Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Sunday, 26 April 2020
If it"s good for all, without exception, it's good for one...
They have hit the ground running,newly broken fallow ground is already showing promise. The initial planting is directly ino the ground. The soil is fertile and unpolluted. This season the bedds look a little flat. By each passing seaon's cultivation the beds will rise. No need for boxes of bought compost and degrading lumber.
Healthy wholesome labour in a benign well oxygenated environment, ensures no one will go hungry . Our civic responsibility to take the initiative. Who else would know what to do with it?
Potatoes are showing on their ridges. Dry grass clippings mulch the gullies in between. As the plants grow, more grass, keeping the moisture where it's needed most.
Onions already showing three inches of green, they are near ready to be straw mulched.
I saved a bag of good schallots from last year's crop. We will make do with the small ones till our maincrop onions are ripe. Anne-Sophie is planting out the big ones, still firm, they kept well. They prefer a longer season, we will likely harvest them late autumn to compensate for time lost. Carrots will be sown beteen the schallot rows. Alternate rows of beetroot and Haricot beans are next.
I will keep you posted.
One Crown virus to Bind Them All and In Darkness Find Them...
Maybe my perceptions are way off beam. Perhaps the majority of folk would disagree with my singular view.Not subscribing to the popular psychosis, I am beyond caring what others think or say. Regurgitated unqualified opinion was never my guiding light. The naive trust cultivated in my youth, in my nation's altuistic righteousness, has worn away. My objectivity now is borne of being a refugee, an Englishman in exile ,establishing home in a foreign field. Britain has been overrun with narcissists sociopaths and now it is subject to the influential manipulation of political science.
The old investors in the New world still control the money. They print it, they own it. Neomonarchist corporate executives are paid to manage the historic fund.Royalties continue to be paid by the privileged profiteering elite, the serving entourage of the faceless powerhouses. Fools we are to have not by now learned to live without them. The power that pays is invariably the power that corrupts. As long as it is not seen as blameworthy it will unduly benefit from the suffering and hardships of the poorest. A spurrious principle handed down from high tables and readily adopted as the route towards the aspired richesse of sycophantic followers . Little or no profit to be made from the unemployed the uninsured. The sick and the dying or the uncompromising moral dissidents and objectors to unjust corporate abuse our humane civilised code. "If it's good for one it is good for all", has become the order of the day. Moral relativism reigns supreme. Self serving First World practice adopted now by almost every aspiring developing nation, brings down upon the heads of it's poorest, the same draconian subjugation that the old empirist applied in the past.
To be continued: It's going somewhere. Points need making. The written word without facial expression or vocal inflection needs to be carefully chosen if it is to convey intended unambiguous meaning.
The COVOD19 crisis has been waiting in the wings for years, perhaps many decades. Distrust amongst those who regard themselves as righteous "westerners" , directed against China is a sad consequence of the legacy of Empire. The viral contamination so seen by the "West" of Marxism was born in Britain, the heartland of the Industrial Revolution. We witness now the product of neomonarchic forward planning. The sponsorship of Political science,deploying cultivated gameplaying strategists into less innocent occupations is an open secret. For the academic theories and hypoteses to be coalesced into a Science needed controlled experimental studies. Flat earth game board praxis has no application that would manifest trustworthy results. One may not engineer one's destiny with unproven theories.
Call me "Crazy" all you want. I express my own personal marginalised view. "Crazy" is not a medical condition, merely a term of abuse.
Beware of British Disease. Unworkable ideologies are exported world wide, they being the rejected results of experimental studies of captive domestic populations. The more educated the population the more the sophisticated control, from deep centre. A schizophrenic "normalcy" is maintained in the Blighted Isle. The faceless profiteers will not relinquish their grip on their historic invested assets.The "assets" of entitled families are the user friendly disadvantaged poor. A Capital notion not clearly recognised by those who voluntarily subject themselves to the deluded whims of controlling paymasters and grandiose game changers. Population kept in darkness through limited education, are by design ignorant of the damage that the piratic empire of Elizabeth 1 and through it's mutated changes until the present day of the Second Elizabeth's glorious reign, is doing to the developing sovereign nations.
The high table strategists of Britain have long been aware of the cyclical nature of climate and the effect on food production globally. Aware also of the natural history of viral lifecycles. I was in Dalton House in my Grammar school. The effect of cyclical Global Cooling was regarded as Common Knowledge; so too the mutation of viruses. Dark cold times ahead. , ash cover emitted by volcanic action, seismic disruption of Earths fragile mantle, all predictable. It was only a matter of time. The great Reset was planned well in advance. The Object being to retain strategic and economic controlling influence in the world. What is happening now is what they have been waiting for, investing in, for generations. Few will see the COVID19 pandemic as a biproduct of the historic destruction and corruption of indigenous colonized people. Emulating and imitating the old Masters Grand Plan , each sycophantic follower in turn diseminates the seeds of it's own cultures demise.
More later: 28/04/2020.
The old investors in the New world still control the money. They print it, they own it. Neomonarchist corporate executives are paid to manage the historic fund.Royalties continue to be paid by the privileged profiteering elite, the serving entourage of the faceless powerhouses. Fools we are to have not by now learned to live without them. The power that pays is invariably the power that corrupts. As long as it is not seen as blameworthy it will unduly benefit from the suffering and hardships of the poorest. A spurrious principle handed down from high tables and readily adopted as the route towards the aspired richesse of sycophantic followers . Little or no profit to be made from the unemployed the uninsured. The sick and the dying or the uncompromising moral dissidents and objectors to unjust corporate abuse our humane civilised code. "If it's good for one it is good for all", has become the order of the day. Moral relativism reigns supreme. Self serving First World practice adopted now by almost every aspiring developing nation, brings down upon the heads of it's poorest, the same draconian subjugation that the old empirist applied in the past.
