional terrorist plot.
You were definitely on some kind of "mission"when you got here.Top Secret I guess from the little you disclosed.You told me it took a whole day to find an internet cafe,one of the reasons you gave for your delay in getting here,you could have picked up a phone in under fifteen minutes,where's the sense?You looked like you had been thrown out for the rubbish collection,but had been refused because you hadn't been sorted.Vague stories about what you'd been up to.Chatter about falling out with your friend Tom over a lost stick,didn't ring true,I let it pass.I could see you weren't being honest,I am your father son for all my almost legendary failings.Mostly exaggerated in the telling by gossiping do-littles I might add.
The man who was driving,I forget his name,poor bloke must have been going up the wall.he did the right thing by returning to do his dissertation,the reason you were in college you reckoned was to try and get a qualification.I dare say he had similar notions. I hope you haven't disrupted his work too much .
It occurred to me that you are trying to imitate some fantastic notion of what your mother thought I was or am about, Toby that's all imaginary,she has no idea. My real life is beyond any of your threesome's experience.
Whilst you were here I gave you the telephone to find out what the state of play was in her initiative to honour our settlement agreement,I must say if I had known that you had wiped your head out with Tom on Psychedelic mushrooms I wouldn't have given you any responsible task,but you were maintaining the facade and feigned competence, I took you at face value.After a forty minute call you came down relating that as per our negotiated agreement,not the voidable ill gotten court order that I should feel assured,I would be receiving, in a matter of weeks. I was skeptical but accepted your trusted word.Fool I most certainly was.
By my faith Toby,I only have one reality, the datum line by which I guage all things visible and invisible and the principles by which I live my "Truth model", is indivisibly the common one.No mere unverifiable opinion is worthy of consideration unless it corroborates known or given truth. No Plausible complex data that is not supported and confirmed by truth imperical is allowed right of passage, "never believe a lie".I don't, As I have often said,"If you lie a little you die a little",You weren't behaving truly, is all I can say,your body language not quite on the level.Another maxim "almost true will not do."
I had a suspiscion that my head was perhaps being filled with bogus rubbish,that you may have been used as a conduit,to temporarily appease me.Your mother's darling protege perhaps was perceived to need a cover story whilst in what she would regard as the enemy camp. Truth reigns supreme here Toby.Why lie for anyone the real thjng works well there is only one it serves all without deference or distinction.It was like pulling teeth getting straight answers that make sense out of you and you weren't volunteering.In the parlance of the vernacular,"you were pissing me off." I naturally questioned you about many "mysteries" to which you were privy,by logic and reason initially,tripping you up. Me trying as usual to find the one thread of truth that would if pulled, unravel your deviancy.I wasn't pleasant,I ruffled your feathers a bit, I couldn't hit you hard Toby, the joints of my fingers hurt from arthritis, if I hadn't had to work so hard to get to the bottom of a lot of stuff your stay might have been pleasant,there is tons you have not yet told,you have lied for your mam too many times,it was the absolute limit when you told me that the story of the settlement agreement was just another story, implying that you also were trying to profiteer on my didn't really come here to see us did you, you just needed a cheap stopover and dip your bread whilst your mams money came through.when you saw how much I'd done in the field here you said 'save some for me'.were you trying to take the piss son,what have you done that even amounts to as much as nearly nothing at home in Abercrave for your family for your self or for the up keep of the building.
the bIg Slap(a disabling thing),certainly hurt me,i couldn't get through to the triskabollox of whatever you use for sense , I have been running the gauntlet of your special little family's lying cheating and stealing conspiratorial games. Your Allen madness for thirty four years Toby,You will probably feel privately proud of the amount of injury hurt and insult and damage I've had to bear,You should have left the item that you brought to my first proper home in thirteen years(thank you),in your mothers shopping trolley,should have kept your collective lies to your self and encorporated them into one of your delusional fantasies. I dinged you with a stick twice you tell me it was the first time you have ever felt pain ,You all three know how to hurt others,a bit one sided is that, perhaps If you find it so hard to change direction ,so you don't rely on victims, losers,puppets,or what you like to call the collateral damage in your deviant amoral LIES,My publishing the whole unexpurgated story,up to date in every detail would be doing the unsuspecting world a favour..Maybe if you took some of the stick that the three of you have directly or by proxy given others, you wouldn'be so bloody insensitive.Do you remember me using the term BIG OUCH! Toby,to warn you as a child of impending potential danger of hurt,It must have worked too well.
Now is the time for the world to be concerned Toby. As your mother becomes less able to be the dominant personality in the home ,was she ever in my absence I have cause to doubt. Both Emma and you have already asserted influence over her that is most undesirable.
When you were here this time I tried to get you to speak of something you told me a while ago,I only mention because I know and ,naturally care. Like some mad Caesar,you said in quite a melodramatic way, "that house will stay in the Godden name ,FOREVER." As we spoke of it I turned over the implications,
you were agreeable with my analysis.You were speaking about you, not your mother not your sister,youve not earned one stone yet you lazy ligger,So you have been playing for your own pocket undermining any chance of a mutually agreeable settlement your mum would be Subject to your dominant control later. If I were her I'd make you leave you aren't safe to be with,I only shout objection in pain frustration or anger,You have some very scary sneaky stuff in you and you are just waiting your time. This will go some way as an introduction to the subject I will file this after sending both your mother and you a copy, as Emma never bothered to gain her full intellectual potential I will leave it to one or both to give her a clue,I will publish at a later date, others may be grateful for the warning.
My garden project is my prime occupation and the pending marriage to Anne-Sophie, in equal measure I might add. The incidental circumstance of your collective undue interference in our mutual lives over the years will never be forgotten, we don't do that. Emotional detachment is a great healer but it would not be desirable by any moral standard for your actions now to go unnoticed. Write back or not. You will ,without moral resolution and honourable equitable settlement, by my ethical standard,have to suffer in kind the fate you had previously designed for me. Justice will be served one way or another.
i will close this now, more soon under ABSENCE OF INTEGER,
The power play that your 'family' employed,in the mid nineties is the dominant influence in your personality.Role playing,and posturing although well practiced do not serve. Wearing a different hat does not make you a different person.
Cosmetic ritualised mannerisms,however fashionable do not initiate a person into another culture.One must protect against cultivated relativist insurgency undermining the security of the inner sanctum of our family lives.Being the excluded part ,the whipping boy,in your threesome family,I am well informed now as to the invasive nature of the beast.I don't mention your sister much do I Toby.Whether I address you or the other members of your strange family is immaterial as far as I'm concerned, a personality complex without, a hollow thing within, reflecting and projecting. Relating to the constancy of elemental nature in reality seems to have no place in your lives.Civilised code is not meant to be a pragmatic economic add on, camouflaging ulterior motives,and vested interest. The gamesmanship you practised at home in my absence , may have seemed stimulating in the short term but was not life supporting,relying on winners and losers. each participant shoving the prize in their own respective cake hole as soon as it was gained. cheating was regarded as fair play in your domain Toby, but is unsustainable and unsustaining in real life. Unsafe.
Gamesmanship must not be regarded as diplomacy Toby,the practice of the former in early life is inadequate to the needs of the greater world.Whether you are a pawn or a puppeteer,the code the rules by which you play or are played are limited to the context of your perception of the game.Flat earth models do not in truth transfer equitably to the real world, collateral damage,losers, the unwitting and unwilling participants in your unprincipled games disregarded as an irrelevance whilst you thought you were winning,are now beyond the epicentre of your destructive influence.Having at long last gained a stronghold, that offers security against the insideous nuisance that has obstructed progress towards what I feel is my principle destiny.I am bound to protect my interests,they being indivisibly one, all insurgency that has exercised undue influence,over years,whilst holding me in unfair disadvantage,displacing me from my rightful executive domain,must expect to be expelled and exposed for the damage they have done .Not to say the damage they may yet continue to do.
You introduced me to the story behind Erin Pizzey's book Toby, for that I will be ever grateful. What I have read of it is painfully accurate, is it bigger than the article I found on the internet? It didn't answer questions that occurred to me a long time ago, I didn't need the book to explain the condition,the assurance that someone else out there had also acknowledged that the condition exists was a relief.What happens to the personality,not to say the character of the children of the dominant "controller". It is observed that dependant on circumstance, the three of you played each other. For a while Bitch culture ruled, Your sister introduced some most malicious variables into an already complex equation.
The amoral/immoral,domestic environment, Irresponsible Freedom, allowed by the parental executive,is the root cause of your exclusive family's demise.
Your sister's indefensible performance in Brecon High School, was not something you both need feel proud of bragging about. I doubt she will ever transcend the bad habits cultivated during that period of her life, you took a perverse pride also in the part you played.Claiming the teachers were "scared" of you. I doubt that very much,even if your barrack room lawyering was expert in defence of your sister in principle, you aided and abetted her knowingly leading up to the final incident,you were neither passive nor moral.your self appeasing view of your part is merely a delusion of grandeur, a chance to strut your stuff whilst your sister took the blame. I am not wrong Toby. Where was the moral guidance of a big brother, in my absence, where was your mother's moral guidance and moderating influence,ever? The don't tell Dad, mutual compromise , had no moral mandate in the civilised world. In your sulky silence Toby you locked yourself into the role of the Great Deceiver, not so bloody great really was it Toby? You couldn't play the part of a domineering woman so for an easy life you played the part of a co operative ,submissive male. Not a liberated, egalitarian Man, by definition a totally different identity. Your mother may have led you to believe by conduct that you werent missing anything, how would she know, even after menopause is she qualified to know what goes into the making of a Good Man. I have inquired of her many times to define what a good man was, each time she failed, by any acceptable common definition. ABSENCE OF INTEGER, will be a worthy, informative chapter of my book Toby,I advise to write your view in honesty, It would serve no worthy sustainable moral purpose to fabricate and construct in denial. Get this straight son, I don't blame you. One doesn' blame the soldiers on the ground in an armed conflict as long as they obey the rules of engagement.
However one must not be naive about taking sides, I have been struggling for survival against the odds that I would,(your collective desired objective). You pressed the wrong buttons whilst you were here.I'll write more soon. Answer or not , as you please. Upsetting the vocal part of my disadvantaged life has given the three of you much delight. My insecurity,the fear of losing whatever was saveable of my family, my homelessness,brought about by your joint and several interference in my private life, even years after divorce.Doubts about my sanity Toby by manipulative unconscionable slanders and libels,undermining my safety
and neutralising every attempt ,through my disadvantage that I would be treated eqitably in law or by the community at large.
Breaching the security of the silent man,the one they call Reinold here, the man you people knew the least about, was a big mistake. Soon isn't now I'll have supper I send this part, but will add to it later. REINOLD
Tom sent me an email in response to my apeal for informaton about my most recent trip to swansea. people reveal much about themselves in writing in haste from 'The emotional hip'. He was far from detached,tried his best to relate in loyalty to at least your former friendship. There is obviously a lot you didn't tell him about your family,and an awful lot he doesn't know about the world. I will write to him on occasion in the hope that some of the content will purculate through to you. Whether it does or not I gave fair warning that my correspondence is destined for publication.I recommended he read,'The Emotional Terrorist', he might be glad he did,the way you 'play',I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Both your mothers being counsellors doesn't qualify either or any of you. At least he tried to speak his mind, in that respect you could follow his example and record your view.I don't expect you to agree with my every word,but the longer the silence the more difficult you'll find it to relate objectively.
Pointless having to encrypt our historic common experience into fake games.
Where was I ? Who knows? Who cares?
A curiosity occurs to me . On the 20th October 2005 , Presumably when you were bimbling round Londinium or some such toxic architectural environmental mausoleum ,it was reported that a teapot was found on the steps of the library,maybe there was says I,no book however was found. Someone or no one was most disappointed,Now then Toby, I found reference to the item I was searching for in OUCH( a disability thing ), WHY should I find the reference there Toby.Have you been keeping a problem secret from your Dad? I asked your mother ,as none of you respond in a healthy human way,she took more than 45 seconds to respond and then only to ask why I was Asking, I guess she was trying to weigh up the potential advantange points.Impossible to get a caring response, human any way.
