The last few days I spent in training for the coming year. I will try not to be too enthusiastic about my work. Going at it too fast from a cold start pole axed my lower back a number of times this past season. Didn't post much on the blog in 2010. Complaining about my knackered body didn't strike as being the best of subject matter. The good news is it's still working, when it isn't hurting.
Shifted a couple of tonnes of stone about the yard. Tidying up in readiness for the next years uphill struggle. As the bulk of the rocks move to the top of the field some stay behind to improve the amenity. The foundation of a fire place is gradually evolving.
The crescent in the small circle will be home to two cubic metres of sand in the not too distant future. We will see some of the rocks being bedded into their intended permanent place this coming season.
The roundhouse at the top of the field awaits more materials. I can't believe there are folk out there desperate to hear about my stony progress. They could always drop by if they are in need of an immediate up date. There's a challenge.
I think I will light a fire outside just for the comfort of seeing it in what's to be the yard fire place. Damn the expense. The sacrifice of a bundle of fagots and some knobbly knotty bits of oak, set aside because they are too difficult to split will be amply rewarded by the joy the blaze will bring. SHIT!!! now it's raining.
I think I'll put a log on the stove instead. just enough time to get my wellies in from the wet. Looks like I am in for the day.
"Fancy a drop of rum?" "Thanks,I don't mind if I do." So we did.
Big lump stew later. A warming thought is that. It has given us the strength and energy to overcome all obstacles sent to impede our progress so far. Happen I'll start posting recipes. There are as many of them as there are days in a man's lifetime,It alway's tastes great "The best ever".
Today's I am told has potatoes, carrots , celeriac, leeks, onions, beans, mushrooms. All but the latter came from the home garden.
All we have left over wintering in the garden is Kale sprouts celeriac schozonère.
This is the lean time of the year but we have plenty in store.
We still have hardy salad, pain de sucre, it seems to laugh at the frost.
I have started placing stones along the perimeter gully of the field I will be happy when the garden is completely walled off. There will be less wind damage for one, it should help conserve humidity in the soil.
I am disappointed that the round house is not near completion yet. On the bright side, it is more credible that it will be completed than when I was struck by the inspiration. Massive piles of work to come. Perhaps a posting here on "Coping with piles" is in order. I'll see what I can do.
If my blog fades away after a while, it won't be because of an early demise. My eyes are sensitive to electric light. Getting worse annually. I will revert back to writing the old fashioned way. Google eyed voyeurs can buy the book.
This bit of keyboard stabbing will at least displace the most recent postings.
Joyously forward into 2011 sez I . I hope I see you there.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Accounting for past actions...
If you have legitimate grounds for any claim against me that you feel needs to be resolved I suggest you take legal advice and have the matter brought before a judge. We are all accountable in law. You appear to be driven by the same delusional obsessions that were a major contribution to our marriage breakdown. I will continue without apology. I may substantiate any allegations I will be making in a claim to the high court. I aim to bring no charge,that will remain within the gift of the presiding judge I guess. Little or nothing I could prove of my deeply felt suspicions of you, leading up to our separation, nor did I want, as long as I could maintain my naive trust. Your secretive deviancy prior to divorce was designed to keep me in the dark. It is in overview more than "just a domestic" family matter. Both "children" are adults. They can volunteer their own contact when and if they feel so inclined. I am not hiding . They both know where I live. I will send you a copy of my most recent email to Toby. It may help towards you getting a more complete picture. I have no wish to divide your familial loyalty, but I will oppose unpardonable intrusions into my personal and private life that serve the cause of your undue influence how I morally may, prepared to account in law without concealment . When Toby acted in agency to your unlawful action he was knowingly complicitous and in his majority. He was served with summary justice, the risk any adult must reasonably take. His part was provocative. I reported my own action to the relevant authorities. His "front line intelligence gathering" as he called it was not solely reserved for harmless game play or festival fun. He appeared to be exercising his own perverted exclusive familial delusion. There is no place in my life for that. He regrets his actions at least as much as I regret my part in consequence. What remains between us, time will tell. I do not coerce him to conform to my partisan view. I don't demand to be appeased or pleased. I wont however be played. He can come to terms or stay away. His peculiar condition Dianne is not of my cultivation nor nurture. it is a result of your own unnatural relationship, is my view, a visible symptom of the effect your congenitally flawed, dominant psychology has had over years. Healthy by any definition, it is not. Your deficiencies are provable civilly. I would be glad to allow a court to decide how matters are to be resolved. The paper trail that Toby speaks of in his email to you in March 2010 is documentary. A compensative effective remedy is long overdue. The intransigence of your part is provably historic your motives will be seen in the light of evidence that reaches long before the divorce. You have deliberately acted to deceive. It will prove to be self evident. What may be obvious to a learned judge may not be apparent nor in accord with your firmly entrenched view. If there is no effective remedy that is both equittable and lawful in or out of court with all moral duties and legal obligations properly discharged, I write fror the record, I will commit all of my saved and copied correspondence to the public domain.. "Letters sent and letters meant". This is not a threat to anyone it is merely my avowed undertaking. It would be well if all sides of the sad story were seen transparently. Discreetly or not. Rights need to be acknowledged. You have deliberately acted to obstruct mine unduly for many years. Much damage has been done, causation may be substantially proven in a civil court. You are strictly liable. Cope as you may. Deal with are no further forward in your advantage than when you were actively engaged in committing acts of fraud against me or when you made misleading statements on affidavit, Fraudulent nondisclosure, no less. I have all of our solicitors' exchanges. C&G correspondence . Letters exchanged between Mr. Littlewood and between "Steve" at Barclays and myself. Statements on loan agreement that implicate Mr. Littlewood and yourself in a deliberate unlawful deception. I don't need to press charges thank heavens. The rightness of my claim is not based on proving criminallity. What is evident will support my civil claim well enough. Your intrusions into my medical confidentiality and privacy are on the record . Your actions were unwarranted. You have told many lies. Much harm done. Going to court is not to be about who is to blame. It is about what is right in accordance with the Law. I am prepared to do the needful in court if I cannot secure affordable representation. You may contest my claim,that is up to you. I need not fear being unable to articulate on my own behalf. Proving falsehood is easier now. Perhaps you are banking on your distractive reasoning aiding the evasion of accountability. New excuses will not serve to cover up old lies. Abstract divergence deliberately misses the point. What's real to you must be common to all. In context with the bigger picture.
I could add many more details,enough for now. I will be sending your threesome family a single letter jointly, "To family Allen-Godden" no less. What you do between you is your own affair. I will write about how it touches me. If I sent it to you I don't trust you would share it. So I will forward you all a copy, for discussion , or not , however you as a threesome entity wish to deal with it. At least the issues of the common subject would be open to all. Choose to ignore or notice, agree or not.. If there is no civilised response privately I will not be held responsible if you behave badly or don't respond at all.A discreet private matter in honourable agreement or the embarassment and inconvenience not to say added expense through a court review of matters now in contention. Discuss or not it is up to you. It is a family matter, that being what your estranged coven claim to be, a family that is. My moral familial interests are indivisible from theirs . The long term good over short term gain.
All three have at some point played for undue profit and prize, All at my singular expense. Much harm done and hurt caused. There will be no long term benefit to hanging on to past lies. Please read with a view to understanding and discuss. Don't be too quick to make witty repost. It wont cover up foolishness.
