Thursday 2 April 2020

20-20 Vision,By the light that casts no shadow...

I'll keep on dancing with my hoes till my dying day. We will be prepared to repel unwelcome boarders soon. It is only sowing and planting season at present. We break new ground, left fallow for years. The weather has been against us to do much preparing of the garden.  The new field needs pioneering. We will get the help of a rotorvator to make up for lost time. The rest of the work will be achieved by a dedicated handful of enthusiastic co-operative communards the old fashioned way.  Beyond talking the talk or walking the walk. Doing the do is where it's at

Réglisse the Ram is waiting for ewe.

We can do without conscripts in the field  or reluctant starving wage slaves wasted on poor consumer choice. A fifty inch flat screen, iPhone or cosmetological slyentific makover indulgance wont seem like a clever "investment" of financial resources in the ever growing food crisis. So called disposable incomes one hopes will be redirected to service the more pressing needs. Shit shovel nails will have to be pruned back. The nail bar experience wont equip anyone with the knowledge to feed the family.

Bitterly cold Northerly winds were welcome ,the atmosfreakin cloud cover looks like smoke. 
They were spraying toxic chemicals on the down wind side.
The cloud passed,It was a sunny day after all.

A Tom at 'ome.
Ali's found a comfy spot on a tray of raw wool waiting to be carded. 
After a hard night outside we don't begrudge him his well earned rest.

Plans and dreams need a terrestrial foundation if they are to become manifest in reality. 
A thousand square metres off juicy fallow ground is just the ticket.
"Hoe, Hoe, Hoe."

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