Of course I might be quite wrong about past references to specific frequency programming Toby ,But I'm not the only one that has worked out, has learned something about ,,or perhaps knows tons.I believe your mams head has been wiped that many times she can only guess or have an opinion of what she's doing in the immediate present,your unnatural closeness,to her ,with her bought M.A. book of cut out cliches is bound to leave gaps in your inner space you aren't the dominant in that domain.She claims that Anne-Sophie and I are Obsessed with the past, We might be if we remembered as little of our autonomous self determined lives as your mother and you seem to.of yours.
Our living experience is continuous so too our memory. We aren't enticed or seduced into programming boxes ,Naturally so .
Relate to your own memory of events Toby,you became intellectually awakened and creative beyond the idle mediocracy you had grown used to in Newport,you had all the symptoms of a puppet there.[ What was mountain girl doing ,following Your clues,anyway,they are all virtual red herrings.]
So son I'll keep writing,you may or may not be able to enlighten me, that is if we have a common definition.Your irrational behaviour as any dad would be prone to inquire,begs the question ,"who is pulling your strings?' and "DO they have security clearance?" Oh!And "are they private sector networks, independants,or sponsored by unmandatable discreditted faceless political ideologues ?" Just some of the notions that might go through the averagely well informed dad's mind given the obvious reduction in your practical life support intelligence.your debts are enormous,you don't seem quantifiably any better off for all your failed attempts at self promoting education.They have done your head little good .you are 26years of age Toby,I ask you, What kind of burned out mindless functionary are you planning to be when you grow up? I'll get back to you on the career advice thing, on a few others or many perhaps later.
I'll write a bit more about my apparent 'obsession with the past'. A title or heading,"Though my name be Mud". came to mind, a passable good one sez I,goes well with "Unfolding the future from the paradox of historic folly,"
So ,what do you think of a sick and disadvantaged man's efforts to support his people. I'm not talking about presently, I'm speaking of the Kilrush and the Tullycrine gardens. Tell me also of your impressions of Anne-Sophie's contribution.The evidence that we did any thing at all disappeared fast as soon as we stopped working there.Inchee did well enough, broke free of slavery and made an effort to become an independant man in his own right. The story behind that time needs recording,Our memory is good Toby how is yours? Were we just a gap filler? It looked that way at the time, looks even more so with hind sight.
You have trashed us at every available opportunity. We are not your virtual reality pawns Toby. We are people, not disposable user friendly commodities.
Nothing to do with your private delusion of Second Dot Comings,our lives are real.The mysterious time traveler, is a time waster, expensive too. I don't see much point in advertising in Timbuctoo,and Alpha Centuri if there is no economically sustainable ,and life supporting product, where you live, at home Toby.With your mam in Abercrave,Planet Earth. What your estranged threesome family calls a life is a cannibal.reliant solely on other peoples energy and talent for it's sustenance.Reliant too on other's suffering,tricks you learned at your mothers knee perhaps,or from your sister or may be you developed them all on your little ownsome,.Perhaps it's a little known BIG OUCH ! (a disability thing),as yet undisclosed,if it is then you'd best come clean, so too your mother and sister.
She claims that there is nothing wrong with you in such away as to cast suspicion on all three of you, she still tries to blame every problem that has beset your lives on me. that wont do at all.Neither will playing the part of an insurgent in an emotional terrorist plot.
You were definitely on some kind of "mission"when you got here.Top Secret I guess from the little you disclosed.You told me it took a whole day to find an internet cafe,one of the reasons you gave for your delay in getting here,you could have picked up a phone in under fifteen minutes,where's the sense?You looked like you had been thrown out for the rubbish collection,but had been refused because you hadn't been sorted.Vague stories about what you'd been up to.Chatter about falling out with your friend Tom over a lost stick,didn't ring true,I let it pass.I could see you weren't being honest,I am your father son for all my almost legendary failings.Mostly exaggerated in the telling by gossiping do-littles I might add.
The man who was driving,I forget his name,poor bloke must have been going up the wall.he did the right thing by returning to do his dissertation,the reason you were in college you reckoned was to try and get a qualification.I dare say he had similar notions. I hope you haven't disrupted his work too much .
It occurred to me that you are trying to imitate some fantastic notion of what your mother thought I was or am about, Toby that's all imaginary,she has no idea. My real life is beyond any of your threesome's experience.
Whilst you were here I gave you the telephone to find out what the state of play was in her initiative to honour our settlement agreement,I must say if I had known that you had wiped your head out with Tom on Psychedelic mushrooms I wouldn't have given you any responsible task,but you were maintaining the facade and feigned competence, I took you at face value.After a forty minute call you came down relating that as per our negotiated agreement,not the voidable ill gotten court order that I should feel assured,I would be receiving, in a matter of weeks. I was skeptical but accepted your trusted word.Fool I most certainly was.
By my faith Toby,I only have one reality, the datum line by which I guage all things visible and invisible and the principles by which I live my "Truth model", is indivisibly the common one.No mere unverifiable opinion is worthy of consideration unless it corroborates known or given truth. No Plausible complex data that is not supported and confirmed by truth imperical is allowed right of passage, "never believe a lie".I don't, As I have often said,"If you lie a little you die a little",You weren't behaving truly, is all I can say,your body language not quite on the level.Another maxim "almost true will not do."
I had a suspiscion that my head was perhaps being filled with bogus rubbish,that you may have been used as a conduit,to temporarily appease me.Your mother's darling protege perhaps was perceived to need a cover story whilst in what she would regard as the enemy camp. Truth reigns supreme here Toby.Why lie for anyone the real thjng works well there is only one it serves all without deference or distinction.It was like pulling teeth getting straight answers that make sense out of you and you weren't volunteering.In the parlance of the vernacular,"you were pissing me off." I naturally questioned you about many "mysteries" to which you were privy,by logic and reason initially,tripping you up. Me trying as usual to find the one thread of truth that would if pulled, unravel your deviancy.I wasn't pleasant,I ruffled your feathers a bit, I couldn't hit you hard Toby, the joints of my fingers hurt from arthritis, if I hadn't had to work so hard to get to the bottom of a lot of stuff your stay might have been pleasant,there is tons you have not yet told,you have lied for your mam too many times,it was the absolute limit when you told me that the story of the settlement agreement was just another story, implying that you also were trying to profiteer on my didn't really come here to see us did you, you just needed a cheap stopover and dip your bread whilst your mams money came through.when you saw how much I'd done in the field here you said 'save some for me'.were you trying to take the piss son,what have you done that even amounts to as much as nearly nothing at home in Abercrave for your family for your self or for the up keep of the building.
the bIg Slap(a disabling thing),certainly hurt me,i couldn't get through to the triskabollox of whatever you use for sense , I have been running the gauntlet of your special little family's lying cheating and stealing conspiratorial games. Your Allen madness for thirty four years Toby,You will probably feel privately proud of the amount of injury hurt and insult and damage I've had to bear,You should have left the item that you brought to my first proper home in thirteen years(thank you),in your mothers shopping trolley,should have kept your collective lies to your self and encorporated them into one of your delusional fantasies. I dinged you with a stick twice you tell me it was the first time you have ever felt pain ,You all three know how to hurt others,a bit one sided is that, perhaps If you find it so hard to change direction ,so you don't rely on victims, losers,puppets,or what you like to call the collateral damage in your deviant amoral LIES,My publishing the whole unexpurgated story,up to date in every detail would be doing the unsuspecting world a favour..Maybe if you took some of the stick that the three of you have directly or by proxy given others, you wouldn'be so bloody insensitive.Do you remember me using the term BIG OUCH! Toby,to warn you as a child of impending potential danger of hurt,It must have worked too well.
Now is the time for the world to be concerned Toby. As your mother becomes less able to be the dominant personality in the home ,was she ever in my absence I have cause to doubt. Both Emma and you have already asserted influence over her that is most undesirable.
When you were here this time I tried to get you to speak of something you told me a while ago,I only mention because I know and ,naturally care. Like some mad Caesar,you said in quite a melodramatic way, "that house will stay in the Godden name ,FOREVER." As we spoke of it I turned over the implications,
you were agreeable with my analysis.You were speaking about you, not your mother not your sister,youve not earned one stone yet you lazy ligger,So you have been playing for your own pocket undermining any chance of a mutually agreeable settlement your mum would be Subject to your dominant control later. If I were her I'd make you leave you aren't safe to be with,I only shout objection in pain frustration or anger,You have some very scary sneaky stuff in you and you are just waiting your time. This will go some way as an introduction to the subject I will file this after sending both your mother and you a copy, as Emma never bothered to gain her full intellectual potential I will leave it to one or both to give her a clue,I will publish at a later date, others may be grateful for the warning.
My garden project is my prime occupation and the pending marriage to Anne-Sophie, in equal measure I might add. The incidental circumstance of your collective undue interference in our mutual lives over the years will never be forgotten, we don't do that. Emotional detachment is a great healer but it would not be desirable by any moral standard for your actions now to go unnoticed. Write back or not. You will ,without moral resolution and honourable equitable settlement, by my ethical standard,have to suffer in kind the fate you had previously designed for me. Justice will be served one way or another.
i will close this now, more soon under ABSENCE OF INTEGER,
Labels:Eco Logic
Letters sent and letters meant
Sunday, 25 January 2009
The youth iz right they don't belong...
Taking coffee in a bar,in Kerifisien ,Brittany,we got talking with locals about the ups and downs and whatever ails their region. We had just been aproached earlier that day by the Gendarme in the field where we were camping,just a routine check. The Gendarme had moaned about teenagers behaving badly,alchohol abuse,reckless driving and the then current "fun" occupation of removing manhole covers in the night hoping some older people would drop in sometime. The seniors in the bar concurred but were not empowered to do much to solve the problem,we noticed that no young people frequented the place,congregating instead either in another bar on the opposite side of the road,or more often in the market square outside "coolly" supping interminable cans of cheap lager. The old boys were broad of shoulder with weatherbeaten faces from a lifetime of outdoor work, agriculture and fishing traditionally having been the mainstays of the regions economy.
One man moved to volunteer his philosophical view offered, "The young aren't free today, they only have money." He told us of his youth, how the lads of his day earned their acceptance into the adult world. he had learned to sail as a child fishing with his dad. He had been introduced to gardening and field work at home as part of domestic initiation into economic living. Sick of being treated as a child at fourteen,he set about to "show the grown ups" that he could manage on his own as an independent man. His parents had set aside a patch of land ,his own "allotment". From spring till late summer he tended to a small field of onions.Once they had dried they were dressed and strung, and loaded into his "petit bateau", a small sailing dinghy, with his old bicycle as his only passenger.The intrepid youth then headed for England on the other side of the channel. It was just after the war, a time of shortage in Britain. The youth loaded his bicycle with his onions on arrival in England and sold them door to door.
He remarked to us on how well he was treated, being given cake, ice cream and "pop" by his appreciative customers, noting that he couldn't drink alcohol in Britain because he was under age.He told us his onions sold quickly. Once they had gone ,with his pockets bulging with money , he put his old bike in the boat and sailed home to Brittany. His independence established his acceptence into the adult world . He was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the "big lads". They recognising the boy's "bon courage" were happy to give him the respect without patronising deference that one affords to equals.Regardless of his youth he had in the eyes of his elders,earned the right to be treated as a man the risk for the young being equal in all respects to the old..
The basic skills of living in and with the natural environment as children assisting familial economy,by their parents side ,with common purpose may be relied on for life.
Wow ! Anne-Sophie has just brought in a tray of tomatoes , the last of the fresh ones till the summer. We still have bags of frozen tomatoes in the freezer.
Where was I? Belonging.At home in and with one's self,in harmony with ones peace with ones mind and accepted unconditionally by ones community.Britain we are being told comes Thirteenth out of Twenty..
Asking young people what they want for Christmas(make a list Kidz),or for life is hardly going to enlighten the parent body as to what they should be doing to aid their offspring's transition into the working world of adult life.
Has anyone in Britain identified what a generic way of sustainable living is,as opposed to consumer lifestyle choice.Who promotes a one size fits all civilization the all inclusive set.Where is the path that leads to the natural wholesome choiceless option.