To be continued: It's going somewhere. Points need making. The written word without facial expression or vocal inflection needs to be carefully chosen if it is to convey intended unambiguous meaning.
The COVOD19 crisis has been waiting in the wings for years, perhaps many decades. Distrust amongst those who regard themselves as righteous "westerners" , directed against China is a sad consequence of the legacy of Empire. The viral contamination so seen by the "West" of Marxism was born in Britain, the heartland of the Industrial Revolution. We witness now the product of neomonarchic forward planning. The sponsorship of Political science,deploying cultivated gameplaying strategists into less innocent occupations is an open secret. For the academic theories and hypoteses to be coalesced into a Science needed controlled experimental studies. Flat earth game board praxis has no application that would manifest trustworthy results. One may not engineer one's destiny with unproven theories.
Call me "Crazy" all you want. I express my own personal marginalised view. "Crazy" is not a medical condition, merely a term of abuse.
Beware of British Disease. Unworkable ideologies are exported world wide, they being the rejected results of experimental studies of captive domestic populations. The more educated the population the more the sophisticated control, from deep centre. A schizophrenic "normalcy" is maintained in the Blighted Isle. The faceless profiteers will not relinquish their grip on their historic invested assets.The "assets" of entitled families are the user friendly disadvantaged poor. A Capital notion not clearly recognised by those who voluntarily subject themselves to the deluded whims of controlling paymasters and grandiose game changers. Population kept in darkness through limited education, are by design ignorant of the damage that the piratic empire of Elizabeth 1 and through it's mutated changes until the present day of the Second Elizabeth's glorious reign, is doing to the developing sovereign nations.
The high table strategists of Britain have long been aware of the cyclical nature of climate and the effect on food production globally. Aware also of the natural history of viral lifecycles. I was in Dalton House in my Grammar school. The effect of cyclical Global Cooling was regarded as Common Knowledge; so too the mutation of viruses. Dark cold times ahead. , ash cover emitted by volcanic action, seismic disruption of Earths fragile mantle, all predictable. It was only a matter of time. The great Reset was planned well in advance. The Object being to retain strategic and economic controlling influence in the world. What is happening now is what they have been waiting for, investing in, for generations. Few will see the COVID19 pandemic as a biproduct of the historic destruction and corruption of indigenous colonized people. Emulating and imitating the old Masters Grand Plan , each sycophantic follower in turn diseminates the seeds of it's own cultures demise.
More later: 28/04/2020.
Friday, 24 April 2020
An invitation to Economic Survival, Poste Lockdown...
Today had a heavy start. Rheumatism or a trapped nerve, I don't know. Agony combined with an adrenaline rush left me exhausted. The ongoing task of preparing for summer wont get delayed. I have set up some bean supports for the climbers.. Sowed seed saved from last year. Bright red Scarlet Emperor. Just enough space behind them for more Kale. Between the red flowering and the Blue flowering varieties I will put coriander. In front of the blue flowering row lettuce and another row of Kale, it's taken well. One more row of bean supports to erect for White"Greek" beans.
This year I will be covering the Potatoes with dried grass cuttings. The leaf is showing well on the earliest sowings. We are still eating from last years harvest. Anne-Sophie pulled out some leeks and parsnips from the freezer. Broad beans and peas still in plentyful supply. This years peas are just about to get a grip of their supports. Our maize is growing ahead of the local cattle feed., hope we get some decent cobs on the plate this year. Some squashes have been planted out. Strawberry plants are flowering. New plants a little way behind, leafing up well, should produce fruit into the Autumn. Looks like we will have an abundance of fruit this year, there will be much bottling and conserving come season's end. Beetroot and carrots are showing. Mulching with straw keeps the moisture where it's needed most. The cabbages look happy. Perfect onion and schallots , determined to impress. The garlic looks strong. First year of Chinese cabbage. What else?... Words don't do justice to the miracle in the garden. Photo images only give a one eyed view. You would have to be here to appreciate the wonder and beauty of it. Every family needs one of these. The world would be a happier place. Let's not kid ourselves that we own the money. We can however own our food supply. The learning curve towards self reliance and the physical work of cultivation is all the tax you need be expending. The money earned in our oppressive contractual labours will be of greater value if the expense of healthy food is eliminated from the fiscal equation. Members of one's family once a short term contract is finished, may not expect to be re employed immediately. Stay strong deploy your family's energy to its own survival. Food security is the key to civilised living.
Our income at the moment is static. Lockdown means we may not market our home produce craft goods. With food in plentyful supply we have energy enough to prepare in advance of even greater challenges. Anne-Sophie is busy in the new field. "What can the poorest do to ensure their families of a dignified and sustainable way of life?" "Free food "pantries are closing down or are oversubscribed.Malnourished clueless demoralised, desperate folk queue for beyond sell by dated throw outs from the big supermarkets. They will become the next cheap labour pool. Welfare payments and food stamps are not the answer. Volunteer labour is needed. Enthusiastic muscle power dedicated to equitable sharing of Nature's bounty. @ zero % commission. If folk think all they need is money, they can get in the queue for a job interview. Chances are they will die of starvation.
We survive on less than the average welfare payment. We are not panicking about the uncertain future.Building a volunteer workers garden is a viable way forward from urban dependency to rural freedom. Addressing poverty at it's most fundemental level obviates the need for compulsory wage slavery.
