Friday 17 April 2020

Just wondering my daughter...

Why the great uncaring silence?  Do you know if your brother is sick, or perhaps contractually bound by his mother to not relate, if he has been stuffed in the psychiatric hospital once more by her maligant condition or worse, is he dead? Given past form if my memory serves, the death of my own father was used to cause damage by the threesome powerplay back then. Too late to attend to familial duties by the time the deliberately delayed news was conveyed to me. Hurtful and sadistic pleasure was enjoyed in the Allen-Godden camp I am sure.
Perhaps the purile fantasies and head games carried into adult life have clouded your civilised objectivity. i.e. Still playing for "Who gets the house in the end"?
You can all chew each others' legs off within that little huddle. Attitudes prevailing remain deeply disgusting within the threesome ring of secrecy. A fact easily observed from the outside.  Not a practise I have ever wanted for myself, I don't play.
My life hasn't been an easy paper round. I didn't get suckered into the notion that it would or should be. My senior years here are productive even with a below breadline income,the desertified mud field is a haven of life supporting abundance every year better than the previous.
 Well daughter, are you too sick in body or too sick in mind to talk via email, I cannot imagine what risk you are trying to avoid. Bon Courage. There is a safe haven in your father's quarter that opposes all moral compromise.. You would be welcome here to start afresh if you should ever wish. 
If, nearer to the end of my mortal life I see no Quantum progress in the nature and standards maintained my correspondence will be collated into a book with all my relavent writings. and published , yes for money, to sponsor my loyal and loving good wife,Anne-Sophie. Such a desperate action would prove extremely embarrassing for both your brother and yourself.
 Much as I may empathise, it isn't my problem. So first task is to address the issue of false allegations.Lock down is a perfect time to do it. More practical in the long term than catering for drunks. Be of good cheer and maybe enjoy more of my modest bloggings. Good Luck Emma Grace Godden ( the last good EGG).
I close with love your loyal father Reinold.

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