80% of the British population are crammed into overcrowded urban environments.
stable prosperity is not encouraged, for continual expansion in an ever more competitive commercial world,there are bound to be losers.Trade reigns supreme over craft in UK plc.Putting, purse, prize and prestige before principle.To "get a life", you must first get the money. It is observed that young people are encouraged to"sell themselves". If Junior wants to dip his or her bread in the corporate trough Junior must learn to mind P's and Q's and say nothing. The moral high ground must frequently be abandoned in order to reach the legal bottom line,profit margins must be maintained. Keep the exclusive share holders happy,"everybody compromises", the mutually corruptive liberal allowance of the popular consensus cultivates minors by neglect by accident and by design.
Relative minimum standards , the easily achieved facade of normalcy act in denial of and in opposition to personal fulfillment.
Britain appears to be in the grip of a malignant psychosis. A congenital condition ingrained and remaining unreconstructed. A resurgent mutation of pre war chamberlainian liberalism. One wouldn't like to think that one could be like that would one? It doesn't sound like one,to one.Then how deeply does one dare to explore the dark spatial matter of the collective psyche? Which parts of one iz one?
The darkness iz in need of a little illumination. That in truth at least may not be denied.IZNIBZ GODABLOG WAZIR.One's perception iz clear...
Avoiding the Utopian dream,One needs to pioneer a sustainable Last World philosophical practice,,lessons continually learned truth immediately accepted.
The camouflage of uniform collective normalcy within our institutions hides a corruptive psychosis."I didn't fit in, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.They threw me out".
Britains future is held to ransom by a self seeking administration, Principle may be contaminated by habit of collective convenience. ~ So don't rock the bloody boat or you're out.
Junior may not want to squelch around in the quagmire of collective moral compromise. Junior might start taking the piss out of the convenience.
I mean the band could be left on the verge of a recording contract FOREVER !!!
A week can seem like a long time.The prospect of having to wear kneepads for life can be very intimidating to a youth who has just got used to standing on it's hind legs.
You have to touch the bottom before you can reach the top, Some times not belonging iz the healthier choiceless option. The pressure of being forced to become a bottom liner may be too much for idealistic youth to bear, Sitting in some one elses shitty nappy soundz too dirty, I don't want to stink that bad.
I wanted to play properly first. I might have to stay solo for the rest of my life,Uncompromised ,unmanageable.IZNIBZ WAZIR.Oblivion's own Oblivion Zone.
Perhaps the youth are right ,they don't belong.
Sezoo? SezI. Sayz Iz.
One man moved to volunteer his philosophical view offered, "The young aren't free today, they only have money." He told us of his youth, how the lads of his day earned their acceptance into the adult world. he had learned to sail as a child fishing with his dad. He had been introduced to gardening and field work at home as part of domestic initiation into economic living. Sick of being treated as a child at fourteen,he set about to "show the grown ups" that he could manage on his own as an independent man. His parents had set aside a patch of land ,his own "allotment". From spring till late summer he tended to a small field of onions.Once they had dried they were dressed and strung, and loaded into his "petit bateau", a small sailing dinghy, with his old bicycle as his only passenger.The intrepid youth then headed for England on the other side of the channel. It was just after the war, a time of shortage in Britain. The youth loaded his bicycle with his onions on arrival in England and sold them door to door.
He remarked to us on how well he was treated, being given cake, ice cream and "pop" by his appreciative customers, noting that he couldn't drink alcohol in Britain because he was under age.He told us his onions sold quickly. Once they had gone ,with his pockets bulging with money , he put his old bike in the boat and sailed home to Brittany. His independence established his acceptence into the adult world . He was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the "big lads". They recognising the boy's "bon courage" were happy to give him the respect without patronising deference that one affords to equals.Regardless of his youth he had in the eyes of his elders,earned the right to be treated as a man the risk for the young being equal in all respects to the old..
The basic skills of living in and with the natural environment as children assisting familial economy,by their parents side ,with common purpose may be relied on for life.
Wow ! Anne-Sophie has just brought in a tray of tomatoes , the last of the fresh ones till the summer. We still have bags of frozen tomatoes in the freezer.
Where was I? Belonging.At home in and with one's self,in harmony with ones peace with ones mind and accepted unconditionally by ones community.Britain we are being told comes Thirteenth out of Twenty..
Asking young people what they want for Christmas(make a list Kidz),or for life is hardly going to enlighten the parent body as to what they should be doing to aid their offspring's transition into the working world of adult life.
Has anyone in Britain identified what a generic way of sustainable living is,as opposed to consumer lifestyle choice.Who promotes a one size fits all civilization the all inclusive set.Where is the path that leads to the natural wholesome choiceless option.
80% of the British population are crammed into overcrowded urban environments.
stable prosperity is not encouraged, for continual expansion in an ever more competitive commercial world,there are bound to be losers.Trade reigns supreme over craft in UK plc.Putting, purse, prize and prestige before principle.To "get a life", you must first get the money. It is observed that young people are encouraged to"sell themselves". If Junior wants to dip his or her bread in the corporate trough Junior must learn to mind P's and Q's and say nothing. The moral high ground must frequently be abandoned in order to reach the legal bottom line,profit margins must be maintained. Keep the exclusive share holders happy,"everybody compromises", the mutually corruptive liberal allowance of the popular consensus cultivates minors by neglect by accident and by design.
Relative minimum standards , the easily achieved facade of normalcy act in denial of and in opposition to personal fulfillment.
Britain appears to be in the grip of a malignant psychosis. A congenital condition ingrained and remaining unreconstructed. A resurgent mutation of pre war chamberlainian liberalism. One wouldn't like to think that one could be like that would one? It doesn't sound like one,to one.Then how deeply does one dare to explore the dark spatial matter of the collective psyche? Which parts of one iz one?
The darkness iz in need of a little illumination. That in truth at least may not be denied.IZNIBZ GODABLOG WAZIR.One's perception iz clear...
Avoiding the Utopian dream,One needs to pioneer a sustainable Last World philosophical practice,,lessons continually learned truth immediately accepted.
The camouflage of uniform collective normalcy within our institutions hides a corruptive psychosis."I didn't fit in, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.They threw me out".
Britains future is held to ransom by a self seeking administration, Principle may be contaminated by habit of collective convenience. ~ So don't rock the bloody boat or you're out.
Junior may not want to squelch around in the quagmire of collective moral compromise. Junior might start taking the piss out of the convenience.
I mean the band could be left on the verge of a recording contract FOREVER !!!
A week can seem like a long time.The prospect of having to wear kneepads for life can be very intimidating to a youth who has just got used to standing on it's hind legs.
You have to touch the bottom before you can reach the top, Some times not belonging iz the healthier choiceless option. The pressure of being forced to become a bottom liner may be too much for idealistic youth to bear, Sitting in some one elses shitty nappy soundz too dirty, I don't want to stink that bad.
I wanted to play properly first. I might have to stay solo for the rest of my life,Uncompromised ,unmanageable.IZNIBZ WAZIR.Oblivion's own Oblivion Zone.
Perhaps the youth are right ,they don't belong.
Sezoo? SezI. Sayz Iz.
Labels:Eco Logic
Open sez me
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Neither driven nor a drover be...
It doesn't take much to get excited after the passing of inclement weather. Sprinting in the stone pile driven by my own enthusiasm, without a gradual warm up got me back poleaxed in short order. It wont stop me working, I will just use the bits o' me that aren't hurting with a little more consideration and care.The pulled muscle is now inflamed pressing on the sciatic nerve, I will have some arnica rubbed into it tonight before bedtime and sleep face down in the recovery position to give the muscles a chance to regain their rightful shape.
The true length of Iz long suffering feet iz 30cm.By the Imperial standard of the last babylonian empire they are each definitively a foot long, I have had to stay in wellies for most of my life, grand for standing in the mud, not a lot of good if yer feet are the sort that cover thousands of pedestrian miles. Their cries for attention have long been ignored. I don't support the many shoe shops that can't be bothered to stock large sizes, giving their reason as ,"there is no call for them".
Stressful times in U.K. to have my long and unhappy calling met with threats of the police being brought in, Britain's most favoured option for dealing with consumer complaints.Two years shoeless in England didn't stop me walking. Being met on limping with dirty bloody feet into a shop with "How can I help you sir?"has caused me to crack a few good ones, in reply, the jokes it must be said joined the feet on stoney ground. Footwear fit for purpose iz all I asked, Form follows function. Don't designers use that maxime anymore?
Since moving to France I have done two tours of every shoe shop in Rennes. The same gombeen lazy excuses prevail, without gaining any kudos or chic by having the febrile blah blah transposed into French.My footwear iz not intended to be a fashion statement. Doing the do iz all.
The feet have after much neglectful delay,have met up with the boots of their dreams.
I like the fit, the feel,the standing and walking. They are light but are up for some rugged work. All purpose action footwear for all purpose action feet, I am grateful that I don't have to make do with ex militaria, me boots are 100% civilian, aziz I.
30% recycled materials,and repairable. I even reheel my wellies.
I'm not planning on retiring, it iz encouraging to be assured a comfortable progress for the second half. The boots weren't on sale we added a TGVreturn ticket to Paris on the price,"saving money " by buying two pairs. With care and repair they will last at least a decade. Fair play to the shop owner, she was not troubled at all by my exuberant performance in her small busy salon.I made shoe shopping an exciting and memorable event for a number of small customers being dragged along by stressed up parents. Raised well plucked eyebrows on the many voracious shoppers faces were not lowered by the shop owner insisting on kissing. Lucky I was, to have my good Madame in attendence to oversee matters. It iz well not to underestimate ones vulnerability on such alien adventures.The shopping was a joyous experience. British shop kreepers take notice.Iz feet are happy feet now. The name of the boot suits Iz work well, I like the name,Timberland Earthkeepers.
The true length of Iz long suffering feet iz 30cm.By the Imperial standard of the last babylonian empire they are each definitively a foot long, I have had to stay in wellies for most of my life, grand for standing in the mud, not a lot of good if yer feet are the sort that cover thousands of pedestrian miles. Their cries for attention have long been ignored. I don't support the many shoe shops that can't be bothered to stock large sizes, giving their reason as ,"there is no call for them".
Stressful times in U.K. to have my long and unhappy calling met with threats of the police being brought in, Britain's most favoured option for dealing with consumer complaints.Two years shoeless in England didn't stop me walking. Being met on limping with dirty bloody feet into a shop with "How can I help you sir?"has caused me to crack a few good ones, in reply, the jokes it must be said joined the feet on stoney ground. Footwear fit for purpose iz all I asked, Form follows function. Don't designers use that maxime anymore?
Since moving to France I have done two tours of every shoe shop in Rennes. The same gombeen lazy excuses prevail, without gaining any kudos or chic by having the febrile blah blah transposed into French.My footwear iz not intended to be a fashion statement. Doing the do iz all.
The feet have after much neglectful delay,have met up with the boots of their dreams.
I like the fit, the feel,the standing and walking. They are light but are up for some rugged work. All purpose action footwear for all purpose action feet, I am grateful that I don't have to make do with ex militaria, me boots are 100% civilian, aziz I.
30% recycled materials,and repairable. I even reheel my wellies.
I'm not planning on retiring, it iz encouraging to be assured a comfortable progress for the second half. The boots weren't on sale we added a TGVreturn ticket to Paris on the price,"saving money " by buying two pairs. With care and repair they will last at least a decade. Fair play to the shop owner, she was not troubled at all by my exuberant performance in her small busy salon.I made shoe shopping an exciting and memorable event for a number of small customers being dragged along by stressed up parents. Raised well plucked eyebrows on the many voracious shoppers faces were not lowered by the shop owner insisting on kissing. Lucky I was, to have my good Madame in attendence to oversee matters. It iz well not to underestimate ones vulnerability on such alien adventures.The shopping was a joyous experience. British shop kreepers take notice.Iz feet are happy feet now. The name of the boot suits Iz work well, I like the name,Timberland Earthkeepers.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir on iz happy feet.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
.....iz the song of the raggedy man."
It doesn't end with the last line. An epic ballad ,in a multiple time signature, A continuous moody weather beaten narrative that only has one line. I. Wazir, painting a picture in sound an on anon story visiting the primal dawn of non vocal memory,
"Iz the splainer o' things",sez I."bridges the immediate event horizon, over the hill and far away,touching the distant memory of man beyond the fog of forgetfulness."