This year I will be covering the Potatoes with dried grass cuttings. The leaf is showing well on the earliest sowings. We are still eating from last years harvest. Anne-Sophie pulled out some leeks and parsnips from the freezer. Broad beans and peas still in plentyful supply. This years peas are just about to get a grip of their supports. Our maize is growing ahead of the local cattle feed., hope we get some decent cobs on the plate this year. Some squashes have been planted out. Strawberry plants are flowering. New plants a little way behind, leafing up well, should produce fruit into the Autumn. Looks like we will have an abundance of fruit this year, there will be much bottling and conserving come season's end. Beetroot and carrots are showing. Mulching with straw keeps the moisture where it's needed most. The cabbages look happy. Perfect onion and schallots , determined to impress. The garlic looks strong. First year of Chinese cabbage. What else?... Words don't do justice to the miracle in the garden. Photo images only give a one eyed view. You would have to be here to appreciate the wonder and beauty of it. Every family needs one of these. The world would be a happier place. Let's not kid ourselves that we own the money. We can however own our food supply. The learning curve towards self reliance and the physical work of cultivation is all the tax you need be expending. The money earned in our oppressive contractual labours will be of greater value if the expense of healthy food is eliminated from the fiscal equation. Members of one's family once a short term contract is finished, may not expect to be re employed immediately. Stay strong deploy your family's energy to its own survival. Food security is the key to civilised living.
Our income at the moment is static. Lockdown means we may not market our home produce craft goods. With food in plentyful supply we have energy enough to prepare in advance of even greater challenges. Anne-Sophie is busy in the new field. "What can the poorest do to ensure their families of a dignified and sustainable way of life?" "Free food "pantries are closing down or are oversubscribed.Malnourished clueless demoralised, desperate folk queue for beyond sell by dated throw outs from the big supermarkets. They will become the next cheap labour pool. Welfare payments and food stamps are not the answer. Volunteer labour is needed. Enthusiastic muscle power dedicated to equitable sharing of Nature's bounty. @ zero % commission. If folk think all they need is money, they can get in the queue for a job interview. Chances are they will die of starvation.
We survive on less than the average welfare payment. We are not panicking about the uncertain future.Building a volunteer workers garden is a viable way forward from urban dependency to rural freedom. Addressing poverty at it's most fundemental level obviates the need for compulsory wage slavery.
Some pretty pictures might refresh your head...
Can you Adam and Eve it? The figs are early this year...
Beetroot freshly mulched with straw
Strawberries just started to flower, that's a clump of bluebells top centre...
White currants in flower. We will make some soup from the nettle tops before weeding out the roots...
Stand on the ground beside the watering can, this raised bed is nearly chest high...
Tree onions in the foreground, garlic in the background...
Support for runnerbeans completed the seed is sown. I will squeeze a small row of Kale in the remaining space...
The ever evolving view from the house...
The garden is smiling, it's hard to not smile back...
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Poste Armageddon... Agrarian Rennaissance...
Crisis avoidance or crisis management. You are going to have to make the choice for yourselves. Coming back to earth, from the gridiron CoVid19 Lockdown, you will be faced with greater challenges. Life plans will have to be adjusted. Virtual reality fantasies of a heavenly bountiful world will not feed hungry aching bellies. The technological future will have no natural humans living in it. Some of us could see the current disaster ahead of the popular consumer distractions.
"Ay you used to come out with some stuff in those days." Ask if he could remember any of it... "No" His feeble but memorable answer. " It's a good job I was there at the time, I remember everything."
Box world vision ,cash starved, will cause many to adjust their dreamtime ambition. Conditioned to merely harvesting money from their arduous contract labours. many folk will opt for farming for a source of "disposable income".
We are witnessing the down fall of the Big Ag monopolies. Captive consumers have no choice but to suffer the blindsided mismanagement of our common heritage. Asset stripping bottom liners have failed to do what it says on the tin. They are too busy counting the immediate profit from the reduced service they offer.
Consider as a choice, Horticulture over Agriculture. Pioneering homestead smallholding, man manageable responsible cultivation not dependent on monsterous machines chemical pollutants nor Government subvention.
Forward planning: Limited shared utility of a small tractor. A neighbourly favour. Fallow ground is prepared for the enthusiastic volunteers. The short cut to catch up on a late season start.
How will the poorest survive without the injustice of low waged short contract jobs draining their energy and material security to fill the profiteering pockets of the idle rich? The majority are forced to exist in the locked down unhealthy living patterns, victims of misguided real estate planners, whether by accident or malignant avaricious design. Recycled sump gas is not a healthy atmosphere. What else do folk have to breath. Giving the life supporting Oxygen to their machines. The work in hand becomes harder, the wear and tear greater the longer we abuse ourselves with the obsessive hustle for spending money. Disposable incomes, disposable workforce, occupying short term rented accomodation. Ever rising expenditure failing to keep up with the accelerating rising prices.
Come back to earth, one able bodied adult may provide enough food for more than one family. The value of labour is never reduced by tax or outside profiteers. The need to estabish garden economies is an overdue priority. Economic recovery poste COVID19 may not rely on patterns of living that will ever encourage an incubation zone in the urban ghettos for more of the same or worse mutations . A plague upon the houses that prefer masks and body bags close to the shops and the cops with free state welfare handouts. That should keep the worker population on it's knees for a little while longer.
Descendants of the old world immigration, escaping the cyclical hardships of indentured slavery in their home cultures, may find they have surrendered their personal autonomy to harsher masters than the abusers they left behind. Landless servitude, bread and circus, rent a life, contractual obligation to promise the children for sacrifice in war. It is time to pioneer a better future than the lick spittle options you are forced to vote for.
The longer you stare at the screen the harder the work will seem. This is where our future begins. |
It's just mud, what are you afraid of? It doesn't belong in a window box. |
Built in the early fifties and still going strong.
All will be revealed when the work is done. Just a phase the rocks are passing through.
You are welcome to join us however you may. Make contact however you can. Turn away from the pre ordained gridline patterns of plantation enslavement. Be guided by the light that casts no shadow. We head for the sustainable future of human civilisation. Maybe we will see you there... I. WAZIR
No escape during the COVID19 Lockdown, Pathogenic sprays displace life supportinog oxygen...