I will close for now with little hope of a positive reply. My next offering to the Allen-Godden family inclusively will most probably be by the initial medium of my Osmiroid 65. I will forward photograph attachments of the contents to each. I hope this finds you in good health. Yours sincerely Reinold.
I could add many more details,enough for now. I will be sending your threesome family a single letter jointly, "To family Allen-Godden" no less. What you do between you is your own affair. I will write about how it touches me. If I sent it to you I don't trust you would share it. So I will forward you all a copy, for discussion , or not , however you as a threesome entity wish to deal with it. At least the issues of the common subject would be open to all. Choose to ignore or notice, agree or not.. If there is no civilised response privately I will not be held responsible if you behave badly or don't respond at all.A discreet private matter in honourable agreement or the embarassment and inconvenience not to say added expense through a court review of matters now in contention. Discuss or not it is up to you. It is a family matter, that being what your estranged coven claim to be, a family that is. My moral familial interests are indivisible from theirs . The long term good over short term gain.
All three have at some point played for undue profit and prize, All at my singular expense. Much harm done and hurt caused. There will be no long term benefit to hanging on to past lies. Please read with a view to understanding and discuss. Don't be too quick to make witty repost. It wont cover up foolishness.
I will close for now with little hope of a positive reply. My next offering to the Allen-Godden family inclusively will most probably be by the initial medium of my Osmiroid 65. I will forward photograph attachments of the contents to each. I hope this finds you in good health. Yours sincerely Reinold.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir,
Letters sent and letters meant,
Ragged Man Promotions
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Iz change of plan...
"The best laid plans of mice and men..." We ended up doing something else.
The season's work has worn me thin. I am in recovery, repairing in the pits but far from despairing. Just played a great oobleedooblee solo to an empty kitchen. A bucket of haricots has just been put on the table for topping and tailing before they get bottled and stored .
There are many tonnes of stone to reclaim from the mounds of rubble . Much of what we have salvaged so far is enjoying temporary residence in the yard . waiting to move to the top of the field.
I am keeping my mortal coil at home till further notice. Avoiding future disaster and getting ahead of the present one.
I have permanently deleted my Facebook account. It was an unsolicited and unwanted gift that served no lasting practical purpose. More of a hinderance than an aid to personal progress.
There are no photos nor any new tunes to be posted for a while. I rarely record of late.
I have stacks of stuff I would like to write about, you'll just have to wait .
If I live long enough... maybe.
A lifetime's work still to be completed. It needs must be done. I hope you are doing yours. "Doing iz all." sez I.
Pogoing the key board doesn't carry a lot of weight. You can wait with breath abated for my Osmiroid 65 to get it's act together. It is not reverting to type. I would rather be writing by hand. Not comfy enough for that small self indulgence yet, but soon.
The doors always open if you are passing by this way, but don't be disappointed if you find me living here when you arrive.
We have enough wood cut and stacked for the next two year's fuel. You would be sure of a warm welcome... Dear imaginary friend...
I'll save it.
The season's work has worn me thin. I am in recovery, repairing in the pits but far from despairing. Just played a great oobleedooblee solo to an empty kitchen. A bucket of haricots has just been put on the table for topping and tailing before they get bottled and stored .
There are many tonnes of stone to reclaim from the mounds of rubble . Much of what we have salvaged so far is enjoying temporary residence in the yard . waiting to move to the top of the field.
I am keeping my mortal coil at home till further notice. Avoiding future disaster and getting ahead of the present one.
I have permanently deleted my Facebook account. It was an unsolicited and unwanted gift that served no lasting practical purpose. More of a hinderance than an aid to personal progress.
There are no photos nor any new tunes to be posted for a while. I rarely record of late.
I have stacks of stuff I would like to write about, you'll just have to wait .
If I live long enough... maybe.
A lifetime's work still to be completed. It needs must be done. I hope you are doing yours. "Doing iz all." sez I.
Pogoing the key board doesn't carry a lot of weight. You can wait with breath abated for my Osmiroid 65 to get it's act together. It is not reverting to type. I would rather be writing by hand. Not comfy enough for that small self indulgence yet, but soon.
The doors always open if you are passing by this way, but don't be disappointed if you find me living here when you arrive.
We have enough wood cut and stacked for the next two year's fuel. You would be sure of a warm welcome... Dear imaginary friend...
I'll save it.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Friday, 26 March 2010
Collusion in institutional Human Rights Abuse in Britain by P.D. N.H.S. TRUST AND DYFED-POWYS POLICE. An unresolved issue
I don't cultivate friends , they either are or they aren't naturally. I kind of got used to living beyond the marginal fringe of the mainstream of society, "Not run of the mill" was one disturbing phrase that comes to mind as though the person expected me to conform to some government approved standardised criteria, I wasn't factory born. That same person endorsed the expression, "Identified risk factor- ECCENTRIC", It is on the record. A small matter, a few scratchy words in a semi literate hand writing. As yet I have had no satisfactory explanation of what the definition is meant to imply. There are no legal or medical precedents. It wasn't a classification of any kind of illness. The persons name is Dr. Foreman,a practicing psychiatric consultant. Dr. Foreman refused to discuss the justification of the abuse of psychiatric drugs to assist in what I allege was a cover up of bad policing. The head of the force that screwed up was a man called Paul Amphlett. I would hazard a guess that both the Dr. and the Chief Superintendent may have felt divinely gifted, exalted by their professional titles. Some folk get that way I am bound to have to accept. Both people have in my view let down their profession and those they are sworn to serve . I am not likely to let them off, not ever. Usual complaints procedure ensures that there is little chance of professional wrongdoers being transparently brought to account. Delays are caused by closing of ranks to obviate risk of claims for medical negligence or Police malpractice.
Pembrokeshire and Derwen N.H.S. Trust as well as the Dyfed-Powys police, must I believe be brought to account, publicly if necessary. The intelligence was hard won. the damage will be with me so too my vivid recollection for the rest of my life. Abuse of professional status being used to service the unmandated personal politics against statutory codes of conduct. Much slackness at the top end of the pyramid allows lives to be put at risk at the pyramids base. Amphlett tells me I cannot substantiate my claim. Foreman refused to talk.
It doesn't make my well founded allegations any less true. I accuse.
There are others, their memory may not be as resilient as mine seems to be. They are trapped on paper now. Much incriminating correspondence exists. The executive needs to be put in the spotlight. I tried to deal with the matter discretely, Racially specific toxic medicine with twenty times greater chance of permanent damage to Asians and persons of mixed cultural origin than to those some forms refer to as White British. I have been forced to run the gauntlet many times. I have had to put on hold my efforts to gain Effective Remedy, preoccupied with establishing a home with a view to making a family. I couldn't allow a child to grow up subject to the risks that I have had to endure. Exile it appears is my only viable option. I am a refugee by the definition of the Geneva Convention. It has taken a little time to get settled but now I feel ready to address the problems identified as a grave cause for public concern. D.C. Rhiannon Thomas in Carmarthen H.Q. told me that Paul Amphlett had instructed her to not investigate the part the police played. He being the senior officer in Haverfordwest police station with whom I have cause for legitimate complaint. That she may deny having told me or that her senior officer did not instruct her as I allege she had told me is not a matter for my own concern. My memory is clear, I am only physically damaged.Some folk are prone to distort the truth when it suits their career prospects. One hopes D.C. Thomas is not one of those. It is also hoped, in the interests of justice that she is not prone to periods of temporary amnesia. A none too good a job of investigating allegations against the psychiatric services in collusion with the police. Terrence Grange is gone, resigned amidst allegations of bad practice, likely to bring the force into disrepute. He passed the buck to Amphlett, who in turn it appears did as little as humanly possible to assist an effective and equitable outcome.