"it does it on itzown" I. could never remember the tunes, it seems to do the remembering ,the practice is just preparation, clearing the deck ,making space for the guest appearance,when it happens I. can't take the credit.All thanks and praise must be laid at the feet of the one great divinity,lest the man become immodest.Hare Rama.
"Iz the splainer o' things",sez I."bridges the immediate event horizon, over the hill and far away,touching the distant memory of man beyond the fog of forgetfulness."
"it does it on itzown" I. could never remember the tunes, it seems to do the remembering ,the practice is just preparation, clearing the deck ,making space for the guest appearance,when it happens I. can't take the credit.All thanks and praise must be laid at the feet of the one great divinity,lest the man become immodest.Hare Rama.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir,
Oblivion's Own
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Hit the ground running...
Introduction: I didn't design the scroll it doesn't suit all forms of written communication. My apologies for the length of the entry that will follow. It is transcribed from private correspondence. Henry upset me,what with the disrespectful slur against his "friend",added to the party prince's nazi style fancy dress. Now his father is revealed to have cultivated improper attitudes unbecoming. The sycophantic acceptance of the nickname by His polo chum, " you know you have made it when they give you a nickname" verges on vomit inducing, an insult by proxy,by Royal appointment, to his total ancestry.I had a nickname. I had no choice but to bear it, since six and a half years old. I fought against it then,when I did I was ragged mercilessly.It earned the playground bully in Woodfield Junior school a good boxing, It didn't make me popular,but I can live without the conditionallity that they put on their friendship, my real name ,my parents gift iz the one I am known by. Those prone to construct familiar montage of selected images from trivial brief encounters come nowhere near close to knowing the core identity and character of a person, familiarity breeds contempt.If folk can't call me by my true name ,in appreciation of my true nature I would rather they didn't call me at all.They may not call me friend without my objection.The beguiling smiles of friendly faces in an exclusive social clique, do not signify real friendship. Friendly, means "like a friend" . Facade of similarity needs to be put into perspective, Friend and Friendly are not congruent. Ingratiating himself into prince Charles's company , by the conditional acceptance of what is commonly perceived as a racial slur, is most undignified for a man, one might say perverted by ones own idealised humble standard. They say a man's best friend is his dog, The dog must know it's place and serve the master's will conditionally. The master may call the dog what so ever pleases his egocentric fancy. The dog has no choice. but to be submissive to the dominant personality. Really Charles is that the standard you expect us to raise our children to aspire to? A bit of an evolutionary downward spiral. Encourages the kids to adopt without question the parents big mistake.
I recall many occasions in the Blighted Isle as a youth being chased by gangs of skin head neo nazi football hooligans in Southampton, "There's a "Sooty", let's get him..."
Appeasing themselves when their team lost. . Those heady days of "Paki" bashing in the late sixties and early seventies don't endear me to nostalgia. It later became fashionable to target "hippies", to discourage any from "going native".
My passport states that I am a citizen , not a subject. living out here beyond the strand line of your diminishing pyramidic overview.A man, not a dog. I don't give a toss if no one in your family wants to call me a friend, having to live in exile now makes me no less a friend of my old Albion. My country does not get a choice with me, It's standard is trailing in the gutter of Scumbag Ally. It's not just the royal household that is brought into disrepute. The neo liberal tolerance at home ,known by many as the British disease is a consensus psychosis that will not magically disappear by denial.
Time for change, YES you bloody well can.I am as English as Obama is American.
Take on board some hard won intelligence from beyond the moated quarantine zone..
Written under the chosen nom de plume of Iznibz Wazir. You have lip waggled about sustainable development,and respect between faiths. Tokenism will not obviate the damage sustained at the collateral base of the working population. Innocents are being corrupted to conform to a malignant dominant consensus normalcy. You are the nearest to your own arse ,you shouldn't have to wait for others to kick it for you, lazy brained princes get far too much service as it is. Learn to catch yourselves in the act and nip it in the bud at source. Doing the Do iz All.
A whole lot of words to come. Scroll down, you will see why this entry iz titled "hit the ground running..." It iz like free falling without a parachute.
Now then the letter to someone who told me he wasn't friend material, contains details, which by forensic analysis may impart to those privileged to have abundant education,as well as helpers for the more difficult ideas, a clue as to some of the compromises from which I have naturally had to disentangle myself. Don't feel unduly patronised, like it or lump it , it is serviceable as useful data. Exercise as much patient care in the reading as I put into the writing iz my benign advice.
Exerpt from," Tales from a jouneyman's pen." 6/5/08
Firstly Dave,please accept now an invitation to a wedding,the actual date as yet is uncertain,but I would inform within a minimum of two weeks of the day,probably nearer four.
Now then, I don't write like this,I can't afford the time nor the eye strain. I will make an effort here,I'm struggling as it is with a down day in the world of chronic anemia.It's a sunny breezy day after much rain,a bit of weeding,I took the tops off the broad bean plants to help
the pods to fill more quickly,innumerable cups of tea .It is a resting day I am truly exhausted.
Although we live on the same planet, we appear to live in two different worlds.Anne Sophie looked at the website yesterday,A lot of the stuff looks like police training maneuvers that have got out of hand.Any up for the bundle are welcome to join. I am cynical, I have been through two anti open cast protests that were undermined by agent provocateurs.Highly dodgy characters well placed. I don't involve myself with such negative waste of creative energy.I have been homeless or insecurely housed and even in sickness I have been obstructed and attacked frequently,in an effort to unduly undermine any advantage I might gain by getting properly settled. Sounds like paranoia,I can substantiate well enough, witnesses and documents.I am virtually computer illiterate Dave But slowly working it out.
I am a good carpenter joiner ,gardener,I can organize workshop production well.Spiral simultaneous development of products from conception to sales.My music has been acoustic for most of my life. I love the real world.I am gregarious and enjoy social interaction,the real thing, all ages. I am not as insular as you seem to project. I wont waste my effort on feeding you with any much more about me Dave.There is a hand written scribble to come.You are welcome to relate real time face to face,the traditional way.Not worthwhile if you don't come as a friend.There is no neutral here,and no matter how credible your projected image may seem to you I wont tolerate being used as a surveillance subject.I have had to deal with that too many times.Don't "check me out",Get to know me or look to your own.I can do without the agitation.I have a lot to do now and life is far from the hopeless mess that you make it sound.I have been active promoting and practicing green politics,at the practical end,since nineteen years old. I am a craftsman Dave,Craft over trade,Principle before purse.I know what works from experience.I don't work for money I work for civilisation.Stow your imaginative prejudice,it's just bilge. There is a food crisis ,an energy crisis ,All that wasted effort in cwf could be better spent digging and sowing for home at the very least if not for the poor and infirm in your community.Fixing and mending as volunteer aid workers, I've got plans of my own,They don't involve sacrificing what's left of my life's potential peace in order to train riot police .I don't see any satisfaction in computer aiding what I love doing with care by traditional methods. Need to expose yourself to the adrenalin buzz of danger in the class struggle go to Colombia and join the FARC. Gardening within thirty kilometers of the action was enough for me,interesting stuff,gardening,a medium that all struggling cultures can relate to,staying alive without the master's money.We will be creating our own web site in time,if you can't make proper contact,it will give you plenty to read for the rest of your life,Blogs too planned now I have more Idea of what they are good for. Bipolar is an illness,hardly an enlightened condition.
A lot of people hide behind their illness to excuse them selves for being self indulgent or naughty.It doesn't wash with me. We had a guest recently who was as nice as pie for a year of knowing him. He got a bee in his bonnet about some thing and flipped his lid.said some disgusting rubbish threatened me with gangland shooting, we put up with it he shouted abuse for an hour outside the house,the neighbours called the army.We appeased them as we explained the man needed to exorcise his troubled mind ,that he acted within his rights targeting in his insults,only us,we having understanding had no complaint,He is bipolar.I like the man not the illness.He calmed quickly,He has already got a four month sentence hanging over him for similar action in less tolerant and caring circumstance.He tried to incite me to violence I found no cause,he resorted to beating his face with his fists.Sad more than bad really. he is still my friend.Turns out he was just trying to get us to invite him to live with us .We just don't have the energy now to offer full time therapy,I certainly don't I have been used too many times before.The Gendarme were civil and sincerely friendly,mutual respect shown,all's well.I don't have to put up with the British disease here,no doubt they can have their own brand of madness idiosyncratic to France It rarely causes me a problem.Why spoil it? In on of your letters you spoke about not being able to handle intense situations ,my son is like you in that respect,so too , his mother.Toby sets things up just for the buzz of watching from a distance as shit happens to others,he is a physical coward but sly and most insensitive to the harm he causes others,he pretends to be a child as his cover his virtually cannibal mam then feels justified in being spiteful always attempting to force me to strike,it looks better to her that way. My daughter has problems also,all three are in denial.I nearly died several times through their malignant action.O.K. Dave?Anne Sophie has had time to be objective about who or what was the cause of my marriage breakdown.She has also suffered at their hand several times,Who gives a shit about us , Right wing networks did the honours several times in my former wife's by proxy service.Swansea is a stronghold of BNP support. They are all nice to their mothers though.My contact to you about quite sensitive stuff ,not just familial problems was perhaps too much of a test Making it seem obvious to me at least that CWF doesn't give a fuck about anything except high profile photo opportunities. Or maybe that was just a failure of their propaganda machine.
The problems to which I allude are a matter of some grave public interest,very real danger to the life and health of both Asian and Eurasian families in U K. You made it plain you didn't have a clue how you could help.I will organise my own action against corrupt institutional practice In Britain.I don't have a clue who your daughter and grand daughter are or where they are at.What deluded notion caused that irrational outburst.You had no morally justifiable cause.Yes it is good here because we strive to make it so . Even the poorest can be empowered to make a difference.We are open and honest,morally sound. We wouldn't last ten minutes here if we weren't.Write back when you are feeling mellow, objective and lucid at least.I am trying to be as straight forward and unambiguous as I can.We can't afford to be a dumping ground for any more bipolar madness.We are preparing to make a family for heavens sake .I will have peace without compromise.
It is two a.m. I started at twelve.I will finish this tomorrow then carpet bomb your Email.
Here we are again, eleven fifteen a.m., It is beautiful weather,I will stack more of this Lego writing up before preparing a couple of patches for peas and swede. Anne Sophie got her fix of garden stuff before doing service for her aging clients . She will be back this afternoon,we will spend the rest of the afternoon digging planting and sowing, tomorrow will be wet so we need to make the most of the opportunity.
I'm not a competitive man by nature,happy in my domestic domain when it's not under threat and when I have one.I am not the pocket filling type,not a profiteer or an exploiter of other's labour,I tend not to look to the lords' and masters' high tables for magic solutions.
My standard is an ethical one not a bloody flag, it's universally transferable.I'm really grateful for the opportunity to at least create a good working model of a practical proven hypothesis,before my mortal coil wears out. I will repel any political blurred visionaries that try to hijack my work, claim the credit or obstruct my autonomous self determined progress now. My life is real Dave, this is not the public or the commercial sector. No delusion of grandeur nor hippy pipe dream. The headwork for the most part has been done.
I was offered land in India to establish a base there free of charge, but my former family blocked me from accessing my resources in U.K.,I took another route ,they have snookered themselves and can't afford to lose any more "points" ,I have all the ammo I need now.I have just recycled all the stuff they aimed at me.and I am out of enemy range , displaced from my rightful domain,but recovering well against all odds.They thought I would die out there in the wilderness of their flat earth bipolar world.They tried to encourage it,sabotaging every effort I made to reestablish a stable economic home life. They wasted the potential of every resource they ever stole from me. My rights are secure by U.K. and European law, thankfully it is not regarded as a family law issue now, so I can bring a case into an open court. They either resolve to make restitution, equitably or risk losing all, enduring the ruin they tried unduly to heap on me.My stratagem are solid.
