Tuesday 27 July 2021

I only know of two Con Aidiens, close exposure caused me to regret...

  I will accept that I may have attracted by chance a more amenable "innocent" Con Aidien, I apologise if my suspicions are ill founded. Having been subjected to covertly narcissistic deceits and manipulations, violence and fraud. The chosen "Mark" for want of a better description of a pair of carpet bagging colonial badger gamers. I have to define  in my own terms my personal view. Others may find them to be delightful people, I would be greatly surprised if the "liking" lasted.Wife of my first marriage and the husband of her first marriage are the people with whom I have justifiable dislike and distrust.

 OOZE ZOO?  Rodney and Dianne, Curtis Allen... The Players.  The occasional view of my little blog  by a Canadian shouldn't be of any major concern, every one is welcome to enjoy my postings (if you can). If you are unfamiliar with "letters sent", dip in by all means. I would expect from the singular interest from Canada, no less if they are strangers. My hunch is that a very specific Con aidien is monitoring , awaiting in fact the publication of a letter alleging sexual impropriety with my daughter, allegations which I insist are malicious and wholely unfounded. A moral and civil obligation has yet to be discharged by the collective perpertrators of the false allegations.  Much harm has been done, permanent damage endured. I prevail.

The letter will be published, a leaf from my book, a warning to others perhaps. Having lost my family to an emotional terrorist,(no room for trivial Emojis in my world, let intended word meaning suffice), my home and my means of income,as well as the accrued benefit of twenty years of service and labour. All good will in my community slandered and denegrated. I have good reason in my view to rattle the wrong doers cage once in a while. No account for malignant action has as yet been forthcoming. Likely the familial conspiracy is still in the thrall of the principle dominant narcissistic personality, I once referred to her as the "Fat Controller".    Dianne Mae write, but this time try not to lie. and try to make sense politely.  I have record of all your correspondence. including your legal representations. 

 Speak up if you have a mind. you gleen little or naught by licking the images off the screen. I don't give a D.M. if you find my words offensive.

All other Canadians may like hate enjoy or ignore, regardless, you are all welcome to air your views. The fact that only one Canadian dips into this obscure corner of the Oblivion zone, causes me to wonder.

 So...OO.D.L.R.U. ?...I.Wazir.


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