Perhaps it would seem improbable now that any good at all would come of my agitating , I am not bleating for sympathy to fill my own pockets. It isn't about me.Medical negligence isn't the issue. Whatever passes for a Professional Standards watchdog in both the N.H.S. Psychiatric Services and the Police Service must bear to understand fully the implications of what I allege may only be described as gross criminal neglect. An unmandated abuse of service that allows discredited ideologies virtual carte blanche to target and victimise marginalised individuals by the misuse of medicine to inflict "summary justice" in the form of a most sadistic, cruel and unusual punishment. Out of court settlements in medical negligence claims are conditional on the victim signing away right of expression, a contractual gag in effect. A nice little earner if the favoured law firm is in the know and can expedite matters on the nod. "A case of dip yer bread and say nothing". The gravy train is kept running for the next hapless victim to be entrapped. Legal it most certainly is not.Else why wasn't the Mental Health Amendment Bill passed, why would it be needed to pass into statute if it was already mandated by Parliament. There is a pile of stuff that needs to be put before someone who is empowered to do something positive to prevent further abuse of "loopholes of convenience". My previous efforts have been steered as far away as possible from any remedy that might serve the public at large. It is a Human Rights Issue that it appears no institutional executive wishes to do anything about. It is possibly a vain hope though not a forlorn one that someone will push the dominoes over to bring matters to the attention of folk who may be empowered to do the necessary good. We will see. The statute of limitations clock is not yet started on the institutional criminal neglect of statutory duty. Time passes without the assurance that others will not be unduly abused by those the state endorses and encourages the electorate to trust. Trust is continually being broken. We frowned on news of the old Soviet Union using Chemical Cosh to silence dissidents. The British population may have cause to raise one fat arsed lazy eyebrow on learning that the same methods have been employed in Britain without legal mandate for many years. There is more on the subject and there will be more to come. I am not so disadvantaged now, it is difficult to achieve much good whilst enduring penury homelessness and debilitating physical illness. I tried at the time through what complacent officials call "usual complaints procedures";"SOMETIMES THINGS GO WRONG" was the title of one of the memorable leaflets I was handed when attempting to gain remedy. They certainly do sez I, and there is nothing concrete nor tangible that a victim may practically do about it . Many thousands of people may be put at risk far more than the statistical need for the contingency of anti psychotics. Many people have already been systematically abused. Common knowledge of the effect the toxic medicines would have on targeted individuals would suggest to me at least that the abuse is far from accidental. Who would give credence to a victims witness testimony. They have sold the hospital to the private sector, now there is even less chance without firm revised regulation that private faceless networks may exercise their criminal pre war liberal unreconstructed ideology. Get this straight one and all I wasn't a patient. What I experienced and what I witnessed was wrong by every moral and legal standard. Crazy isn't a medical condition it is a term of abuse.Unqualified opinion based on prejudice has no standing in law. Every one is at risk.
So who is up for doing something practical about it? What else may I personally do? If you are "Black", "Asian", or Irish there is statistically eight times greater chance of being unduly processed , that is illegally, and subject to acts of gross cruelty whilst being detained in a "place of safety" than the average "white", alcohol crazed football hooligan.
Over decades all parties have failed in their duty of care. The Nelsonian view prefered. No one ever wants to rock that boat too hard. One is prone to pose the question,"WHY?"
Neglectful omission by design perhaps. Not being a fan of conspiracty theory I would rather the matter be taken up in a public forum and aired transparently. As far as I am concerned, as one of the walking wounded, extra pyramidal side effects symptomatic, will have to be endured for my lifetime, worsening I would dare to guess as I get older.Tardive dyskensia,Severe tooth shattering Brooksism and photosensitive eyes being the main cause of distress. HELLO IS ANYONE OUT THERE, My hypothesis is proven by experience. The FAST TRACK TO HELL IS A REALITY IN BRITAIN TODAY,and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... Until something is done to stop it. I will leave you with that for now. Push the dominoes over if you can reach them.
(c)RaggedMan Promotions
Pembrokeshire and Derwen N.H.S. Trust as well as the Dyfed-Powys police, must I believe be brought to account, publicly if necessary. The intelligence was hard won. the damage will be with me so too my vivid recollection for the rest of my life. Abuse of professional status being used to service the unmandated personal politics against statutory codes of conduct. Much slackness at the top end of the pyramid allows lives to be put at risk at the pyramids base. Amphlett tells me I cannot substantiate my claim. Foreman refused to talk.
It doesn't make my well founded allegations any less true. I accuse.
There are others, their memory may not be as resilient as mine seems to be. They are trapped on paper now. Much incriminating correspondence exists. The executive needs to be put in the spotlight. I tried to deal with the matter discretely, Racially specific toxic medicine with twenty times greater chance of permanent damage to Asians and persons of mixed cultural origin than to those some forms refer to as White British. I have been forced to run the gauntlet many times. I have had to put on hold my efforts to gain Effective Remedy, preoccupied with establishing a home with a view to making a family. I couldn't allow a child to grow up subject to the risks that I have had to endure. Exile it appears is my only viable option. I am a refugee by the definition of the Geneva Convention. It has taken a little time to get settled but now I feel ready to address the problems identified as a grave cause for public concern. D.C. Rhiannon Thomas in Carmarthen H.Q. told me that Paul Amphlett had instructed her to not investigate the part the police played. He being the senior officer in Haverfordwest police station with whom I have cause for legitimate complaint. That she may deny having told me or that her senior officer did not instruct her as I allege she had told me is not a matter for my own concern. My memory is clear, I am only physically damaged.Some folk are prone to distort the truth when it suits their career prospects. One hopes D.C. Thomas is not one of those. It is also hoped, in the interests of justice that she is not prone to periods of temporary amnesia. A none too good a job of investigating allegations against the psychiatric services in collusion with the police. Terrence Grange is gone, resigned amidst allegations of bad practice, likely to bring the force into disrepute. He passed the buck to Amphlett, who in turn it appears did as little as humanly possible to assist an effective and equitable outcome.
