Thursday 9 April 2020

CO. VID19 is a twentieth century invention. They just forgot to tell you...

 You can't tell me that no one could see the Corona crisis coming. Joining the available dots gave a rough sketch of the present day emergency,decades ago.. It took years to collect , encode and collate enough data from the minds and written works of hard working individuals deseminated on the
International Information Super Highway before the popularisation of the Internet. Projects in America were monitored , they being virtually captive urban working class low waged ethnic minorities.  The data and the metrics relating to human behaviour. To plan for, "What would happen if..." Oh No"?  "Oh Yes" ...sez I. Analysis of behaviour , and the massive increase in the study of   political science in the Universities. Arse Book anti social Lube Toob Sinistergram data collection.
"If everyone had a mobile phone...", "If every house had a flat screen computer...", "If everyone upgraded to a tablet...". Plans got made. The biggest BOOM since Mister Ford painted it Black. A nice little earner for those priveleged and in the know.
As a pre internet "freak" I was marginalised to be an outside observer of the forced modernisation in the favoured popular consumer culture. Found myself acting as an anthropologist amongst a decidedly ever more toxic majority.
Witnessing even those in well protected academic communities, PhDs and the like behaving as though they were a few pence short of a shilling. Friendly faces masking hidden agendum. Elitist socialites attempting to integrate with working class socialists to gain political credibility. I spent nigh on twelve years in Oxford as an independent observer. I will stick with my own hard won experience as a guide to our collective survival. I never felt need to gain high table approval. Life is not academic.
 I see things my way. It's the only way I am prepared to trust. My risk, my Dharma, my karma. Motivated by conclusions drawn from running the gauntlet of systematic institutional oppression, violence and deliberate misguidance of the popular consesus. No crazy delusion this. I bear the very real scars and permanent damage resulting from not bending my knee and tugging my forelock in submission to the corrupting compromise.
I've come along way since my emancipation in 1969. The sixties were far from "swinging" for me.
Disfunctional family life,Institutional care and a discontinuous education, left me stranded as a youth, hungry to learn with little but my own instincts and initiative to guide me.
 "I found out", as the late Mr. Lennon sang. Not too late to warn, thinks I. There are are many of us that did, "They can't kill us all" as the good Mr. Gandhi once commented. Happen, they may often try, such has been my experience. Two more Kennedys have just disappeared, so we are informed.
"Shit happens," now it is hitting the fan. Couldn't the klevva folk sniff it?  too busy shoving the white powder up their noses languishing in the self indugent pleasure domes, "disposable lifestyle choices".
The latest fashion, CO.VID.19 will aid the cover up and distract the common population from helping themselves to a sustainable self reliant future.  My take, personal none conspiritorial, is likely to be disregarded or ignored completely. I don't wipe blame on China nor Russia. more reasonable to subscribe in my view that the Merry Con  N.S.A. And Cheltenham G.C.H.Q. had a greater hand in the confusion that persists at present.  "COrporate deepstate VIDeo  virus circa late 19nineties",  has gradually surfaced. The Cyclical nature of the global climate has been known now for centuries.
I was in "Dalton" house in an English Grammar school. The other houses Stevenson, Newton,and Faraday.  I had cause to wonder what was so famous in scientific circles about Dalton.  Check it out for yourselves; then go on from there, plenty of dots worth joining up. Meks a pretty picture.
 There's no way the "powers that be" haven't planned for this present pandemic.
I am thoroughly sick of the overuse of "Unprecedented" as though history had never happened. Oxygen levels are way down in the urban quarter. Displaced by Carbon monoxide, the gas of choice eventually in the Nazi death camps. Nitrogen, is inert but without accessible Oxygen it will suffocate CO2 is not nor has it ever been a problem. Monoxide, that's CO is the most pernicious hazard. We forsake the breathable life support and feed it to our cars, our gas central heating, the out pouring exhaust hovers in our urban residential zones. We feel cold, through lack of oxygen, we turn up the heat in our hermetically sealed double glazed homes. Brown fat cells become redundant, uncontrollable obesity resulting. Avoidable psychoses derived from oxygen starvation befuddled brains deprived of life supporting intelligence. Oxygen is the food of consciousness. Shallow breathing in our screen side entertainment and office keyboard chores worse still the polluted areas of manual occupations. It all predictably takes a toll on the ability to breath properly.
Governments are attempting to recruit the forcably unemployed to work in the fields. Hey chaps it's not the 50's . City folk may not survive long in the toxic spray zones. Glyphosate, pesticides and fungicides. Avoiding the long habituation to the urban filth will leave many gasping,dying, (No I am Not Joking). The wind born overspray, atomised will eventually drift to mix with the already hazardous urban atmosphere. Nowadays if you want country air in the city, you wont have to go far, it's coming to get you.Organo phosphates the by product of our "innocent " well meaning but decidely unwell wartime research into chemical weapons. Pathogenic atmospherics laced with heavy metals.
The sticky sweaty vapours of our social huddle the sewer gases all heavier than oxygen , a small contributary part of our current Pandemic.
 A small detail frequently ignored, our waning magneto sphere.  Volcanic ash spewing into the upper atmosphere , cold sun, Earth is losing heat. seismic shifts and exceptional precipitation. Pig Flue, Crop failures world wide.
Tuberculosis on the increase, more respiratory failures since we started ignoring the Clean Air Act More deaths by heart failure than ever, alcoholism and suicide on the increase.  
 Emma: Have you got your asthma Toby?
Toby: Yes Emma I've got Miasma.
Viruses waiting for a host whisked into the upper atmophere irradiated mutating driven upwards by heat from urban living, forest fires and hurricanes cool rapidly and fall to earth to infect earth's captive population. Random selection. The weakest fall first. Worn out by years of pollutive labour in sacrifice to their families.  they even paid for your jollies , all it took was a bit of cupboard love. Holidays abroad no investment in a sustainable healthy caring home life. Debt driven,  wage slaves subscribing to historic folly. Dalton Minimum, Maunder Minimum, Eddy Minimum? Anybody? Should be front page news. How will we survive the next "Cold Snap". After the "UNPRECEDENTED" Snow, More snow, then Flooding. Relax it wont be like last year, this year we may starve or die of Co.Vid19. It is going to get worse. They are still boogying to the AL Gore Rythm ? It's nothing to do with CO2. Next years bugs will have developed a stronger strain. Any wonder some informed Governments fund research into the possiblity of a worse pandemic next year and on into the forseeable future. A Little Ice Age, may be upon us. Don't blame the Chinese, or the Russians.
 MIASMA the evil air, the cold climate in the cities stratifies  the heavy toxin ladened air. Mouth breathers beware the filth may be flavourless but it occupies a layer above head height.
We, Madame and I are doing well enough thanks. .They shut down the local clinic for the duration of the crisis. I sacked them months ago. Unbelievable slackness.  Folk can't even get treatment for every other chronic ailment they may have. Service not available. Ah the Information Age, I will get back to this soon enough. You don't have to believe my rubbish. I will post a few current images of the garden and maybe an old YouTube Whistle Blowing, Just me practising to hear what it may sound like from another angle....I.WAZIR 

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