Wednesday 22 April 2020

No escape during the COVID19 Lockdown, Pathogenic sprays displace life supportinog oxygen...

Early this morning a really misty start to the day, we had rain during the night. The air isn't tasting so good. This little village is surrounded by fields without protection from the chemical sprays. They never warn us . Pesticides,herbicides and fungicides are a hazard from which we may not escape. During the Lockdown we must stay in our homes. we are prohibitted from getting up wind of the poisonous atmosphere. The sun warmed the earth water transpires from the vegetation carrying with it, invisible in the rising mist, the atomised droplets .  Mutagens and neuro toxins  displace our natural life support. I try not to breath too much. I may not get any manual work done today. Huge lungfulls of air are required to do the heavy stuff. Paper shuffling government administrators seem unaware of the dangers we seasonally have to endure. Imunity to the natural dangers of bacterial and viral infection is reduced. There are likely to be more lockdowns and restrictive regulation as long as the Agri Business contract farmers are allowed to poison the earth, the water, the air and the food we eat. A transition to none invasive biological methods needs to be legislated for. Big Ag is poisoning our future generations.  Asset stripping our common terrestrial heritage for short term profit.

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