Early this morning a really misty start to the day, we had rain during the night. The air isn't tasting so good. This little village is surrounded by fields without protection from the chemical sprays. They never warn us . Pesticides,herbicides and fungicides are a hazard from which we may not escape. During the Lockdown we must stay in our homes. we are prohibitted from getting up wind of the poisonous atmosphere. The sun warmed the earth water transpires from the vegetation carrying with it, invisible in the rising mist, the atomised droplets . Mutagens and neuro toxins displace our natural life support. I try not to breath too much. I may not get any manual work done today. Huge lungfulls of air are required to do the heavy stuff. Paper shuffling government administrators seem unaware of the dangers we seasonally have to endure. Imunity to the natural dangers of bacterial and viral infection is reduced. There are likely to be more lockdowns and restrictive regulation as long as the Agri Business contract farmers are allowed to poison the earth, the water, the air and the food we eat. A transition to none invasive biological methods needs to be legislated for. Big Ag is poisoning our future generations. Asset stripping our common terrestrial heritage for short term profit.
Friday, 17 April 2020
They should be teaching about this stuff at school...
Glad we have our own...
French Garlic is retailng for over 9 Euros a kilo locally. Heaven only knows how much more it will be sold for once food miles and labour costs are added in the U.K. These were started in November. They have survived several deep frosts. The leaf stands more than 18 inches high, the necks are firm. Wood ash from our fire, Straw mulch to preserve the moisture.
Schallots, determined to impress...
Mock orange blossom. The rocks will be removed once the plant has a good grip of the soil. It'll not be looking scruffy when I'm done.
Form follows function... If you can see the point all well and good, if not you need only ask...
Artchokes and an Arbutus(strawberry tree)...
From here I can see,Box, the trunk of a fig tree, Rhubarb(Champagne), White Horehound, Oregano, Hysopp, Forget me nots and Lavender. Space awaits for plenty more.
Pear blossom with setting fruit...
Lily of the valley, their first year in residence...
The surprise of naturalising floral beauty will cheer the most dispondent soul...
Homeland Security...
Locked up or locked down. We are each subjected to the folly of our individual liberty. I publish images of my own investment, fading strength, waning energy.The knowledge of a lifetime of unmanifest learning, acrued from the margin, avoiding elitist societies in search of civilisation.Personal preferrences may cause us to bar others from their rightful heritage.
Asking of someone who professed to hold the answers, "What do you mean by equity?...", "What you are left with when everybody else has had their cut..."
You can see something of what I have done so far with the skin and bone ,and loose change , leftover once the Everybodies have had their excessive cuttings. Thankful I am, they couldn't see the blazing vision in my mind, nor quantify the value of hard won experience. Foolishly I did try to explain. They claimed I was incoherent. I guess they just were incapable of understanding. A small mercy, for which I will be ever grateful.
My many futile attempts to re-establish in a Blighted homeland. The once"Great Britain"failed to recognise the value of the post Empire returnees,(the other ranks) the steerage class, trying to establish permanent lives once more, after generations of service to the Raj.
It has been a long paper round so far. My bag seems to get heavier, the road I must travel until the final deed is done appears longer than ever, the ever ascending gradient, steeper.
COVID19 crisis was a predictable certainty. Food shortages foreseeable. Weather patterns and the climate cycles observable and well recorded. The internaughts of the International Information Super Highway don't appear to have caught up with the pre-internet exsistant proven facts.
I locked myself in. Twelve years now. A few dozen sojourns into the world outside. Little joy was gleaned from that. As an Englshman abroad, disowning the imposition of being called "British", married to a strong willed Breton wife, both loyal and fully committed to benign service in the last Noble Cause. Our non vocal expression , the product of our Labour of Love, may one day be understood, long after we are gone. first and last natural survivors marginalised on the edge of extinction.
Edgey protection,growing the hedge fund...
The small rocks act as soakaways. I will plant fruit bushes or boxwood at their base.
Broad beans grow well in a block. I will put sticks on the outside to stop the outside edge from collapsing.
Plenty of new "recruits" queuing up to enlist in the garden.
Just wondering my daughter...
Why the great uncaring silence? Do you know if your brother is sick, or perhaps contractually bound by his mother to not relate, if he has been stuffed in the psychiatric hospital once more by her maligant condition or worse, is he dead? Given past form if my memory serves, the death of my own father was used to cause damage by the threesome powerplay back then. Too late to attend to familial duties by the time the deliberately delayed news was conveyed to me. Hurtful and sadistic pleasure was enjoyed in the Allen-Godden camp I am sure.
Perhaps the purile fantasies and head games carried into adult life have clouded your civilised objectivity. i.e. Still playing for "Who gets the house in the end"?
You can all chew each others' legs off within that little huddle. Attitudes prevailing remain deeply disgusting within the threesome ring of secrecy. A fact easily observed from the outside. Not a practise I have ever wanted for myself, I don't play.
My life hasn't been an easy paper round. I didn't get suckered into the notion that it would or should be. My senior years here are productive even with a below breadline income,the desertified mud field is a haven of life supporting abundance every year better than the previous.
Well daughter, are you too sick in body or too sick in mind to talk via email, I cannot imagine what risk you are trying to avoid. Bon Courage. There is a safe haven in your father's quarter that opposes all moral compromise.. You would be welcome here to start afresh if you should ever wish.
If, nearer to the end of my mortal life I see no Quantum progress in the nature and standards maintained my correspondence will be collated into a book with all my relavent writings. and published , yes for money, to sponsor my loyal and loving good wife,Anne-Sophie. Such a desperate action would prove extremely embarrassing for both your brother and yourself.
Much as I may empathise, it isn't my problem. So first task is to address the issue of false allegations.Lock down is a perfect time to do it. More practical in the long term than catering for drunks. Be of good cheer and maybe enjoy more of my modest bloggings. Good Luck Emma Grace Godden ( the last good EGG).
