Sunday 26 April 2020

One Crown virus to Bind Them All and In Darkness Find Them...

Maybe my perceptions are way off beam.  Perhaps the majority of folk would disagree with my singular view.Not subscribing to the popular psychosis, I am beyond caring what others think or say. Regurgitated unqualified opinion was never my guiding light. The naive trust cultivated in my youth, in my nation's altuistic righteousness, has worn away. My objectivity now is borne of being a refugee, an Englishman in exile ,establishing home in a foreign field. Britain has been overrun with narcissists sociopaths and now it is subject to the influential manipulation of political science.
The old investors in the New world still control the money. They print it, they own it. Neomonarchist corporate executives are paid to manage the historic fund.Royalties continue to be paid by the privileged profiteering elite, the serving entourage of the faceless powerhouses. Fools we are to have not by now learned to live without them. The power that pays is invariably the power that corrupts. As long as it is not seen as blameworthy it will unduly benefit from the suffering and hardships of the poorest. A spurrious principle handed down from high tables and readily adopted as the route towards the aspired richesse of sycophantic followers . Little or no profit to be made from the unemployed the uninsured. The sick and the dying or the uncompromising moral dissidents and objectors to unjust corporate abuse our humane civilised code. "If it's good for one it is good for all", has become the order of the day. Moral relativism reigns supreme. Self serving First World practice adopted now by almost every aspiring developing nation, brings down upon the heads of it's poorest, the same draconian subjugation that the old empirist applied in the past.

To be continued: It's going somewhere. Points need making. The written word without facial expression or vocal inflection needs to be carefully chosen if it is to convey intended unambiguous meaning.

The COVOD19 crisis has been waiting in the wings for years, perhaps many decades. Distrust amongst those who regard themselves as righteous "westerners" , directed against China is a sad consequence of the legacy of Empire.  The viral contamination so seen by the "West" of Marxism  was born in Britain, the heartland of the Industrial Revolution.  We witness now the product of neomonarchic forward planning. The sponsorship of Political science,deploying cultivated gameplaying strategists into less innocent occupations is an open secret. For the academic theories and hypoteses to be coalesced into a Science needed controlled experimental studies. Flat earth game board praxis  has no application  that would manifest trustworthy results. One may not engineer one's destiny with unproven theories.
Call me "Crazy" all you want. I express my own personal marginalised view. "Crazy" is not a medical condition, merely a term of abuse.
 Beware of British Disease. Unworkable ideologies are exported world wide, they being the rejected results of experimental studies of captive domestic populations. The more educated the population the more the sophisticated control, from deep centre. A schizophrenic "normalcy" is maintained in the Blighted Isle. The faceless profiteers will not relinquish their grip on their historic invested assets.The "assets" of entitled families are the user friendly disadvantaged poor. A Capital notion not clearly recognised by those who voluntarily subject themselves to the deluded whims of controlling paymasters and grandiose game changers. Population kept in darkness through limited education, are by design ignorant of the damage that the piratic empire of Elizabeth 1  and through it's mutated changes until the present day of the Second Elizabeth's glorious reign, is doing to the developing sovereign nations.
 The high table strategists of Britain have long been aware of the cyclical nature of climate  and the effect on food production globally. Aware also of the natural history of viral lifecycles. I was in Dalton House in my Grammar school. The effect of cyclical Global Cooling was regarded as Common Knowledge; so too the mutation of viruses. Dark cold times ahead. , ash cover emitted by volcanic action, seismic disruption of Earths fragile mantle, all predictable. It was only a matter of time. The great Reset was planned well in advance. The Object being to retain strategic and economic controlling influence in the world. What is happening now is what they have been waiting for, investing in, for generations. Few will see the COVID19 pandemic as a biproduct of  the historic destruction and corruption of indigenous colonized people. Emulating and imitating the old Masters Grand Plan , each sycophantic follower in turn diseminates the seeds of it's own cultures demise.

 More later: 28/04/2020.

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