The virus is only the beginning of the crisis.I was in "Dalton" house during my school years in the sixties. It caused me to check out what the man was about. Grand Solar Minimum poses a bigger threat in the overcrowded cities. Take a leaf out of Cuba's book.City farms provide 80% of the urban food. London is ill prepared. I am glad I encouraged my adult son to return to Wales. He can start again. I no longer have reason to return to the capital it's a miasmic sump. Caring about his welfare was killing me. Had I not done so, by the unhappy means of tough love he would likely have found himself relegated to the Nightingale hospital. No telling if he would have come out the other end healthy or even alive.I have seen no statistics as yet relating to the number of admissions who test positive but survive the N.H.S. care. Hackney should beware. It hides the archeological remains of a White lead factory. Old gasworks sites are also potentially lethal. Flood plain realestate now contaminated from effluent washed down in the deluge of the winter rains, heavy metals, not to mention the unmentionable contents of sewers. Providing healthy food for your people may mean securing a patch of ground above the waterline. Migrating to a healthier environment is one option. It wont suit everyone. A land rush will drive the price beyond the working mans reach. There is enough time to study the many positive alternatives on the internet for information that would give you some self reliant food security. We all have a vital role to play, ensuring that no one goes hungry.

Mug shot.
This last year has been a living hell. My own little devil of a health crisis. No joy from most of the available heath care. Least favoured was my most recent sojourn into the Cardiology Dept in Rennes. I was diagnosed as being needful of treatment. Witnessing the slack health and safety regime caused me to abandon their kind offer of help. It would in the present crisis have posed an unacceptable risk. I now enjoy a much improved condition,by my own devising. I am returning to some semblence of good form. It couldn't have come at a better time. My garden needs attention. The big work is far from over. Madame is finished politicking in the municipal election for a while. We are back on track. A lonely scary year for me. Many seizures that felt at times quite life threatening.Tough break for certain people that were looking forward to dancing on my grave. Chances are I will probably outlive them . If they do survive me, best they wear foundry boots. I will be cremated.
Pictured below, is an image of the story so far. Thats where I aim to be for the forseeable future...
Making our alternative European Economic Union into an ever more productive and beautiful reality. We are heading for the Sixth Republic . Join the smiling Revolution.
So the season starts. "The days of miracles and wonder"...
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