Friday 23 July 2021

I'm Smiling...By Jupiter!...

 Greetings from Brittany, France.Disallowing myself the spurrious benefit of mask, jabs and covid passports on the grounds that submission to the various edicts and unlawful regulation would be against the best interest of my health, my life and in opposition to my liberty. I have always regarded resturaunts as a desperate uneconomic expedient. I have no trouble steering clear of any estabishment that insists on such deviant terms and conditions of service. That's not hospitality and it is certainly not civilized. Buying into the game, and using the bag of "merch" , a badge maybe, smart arse card perhaps, get yourself chipped up and registered for future experiments... Who knows?You still won't be safe from mutant variants of the current devil. Restaurant regulars may well become a vector of "exclusive" evolved varieties of virus.  It will likely only effect folk who can't be bothered to learn to cook and give genuine hospitailty from their own home. I call our home cooking,"Food for Life". Both Madame and I like cooking.  Most of what we eat, we grow. Weedem and Reap, ( sounds like a good firm...?) 

A Big NON NON NON to Macron's marvellous idea. Do your worste. Our resistance is permanent. Malls are for the Maladjusted, interested in nothing but their own comfort and convenience. Diminishing returns  for any business reliant on a Mall franchise.  Malls seem likely perfect hot house breeding ground for new viral variants. I tend not to mix with the kind of people locked into he role of submissive camp followers on a breadcrumb trail. Masquerading as healthy.  Jabber Wokies with a CoVid passport.Compliant , maleable, gullable collaborators. A kind of Vichy style neutrality self appeasing mutual ego massaging and virtue signalling that put France on it's knees to Nazi occupation, not so very long ago. Beware the resurgence of unreconstructed Pre W.W.2 Liberal Corporatism. We won't become more prosperous by pouring the hard earned stuff into overpriced product and service. The maldjusted may believe they have won a concession from Macron. Poor deluded fools. They should have backed the outsider. 

More of this later.

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