Perhaps it would seem improbable now that any good at all would come of my agitating , I am not bleating for sympathy to fill my own pockets. It isn't about me.Medical negligence isn't the issue. Whatever passes for a Professional Standards watchdog in both the N.H.S. Psychiatric Services and the Police Service must bear to understand fully the implications of what I allege may only be described as gross criminal neglect. An unmandated abuse of service that allows discredited ideologies virtual carte blanche to target and victimise marginalised individuals by the misuse of medicine to inflict "summary justice" in the form of a most sadistic, cruel and unusual punishment. Out of court settlements in medical negligence claims are conditional on the victim signing away right of expression, a contractual gag in effect. A nice little earner if the favoured law firm is in the know and can expedite matters on the nod. "A case of dip yer bread and say nothing". The gravy train is kept running for the next hapless victim to be entrapped. Legal it most certainly is not.Else why wasn't the Mental Health Amendment Bill passed, why would it be needed to pass into statute if it was already mandated by Parliament. There is a pile of stuff that needs to be put before someone who is empowered to do something positive to prevent further abuse of "loopholes of convenience". My previous efforts have been steered as far away as possible from any remedy that might serve the public at large. It is a Human Rights Issue that it appears no institutional executive wishes to do anything about. It is possibly a vain hope though not a forlorn one that someone will push the dominoes over to bring matters to the attention of folk who may be empowered to do the necessary good. We will see. The statute of limitations clock is not yet started on the institutional criminal neglect of statutory duty. Time passes without the assurance that others will not be unduly abused by those the state endorses and encourages the electorate to trust. Trust is continually being broken. We frowned on news of the old Soviet Union using Chemical Cosh to silence dissidents. The British population may have cause to raise one fat arsed lazy eyebrow on learning that the same methods have been employed in Britain without legal mandate for many years. There is more on the subject and
So who is up for doing something practical about it? What else may I personally do? If you are "Black", "Asian", or Irish there is statistically eight times greater chance of being unduly processed , that is illegally, and subject to acts of gross cruelty whilst being detained in a "place of safety" than the average "white", alcohol crazed football hooligan.
Over decades all parties have failed in their duty of care. The Nelsonian view prefered. No one ever wants to rock that boat too hard. One is prone to pose the question,"WHY?"
Neglectful omission by design perhaps. Not being a fan of conspiracty theory I would rather the matter be taken up in a public forum and aired transparently. As far as I am concerned, as one of the walking wounded, extra pyramidal side effects symptomatic, will have to be endured for my lifetime, worsening I would dare to guess as I get older.Tardive dyskensia,Severe tooth shattering Brooksism and photosensitive eyes being the main cause of distress. HELLO IS ANYONE OUT THERE, My hypothesis is proven by experience. The FAST TRACK TO HELL IS A REALITY IN BRITAIN TODAY,and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... Until something is done to stop it. I will leave you with that for now. Push the dominoes over if you can reach them.
(c)RaggedMan Promotions
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
As promised one and all, the interesting letter received by Iznibz at home, you may relate to it how you will. Iznibz is wholly accountable, transparently so. What may be in the public interest will not hidden down the back of Iz filing cabinet. The Safer Community group have been informed ,for the inclusive good of the whole neighbourhood. I will duly reestablish contact with those activly employed by the council tax fraud investigating team. After all why should the poor be the only ones faced with burden of legal duty. I do hope those responsible will make good an account of their actions for the record. I will be available to make a sworn affidavit when duly called to do so. My extremely vulnerable son has also seen the light of his own misguided actions and now wishes to move into the moral camp. One hopes he survives the transition. He has my maximum support.
"The George network council tax fraud. The building is sub-let by Oliver Shuster and Theo Brown acting in agency to Spencer, the absentee landlord living in Thailand. The Council tax declaration is in names unrelated to the current tenants, people who used to live there and made up names. The housing is substandard, a health risk, and being rented out to 10 other people. There is no legal tenancy agreement, and live in agents are enforcing collections. At least three people there are collecting housing benefit, based on forged and uncontractually lawful tenancy agreement. The building is a former pub, there is no license to the premises and the group are running events; serving alcohol, running a cafe from food found in skips, unmonitored, unregulated, not paying taxes for incomes gained. There is even a parent and child dance class held in the bar. There is non-existent health and safety standards and lack of public liability insurance, plus the building is unsafe structurally and environmentally.
Billions are defrauded every year from illegal council tax declarations and 30000 old people die of hyperthermia every year in Britain, this is why Reinold has instructed me to make this declaration of fact."
"The George network council tax fraud. The building is sub-let by Oliver Shuster and Theo Brown acting in agency to Spencer, the absentee landlord living in Thailand. The Council tax declaration is in names unrelated to the current tenants, people who used to live there and made up names. The housing is substandard, a health risk, and being rented out to 10 other people. There is no legal tenancy agreement, and live in agents are enforcing collections. At least three people there are collecting housing benefit, based on forged and uncontractually lawful tenancy agreement. The building is a former pub, there is no license to the premises and the group are running events; serving alcohol, running a cafe from food found in skips, unmonitored, unregulated, not paying taxes for incomes gained. There is even a parent and child dance class held in the bar. There is non-existent health and safety standards and lack of public liability insurance, plus the building is unsafe structurally and environmentally.
Billions are defrauded every year from illegal council tax declarations and 30000 old people die of hyperthermia every year in Britain, this is why Reinold has instructed me to make this declaration of fact."
Labels:Eco Logic
Letters sent and letters meant.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Iz looking to have satisfaction...
I got an interesting Email the other day concerning the GEORGE in Homerton. Glynn Arm Rd. from a none too happy former resident. Never mind the bullshit that they have the protection of Arse Guards, that they can do what ever they want without account. Perhaps they believe the self appeasing lie. I have seen the harm that their ignorant arrogant attitudes can cause. Others too have borne witness. I wont publish the Email today nor will I publish my recent contribution to the GEORGE web page published by OLIVER SHUSTER. The Homerton and Hackney ,Safer Community group will continue to monitor, or be called to account themselves.
Many billions of pounds are lost in revenue every year through council tax fraud. Every winter 30,000 thousand people die in Britain from hyperthermia. the shortfall in revenue would easily provide the means to fund services that could prevent many of the deaths. I don't regard the council tax as an equitable system but rule of Law presides in the Blighted Island. The children of privileged families must not be allowed to set precedents.Be warned. You have hurt my already damaged family with your mutant caring. You complained and resorted en group to threats of violence, mob handed. the many slight endured leading up to my departure were not trivial.
You say that I am a lot "Whiter " than I think I am Robert Hill,aka Harry Quinn. . Is that what Westminster College of Arms is spewing out these days? Your father RICHARD HILL must be very proud of you.Im busy for a couple of days on my charity's business. I will get back to this later.
I got an interesting Email the other day concerning the GEORGE in Homerton. Glynn Arm Rd. from a none too happy former resident. Never mind the bullshit that they have the protection of Arse Guards, that they can do what ever they want without account. Perhaps they believe the self appeasing lie. I have seen the harm that their ignorant arrogant attitudes can cause. Others too have borne witness. I wont publish the Email today nor will I publish my recent contribution to the GEORGE web page published by OLIVER SHUSTER. The Homerton and Hackney ,Safer Community group will continue to monitor, or be called to account themselves.
Many billions of pounds are lost in revenue every year through council tax fraud. Every winter 30,000 thousand people die in Britain from hyperthermia. the shortfall in revenue would easily provide the means to fund services that could prevent many of the deaths. I don't regard the council tax as an equitable system but rule of Law presides in the Blighted Island. The children of privileged families must not be allowed to set precedents.Be warned. You have hurt my already damaged family with your mutant caring. You complained and resorted en group to threats of violence, mob handed. the many slight endured leading up to my departure were not trivial.
You say that I am a lot "Whiter " than I think I am Robert Hill,aka Harry Quinn. . Is that what Westminster College of Arms is spewing out these days? Your father RICHARD HILL must be very proud of you.Im busy for a couple of days on my charity's business. I will get back to this later.
Labels:Eco Logic
IZ Pissed off now
Monday, 15 March 2010
Putting paid to being played...