In the mean time we can get on with the real work.Doing on less than social security money. We hope to expand our territory with a view to giving other disadvantaged people a chance of long term economic stability.It will take a pile of work yet, we are up for it. They still "Dig for Victory ",around here, loving the life, loving the hard work.I'd hand out medals,
they are nearer to being "winners"than anything I have witnessed in Britain.
Somewhere out there Dave beyond possible view from the Class War barricades of your mind, is an unopposed dignified sustainable future. How does the song go ...
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery none but ourselves can free our mind,"
A whole generation has been brought up on electronic shoot em up and crusader style games, extending the childhood beyond the threshold of adult life,gacking out on shit food ,luxury self indulgence and toxic unsustainable pleasures. 14% illiteracy amongst the poor indigenuos working people of Britain.Less than 2.5% of the births natural home births by design, 25% of Welsh births now by cesararian section , so I hear. A population without a definable natural culture is a nation without hope, I strive to eat the food from my home ground as far as I may.I'm principally a "native" of where ever my kitchen garden grows. Toxic ground can be repaired, what is known of what is true is what we do.If you leave the land to petrol driven agribusiness,in return for the convenience of the supermarket and clean fingernails, prepare for a new kind of famine.Irish history ,is not effectively,or accurately portrayed in books. The oral history is however remembered ,their great grand fathers time not long ago.I wont bore you with the detailed truth of the causes of the Great Famine.It is not on the net nor contained cohesively in library archives.The links with slavery are not insignificant. Lest they forget I for one feel it my duty to remember.
I am OTHER Dave , a mix of seven generations of cultural integration. The Goddens left England in the eighteen hundreds, My father hitched walked and worked his way,back to what he was brought up to call home by family, state, church and school in 1947.A brown man , a part of the small change the empire tried to leave behind. I don't need supervision from the bipolar secretariat, Primitive hippy shite,your label of convenience to obscure your own inability to see an effective way forward,is a vacuous opinion,your right to believe I would defend,You vocalise in such a way as to incite hatred.Conduct unbecoming. Ignorance is the popular drug of choice in modern Britain,Our generation the most priveleged and the least deprived,working population,per capita,the world had ever known. Now it is one of the sickest, The most divided,and divisive. You rally beneath the shit rag of piracy,my ancestors sailed out of Brighton,displaced by politics as opportunist adventurers, my name isn't Captain Jack Sparrow,it's Reinold. The insignia of the skull and bones, is not a harmless joke to me Dave,and bless me crooked little fingers and the memory of me German Mam,I was brought up to recognise the meaning of symbols. Old Tom Paine regretted having sailed with Captain Death, his legacy, as clear a message as Gandhi's in his day didn't "endear" him to many in Britain.His life and work have served to inspire many.William Morris too a singular man, inspired visionary and philosopher,had some thing of great worth that stands on it's own merit as guidance towards the liberation of Mankind from the bondage of it's own ignorance.Strategic voting and bi polar political division serve merely to bewilder an already confused and distracted electorate. Dumbed down syntax and sloganeering,brings folk no closer to having a practical grip of their own language let alone an objective overview of the issues of the day. Ambiguity rules. You'll not find the meaning of progress in a word.
I have my own ways and means,I want to meet people who can,transcend the class ,the caste and the economic barriers that divide all ,in many differing ways,from the richest to the poorest world wide.Independant single minded incorruptable hard working not afraid to show their faces,and not prone to the unnecessary lost cause of mutually compromising violent struggle. You don't get many to the pound,but they exist at every level of stratified society world wide.
What did Gandhi say," They can't kill us all", I know "they" try.
Primitivism is just the definition of your own myopic perception. Happen you have been staring at the screen for far too long.
The slag heaps of Yorkshire should be growing fuel to burn on up graded coal fired power stations by now.Hippy Shite? They have been doing it in Sweden for years.After their lakes were poisoned by Thorpe Marsh and Didcot by the acid effluent ,they abandoned coal.High tech charcoal burners. They stopped the hydroelectric as it silted up the water ways.Stopped building nuclear power stations also by democratic consensus. They have wind and solar too,and triple glazing and heat exchangers.
The Bare Foot University, in Gujarat, trains people who are of the poorest in the world to be solar engineers,Illiterate people shoeless.up grading their own villages without the need for pollution.They have managed so far without electricity. Not primitive Dave ,the oppressed poor.Where have you been?
I don't need war Dave Edwards. nor do I need converting to the perverted socialism that thinks violence is necessary.Who do you lot think you are the bloody Taliban. If you were a muslim group you would be totally trashed by now.The muslim youth is statistically the most disadvantaged group in Britain today, economically at least. They are British and at some risk,What would you know from experience?The bipolar divisive politics is undermining cultural harmony and worker solidarity,scaring the uninformed to vote for BNP . CWF have to take their share of the blame for agitating the unnatural fears,xenophobia,Dave, can be harboured in the most well meaning.If you didn't know you had any of that you have no excuse now.
It's a mental illness,irrational and unfounded.The Fruedian slip is just a politically correct veneer.You spotted it the last season you contacted me.before wasting your good energy feeding the media covering the G8 summit.You apologised last time,I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a reply this time.Seems like you are on a circular path to nowhere.You wont find what you are looking for that way.My son my daughter and my former wife have betrayed most of the moral values for which I stand,and for which I have worked in service all my life. They can change or not ,I bore the pains of their collective manipulative amoral corruption.I don't play. I'm working on some thing far healthier.I loved my family,David. They are not my family now by their own ill conceived choice.I have no choice.
I cannot compromise myself further to accommodate their deviant needs.
That "nice lad" Toby has avoided meaningful work for his whole life.Turned his coat so many times in a war he would have been shot from both sides.I have been the sacrificial victim in his games over years.He claims to be a trustee of a small charity. what started out as my charitable vocational work legitimately.was reduced to an extension of his many short lived ego trips,he has an intellectually arrogant disdain for real working people.the world needs warning of the potential danger,he avoids all accountability for his own wrong doing and compounds the problems by allowing others to take the blame.He is a co conspirator in a familial fraud against me for prize pay and an easy liggers life style.fair warning to him if you pass that way,if he doesn't improve his performance I will insure that the many webs he has woven will be the trap of his own devising. he has helped to trash his grossly disadvantaged dad and my companion Anne Sophie Many times.The viral contagion of his Canadian mothers unreconstructed pre war Liberalism, cultivated attitudes in him more appropriate to a Quisling or a Vichy collaborator.
During the lead up to the war even that old darling Michael Foot was prepared to assasinate the liberal cabinet if they resisted leaving office. May one believe the media? Who Knows?
Toby knows what he is doing and he knows what he has done.I am not nice, a word once used to describe a fool in the French court. But he has not been can try and work out the meaning of that word yourself.How much do you need to know praxispuker.I wacked him ,he took the piss one too many times.If there is no attempt to resolve matters on their part they each will be brought to account in turn. I threw the devil out of my domain Toby willingly went with him My son can come back clean ,and of his own free will or stay away.If you would like to discuss any of the above in person or any other matter,come in peace. As a friend. I write thus
Without prejudice but without confidence.As all electronic mail may be monitored personal information may be shared with any third party.I reserve the right to publish all or any of my private correspondence at my own discretion.I will send a copy of this to him,I am not asking approval,
It is just my primitive way of showing due courtesy both to you and him equally.
The last balaclava I wore was knitted by my Granny, I was five.
I wont be heart broken if you don't want or can't handle contact this way I hate it. When one loses the family one once loved sensitivity changes for ones own protection.If you wrote snailmail by hand I would respect privacy and seek permission to publish within my lifetime at least.
It is eight minutes to twelve. I sowed a row of peas today,ate peas and potatoes from last years harvest with an omlette from Marie Theresa's
hens. She gave us a hand full of Lettuce seedling excess to her needs. They are planted out now. I did a bit of weeding, Anne Sophie planted out some cabbage seedlings. I wasted most of the rest of the day typing this,the light from the computer is murdering my eyes.I don't suppose you would give a toss. Let me know if you do.I hope I do hear from you. You can expect another scribble attachment tomorrow after I prepare the ground for the swede. We don't put Hippy shite on the garden. Last year it had cow manure, next year we will put chicken and rabbit manure. More wholesome good than anything that came out of a computer.
If you get this far you have done well. Good luck,I close, Iznibz Wazir.
"There we are then" as I fondly remember them saying in my former adopted homeland.The above was written to an old school friend, or so I thought. I haven't seen him since sixty eight. I liked him then.He is not a bad man, I like the man still, but just so's folk know I am not here just to have a bit of fun taking the rise out of the monarchy, It is about principles not personages.What means this? This means this.
I recall many occasions in the Blighted Isle as a youth being chased by gangs of skin head neo nazi football hooligans in Southampton, "There's a "Sooty", let's get him..."
Appeasing themselves when their team lost. . Those heady days of "Paki" bashing in the late sixties and early seventies don't endear me to nostalgia. It later became fashionable to target "hippies", to discourage any from "going native".
My passport states that I am a citizen , not a subject. living out here beyond the strand line of your diminishing pyramidic overview.A man, not a dog. I don't give a toss if no one in your family wants to call me a friend, having to live in exile now makes me no less a friend of my old Albion. My country does not get a choice with me, It's standard is trailing in the gutter of Scumbag Ally. It's not just the royal household that is brought into disrepute. The neo liberal tolerance at home ,known by many as the British disease is a consensus psychosis that will not magically disappear by denial.
Time for change, YES you bloody well can.I am as English as Obama is American.
Take on board some hard won intelligence from beyond the moated quarantine zone..
Written under the chosen nom de plume of Iznibz Wazir. You have lip waggled about sustainable development,and respect between faiths. Tokenism will not obviate the damage sustained at the collateral base of the working population. Innocents are being corrupted to conform to a malignant dominant consensus normalcy. You are the nearest to your own arse ,you shouldn't have to wait for others to kick it for you, lazy brained princes get far too much service as it is. Learn to catch yourselves in the act and nip it in the bud at source. Doing the Do iz All.
A whole lot of words to come. Scroll down, you will see why this entry iz titled "hit the ground running..." It iz like free falling without a parachute.
Now then the letter to someone who told me he wasn't friend material, contains details, which by forensic analysis may impart to those privileged to have abundant education,as well as helpers for the more difficult ideas, a clue as to some of the compromises from which I have naturally had to disentangle myself. Don't feel unduly patronised, like it or lump it , it is serviceable as useful data. Exercise as much patient care in the reading as I put into the writing iz my benign advice.
Exerpt from," Tales from a jouneyman's pen." 6/5/08
Firstly Dave,please accept now an invitation to a wedding,the actual date as yet is uncertain,but I would inform within a minimum of two weeks of the day,probably nearer four.
Now then, I don't write like this,I can't afford the time nor the eye strain. I will make an effort here,I'm struggling as it is with a down day in the world of chronic anemia.It's a sunny breezy day after much rain,a bit of weeding,I took the tops off the broad bean plants to help
the pods to fill more quickly,innumerable cups of tea .It is a resting day I am truly exhausted.
Although we live on the same planet, we appear to live in two different worlds.Anne Sophie looked at the website yesterday,A lot of the stuff looks like police training maneuvers that have got out of hand.Any up for the bundle are welcome to join. I am cynical, I have been through two anti open cast protests that were undermined by agent provocateurs.Highly dodgy characters well placed. I don't involve myself with such negative waste of creative energy.I have been homeless or insecurely housed and even in sickness I have been obstructed and attacked frequently,in an effort to unduly undermine any advantage I might gain by getting properly settled. Sounds like paranoia,I can substantiate well enough, witnesses and documents.I am virtually computer illiterate Dave But slowly working it out.
