Crisis avoidance or crisis management. You are going to have to make the choice for yourselves. Coming back to earth, from the gridiron CoVid19 Lockdown, you will be faced with greater challenges. Life plans will have to be adjusted. Virtual reality fantasies of a heavenly bountiful world will not feed hungry aching bellies. The technological future will have no natural humans living in it. Some of us could see the current disaster ahead of the popular consumer distractions.
"Ay you used to come out with some stuff in those days." Ask if he could remember any of it... "No" His feeble but memorable answer. " It's a good job I was there at the time, I remember everything."
Box world vision ,cash starved, will cause many to adjust their dreamtime ambition. Conditioned to merely harvesting money from their arduous contract labours. many folk will opt for farming for a source of "disposable income".
We are witnessing the down fall of the Big Ag monopolies. Captive consumers have no choice but to suffer the blindsided mismanagement of our common heritage. Asset stripping bottom liners have failed to do what it says on the tin. They are too busy counting the immediate profit from the reduced service they offer.
Consider as a choice, Horticulture over Agriculture. Pioneering homestead smallholding, man manageable responsible cultivation not dependent on monsterous machines chemical pollutants nor Government subvention.
Forward planning: Limited shared utility of a small tractor. A neighbourly favour. Fallow ground is prepared for the enthusiastic volunteers. The short cut to catch up on a late season start.
How will the poorest survive without the injustice of low waged short contract jobs draining their energy and material security to fill the profiteering pockets of the idle rich? The majority are forced to exist in the locked down unhealthy living patterns, victims of misguided real estate planners, whether by accident or malignant avaricious design. Recycled sump gas is not a healthy atmosphere. What else do folk have to breath. Giving the life supporting Oxygen to their machines. The work in hand becomes harder, the wear and tear greater the longer we abuse ourselves with the obsessive hustle for spending money. Disposable incomes, disposable workforce, occupying short term rented accomodation. Ever rising expenditure failing to keep up with the accelerating rising prices.
Come back to earth, one able bodied adult may provide enough food for more than one family. The value of labour is never reduced by tax or outside profiteers. The need to estabish garden economies is an overdue priority. Economic recovery poste COVID19 may not rely on patterns of living that will ever encourage an incubation zone in the urban ghettos for more of the same or worse mutations . A plague upon the houses that prefer masks and body bags close to the shops and the cops with free state welfare handouts. That should keep the worker population on it's knees for a little while longer.
Descendants of the old world immigration, escaping the cyclical hardships of indentured slavery in their home cultures, may find they have surrendered their personal autonomy to harsher masters than the abusers they left behind. Landless servitude, bread and circus, rent a life, contractual obligation to promise the children for sacrifice in war. It is time to pioneer a better future than the lick spittle options you are forced to vote for.
The longer you stare at the screen the harder the work will seem. This is where our future begins. |
It's just mud, what are you afraid of? It doesn't belong in a window box. |
Built in the early fifties and still going strong.
All will be revealed when the work is done. Just a phase the rocks are passing through.
You are welcome to join us however you may. Make contact however you can. Turn away from the pre ordained gridline patterns of plantation enslavement. Be guided by the light that casts no shadow. We head for the sustainable future of human civilisation. Maybe we will see you there... I. WAZIR
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