It will probably be an awfully long time before I may forget my recent experience of London, most of the memory will be channeled towards the trash , the relevant positive data will be stored and encrypted to ensure safe retrieval. I am blowing my nose and blowing the whistle. Something that certain sections of British society, the secretive sociopathic exclusive sets appear to be quite agitated about.. I am setting to rights a lot of difficult problems that have dogged me for most of my conscious mortal lifetime.
This time around I had been subjected , after being lure by "friendly" invitation, to extreme morally and socially very unsafe practice. Any consternation I may have caused, was for the most part deliberate, the rest was I guess just a deep rooted, instinctive survival mechanism,"as if by accident", all of the expressions of my discontent were vocal. Forensic analysis ,albeit invariably detached and in overview objective, may not reveal the truth behind all the mysteries and intrigues, I will pull whatever tangible threads together, given: What is verifiably Known of what is True.
A lifetime of work in all diverse quarters has allowed me access to a vast field of unique personal experience,"How do you know?" is a question I am often called upon to answer. Access is always denied.
I had to pass an examination in my youth, the Eleven Plus they called it. How many in a mining region of those days could afford to pay Public school fees. The head master,
John Semper B.Sc. impressed upon us boys, newly arrived 1st Year students at the Doncaster Technical Grammar School for Boys, the phrase "top 2% of the countries intelligence", his voice and the memory from that day of initiation in the school hall are still with me.Impressed ? We all were. Passing the exam was easy.I was encouraged to enjoy learning by my father and mother, it is something we all can do ,both together and alone. I have done a lot of that good stuff, but my journey has not been academic. An injunction that was served to us at that time was that if we kept our regional accent we would not be given the credit for our intelligence. "They weren't wrong," sez Iznibz. " There's them as knows an' them as wain't."
I was born in Leeds,in me Granny's Kitchen. the old fashioned way. Me favourite cheese is Wensleydale and bread wi' nowt taken out. First seven years of life were discharged without obstruction or opposition as an imaginary soldier in the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, They, me Dad most of all were my heroes. Dad wasn't a National Service conscript, "they are no bloody good" sez the late Bill Godden. Few would argue with his expressed view for long, I was brought up and educated in the Doncaster region, Dad worked in Markham Main, Colliery. I am a loyal Yorkshireman. I will speak as I find, why stand on ceremony. I call a spade a spade. A shame on those who run in fear of blame.
The George, in Glynn Arm Rd. Homerton Hackney London will continue to be an object of my avid interest. Matters arising from my recent visit are a cause for concern,
Homerton, will be grateful I don't doubt. Who else? How about Westminster College of Arms ? The Spencer family? Perhaps or not. The Council Tax Fraud Investigation department of the Homerton and Hackney borough. Just a tad. The police certainly showed an interest, and you know what lads they behaved exemplary by the letter and the spirit. Credit where it is due. Stoke Newington Police Station, if anyone needs to share intelligence it is well to know. Great Misseden ? Is that Possible ? Fathers and mothers never stop being parents, irresponsible children may take little time to destroy many generations of familial progress . In principle your little darlings are "Banged to rights" now. The public health department of Hackney Borough Council.
Who else would show some interest? Happen an "Ayup Charlie." Iznibz to Iznibz, seeing I to I on a number of issues, (what he may do is not the point) those loyal to his sincere belief in a common collective cause, sustainable development and respect between faiths. There appears to be a high density of anthropologists aboard desperately trying to work out ways to make a fast tax free buck. But of course they are special, they are licenced. Licenced occupation only refers to the residents right to live in the building. Stoke Newington Police told me that the house as it stands is substandard and that it would be considered illegal to rent it out as a residence. I was told that the house has twelve residents paying 2oo pounds a current month each. The landlord they say, lives or is on holiday, in Thailand. Not reachable, why not? Members refering to themselves as the Management(privately of course) appear to be promoting the building as an unlicenced public venue. Public Safety is an issue. Does the tenancy comply with the Rent Act. Tenants rights have been observably overlooked , by accident or design or some other ingenious wizardly device, one may only conjecture. If true that the landlords position is legally untenable then any who act collusively to assist the alleged illegal act would be proportionate to their degree of involvement culpable jointly and severally. I witnessed a tenant being assaulted because he tried to phone the police after being physically intimidated and threatened by a six headed "select committee"bent on an illegal eviction. Identities noted . Easily researched with such well placed comfortable families. A favourite maxim of mine is, "The dog that barks for a bad master is a bad dog." By the way doesn't anyone care enough about domestic hygene to take their boots off in other peoples homes. Their must be some where folk can live without the filth on the road the dogshit, the petroleum waste and whatever other toxic ooze will stick to it. The habit of wearing para boots with laces undone and invariably the tongue hanging out, was adopted as a dress code "for cred" in imitation of festival travellers, who for the period of the fair would be going in and out of their caravans and buses too many times in a day to feel good about continually fastening and unfastening their laces. The boots were most time kept sheltered from the weather under the threshold of the van. A number I seen and a number I know, all without exception would observe the threshold "law". I wore the boots for many years myself , the only ones fitting as I could find, I wouldn't stay long in any place that didn't observe that basic protocol. I hear that the Indian music society cancelled their advertised performance of music and dance,due to sickness. I am still coughing from my less than nourishing stay, two or three weeks later.Did they sample the food from what was promoted as a "café. Does any one know about Public liability insurance? Beyond the gaze of their Nelsonian vision I would say. the stench of mildew was my first indicator on entering the George that all was decidedly not well, the rot, often blamed on the state of Denmark is wholly an English construct." Best to sniff ones own underpants first," sez Iz. FIRE INSURANCE. Don't get shocked they are only uppercase letters they wont hurt the innocent, a bloody big fire might. Given: That all twelve residents may by right have an unpredetermined number of guests added to the fact that an unregulated number of people may be in attendence. I saw little evidence of adequate fire prevention and control.. How is your cough Victoria of Kennington, I hear you had one long before I ever turned up. Not quite as clean as the Kennington, Bigwood, Radley experience is it love?Not even as clean as the road outside the Scholar Gypsy pub. You are being used girl, take your lovely Irishman home he is alright, he loves you and has put himself into legal jeopardy to stay with you. Tell yer man "F" to contact me for some free advice for heaven's sake. If it is mushrooms you want I could tell you of all the many kinds and their locations in a ten mile wide perimeter around the city.No good crying when a caring someone criticises you must have practiced that one a little too long. you are not in the little uns nursery seats now . Twice I saw it both times the inappropriate emotion for the occasion. "How could you say that?" Your plaintif cry. I sez it like this see thee an I duzzn't need to ask ,it is part , indivisibly of what I does. It's me voice.It is guided by the light of experience. Ask Oliver Tickell to sort you out so's you don't end up dying of mildew, it can be fatal Victoria. He lives in Meadow Lane Oxford, easy found. Some idiots call him the green guru. I nearly laughed. Tell him I said He would help. I will be writing more about my experience of that particular "Olly" soon enough. He has access to rooms you might rent You would be eligible for social security. You would at least stand a chance of a life together, The air in the GEORGE would reduce your chance of a healthy child."F", your woman has the pollution resistance of a miners canary. Read the signs. Get her out of there man. Remember the maxim "Never gamble with your luck." I mean don't push it bhai. Mould spores lower overall resistence and leave the respiratory system wide open to viral infection. Mexican swine flu sounds fun compared with Tuberculosis 5% increase this year in U.K. The cause may not be wiped on immigrants but on the inapropriate use of sick buildings such as the George for mutated social events and functions.
