Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Transcending the media driven iPhoney viral blocking of the real information service. Don't let government undermine humane life support.

When symptoms of sickness occur, beyond my ability to fix myself. I consult my trusted G.P., my local family Doctor.   If beyond his/her clinical practice or experience to cure the Doctor having gathered his own intelligence may then refer to a Specialist consultant. All details of my medical record are confidential. Unauthorised third party interference  by misinterpretation of intended meaning, in law or medicine, for instance may be proably harmful therefore unlawful, professional definitions having been approved through the due process of law.
The political coercion towards us being forced into adopting unnatural and unhealthy group practices doesn't wash with me.I will continue to practise what I perceive to be essential to my long term future, the good health and security of my family and a duly benign influence within my community, acting as per my Natural and positive Constitutional Rights.I don't subscribe to the compulive maquerade. Delusional paranoiacs may appease themselves with masks. I don't subscribe.
I have, over years been confronted by folk insisting I ought to shave, that I am hiding behind a beard.Being told that my beard is a mask that stops people seeing my face. It is a part of my face, as much of a mask as I am prepared to wear. Observe the adequate filter system evolved to meet natures historic hazards.It works for me and serves me well.The popular trending Pandemonium has no place in our health giving, life supporting rural Homestead. I will continue to live with the folly of my own perceived wisdom.Clumsy actions ill informed choices. Wear and tear getting used to unfamiliar work. The damage and disadvantage at the hands of others, calloused or scarred accumulated over years of running the gauntlet of the xenophobic reaction. I count my Blessings. I Live.The Juggernaught is heading thataway, are you ready. Grand Solar Minimum is upon us. ..

"What to do?...Gizza Clue."  Are you waiting for the government to tell you what to do ?

I am told I am in a vulnerable group, in my sixty ninth year. I have always been vulnerable, the nature of risk may change, styles may mutate to appease temporary fashions. My narcissistic former wife beat my head with a ball pein hammer whilst I was unconscious. She claims it was to wake me up. Ran me over with our Mercedes van some time later. I have been hospitalised by U.K. Police on Seven occasions, without cause or need, and without charge, unprovoked. I can live with vulnerable, so far so good. I will cope, Naturally. "They are not making living through the present crisis any easier for poor folk."Thinks I,"Time we took our collective working savvy and what cooperative human resources  we can muster, through our local knowledge, our personal initiatives are better placed cooperating in each others service. It beats standing in the charity queue, much more satisfying than rioting in causeless rebellion." Blah Di Blah... I could say more.
I will be picking more figs tomorrow.

 Apple Sauce and Fig Roll filling...

Help yourself.

What goes on here?

  Doorstep Doings...Anne-Sophie sorts out some of the season's gleanings

These small hazel nuts will be roasted and milled for cake and biscuits. We have a mass of huge "Choclatier" quality nuts coming soon in exchange for figs. The red Hazels are favour to be eaten raw. 

 Walnuts and sunflower seeds, ready for the dark and cool...

Cherry tomatoes ripen quickly. These gleanings wil be used up in sauces, salads and stews. Two days ago they were nearly all green, today this box offer up a litre of ripe fruit. The main harvest in the shared poly tunnel has yet to be picked. There is plenty to do meanwhile.

 The walnuts may look a little grimy, we will hose them clean. The Hazel nuts will make the luxury of dark chocolate last longer. Sunflower seeds for eating, dyeing,and chicken feed.  The big splash of colour in the summer attracts pollinators.

 The flower is called "Cosmo", thats a Sage plant behind it. Both will be upstaged one day by the little peach tree determined to grow in front of the Compost pile. The view gives me pleasure, I am happy to share.

  Apples salvaged from a neglected, abandoned tree is fast being converted to good compot.

 Some lettuce is planted deliberately, there's plenty of that. As much again is colonising ,many varieties, across the garden from self seeding "rogues" . It wont stop us planting more.

  A Chicory in flower , taller than the bean poles. There will be a mass of seedings beneath this mother plant in the Spring.

Appears to be Pears...

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