Sunday 12 April 2020

Drumming up a bit of caring interest in the CoVid19 Lockdown...

Don' wait for orders Permission from a paper shuffling Flat Earth Elite. No more health directives from the Sickness Factory Profiteers.  Walking wounded heroes and bodies piling up in the yard.  Mobilise ahead of the corporate box world vision. Occupy the Future. Why wait for Governments to use your singular initiative for you? You're the nearest, first in the queue... Kick your own arse.
Organise... come back to earth you screen licking, idle Inter Naughts. We need disciplined intelligent caring muscle power on the ground.Make your big plans now while you can. Prepare to hit the ground running. Every one needs to eat without exception. Unconditionally. Before and after work is done. Join a new Agrarian Rennaissance. Strategem formed round a hungry dining table discuss with neighbours over the garden fence. ..We work to feed others. Breaking new unpolluted earth.....Volunteers, @Zero % commission. After COVID19, Lockdown will be the least of our concerns. Denatured bodies need to reestablish some natural terrestrial meaning. Humanity our higher evolved civilised aspiration is in danger of being fractured into competitive elitist societies.
Economic food security for our families the extra, the abundance, we share with the working community. Best get to know who your friends may turn out to be. Return yourselves to a state of grace with Nature, See it how it really is. ... If we are to survive we must head in the same direction. Man is drawn by Nature's calling. Don't fight it, you will only be standing in your own way.Clandestine private initiatives Essential Service to the mass bewilderment soon to be  released from captivity. Rally all tribes together to work with common cause, purposefully, transparently. Let's bang the drums that lead the way to a better future.  The Smiling Revolution, toward the Sixth Republic. Mobilise now. Dig For Victory.

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