Homerton be warned Keep your youth away do not attend any mother / baby events at the George dance in the street by all means but it would be against the best interest of the whole community if you transfer the viral potential and the fungal pollution to your own good family homes, be well warned
For the record Toby , my son iz in hospital at present. His choice. What ever made him think it would be cool to live in such a compromised shite hole. Im only his sad old twat of a caring dad, but I was repulsed by the lack of attention to detail. You say you don't have a problem, Oli? You wish . You claimed you built the George. Tell me more. I hope I get through to whatever is left of natural intelligence in your family. You people had already indulged yourselves in action as a committee meeting last year in Regent's park to ban me from visiting his home at the George. He got really sick as a result. Are you having Fun Lads. You won't mind me undermining your familial security just a little more will you? I will relate as morally as I legally may. I would be happy to hear any of your reasoned replies, but I insist on Coherent Rational answers , true and transparent if you want to be published. I suggest you become a LEGAL housing association, that is a not for profit organisation. Maybe it is impossible for children to take good advice . My life is real Oli, I don't need to hide best nature nor dumb down for popular acceptence. Which of you will be responsible for the return of the census results? You or Teo Brown? Someone else perhaps. Billions are defrauded by council tax evasion resulting in 30,000 avoidable deaths a year, from hypothermia
Councils just don't have the resources to pay out how they would like. I will continue to agitate. I think you need the stimulation. "Mob Handed" would not win you many Brownie points in any "high table" debating society. May not even get you in the door.
I feel morally bound to my dharma I hope that poses no problems for you in the moral discharge of your own. It is always the choiceless option. It means DUTY.
Iz duz iz.
Oh before I call it a day here," KLONDYKE LIL", why mustn't anyone tell your mother that you wrestle men for money? Good luck Teo I will keep in touch. May even promote some worthy challengers during the forthcoming Olympics. who wrestle men for love. The humour comes from Yorkshire too.
This time around I had been subjected , after being lure by "friendly" invitation, to extreme morally and socially very unsafe practice. Any consternation I may have caused, was for the most part deliberate, the rest was I guess just a deep rooted, instinctive survival mechanism,"as if by accident", all of the expressions of my discontent were vocal. Forensic analysis ,albeit invariably detached and in overview objective, may not reveal the truth behind all the mysteries and intrigues, I will pull whatever tangible threads together, given: What is verifiably Known of what is True.
A lifetime of work in all diverse quarters has allowed me access to a vast field of unique personal experience,"How do you know?" is a question I am often called upon to answer. Access is always denied.
I had to pass an examination in my youth, the Eleven Plus they called it. How many in a mining region of those days could afford to pay Public school fees. The head master,
John Semper B.Sc. impressed upon us boys, newly arrived 1st Year students at the Doncaster Technical Grammar School for Boys, the phrase "top 2% of the countries intelligence", his voice and the memory from that day of initiation in the school hall are still with me.Impressed ? We all were. Passing the exam was easy.I was encouraged to enjoy learning by my father and mother, it is something we all can do ,both together and alone. I have done a lot of that good stuff, but my journey has not been academic. An injunction that was served to us at that time was that if we kept our regional accent we would not be given the credit for our intelligence. "They weren't wrong," sez Iznibz. " There's them as knows an' them as wain't."
I was born in Leeds,in me Granny's Kitchen. the old fashioned way. Me favourite cheese is Wensleydale and bread wi' nowt taken out. First seven years of life were discharged without obstruction or opposition as an imaginary soldier in the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, They, me Dad most of all were my heroes. Dad wasn't a National Service conscript, "they are no bloody good" sez the late Bill Godden. Few would argue with his expressed view for long, I was brought up and educated in the Doncaster region, Dad worked in Markham Main, Colliery. I am a loyal Yorkshireman. I will speak as I find, why stand on ceremony. I call a spade a spade. A shame on those who run in fear of blame.
The George, in Glynn Arm Rd. Homerton Hackney London will continue to be an object of my avid interest. Matters arising from my recent visit are a cause for concern,
Homerton, will be grateful I don't doubt. Who else? How about Westminster College of Arms ? The Spencer family? Perhaps or not. The Council Tax Fraud Investigation department of the Homerton and Hackney borough. Just a tad. The police certainly showed an interest, and you know what lads they behaved exemplary by the letter and the spirit. Credit where it is due. Stoke Newington Police Station, if anyone needs to share intelligence it is well to know. Great Misseden ? Is that Possible ? Fathers and mothers never stop being parents, irresponsible children may take little time to destroy many generations of familial progress . In principle your little darlings are "Banged to rights" now. The public health department of Hackney Borough Council.
Who else would show some interest? Happen an "Ayup Charlie." Iznibz to Iznibz, seeing I to I on a number of issues, (what he may do is not the point) those loyal to his sincere belief in a common collective cause, sustainable development and respect between faiths. There appears to be a high density of anthropologists aboard desperately trying to work out ways to make a fast tax free buck. But of course they are special, they are licenced. Licenced occupation only refers to the residents right to live in the building. Stoke Newington Police told me that the house as it stands is substandard and that it would be considered illegal to rent it out as a residence. I was told that the house has twelve residents paying 2oo pounds a current month each. The landlord they say, lives or is on holiday, in Thailand. Not reachable, why not? Members refering to themselves as the Management(privately of course) appear to be promoting the building as an unlicenced public venue. Public Safety is an issue. Does the tenancy comply with the Rent Act. Tenants rights have been observably overlooked , by accident or design or some other ingenious wizardly device, one may only conjecture. If true that the landlords position is legally untenable then any who act collusively to assist the alleged illegal act would be proportionate to their degree of involvement culpable jointly and severally. I witnessed a tenant being assaulted because he tried to phone the police after being physically intimidated and threatened by a six headed "select committee"bent on an illegal eviction. Identities noted . Easily researched with such well placed comfortable families. A favourite maxim of mine is, "The dog that barks for a bad master is a bad dog." By the way doesn't anyone care enough about domestic hygene to take their boots off in other peoples homes. Their must be some where folk can live without the filth on the road the dogshit, the petroleum waste and whatever other toxic ooze will stick to it. The habit of wearing para boots with laces undone and invariably the tongue hanging out, was adopted as a dress code "for cred" in imitation of festival travellers, who for the period of the fair would be going in and out of their caravans and buses too many times in a day to feel good about continually fastening and unfastening their laces. The boots were most time kept sheltered from the weather under the threshold of the van. A number I seen and a number I know, all without exception would observe the threshold "law". I wore the boots for many years myself , the only ones fitting as I could find, I wouldn't stay long in any place that didn't observe that basic protocol. I hear that the Indian music society cancelled their advertised performance of music and dance,due to sickness. I am still coughing from my less than nourishing stay, two or three weeks later.Did they sample the food from what was promoted as a "café. Does any one know about Public liability insurance? Beyond the gaze of their Nelsonian vision I would say. the stench of mildew was my first indicator on entering the George that all was decidedly not well, the rot, often blamed on the state of Denmark is wholly an English construct." Best to sniff ones own underpants first," sez Iz. FIRE INSURANCE. Don't get shocked they are only uppercase letters they wont hurt the innocent, a bloody big fire might. Given: That all twelve residents may by right have an unpredetermined number of guests added to the fact that an unregulated number of people may be in attendence. I saw little evidence of adequate fire prevention and control.. How is your cough Victoria of Kennington, I hear you had one long before I ever turned up. Not quite as clean as the Kennington, Bigwood, Radley experience is it love?Not even as clean as the road outside the Scholar Gypsy pub. You are being used girl, take your lovely Irishman home he is alright, he loves you and has put himself into legal jeopardy to stay with you. Tell yer man "F" to contact me for some free advice for heaven's sake. If it is mushrooms you want I could tell you of all the many kinds and their locations in a ten mile wide perimeter around the city.No good crying when a caring someone criticises you must have practiced that one a little too long. you are not in the little uns nursery seats now . Twice I saw it both times the inappropriate emotion for the occasion. "How could you say that?" Your plaintif cry. I sez it like this see thee an I duzzn't need to ask ,it is part , indivisibly of what I does. It's me voice.It is guided by the light of experience. Ask Oliver Tickell to sort you out so's you don't end up dying of mildew, it can be fatal Victoria. He lives in Meadow Lane Oxford, easy found. Some idiots call him the green guru. I nearly laughed. Tell him I said He would help. I will be writing more about my experience of that particular "Olly" soon enough. He has access to rooms you might rent You would be eligible for social security. You would at least stand a chance of a life together, The air in the GEORGE would reduce your chance of a healthy child."F", your woman has the pollution resistance of a miners canary. Read the signs. Get her out of there man. Remember the maxim "Never gamble with your luck." I mean don't push it bhai. Mould spores lower overall resistence and leave the respiratory system wide open to viral infection. Mexican swine flu sounds fun compared with Tuberculosis 5% increase this year in U.K. The cause may not be wiped on immigrants but on the inapropriate use of sick buildings such as the George for mutated social events and functions.