I close with love your loyal father Reinold.
Monday, 13 April 2020
Further from Rome, Nearer to Home... Originally posted 2008

" Some of us woke up early, each in their time.You 'd be well to try it, we'd get more done between us and less need for blaming after. Eating iz what we do best with our mouths. Feed your head by all means but chew your food slowly for greater understanding. You learn nothing by swallering whole every morsel az iz thrown to you.They wouldn't eat the stuff they throw to you,youth. better off you would be with an aching hunger in your belly. Don't be tempted to lick the spit of another mans hand no matter how delicious his offer may seem.He eats the chocolate off the biscuits before he shares his fortune with others. Come home hungry,come home healthy. Don't be consumed by indulgent toxic pleasure. Intoxicated bewilderness iz not a right state of mind.Man and iz big meaningless ways broke our world continuum, our duty iz to re-establish our rightful domain, where all things mek one great big sense without contradiction or conditional opposition.Elemental, transtemporal equilibrium. We're here to redress the balance, we duz the do. Stay true to causal Nature and it will act in accord with you. Happen then you'd be more agreeable to me."
" The Elemental Gospel was never written down, nor was it ever bound by words nor crystalline imaginings.Principle endures without subscription, serves without distinction, supports us without deference to rank or wealth. We are guided in our mortality by the light that casts no shadow. So if your not here to move the earth to Sanctuary ground, I reckon I'll have to take the whole initiative meself. The earth needs be brought back home to safety, Gaffer's duty to do the do ,whether there's help and cooperation or not, I'm getting on with it."
There iz no choice in Iznibz's world, The choiceless executive option, Iz picks, "IZ KNOWS BEST." Happen he would, he iz the Gaffer, and he does the do. By primal principle most singular. "Typing iz wuss than talk." Sez Iznibz.
Sunday, 12 April 2020
Drumming up a bit of caring interest in the CoVid19 Lockdown...
Don' wait for orders Permission from a paper shuffling Flat Earth Elite. No more health directives from the Sickness Factory Profiteers. Walking wounded heroes and bodies piling up in the yard. Mobilise ahead of the corporate box world vision. Occupy the Future. Why wait for Governments to use your singular initiative for you? You're the nearest, first in the queue... Kick your own arse.
Organise... come back to earth you screen licking, idle Inter Naughts. We need disciplined intelligent caring muscle power on the ground.Make your big plans now while you can. Prepare to hit the ground running. Every one needs to eat without exception. Unconditionally. Before and after work is done. Join a new Agrarian Rennaissance. Strategem formed round a hungry dining table discuss with neighbours over the garden fence. ..We work to feed others. Breaking new unpolluted earth.....Volunteers, @Zero % commission. After COVID19, Lockdown will be the least of our concerns. Denatured bodies need to reestablish some natural terrestrial meaning. Humanity our higher evolved civilised aspiration is in danger of being fractured into competitive elitist societies.
Economic food security for our families the extra, the abundance, we share with the working community. Best get to know who your friends may turn out to be. Return yourselves to a state of grace with Nature, See it how it really is. ... If we are to survive we must head in the same direction. Man is drawn by Nature's calling. Don't fight it, you will only be standing in your own way.Clandestine private initiatives Essential Service to the mass bewilderment soon to be released from captivity. Rally all tribes together to work with common cause, purposefully, transparently. Let's bang the drums that lead the way to a better future. The Smiling Revolution, toward the Sixth Republic. Mobilise now. Dig For Victory.
Friday, 10 April 2020
@ EMERGY GODDEN... I reckon you've been peeping.
The Covid19 pandemic is causing folk to behave in surprising ways. I don't believe that anyone in Portugal would be interested in my modest keyboard stabbing. I don't deny that I have been wondering with some concern as to how you are coping with lock down. Most recent news I had of you was from your brother. You just got a licence to drive a coastal motor boat, equivalent to a P.S.V. licence I guess. He tells me you are learning Portugese. Sounds good . You're sharp enough to cope with that easily. I caught a couple of images of you as I glanced over Anne-Sophie's shoulder while she grazed her Facebook site. You looked to be in the pink for sure. I just hope the photos weren't enhanced electronically. You know how I feel about cosmetic glamour. Natural beauty would out shine any masquerade. Images of the real you are rare. Dare to nosey around some more of my blog more frequently, life support the long lasting sustainable none commercial variety,
the blog is about that not about me. Meez just incidental.
I hope you find a garden home life off your own some day. I'd be happy to advise if you ever get to break new ground. I don't look at my blog statistics much. recently however, since the pandemic started I have been curious as to how much more interest there would be in Sustainable development in the wake of the juggernaught. First time I have ever seen Portugal singled out, only three views, all in one session. I can only guess you were just checking to see if I am dead yet. Far enough away from that fateful time as yet, my health overall is improving. Gradually getting stronger. The last year was hell, several near death siezures. I didn't think much about saying goodbye, we haven't shared enough happy hellos yet..
You once promised me a good rhubarb crumble.I can't believe it has taken since 1995 to figure out how to do it. You really missed out on the one we had yesterday. Rhubarb and blackcurrant crumble with sauce anglais,(custard), hard to beat, easy to eat. There's always a next time you'd be most welcome.
Oh well call it "harassment" if you like, you have labelled stuff with illconceived definitions in the past.If I can tolerate the Merry Con and Con Aidien abuse of my lovely language your minor faux pas is easily forgiven. I hope this finds you, healthy and smiling. Good fortune to you Emma Grace Godden. Closing with distant love of the best paternal kind. Dad.
the blog is about that not about me. Meez just incidental.