I am a good carpenter joiner ,gardener,I can organize workshop production well.Spiral simultaneous development of products from conception to sales.My music has been acoustic for most of my life. I love the real world.I am gregarious and enjoy social interaction,the real thing, all ages. I am not as insular as you seem to project. I wont waste my effort on feeding you with any much more about me Dave.There is a hand written scribble to come.You are welcome to relate real time face to face,the traditional way.Not worthwhile if you don't come as a friend.There is no neutral here,and no matter how credible your projected image may seem to you I wont tolerate being used as a surveillance subject.I have had to deal with that too many times.Don't "check me out",Get to know me or look to your own.I can do without the agitation.I have a lot to do now and life is far from the hopeless mess that you make it sound.I have been active promoting and practicing green politics,at the practical end,since nineteen years old. I am a craftsman Dave,Craft over trade,Principle before purse.I know what works from experience.I don't work for money I work for civilisation.Stow your imaginative prejudice,it's just bilge. There is a food crisis ,an energy crisis ,All that wasted effort in cwf could be better spent digging and sowing for home at the very least if not for the poor and infirm in your community.Fixing and mending as volunteer aid workers, I've got plans of my own,They don't involve sacrificing what's left of my life's potential peace in order to train riot police .I don't see any satisfaction in computer aiding what I love doing with care by traditional methods. Need to expose yourself to the adrenalin buzz of danger in the class struggle go to Colombia and join the FARC. Gardening within thirty kilometers of the action was enough for me,interesting stuff,gardening,a medium that all struggling cultures can relate to,staying alive without the master's money.We will be creating our own web site in time,if you can't make proper contact,it will give you plenty to read for the rest of your life,Blogs too planned now I have more Idea of what they are good for. Bipolar is an illness,hardly an enlightened condition.
A lot of people hide behind their illness to excuse them selves for being self indulgent or naughty.It doesn't wash with me. We had a guest recently who was as nice as pie for a year of knowing him. He got a bee in his bonnet about some thing and flipped his lid.said some disgusting rubbish threatened me with gangland shooting, we put up with it he shouted abuse for an hour outside the house,the neighbours called the army.We appeased them as we explained the man needed to exorcise his troubled mind ,that he acted within his rights targeting in his insults,only us,we having understanding had no complaint,He is bipolar.I like the man not the illness.He calmed quickly,He has already got a four month sentence hanging over him for similar action in less tolerant and caring circumstance.He tried to incite me to violence I found no cause,he resorted to beating his face with his fists.Sad more than bad really. he is still my friend.Turns out he was just trying to get us to invite him to live with us .We just don't have the energy now to offer full time therapy,I certainly don't I have been used too many times before.The Gendarme were civil and sincerely friendly,mutual respect shown,all's well.I don't have to put up with the British disease here,no doubt they can have their own brand of madness idiosyncratic to France It rarely causes me a problem.Why spoil it? In on of your letters you spoke about not being able to handle intense situations ,my son is like you in that respect,so too , his mother.Toby sets things up just for the buzz of watching from a distance as shit happens to others,he is a physical coward but sly and most insensitive to the harm he causes others,he pretends to be a child as his cover his virtually cannibal mam then feels justified in being spiteful always attempting to force me to strike,it looks better to her that way. My daughter has problems also,all three are in denial.I nearly died several times through their malignant action.O.K. Dave?Anne Sophie has had time to be objective about who or what was the cause of my marriage breakdown.She has also suffered at their hand several times,Who gives a shit about us , Right wing networks did the honours several times in my former wife's by proxy service.Swansea is a stronghold of BNP support. They are all nice to their mothers though.My contact to you about quite sensitive stuff ,not just familial problems was perhaps too much of a test Making it seem obvious to me at least that CWF doesn't give a fuck about anything except high profile photo opportunities. Or maybe that was just a failure of their propaganda machine.
The problems to which I allude are a matter of some grave public interest,very real danger to the life and health of both Asian and Eurasian families in U K. You made it plain you didn't have a clue how you could help.I will organise my own action against corrupt institutional practice In Britain.I don't have a clue who your daughter and grand daughter are or where they are at.What deluded notion caused that irrational outburst.You had no morally justifiable cause.Yes it is good here because we strive to make it so . Even the poorest can be empowered to make a difference.We are open and honest,morally sound. We wouldn't last ten minutes here if we weren't.Write back when you are feeling mellow, objective and lucid at least.I am trying to be as straight forward and unambiguous as I can.We can't afford to be a dumping ground for any more bipolar madness.We are preparing to make a family for heavens sake .I will have peace without compromise.
It is two a.m. I started at twelve.I will finish this tomorrow then carpet bomb your Email.
Here we are again, eleven fifteen a.m., It is beautiful weather,I will stack more of this Lego writing up before preparing a couple of patches for peas and swede. Anne Sophie got her fix of garden stuff before doing service for her aging clients . She will be back this afternoon,we will spend the rest of the afternoon digging planting and sowing, tomorrow will be wet so we need to make the most of the opportunity.
I'm not a competitive man by nature,happy in my domestic domain when it's not under threat and when I have one.I am not the pocket filling type,not a profiteer or an exploiter of other's labour,I tend not to look to the lords' and masters' high tables for magic solutions.
My standard is an ethical one not a bloody flag, it's universally transferable.I'm really grateful for the opportunity to at least create a good working model of a practical proven hypothesis,before my mortal coil wears out. I will repel any political blurred visionaries that try to hijack my work, claim the credit or obstruct my autonomous self determined progress now. My life is real Dave, this is not the public or the commercial sector. No delusion of grandeur nor hippy pipe dream. The headwork for the most part has been done.
I was offered land in India to establish a base there free of charge, but my former family blocked me from accessing my resources in U.K.,I took another route ,they have snookered themselves and can't afford to lose any more "points" ,I have all the ammo I need now.I have just recycled all the stuff they aimed at me.and I am out of enemy range , displaced from my rightful domain,but recovering well against all odds.They thought I would die out there in the wilderness of their flat earth bipolar world.They tried to encourage it,sabotaging every effort I made to reestablish a stable economic home life. They wasted the potential of every resource they ever stole from me. My rights are secure by U.K. and European law, thankfully it is not regarded as a family law issue now, so I can bring a case into an open court. They either resolve to make restitution, equitably or risk losing all, enduring the ruin they tried unduly to heap on me.My stratagem are solid.
In the mean time we can get on with the real work.Doing on less than social security money. We hope to expand our territory with a view to giving other disadvantaged people a chance of long term economic stability.It will take a pile of work yet, we are up for it. They still "Dig for Victory ",around here, loving the life, loving the hard work.I'd hand out medals,
they are nearer to being "winners"than anything I have witnessed in Britain.
Somewhere out there Dave beyond possible view from the Class War barricades of your mind, is an unopposed dignified sustainable future. How does the song go ...
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery none but ourselves can free our mind,"
A whole generation has been brought up on electronic shoot em up and crusader style games, extending the childhood beyond the threshold of adult life,gacking out on shit food ,luxury self indulgence and toxic unsustainable pleasures. 14% illiteracy amongst the poor indigenuos working people of Britain.Less than 2.5% of the births natural home births by design, 25% of Welsh births now by cesararian section , so I hear. A population without a definable natural culture is a nation without hope, I strive to eat the food from my home ground as far as I may.I'm principally a "native" of where ever my kitchen garden grows. Toxic ground can be repaired, what is known of what is true is what we do.If you leave the land to petrol driven agribusiness,in return for the convenience of the supermarket and clean fingernails, prepare for a new kind of famine.Irish history ,is not effectively,or accurately portrayed in books. The oral history is however remembered ,their great grand fathers time not long ago.I wont bore you with the detailed truth of the causes of the Great Famine.It is not on the net nor contained cohesively in library archives.The links with slavery are not insignificant. Lest they forget I for one feel it my duty to remember.
I am OTHER Dave , a mix of seven generations of cultural integration. The Goddens left England in the eighteen hundreds, My father hitched walked and worked his way,back to what he was brought up to call home by family, state, church and school in 1947.A brown man , a part of the small change the empire tried to leave behind. I don't need supervision from the bipolar secretariat, Primitive hippy shite,your label of convenience to obscure your own inability to see an effective way forward,is a vacuous opinion,your right to believe I would defend,You vocalise in such a way as to incite hatred.Conduct unbecoming. Ignorance is the popular drug of choice in modern Britain,Our generation the most priveleged and the least deprived,working population,per capita,the world had ever known. Now it is one of the sickest, The most divided,and divisive. You rally beneath the shit rag of piracy,my ancestors sailed out of Brighton,displaced by politics as opportunist adventurers, my name isn't Captain Jack Sparrow,it's Reinold. The insignia of the skull and bones, is not a harmless joke to me Dave,and bless me crooked little fingers and the memory of me German Mam,I was brought up to recognise the meaning of symbols. Old Tom Paine regretted having sailed with Captain Death, his legacy, as clear a message as Gandhi's in his day didn't "endear" him to many in Britain.His life and work have served to inspire many.William Morris too a singular man, inspired visionary and philosopher,had some thing of great worth that stands on it's own merit as guidance towards the liberation of Mankind from the bondage of it's own ignorance.Strategic voting and bi polar political division serve merely to bewilder an already confused and distracted electorate. Dumbed down syntax and sloganeering,brings folk no closer to having a practical grip of their own language let alone an objective overview of the issues of the day. Ambiguity rules. You'll not find the meaning of progress in a word.
I have my own ways and means,I want to meet people who can,transcend the class ,the caste and the economic barriers that divide all ,in many differing ways,from the richest to the poorest world wide.Independant single minded incorruptable hard working not afraid to show their faces,and not prone to the unnecessary lost cause of mutually compromising violent struggle. You don't get many to the pound,but they exist at every level of stratified society world wide.
What did Gandhi say," They can't kill us all", I know "they" try.
Primitivism is just the definition of your own myopic perception. Happen you have been staring at the screen for far too long.
The slag heaps of Yorkshire should be growing fuel to burn on up graded coal fired power stations by now.Hippy Shite? They have been doing it in Sweden for years.After their lakes were poisoned by Thorpe Marsh and Didcot by the acid effluent ,they abandoned coal.High tech charcoal burners. They stopped the hydroelectric as it silted up the water ways.Stopped building nuclear power stations also by democratic consensus. They have wind and solar too,and triple glazing and heat exchangers.
The Bare Foot University, in Gujarat, trains people who are of the poorest in the world to be solar engineers,Illiterate people shoeless.up grading their own villages without the need for pollution.They have managed so far without electricity. Not primitive Dave ,the oppressed poor.Where have you been?
I don't need war Dave Edwards. nor do I need converting to the perverted socialism that thinks violence is necessary.Who do you lot think you are the bloody Taliban. If you were a muslim group you would be totally trashed by now.The muslim youth is statistically the most disadvantaged group in Britain today, economically at least. They are British and at some risk,What would you know from experience?The bipolar divisive politics is undermining cultural harmony and worker solidarity,scaring the uninformed to vote for BNP . CWF have to take their share of the blame for agitating the unnatural fears,xenophobia,Dave, can be harboured in the most well meaning.If you didn't know you had any of that you have no excuse now.
It's a mental illness,irrational and unfounded.The Fruedian slip is just a politically correct veneer.You spotted it the last season you contacted me.before wasting your good energy feeding the media covering the G8 summit.You apologised last time,I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a reply this time.Seems like you are on a circular path to nowhere.You wont find what you are looking for that way.My son my daughter and my former wife have betrayed most of the moral values for which I stand,and for which I have worked in service all my life. They can change or not ,I bore the pains of their collective manipulative amoral corruption.I don't play. I'm working on some thing far healthier.I loved my family,David. They are not my family now by their own ill conceived choice.I have no choice.
I cannot compromise myself further to accommodate their deviant needs.
That "nice lad" Toby has avoided meaningful work for his whole life.Turned his coat so many times in a war he would have been shot from both sides.I have been the sacrificial victim in his games over years.He claims to be a trustee of a small charity. what started out as my charitable vocational work legitimately.was reduced to an extension of his many short lived ego trips,he has an intellectually arrogant disdain for real working people.the world needs warning of the potential danger,he avoids all accountability for his own wrong doing and compounds the problems by allowing others to take the blame.He is a co conspirator in a familial fraud against me for prize pay and an easy liggers life style.fair warning to him if you pass that way,if he doesn't improve his performance I will insure that the many webs he has woven will be the trap of his own devising. he has helped to trash his grossly disadvantaged dad and my companion Anne Sophie Many times.The viral contagion of his Canadian mothers unreconstructed pre war Liberalism, cultivated attitudes in him more appropriate to a Quisling or a Vichy collaborator.
During the lead up to the war even that old darling Michael Foot was prepared to assasinate the liberal cabinet if they resisted leaving office. May one believe the media? Who Knows?
