Tuesday 27 July 2021

Just a few lines, I hope you are well.


It's difficult to keep up with the speed of natural progress; we try to stay ahead of the season.

Good companions.The pods don't stay blue when cooked, We will grow with the hope of harvesting the beans at full term.They will go well in the stew pot.

Bean Fest ,coming soon. I will be sowing more Coco beans tomorrow. If the weather is kind I will lift some potatoes.

Some flowers blown away by lashing gales. Plenty of pods already setting and swelling, lots more flowers on the way. We will harvest the lowest of the pods to avoid introducing  fungus from the ground.

 I had to get out of the direct sunlight. My brain felt as though it would boil. A rare chance view from this shady corner.

Our little Walnut tree...

Spot the nuts.

Yellow stick beans, we are eating our flll of these at present. There are several clumps and rows of these being grown for bottling.

Words may fail, Love remains to speak for itself.

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