Thursday 29 July 2021

One Eyed views is all you get here, an extreme form of social distancing. Not my favourite,enjoy if you can,regardless.


 Long view, facing South.

A closer look.

Frais de Bois (wild Strawberries),elegant companion  to Comfrey and Box.

Yellow Courgettes.

 Anne-Sophie is the tidy one,it's a complimentary relationship. Straw mulch keeps the good stuff round the roots, the boxes protect Broccoli seedlings from the chickens.The strawberry border will soon come into it's main season. The newly prepared ground will be coveredwith a sowing of Coco Beans tomorrow. 

Bottle cloches cover Cauliflower seedlings.

Leeks near ready for transplanting, they will likely be accommodated in the next bed down(up ?).

How are yours hanging...?

Runnerbean rhizomes from four years ago, using the tree for support, proving their perrenial nature. The blossom on the pear tree was frost damaged. We are happy to see the little tree covered in red flowers. Scarlet Emperor is the cultivar.

Brassicas newly planted and straw mulched, so too the clump of celery. The straw will get a light wetting.

A delight to a Coarse Gardener's eye, Look around, liking it is optional.

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