Toby knows what he is doing and he knows what he has done.I am not nice, a word once used to describe a fool in the French court. But he has not been can try and work out the meaning of that word yourself.How much do you need to know praxispuker.I wacked him ,he took the piss one too many times.If there is no attempt to resolve matters on their part they each will be brought to account in turn. I threw the devil out of my domain Toby willingly went with him My son can come back clean ,and of his own free will or stay away.If you would like to discuss any of the above in person or any other matter,come in peace. As a friend. I write thus
Without prejudice but without confidence.As all electronic mail may be monitored personal information may be shared with any third party.I reserve the right to publish all or any of my private correspondence at my own discretion.I will send a copy of this to him,I am not asking approval,
It is just my primitive way of showing due courtesy both to you and him equally.
The last balaclava I wore was knitted by my Granny, I was five.
I wont be heart broken if you don't want or can't handle contact this way I hate it. When one loses the family one once loved sensitivity changes for ones own protection.If you wrote snailmail by hand I would respect privacy and seek permission to publish within my lifetime at least.
It is eight minutes to twelve. I sowed a row of peas today,ate peas and potatoes from last years harvest with an omlette from Marie Theresa's
hens. She gave us a hand full of Lettuce seedling excess to her needs. They are planted out now. I did a bit of weeding, Anne Sophie planted out some cabbage seedlings. I wasted most of the rest of the day typing this,the light from the computer is murdering my eyes.I don't suppose you would give a toss. Let me know if you do.I hope I do hear from you. You can expect another scribble attachment tomorrow after I prepare the ground for the swede. We don't put Hippy shite on the garden. Last year it had cow manure, next year we will put chicken and rabbit manure. More wholesome good than anything that came out of a computer.
If you get this far you have done well. Good luck,I close, Iznibz Wazir.
"There we are then" as I fondly remember them saying in my former adopted homeland.The above was written to an old school friend, or so I thought. I haven't seen him since sixty eight. I liked him then.He is not a bad man, I like the man still, but just so's folk know I am not here just to have a bit of fun taking the rise out of the monarchy, It is about principles not personages.What means this? This means this.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Iz wed, nuff sed...

Today iz shining sunny, I will just finish my tea, then we will wheel a few barrows of compost to the garden. First warm day for weeks, ground's been frozen to six inches down,making it nigh impossible to dig.
I will be taking out all the frost damaged celery and preparing ground for spring.
Iz toonz have been good of late but I just can't seem to press the record button before the music takes over. Thankful I am that I was there to hear my noise.I'm a blessed lucky man, she likes Izmoosik. This little entry prevented me from burning my liver away ranting on the subject of Harry's princely rubbish, I hope it doesn't spread, assuredly there will be more from Iz Grumbling in the future.
Right now I will concentrate on more wholesome shite.I'm going to the garden.
That was pleasant, I'll go out again in a minute,a cuppa and a small slab of wood baked segle. The carrots stood the frost well, brussel sprouts, purple sprouting broccoli. Plenty of pain de sucre and witloof endive,celariac, cabbage turnips parsnips and leeks.. I will put more ash on my onion bed, the water's boiling I'll mek tea.
I am looking forward to another epic year of hard labour.The stones are piling up ready for building, I will pull a few more out of the mud directly, best not spend too much time looking. We will click a few pics this ,coming year,many hundreds most likely,and with a bit of practice we should have a few miles of video footage worth saving.Cameras are only a window into the past,we stay at the front as near to centre of our mortal omnipresence as we may.Ahead of the seasons with both feet on the ground as we should be. Time iz funny old stuff.Iznibz Wazir.
Labels:Eco Logic
ongoing iz,
Towards the fabled realm
Monday, 12 January 2009

Who on earth would ever heed the meaning of iz words.We don't need over indulged morally insensitive role models to lead our children. The Queens first minister Brown noze better than to suggest that our youth should adopt the arrogant patronising, febrile, friendship that is Henry's neo Liberal preference.
Do yer bloody sums Brown leave the understanding of the syntax of our language to the people . Henry said, "our little Paki friend", implying that he was speaking for others not just him. Kahn was not his units mascot. Presumably , given that it took three years for the shit to hit the fan Henry must have been vocalising attitudes with which his dominant peer group
agreed. Henry's "real" friends would not have been made a target of humiliation on camera ,for the private amusement of Henry's family and protective entourage at home.
Henry iz a security risk. If any young impressionable soldiers should ever stoop so low as to adopt his most unenlightened lexicon they would on entering civilian life be putting the lives and safety of themselves and others in jeopardy. The question arises,"Who iz the mysterious faceless Us , for whom Henry speaks?" Would they dare stand on their hind legs and own up to supporting the princes expression?
The prince takes the kevlar reinforced pith hat of all of us. If he can't excersise control over his mouth in the relative safety of a training ground, trusting him to adhere to the rules of engagement, in the heat of battle would seem a little more than his limited moral discipline could handle. The congenital xenophobia is not reconstructed since Empire days. I can still remember in the early sixties, being told, " We brought civilization to you people, if it weren't for us you would still be living in trees. You should be grateful we let you stay."I am English, Born in Leeds.
If there has been a quantum generational improvement in the attitudes prevailing in U.K. other than a mere p.c. propaganda facade, the prince lends the lie to it ever having reached the inner sanctum of moral influence in the Royal household.
Civilization iz a horse of a different colour.There will be more on this subject soon. You have caused me to lose sleep Henry,I hope you have learned to read, perhaps your friend Kahn could interpret for you what this pile of Lego writing is all about. That's what friends are for after all. Iznibz Wazir.
Labels:Eco Logic
Oblivion's Own
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Iz taken it personally..Open letter to a prince
Dear Harry,
Well boy, how does it feel to be "one of the lads". I wasn't one as a kid I was invariably a target of the mindless insensitive gobshite that you are getting famous for. You are an utter disgrace. It iz bad enough having the news of your family shoved in our faces , the good news iz bad enough. You , Mister are a living incitement to treason.
My late father did six years with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. He stood alone. He learned to bear the scummy "jokes" you enjoy sharing with your "friends".
There is little in the way of visible record of what happened to my father,the only brown man in the regiment at the time. His determination not to quietly tolerate racsist attitudes got him used as a punchbag for "a bit of sport".A featherweight boxer ordered to spar with heavyweights , He was fast but when they hit him it was like a cannon.He was officially classed as a good soldier,and a first class shot, his "admin " as you like to call it now was, always A1.Served in Cyprus and Belfast.I was an army kid .Invariably living in married quarters,with my German mother,waiting for him to return from overseas. We didn't really identify ourselves as any colour race or creed at home. I wasn't aware that was what other folk did till I was six and a half years old.
The phrase "Black Nazi Bastard "drifted by my ears. I asked my Dad what all that was about, he said,"They are talking about you son." We were living in Armthorpe Doncaster then,he was doing his training with the NCB. He had been dishonourably discharged from the army. The "why"of it being the result of him reacting to a racsist "joke", targetting him, attempting to humiliate him whilst on parade. The whole body of men sycophantically,as a man , laughed at the officers "joke". My father stepped out of ranks and right crossed the offending officer who dutifully hit the ground.
He couldnt take it any more. There was no support.
You are a low life prince. I'll continue.
What with the boxing , and getting smashed up from falling down a mountain in Cyprus, and the interminable "private" fights he had to endure whilst serving. There was no choice of backing down, No Body Guards, you darling sweet faced little rat.
My family got one broken brain damaged man back . The most unhappy man I have ever met.
He was born in Lucknow, his mother was a matron in a hospital .Went to the same school as Sir Cliff's Dad, that man can't even admit to his roots. My lot I guess are the small change that the moribund dynasty tried to leave behind in India.
A mix of Bengali and English , called "Sewers"by the dominant moronity, "What's up can't you take a joke?"
You are no further forward than the "tolerant"pre war liberalism that dare not now speak its name. A chamberlainian throwback, that would have kissed Hitlers arse rather than defend the higher principle. Me Mam wasn't a Nazi. her first husband was a Jew who had miraculously managed to both evade the pogroms,and the bombing of Hambourg, but on marrying my mother,coming out of the closet after the war was persecuted by family and "friends". His guard was down too early, his heart couldn't take the strain, he died . the marriage only lasted one year.I dare say they only meant it as a "bit of fun".
We've taken a fair old bit of stick in our family you Dork. From the normalised role models you apparently wish to emulate. Take your larrupping "like a man", I am not writing this for fun nor sport, I live in exile from the consensus psychosis that is becoming endemic in Britain today, P.C.xenophobia, mister. You have got the disease, no use denying the shit stains on both sides of your reversable underpants are your own "bad administration".You have pissed me off one too many times. You are no ones "friend",by conduct seen. Inciting hatred ,youth, from a position of relative safety is pure cowardice. Perhaps it helps you to feel like you fit in with the lads in the barracks. Camouflaging your priveleged background, by licking the spit off the hand of common prejudice is hardly manly. Does your birth cert call you a 'male' or a 'boy'.
Mine says boy , implying that I would Naturally be a man when I grew up. Your desperate attempt to appear Manly"like" a man if you can interpret my language correctly, suggests that your unnatural background left you feeling like you were a penny short of the full bob. I was born by design naturally and privately for fear of the
well meaning clipboarders of my day taking the baby away,for use and abuse by the state...They didn't like even the idea of mixing in those days, those congenitally deficient servants of the national program.I was born in my Granny's house. She had been demoted to sister from matron,to work in a hospital in Leeds.A brown woman she, dedicated to humanitarian service. Both her sisters Katie and Grace stayed behind in Pakistan,after partition,to help care for some of the damage your ill conceived lineage caused, they living out their lives as matrons,in Lahore. Sainted spinsters both.
My late father,only ever spoke English, beaten in the boarding school if he spoke any native languages. Seven generations of mixing in India, after being pressed into foreign service, he was encouraged to call himself an anglican,"or else". Taught to call the Blighted Isle home,as did the preceding generations before him, all my family were patriotic to principle over whatever the shit stained bloodsoaked flag of convenience was called upon to defend. Some of us will not let our personal standard fall. The risk to person is not to be underestimated. Dad only ever had a British passport, He was found a "suspected "suicide, hanging by a piece of washing line in a state run "sheltered residential care home ""at seventyfour.
Those days are never over prince, Lest We Forget. One must learn to reason that there is no such thing as history, You shame whatever residual good is left in your family.
Taking the royal wee won't pass muster with me.Vigilance starts at home, the Nelsonian view will not do. your lack of personal discipline,(moral administration), given your elevated background renders you unfit to be a soldier. Conduct Unbecoming a man by the natural definition. I don't believe your little "sorry", You will do it again , in public and in private. Many believe you are just doing your time for a bit of jingoistic excitment. For the Glory sunshine, I am sure your mam would be proud. Wanna be normal ? Give up all privelege and protection and run the gauntlet of Shit street U.K. plc.,like the rest of the fearful residents. Join the people on the ground at home.You are not worthy.
Just to inform you, someone has to,of some of the dangers, Greek, German or Brit.
In Greece I was drowned in the sea by neo fascists at the time of the junta,on Paradise Beach Mikanos, an unprovoked attack, they dragged my body onto the sand and used it as a football. Kicking the water out of my body I came round,and managed to chase them away.In the back streets of the Euston area of London I was iron barred by a gang of national front supporters, they took turns at hitting me with the lantern hook, a four foot long rod, half my body was paralysed. My vision was as though torn in two with a black gap in the middle, they too ran away when they discovered I was prepared to keep going,having pulled myself up with my one good arm and my one good leg, leaning blood splattered against the wall. In Germany I was hospitalised by a group of Bahnhoff Polizei, handcuffed to a bed for three days till I was well enough to leave without evidence. Incidently, in Euston I got myself to the hospital concussed and without feeling in my left side, the police had a laugh and didn't pursue the matter, I guess they wanted an early night, We mustn't work them too hard must we .
I was younger then. I don't mend so well now. You called your "friend","Paki" mister .
Just what are we expected to call you? After all your cosseted upbringing,it beggars any civilised definition.
