Friday 17 April 2020

They should be teaching about this stuff at school...

Glad we have our own...

 French Garlic is retailng for over 9 Euros a kilo locally. Heaven only knows how much more it will be sold for once food miles and labour costs are added in the U.K. These were started in November. They have survived several deep frosts. The leaf stands more than 18 inches high, the necks are firm. Wood ash from our fire, Straw mulch to preserve the moisture.

Schallots, determined to impress...

Mock orange blossom. The rocks will be removed once the plant has a good grip of the soil. It'll not be looking scruffy when I'm done. 

Form follows function... If you can see the point all well and good, if not you need only ask...

Artchokes and an Arbutus(strawberry tree)...

From here I can see,Box, the trunk of a fig tree, Rhubarb(Champagne), White Horehound, Oregano, Hysopp, Forget me nots and Lavender. Space awaits for plenty more. 

Pear blossom with setting fruit... 

Lily of the valley, their first year in residence...

The surprise of naturalising floral beauty will cheer the most dispondent soul...

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