Homerton be warned Keep your youth away do not attend any mother / baby events at the George dance in the street by all means but it would be against the best interest of the whole community if you transfer the viral potential and the fungal pollution to your own good family homes, be well warned
For the record Toby , my son iz in hospital at present. His choice. What ever made him think it would be cool to live in such a compromised shite hole. Im only his sad old twat of a caring dad, but I was repulsed by the lack of attention to detail. You say you don't have a problem, Oli? You wish . You claimed you built the George. Tell me more. I hope I get through to whatever is left of natural intelligence in your family. You people had already indulged yourselves in action as a committee meeting last year in Regent's park to ban me from visiting his home at the George. He got really sick as a result. Are you having Fun Lads. You won't mind me undermining your familial security just a little more will you? I will relate as morally as I legally may. I would be happy to hear any of your reasoned replies, but I insist on Coherent Rational answers , true and transparent if you want to be published. I suggest you become a LEGAL housing association, that is a not for profit organisation. Maybe it is impossible for children to take good advice . My life is real Oli, I don't need to hide best nature nor dumb down for popular acceptence. Which of you will be responsible for the return of the census results? You or Teo Brown? Someone else perhaps. Billions are defrauded by council tax evasion resulting in 30,000 avoidable deaths a year, from hypothermia
Councils just don't have the resources to pay out how they would like. I will continue to agitate. I think you need the stimulation. "Mob Handed" would not win you many Brownie points in any "high table" debating society. May not even get you in the door.
I feel morally bound to my dharma I hope that poses no problems for you in the moral discharge of your own. It is always the choiceless option. It means DUTY.
Iz duz iz.
Oh before I call it a day here," KLONDYKE LIL", why mustn't anyone tell your mother that you wrestle men for money? Good luck Teo I will keep in touch. May even promote some worthy challengers during the forthcoming Olympics. who wrestle men for love. The humour comes from Yorkshire too.
Labels:Eco Logic
I. Wazir
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
New season...
I got my purple onions in after the bad start yesterday, I should have been more patient, by late afternoon the ground had thawed and was in perfect condition. I will plant the garlic cloves today perhaps a few shallots. In the sunny window three kinds of tomato seed are awaiting germination. Cornichon and patisson,melon seed too. Last years aubergine crop was a big success so we'll have plenty more of those this year. The fresh aubergines were delicious. the excess at the end of last season was turned into an excellent brinjal pickle. It ran out way too early. So what else is new? A little clump of primroses are blazing bright yellow, they were salvaged from a ditch last year. Anne-Sophie's collection of flowers are thriving.Tulips are showing their leaf tips. some of the daffodils are budding well. Pansies are beginning to flower in spite of the occasional deep frost.
We have just become the proud owners of a small myrtle bush. That will be brought on in the first year to take cuttings. Same again with the plants we grow from them. within two years we will have the beginning of a small hedge. Our Blackcurrant cuttings, from sticks given by a neighbour are now twenty healthy bushes, this year will be their first season of fruit. The many branched redcurrant bush has been reduced to a single standard, the sticks are busy developing roots , two dozen potential bushes in all.
Our freezer stock is holding out well.Broad beans and fully matured runnerbeans, carrots, washed and sliced, peas , several kinds of squash and cherry tomatoes. Oh I forgot the coco beans. This is the lean part of the year, between seasons, we still have onions shallots and garlic from last year and there are still potatoes in the dry store. Dry beans in abundance here, some will surely get eaten, with lots left over for sowing this coming year.
There is more than I could possibly write up in one sitting, I will save it for later. This here keyboard pogoing is delaying the garlic. More later.
We have just become the proud owners of a small myrtle bush. That will be brought on in the first year to take cuttings. Same again with the plants we grow from them. within two years we will have the beginning of a small hedge. Our Blackcurrant cuttings, from sticks given by a neighbour are now twenty healthy bushes, this year will be their first season of fruit. The many branched redcurrant bush has been reduced to a single standard, the sticks are busy developing roots , two dozen potential bushes in all.
Our freezer stock is holding out well.Broad beans and fully matured runnerbeans, carrots, washed and sliced, peas , several kinds of squash and cherry tomatoes. Oh I forgot the coco beans. This is the lean part of the year, between seasons, we still have onions shallots and garlic from last year and there are still potatoes in the dry store. Dry beans in abundance here, some will surely get eaten, with lots left over for sowing this coming year.
There is more than I could possibly write up in one sitting, I will save it for later. This here keyboard pogoing is delaying the garlic. More later.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir
Monday, 8 March 2010
Update on Iz efforts 4 Haiti...
The departure date has had to be moved to September. Gives us a chance to be more prepared and become better equipped. My bucket is not full but I have raised the ticket money and a bit more besides. More cash is needed to buy seed and tools as well as a contingency fund . Once there we will have no means of raising money. September will have seen an end to the rain in Haiti , a good time to start the garden project. In the meantime I have time to fill my own little field with food and make progress with my construction project. Today saw me attempt to plant purple onion sets, the ground was frozen solid, the chill factor of cold north easterly winds put paid to today's big plan.
Anne-So has prepared pots and trays for our stock of seeds. They now stand awaiting germination in the south facing window. We are ahead of the season , as it should be.
"D's" granny is being brought to Paris by an aunty for a rest to recover from living in the streets of a destroyed Port au Prince. "D" is working to save the cash to fund her own efforts.