I hope you find a garden home life off your own some day. I'd be happy to advise if you ever get to break new ground. I don't look at my blog statistics much. recently however, since the pandemic started I have been curious as to how much more interest there would be in
You once promised me a good rhubarb crumble.I can't believe it has taken since 1995 to figure out how to do it. You really missed out on the one we had yesterday. Rhubarb and blackcurrant crumble with sauce anglais,(custard), hard to beat, easy to eat. There's always a next time you'd be most welcome.
Oh well call it "harassment" if you like, you have labelled stuff with illconceived definitions in the past.If I can tolerate the Merry Con and Con Aidien abuse of my lovely language your minor faux pas is easily forgiven. I hope this finds you, healthy and smiling. Good fortune to you Emma Grace Godden. Closing with distant love of the best paternal kind. Dad.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
European, I'm a peon too...
The last of the leeks, to be cut and bagged for freezing.
Seeds for this coming season. Some saved, some donated, some bought. Just been given another bag of onion sets. Ours are in already.We will have enough now to be generous at harvest time
Seedlings in the window,I have just planted twelve cabbages. Cloched them with 5litre water bottles. The first batch of lettuce is almost ready. In thse trays, we have kale, chinese cabbage, sunflowers, chili and capsicum, courgettes one or two other things big list and it's only just begun.
Pear in blossom The sun takes it's hat off.
The broad beans were planted in November. They are just coming into flower. Busy with bees. Young silver birch on the left fruit bushes to the right. Below the beans comfrey, a good green manure. Use leaves as mulch. (they make nice fritters, dip in crispy batter mix before deep frying).
Looking back...
Looking forward...
Silver Birch,the elegant pioneer...
CO. VID19 is a twentieth century invention. They just forgot to tell you...
You can't tell me that no one could see the Corona crisis coming. Joining the available dots gave a rough sketch of the present day emergency,decades ago.. It took years to collect , encode and collate enough data from the minds and written works of hard working individuals deseminated on the
International Information Super Highway before the popularisation of the Internet. Projects in America were monitored , they being virtually captive urban working class low waged ethnic minorities. The data and the metrics relating to human behaviour. To plan for, "What would happen if..." Oh No"? "Oh Yes" ...sez I. Analysis of behaviour , and the massive increase in the study of political science in the Universities. Arse Book anti social Lube Toob Sinistergram data collection.
"If everyone had a mobile phone...", "If every house had a flat screen computer...", "If everyone upgraded to a tablet...". Plans got made. The biggest BOOM since Mister Ford painted it Black. A nice little earner for those priveleged and in the know.
As a pre internet "freak" I was marginalised to be an outside observer of the forced modernisation in the favoured popular consumer culture. Found myself acting as an anthropologist amongst a decidedly ever more toxic majority.
Witnessing even those in well protected academic communities, PhDs and the like behaving as though they were a few pence short of a shilling. Friendly faces masking hidden agendum. Elitist socialites attempting to integrate with working class socialists to gain political credibility. I spent nigh on twelve years in Oxford as an independent observer. I will stick with my own hard won experience as a guide to our collective survival. I never felt need to gain high table approval. Life is not academic.
I see things my way. It's the only way I am prepared to trust. My risk, my Dharma, my karma. Motivated by conclusions drawn from running the gauntlet of systematic institutional oppression, violence and deliberate misguidance of the popular consesus. No crazy delusion this. I bear the very real scars and permanent damage resulting from not bending my knee and tugging my forelock in submission to the corrupting compromise.
I've come along way since my emancipation in 1969. The sixties were far from "swinging" for me.
Disfunctional family life,Institutional care and a discontinuous education, left me stranded as a youth, hungry to learn with little but my own instincts and initiative to guide me.
"I found out", as the late Mr. Lennon sang. Not too late to warn, thinks I. There are are many of us that did, "They can't kill us all" as the good Mr. Gandhi once commented. Happen, they may often try, such has been my experience. Two more Kennedys have just disappeared, so we are informed.
"Shit happens," now it is hitting the fan. Couldn't the klevva folk sniff it? too busy shoving the white powder up their noses languishing in the self indugent pleasure domes, "disposable lifestyle choices".
The latest fashion, CO.VID.19 will aid the cover up and distract the common population from helping themselves to a sustainable self reliant future. My take, personal none conspiritorial, is likely to be disregarded or ignored completely. I don't wipe blame on China nor Russia. more reasonable to subscribe in my view that the Merry Con N.S.A. And Cheltenham G.C.H.Q. had a greater hand in the confusion that persists at present. "COrporate deepstate VIDeo virus circa late 19nineties", has gradually surfaced. The Cyclical nature of the global climate has been known now for centuries.
I was in "Dalton" house in an English Grammar school. The other houses Stevenson, Newton,and Faraday. I had cause to wonder what was so famous in scientific circles about Dalton. Check it out for yourselves; then go on from there, plenty of dots worth joining up. Meks a pretty picture.
There's no way the "powers that be" haven't planned for this present pandemic.
I am thoroughly sick of the overuse of "Unprecedented" as though history had never happened. Oxygen levels are way down in the urban quarter. Displaced by Carbon monoxide, the gas of choice eventually in the Nazi death camps. Nitrogen, is inert but without accessible Oxygen it will suffocate CO2 is not nor has it ever been a problem. Monoxide, that's CO is the most pernicious hazard. We forsake the breathable life support and feed it to our cars, our gas central heating, the out pouring exhaust hovers in our urban residential zones. We feel cold, through lack of oxygen, we turn up the heat in our hermetically sealed double glazed homes. Brown fat cells become redundant, uncontrollable obesity resulting. Avoidable psychoses derived from oxygen starvation befuddled brains deprived of life supporting intelligence. Oxygen is the food of consciousness. Shallow breathing in our screen side entertainment and office keyboard chores worse still the polluted areas of manual occupations. It all predictably takes a toll on the ability to breath properly.