I have been called paki on a number of occassions ,too many, I stand my ground on my hind legs and don't kow tow. My otherness has caused me to endure much worse , I don't swallow any one elses spit but my own,naturally.I doubt that you could manfully hack it out here young un, not without a protective entourage a flak jacket and a kevlar hat.Say you could and I will call you a bloody liar until you have survived a week of my personal hospitality. Come alone and come in peace.
Allow me to personally fill you in on what is really going down in Britain, Nowhere near as nice as the disgusting things they publish in the media.More insidiously life threatening to asians and eurasians specifically, than any naughty name calling.
I am an independant intel. gatherer. My Dad brought me up in the seven years after the army, as a single parent, my mum coudn't take the combination of racsism and the dramatic change in my dad's personality. Periods of violent "punchy psychosis" caused by abuse in the army, became more frequent. I had to act as carer in the home , cooking and cleaning,for a macho drinking man trying to fit into a morally backward social environment. I put myself in care at fourteen.What was worthy is still treasured as a memory with respect.
He taught me about the "empires" of the world truthfully, The cause of war. The"Irish problem", The truth behind the establishment of what was then called the White commonwealth.Taught me about biology, Genetics ,petit prince. About your family.
Taught me with his fist and his belt the way he was expected to learn from the prosthelytising dominant teachers in his boarding school. He taught me to take him breaking oak batons on my legs and back bravely, Lest I Forget, I don't.
He also taught me with great pride about Ghandi Ji, MartinLuther King and Thomas Paine, And the real struggle against all odds of the undefended unsung deprived collateral base that your arrogant movement has abused for centuriesdirectly and by proxy. About the merchant slavers the planters and carpetbagging profiteers,the pirates and the child abusing missionaries.
He taught me to hold my fire as a non combatant. I could never be a suicide, He taught me to reserve my"Last Man" The Soldier In extremis, should there be cause to defend life and rights where it makes the most sense, at home.
The dogs have taken over U.K. now. You have forgotten what sacrifices were made in the name of your flag.A whole new generation of "worker population will have to bear the brunt of as yet unreconstructed attitudes.
So mister soldier boy wanna show the world how sorry you are, accept this my formal invitation to help clean out the faceless Little Enlander attitudes by first allowing me to transfer the burden of what is verefiably true my intelligence cost a lot to gather . I am permanently damaged now, You may bring one "friend" I nominate Oliver Tickell of Meadow Lane, Oxford. Son of Sir 25th of October ,Harry.
I will write again ,to you and about you as well as the corruption of my former homeland. I love my country , I am a refugee by the definition of the Geneva Convention, I want to live at least long enough to see the improvement with my own eyes, not just the piss and wind we have had to put up with so far..
Feel free to pick up my gauntlet with all the enthusiasm a volunteer soldier in Her Majesty's Armed Forces can courageously muster.
We have a washing machine if your laundry needs administrating.
A small P.S . Oliver, take this call to duty seriously, your friend, Iznibz Wazir.
Well boy, how does it feel to be "one of the lads". I wasn't one as a kid I was invariably a target of the mindless insensitive gobshite that you are getting famous for. You are an utter disgrace. It iz bad enough having the news of your family shoved in our faces , the good news iz bad enough. You , Mister are a living incitement to treason.
My late father did six years with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. He stood alone. He learned to bear the scummy "jokes" you enjoy sharing with your "friends".
There is little in the way of visible record of what happened to my father,the only brown man in the regiment at the time. His determination not to quietly tolerate racsist attitudes got him used as a punchbag for "a bit of sport".A featherweight boxer ordered to spar with heavyweights , He was fast but when they hit him it was like a cannon.He was officially classed as a good soldier,and a first class shot, his "admin " as you like to call it now was, always A1.Served in Cyprus and Belfast.I was an army kid .Invariably living in married quarters,with my German mother,waiting for him to return from overseas. We didn't really identify ourselves as any colour race or creed at home. I wasn't aware that was what other folk did till I was six and a half years old.
The phrase "Black Nazi Bastard "drifted by my ears. I asked my Dad what all that was about, he said,"They are talking about you son." We were living in Armthorpe Doncaster then,he was doing his training with the NCB. He had been dishonourably discharged from the army. The "why"of it being the result of him reacting to a racsist "joke", targetting him, attempting to humiliate him whilst on parade. The whole body of men sycophantically,as a man , laughed at the officers "joke". My father stepped out of ranks and right crossed the offending officer who dutifully hit the ground.
He couldnt take it any more. There was no support.
You are a low life prince. I'll continue.
What with the boxing , and getting smashed up from falling down a mountain in Cyprus, and the interminable "private" fights he had to endure whilst serving. There was no choice of backing down, No Body Guards, you darling sweet faced little rat.
My family got one broken brain damaged man back . The most unhappy man I have ever met.
He was born in Lucknow, his mother was a matron in a hospital .Went to the same school as Sir Cliff's Dad, that man can't even admit to his roots. My lot I guess are the small change that the moribund dynasty tried to leave behind in India.
A mix of Bengali and English , called "Sewers"by the dominant moronity, "What's up can't you take a joke?"
You are no further forward than the "tolerant"pre war liberalism that dare not now speak its name. A chamberlainian throwback, that would have kissed Hitlers arse rather than defend the higher principle. Me Mam wasn't a Nazi. her first husband was a Jew who had miraculously managed to both evade the pogroms,and the bombing of Hambourg, but on marrying my mother,coming out of the closet after the war was persecuted by family and "friends". His guard was down too early, his heart couldn't take the strain, he died . the marriage only lasted one year.I dare say they only meant it as a "bit of fun".
We've taken a fair old bit of stick in our family you Dork. From the normalised role models you apparently wish to emulate. Take your larrupping "like a man", I am not writing this for fun nor sport, I live in exile from the consensus psychosis that is becoming endemic in Britain today, P.C.xenophobia, mister. You have got the disease, no use denying the shit stains on both sides of your reversable underpants are your own "bad administration".You have pissed me off one too many times. You are no ones "friend",by conduct seen. Inciting hatred ,youth, from a position of relative safety is pure cowardice. Perhaps it helps you to feel like you fit in with the lads in the barracks. Camouflaging your priveleged background, by licking the spit off the hand of common prejudice is hardly manly. Does your birth cert call you a 'male' or a 'boy'.
Mine says boy , implying that I would Naturally be a man when I grew up. Your desperate attempt to appear Manly"like" a man if you can interpret my language correctly, suggests that your unnatural background left you feeling like you were a penny short of the full bob. I was born by design naturally and privately for fear of the
well meaning clipboarders of my day taking the baby away,for use and abuse by the state...They didn't like even the idea of mixing in those days, those congenitally deficient servants of the national program.I was born in my Granny's house. She had been demoted to sister from matron,to work in a hospital in Leeds.A brown woman she, dedicated to humanitarian service. Both her sisters Katie and Grace stayed behind in Pakistan,after partition,to help care for some of the damage your ill conceived lineage caused, they living out their lives as matrons,in Lahore. Sainted spinsters both.
My late father,only ever spoke English, beaten in the boarding school if he spoke any native languages. Seven generations of mixing in India, after being pressed into foreign service, he was encouraged to call himself an anglican,"or else". Taught to call the Blighted Isle home,as did the preceding generations before him, all my family were patriotic to principle over whatever the shit stained bloodsoaked flag of convenience was called upon to defend. Some of us will not let our personal standard fall. The risk to person is not to be underestimated. Dad only ever had a British passport, He was found a "suspected "suicide, hanging by a piece of washing line in a state run "sheltered residential care home ""at seventyfour.
Those days are never over prince, Lest We Forget. One must learn to reason that there is no such thing as history, You shame whatever residual good is left in your family.
Taking the royal wee won't pass muster with me.Vigilance starts at home, the Nelsonian view will not do. your lack of personal discipline,(moral administration), given your elevated background renders you unfit to be a soldier. Conduct Unbecoming a man by the natural definition. I don't believe your little "sorry", You will do it again , in public and in private. Many believe you are just doing your time for a bit of jingoistic excitment. For the Glory sunshine, I am sure your mam would be proud. Wanna be normal ? Give up all privelege and protection and run the gauntlet of Shit street U.K. plc.,like the rest of the fearful residents. Join the people on the ground at home.You are not worthy.
Just to inform you, someone has to,of some of the dangers, Greek, German or Brit.
In Greece I was drowned in the sea by neo fascists at the time of the junta,on Paradise Beach Mikanos, an unprovoked attack, they dragged my body onto the sand and used it as a football. Kicking the water out of my body I came round,and managed to chase them away.In the back streets of the Euston area of London I was iron barred by a gang of national front supporters, they took turns at hitting me with the lantern hook, a four foot long rod, half my body was paralysed. My vision was as though torn in two with a black gap in the middle, they too ran away when they discovered I was prepared to keep going,having pulled myself up with my one good arm and my one good leg, leaning blood splattered against the wall. In Germany I was hospitalised by a group of Bahnhoff Polizei, handcuffed to a bed for three days till I was well enough to leave without evidence. Incidently, in Euston I got myself to the hospital concussed and without feeling in my left side, the police had a laugh and didn't pursue the matter, I guess they wanted an early night, We mustn't work them too hard must we .
I was younger then. I don't mend so well now. You called your "friend","Paki" mister .
Just what are we expected to call you? After all your cosseted upbringing,it beggars any civilised definition.
I have been called paki on a number of occassions ,too many, I stand my ground on my hind legs and don't kow tow. My otherness has caused me to endure much worse , I don't swallow any one elses spit but my own,naturally.I doubt that you could manfully hack it out here young un, not without a protective entourage a flak jacket and a kevlar hat.Say you could and I will call you a bloody liar until you have survived a week of my personal hospitality. Come alone and come in peace.
Allow me to personally fill you in on what is really going down in Britain, Nowhere near as nice as the disgusting things they publish in the media.More insidiously life threatening to asians and eurasians specifically, than any naughty name calling.
I am an independant intel. gatherer. My Dad brought me up in the seven years after the army, as a single parent, my mum coudn't take the combination of racsism and the dramatic change in my dad's personality. Periods of violent "punchy psychosis" caused by abuse in the army, became more frequent. I had to act as carer in the home , cooking and cleaning,for a macho drinking man trying to fit into a morally backward social environment. I put myself in care at fourteen.What was worthy is still treasured as a memory with respect.
He taught me about the "empires" of the world truthfully, The cause of war. The"Irish problem", The truth behind the establishment of what was then called the White commonwealth.Taught me about biology, Genetics ,petit prince. About your family.
Taught me with his fist and his belt the way he was expected to learn from the prosthelytising dominant teachers in his boarding school. He taught me to take him breaking oak batons on my legs and back bravely, Lest I Forget, I don't.
He also taught me with great pride about Ghandi Ji, MartinLuther King and Thomas Paine, And the real struggle against all odds of the undefended unsung deprived collateral base that your arrogant movement has abused for centuriesdirectly and by proxy. About the merchant slavers the planters and carpetbagging profiteers,the pirates and the child abusing missionaries.
He taught me to hold my fire as a non combatant. I could never be a suicide, He taught me to reserve my"Last Man" The Soldier In extremis, should there be cause to defend life and rights where it makes the most sense, at home.
The dogs have taken over U.K. now. You have forgotten what sacrifices were made in the name of your flag.A whole new generation of "worker population will have to bear the brunt of as yet unreconstructed attitudes.
So mister soldier boy wanna show the world how sorry you are, accept this my formal invitation to help clean out the faceless Little Enlander attitudes by first allowing me to transfer the burden of what is verefiably true my intelligence cost a lot to gather . I am permanently damaged now, You may bring one "friend" I nominate Oliver Tickell of Meadow Lane, Oxford. Son of Sir 25th of October ,Harry.
I will write again ,to you and about you as well as the corruption of my former homeland. I love my country , I am a refugee by the definition of the Geneva Convention, I want to live at least long enough to see the improvement with my own eyes, not just the piss and wind we have had to put up with so far..
Feel free to pick up my gauntlet with all the enthusiasm a volunteer soldier in Her Majesty's Armed Forces can courageously muster.
We have a washing machine if your laundry needs administrating.
A small P.S . Oliver, take this call to duty seriously, your friend, Iznibz Wazir.
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