Friday 2 July 2021

Bien Venue...

She loves rummaging through the mulch, between plants,acts as a bug eating nitrogen dispenser. I witnessed her sister yesterday,eating a mouse.It pays not to be too intolerant, we protect the more vulnerable plants against damage. The hens skidaddle back to their home field when they spot us or when we "shoo" them off.

I don't know what these are called  but I do like them. They will be spread around the garden in small colony clumps.

Beautiful Blue,Bee Borage...

Anticipating Zuccini.

Once the onions are lifted, the Nasturtium will become a cascading avalanche of red overhanging the retaining wall, whilst fixing nitrogen in the vacated soil.

The Lavender is desperate for a couple of good dry sunny days. It will be a bold contrast to the flowers of the Curry plant.

 What a difference a day makes...

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