Governments are attempting to recruit the forcably unemployed to work in the fields. Hey chaps it's not the 50's . City folk may not survive long in the toxic spray zones. Glyphosate, pesticides and fungicides. Avoiding the long habituation to the urban filth will leave many gasping,dying, (No I am Not Joking). The wind born overspray, atomised will eventually drift to mix with the already hazardous urban atmosphere. Nowadays if you want country air in the city, you wont have to go far, it's coming to get you.Organo phosphates the by product of our "innocent " well meaning but decidely unwell wartime research into chemical weapons. Pathogenic atmospherics laced with heavy metals.
The sticky sweaty vapours of our social huddle the sewer gases all heavier than oxygen , a small contributary part of our current Pandemic.
A small detail frequently ignored, our waning magneto sphere. Volcanic ash spewing into the upper atmosphere , cold sun, Earth is losing heat. seismic shifts and exceptional precipitation. Pig Flue, Crop failures world wide.
International Information Super Highway before the popularisation of the Internet. Projects in America were monitored , they being virtually captive urban working class low waged ethnic minorities. The data and the metrics relating to human behaviour. To plan for, "What would happen if..." Oh No"? "Oh Yes" ...sez I. Analysis of behaviour , and the massive increase in the study of political science in the Universities. Arse Book anti social Lube Toob Sinistergram data collection.
"If everyone had a mobile phone...", "If every house had a flat screen computer...", "If everyone upgraded to a tablet...". Plans got made. The biggest BOOM since Mister Ford painted it Black. A nice little earner for those priveleged and in the know.
As a pre internet "freak" I was marginalised to be an outside observer of the forced modernisation in the favoured popular consumer culture. Found myself acting as an anthropologist amongst a decidedly ever more toxic majority.
Witnessing even those in well protected academic communities, PhDs and the like behaving as though they were a few pence short of a shilling. Friendly faces masking hidden agendum. Elitist socialites attempting to integrate with working class socialists to gain political credibility. I spent nigh on twelve years in Oxford as an independent observer. I will stick with my own hard won experience as a guide to our collective survival. I never felt need to gain high table approval. Life is not academic.
I see things my way. It's the only way I am prepared to trust. My risk, my Dharma, my karma. Motivated by conclusions drawn from running the gauntlet of systematic institutional oppression, violence and deliberate misguidance of the popular consesus. No crazy delusion this. I bear the very real scars and permanent damage resulting from not bending my knee and tugging my forelock in submission to the corrupting compromise.
I've come along way since my emancipation in 1969. The sixties were far from "swinging" for me.
Disfunctional family life,Institutional care and a discontinuous education, left me stranded as a youth, hungry to learn with little but my own instincts and initiative to guide me.
"I found out", as the late Mr. Lennon sang. Not too late to warn, thinks I. There are are many of us that did, "They can't kill us all" as the good Mr. Gandhi once commented. Happen, they may often try, such has been my experience. Two more Kennedys have just disappeared, so we are informed.
"Shit happens," now it is hitting the fan. Couldn't the klevva folk sniff it? too busy shoving the white powder up their noses languishing in the self indugent pleasure domes, "disposable lifestyle choices".
The latest fashion, CO.VID.19 will aid the cover up and distract the common population from helping themselves to a sustainable self reliant future. My take, personal none conspiritorial, is likely to be disregarded or ignored completely. I don't wipe blame on China nor Russia. more reasonable to subscribe in my view that the Merry Con N.S.A. And Cheltenham G.C.H.Q. had a greater hand in the confusion that persists at present. "COrporate deepstate VIDeo virus circa late 19nineties", has gradually surfaced. The Cyclical nature of the global climate has been known now for centuries.
I was in "Dalton" house in an English Grammar school. The other houses Stevenson, Newton,and Faraday. I had cause to wonder what was so famous in scientific circles about Dalton. Check it out for yourselves; then go on from there, plenty of dots worth joining up. Meks a pretty picture.
There's no way the "powers that be" haven't planned for this present pandemic.
I am thoroughly sick of the overuse of "Unprecedented" as though history had never happened. Oxygen levels are way down in the urban quarter. Displaced by Carbon monoxide, the gas of choice eventually in the Nazi death camps. Nitrogen, is inert but without accessible Oxygen it will suffocate CO2 is not nor has it ever been a problem. Monoxide, that's CO is the most pernicious hazard. We forsake the breathable life support and feed it to our cars, our gas central heating, the out pouring exhaust hovers in our urban residential zones. We feel cold, through lack of oxygen, we turn up the heat in our hermetically sealed double glazed homes. Brown fat cells become redundant, uncontrollable obesity resulting. Avoidable psychoses derived from oxygen starvation befuddled brains deprived of life supporting intelligence. Oxygen is the food of consciousness. Shallow breathing in our screen side entertainment and office keyboard chores worse still the polluted areas of manual occupations. It all predictably takes a toll on the ability to breath properly.
Governments are attempting to recruit the forcably unemployed to work in the fields. Hey chaps it's not the 50's . City folk may not survive long in the toxic spray zones. Glyphosate, pesticides and fungicides. Avoiding the long habituation to the urban filth will leave many gasping,dying, (No I am Not Joking). The wind born overspray, atomised will eventually drift to mix with the already hazardous urban atmosphere. Nowadays if you want country air in the city, you wont have to go far, it's coming to get you.Organo phosphates the by product of our "innocent " well meaning but decidely unwell wartime research into chemical weapons. Pathogenic atmospherics laced with heavy metals.
The sticky sweaty vapours of our social huddle the sewer gases all heavier than oxygen , a small contributary part of our current Pandemic.
A small detail frequently ignored, our waning magneto sphere. Volcanic ash spewing into the upper atmosphere , cold sun, Earth is losing heat. seismic shifts and exceptional precipitation. Pig Flue, Crop failures world wide.
Tuberculosis on the increase, more respiratory failures since we started ignoring the Clean Air Act More deaths by heart failure than ever, alcoholism and suicide on the increase.
Emma: Have you got your asthma Toby?
Toby: Yes Emma I've got Miasma.
Viruses waiting for a host whisked into the upper atmophere irradiated mutating driven upwards by heat from urban living, forest fires and hurricanes cool rapidly and fall to earth to infect earth's captive population. Random selection. The weakest fall first. Worn out by years of pollutive labour in sacrifice to their families. they even paid for your jollies , all it took was a bit of cupboard love. Holidays abroad no investment in a sustainable healthy caring home life. Debt driven, wage slaves subscribing to historic folly. Dalton Minimum, Maunder Minimum, Eddy Minimum? Anybody? Should be front page news. How will we survive the next "Cold Snap". After the "UNPRECEDENTED" Snow, More snow, then Flooding. Relax it wont be like last year, this year we may starve or die of Co.Vid19. It is going to get worse. They are still boogying to the AL Gore Rythm ? It's nothing to do with CO2. Next years bugs will have developed a stronger strain. Any wonder some informed Governments fund research into the possiblity of a worse pandemic next year and on into the forseeable future. A Little Ice Age, may be upon us. Don't blame the Chinese, or the Russians.
MIASMA the evil air, the cold climate in the cities stratifies the heavy toxin ladened air. Mouth breathers beware the filth may be flavourless but it occupies a layer above head height.
We, Madame and I are doing well enough thanks. .They shut down the local clinic for the duration of the crisis. I sacked them months ago. Unbelievable slackness. Folk can't even get treatment for every other chronic ailment they may have. Service not available. Ah the Information Age, I will get back to this soon enough. You don't have to believe my rubbish. I will post a few current images of the garden and maybe an old YouTube Whistle Blowing, Just me practising to hear what it may sound like from another angle....I.WAZIR
Sunday, 5 April 2020
Friday, 3 April 2020
In the CO.VID 19 lock down we have time to make big plans.
The virus is only the beginning of the crisis.I was in "Dalton" house during my school years in the sixties. It caused me to check out what the man was about. Grand Solar Minimum poses a bigger threat in the overcrowded cities. Take a leaf out of Cuba's book.City farms provide 80% of the urban food. London is ill prepared. I am glad I encouraged my adult son to return to Wales. He can start again. I no longer have reason to return to the capital it's a miasmic sump. Caring about his welfare was killing me. Had I not done so, by the unhappy means of tough love he would likely have found himself relegated to the Nightingale hospital. No telling if he would have come out the other end healthy or even alive.I have seen no statistics as yet relating to the number of admissions who test positive but survive the N.H.S. care. Hackney should beware. It hides the archeological remains of a White lead factory. Old gasworks sites are also potentially lethal. Flood plain realestate now contaminated from effluent washed down in the deluge of the winter rains, heavy metals, not to mention the unmentionable contents of sewers. Providing healthy food for your people may mean securing a patch of ground above the waterline. Migrating to a healthier environment is one option. It wont suit everyone. A land rush will drive the price beyond the working mans reach. There is enough time to study the many positive alternatives on the internet for information that would give you some self reliant food security. We all have a vital role to play, ensuring that no one goes hungry.
Mug shot.
This last year has been a living hell. My own little devil of a health crisis. No joy from most of the available heath care. Least favoured was my most recent sojourn into the Cardiology Dept in Rennes. I was diagnosed as being needful of treatment. Witnessing the slack health and safety regime caused me to abandon their kind offer of help. It would in the present crisis have posed an unacceptable risk. I now enjoy a much improved condition,by my own devising. I am returning to some semblence of good form. It couldn't have come at a better time. My garden needs attention. The big work is far from over. Madame is finished politicking in the municipal election for a while. We are back on track. A lonely scary year for me. Many seizures that felt at times quite life threatening.Tough break for certain people that were looking forward to dancing on my grave. Chances are I will probably outlive them . If they do survive me, best they wear foundry boots. I will be cremated.
Pictured below, is an image of the story so far. Thats where I aim to be for the forseeable future...
Making our alternative European Economic Union into an ever more productive and beautiful reality. We are heading for the Sixth Republic . Join the smiling Revolution.
So the season starts. "The days of miracles and wonder"...
Thursday, 2 April 2020
20-20 Vision,By the light that casts no shadow...
I'll keep on dancing with my hoes till my dying day. We will be prepared to repel unwelcome boarders soon. It is only sowing and planting season at present. We break new ground, left fallow for years. The weather has been against us to do much preparing of the garden. The new field needs pioneering. We will get the help of a rotorvator to make up for lost time. The rest of the work will be achieved by a dedicated handful of enthusiastic co-operative communards the old fashioned way. Beyond talking the talk or walking the walk. Doing the do is where it's at
Réglisse the Ram is waiting for ewe.
We can do without conscripts in the field or reluctant starving wage slaves wasted on poor consumer choice. A fifty inch flat screen, iPhone or cosmetological slyentific makover indulgance wont seem like a clever "investment" of financial resources in the ever growing food crisis. So called disposable incomes one hopes will be redirected to service the more pressing needs. Shit shovel nails will have to be pruned back. The nail bar experience wont equip anyone with the knowledge to feed the family.
Bitterly cold Northerly winds were welcome ,the atmosfreakin cloud cover looks like smoke.
They were spraying toxic chemicals on the down wind side.
The cloud passed,It was a sunny day after all.
A Tom at 'ome.
Ali's found a comfy spot on a tray of raw wool waiting to be carded.
After a hard night outside we don't begrudge him his well earned rest.
Plans and dreams need a terrestrial foundation if they are to become manifest in reality.
A thousand square metres off juicy fallow ground is just the ticket.
"Hoe, Hoe, Hoe."
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