Toby and I played for a while in Rennes market on Saturday. "Merely" busking got a good audience response but a poor fiscal return. I will make a better job of promoting the reason behind our musical exposition. There is no singular best way forward. No guaranteed good result, we must all do our modest best as our meagre resource will allow. A little can go a long way in the field. I wont be blagging big charities for our funding. Initial ground breaking hasn't started yet. I have a notion that once our work has been recognised by corporate monitors that help will be forthcoming. No one wants to back what may be perceived at first glance as just another scam, profiteering on disaster. There is a lot of it about. Our efforts being privately funded will establish trust, a prerequisite for long term sustainable progress. That progress will become evident in short order once the hoe hits the ground, followed by a new seasons crops.
I am short of information at present on appropriate tree species to replant in the field. I will be searching for data on fast growing indigenous utility wood. A garden needs protection. A kitchen needs a cooking fire. Reestablishing terrestrial ecology that leaves space enough for sustainable human development isn't impossible. I will post reportage with photos once some groundwork has been done. I wont waste time waxing lyrical on theoretical ideas. I leave that dubious privilege to the hoards of Google eyed voyeurs. If anyone should find information that will prove practical, please don't hesitate to contact me. In my most cynical moments I doubt that even passing information on to where it is most needed is within the well meaning gift of the average internet junky. We will see what transpires.
This week at home we have been making bundles of fagots,small branches and twigs. to be stored and dried to light the stove or fire an oven. A huge stack of straight poles are leaning against Emile's barn, the trunks of three oak trees have been sawn into 30cm blocks ready for splitting. All honour and respect to the seniors,Marie-Therese
and Emile their sterling work is an inspiration.
The sun has been blazing down all morning , it is 1:30, the chance of the ground being fit for planting onions now looks good. First lunch of vegetable dhal and roti. Then a bit of work. Positive economic progress is on going in the Izdom of Iz.
Anne-So has prepared pots and trays for our stock of seeds. They now stand awaiting germination in the south facing window. We are ahead of the season , as it should be.
"D's" granny is being brought to Paris by an aunty for a rest to recover from living in the streets of a destroyed Port au Prince. "D" is working to save the cash to fund her own efforts.
Toby and I played for a while in Rennes market on Saturday. "Merely" busking got a good audience response but a poor fiscal return. I will make a better job of promoting the reason behind our musical exposition. There is no singular best way forward. No guaranteed good result, we must all do our modest best as our meagre resource will allow. A little can go a long way in the field. I wont be blagging big charities for our funding. Initial ground breaking hasn't started yet. I have a notion that once our work has been recognised by corporate monitors that help will be forthcoming. No one wants to back what may be perceived at first glance as just another scam, profiteering on disaster. There is a lot of it about. Our efforts being privately funded will establish trust, a prerequisite for long term sustainable progress. That progress will become evident in short order once the hoe hits the ground, followed by a new seasons crops.
I am short of information at present on appropriate tree species to replant in the field. I will be searching for data on fast growing indigenous utility wood. A garden needs protection. A kitchen needs a cooking fire. Reestablishing terrestrial ecology that leaves space enough for sustainable human development isn't impossible. I will post reportage with photos once some groundwork has been done. I wont waste time waxing lyrical on theoretical ideas. I leave that dubious privilege to the hoards of Google eyed voyeurs. If anyone should find information that will prove practical, please don't hesitate to contact me. In my most cynical moments I doubt that even passing information on to where it is most needed is within the well meaning gift of the average internet junky. We will see what transpires.
This week at home we have been making bundles of fagots,small branches and twigs. to be stored and dried to light the stove or fire an oven. A huge stack of straight poles are leaning against Emile's barn, the trunks of three oak trees have been sawn into 30cm blocks ready for splitting. All honour and respect to the seniors,Marie-Therese
and Emile their sterling work is an inspiration.
The sun has been blazing down all morning , it is 1:30, the chance of the ground being fit for planting onions now looks good. First lunch of vegetable dhal and roti. Then a bit of work. Positive economic progress is on going in the Izdom of Iz.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz wazir Aid 4 -80
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Another good bit done...
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir.
Meanwhile back in the Izdom of Iz...
PHEW!!! My oath that was strenuous. A moment or two for recovery will see me right. The ground is in good heart but still is in need of improvement. More seaweed, more manure and compost as well as heavy mulching. The blackcurrant bushes are budding well I reckon they can smell the Spring coming. The work is a long way from completion. Many tonnes of stone must be got to build retaining walls. Eventually, pointless to work beyond one's elastic limit. All the empty tomorrows to be filled with wholesome memories. Worth to work carefully without frenetic rush. If I can transfer a little of the hope I gain from my home field to Haiti. It will have been time well spent. I have heard a pile of words on the subject of permaculture over past years. It would be easy to get a crystalline picture from all the data pumped out in the media. Every garden site is different. Topography geology location and climate. The risk to the site of flooding fire and erosion. Haiti's true permaculture was destroyed along with the Carib Indians. The best one may do is resurrect what there is of it to serve mutually the needs of the land and the essential basic needs of the population. I hope readers will be able to recognise the difference between horticulture and agriculture. The former is what I am about. Organic gardening, utilising sustainable traditional practices, rather than petrol driven chemical agriculture.
Disasters come in all shapes and sizes...
The question was posed,"What good could you possibly do?" A little more than might be contained in a well intended word, I would say. I am not asking for a paid job. I don't feel it is necessary to present C.V.'s to all and sundry. I am a carpenter and a gardener, wih one or two more skills I've tied on to my belt over my lifes journeying. I have tried to raise the cost of a ticket in London, the small milking pail came away with the contents resembling a waste bin. Disaster. Most occasions that I attempted to busk I was faced with officials and security "Jobs worth " syndrome. "You can't do that here". So where?
Arty Party Squat land? All promises turned to dust the moment I arrived. They don't do what they say on the tin. Clubland failed. It wouldn't have taken much to make a small announcement on the stage and pass the bucket around. They don't seem there to cater for that. A week of speaking to clubbies made me feel glad I don't do that.It would take something akin to an earthquake to shake London out of it's torpor of indifference.
Haiti is in crisis. Port au Prince has just lost over a quarter of a million people. The survivors are traumatised and need moral support as well as practical assistance.
Reconstruction needs skilled people. I watched as two well meaning lads set about hanging a new firedoor for the Passing clouds club. I am glad I took the time to learn.I left them struggling, at least one of them I dare to venture was getting paid for the work. I was making ready my return to France neither enough time to tutor them nor do the job myself. I would feel better placed as one unit of experienced manpower in Port au Prince @Zero % commission than jobbing and begging in the crumbling pleasure domes of Britain. Britain is I am informed short of 2500 workers for it's Olympic village. It is a real pity it trained it's youth to be hair dressers and pop stars. Hardly a world priority.
By next week I will have completed my winter digging here in Le Breil. I will be some way forward on the planting and sowing. The round house can wait. My son Toby tells me he will be here in a few days with his amp and "Triangla", it is hoped we will do a little better on the streets of Renne than I did in London. Regardless of the results of my appeal for funds I am assured that I will be going, even if it means sponsoring my ticket from our part time minimum wage. My food budget whilst I am there will also come out of our own domestic income.
My son informed me of the Google page that was set up after my departure from London. A well meant piece of electronic scribble. It blows my modest trumpet a little too hard methinks. I would rather blow my own.
This is a demure action ,not intended to displace anyone from their own executive responsibilities with what may at first glance seem to be imported grandiose gestures.
What can one person do in the wake of so much damage and heart break. The first few weeks will be spent fact finding. Barring my food that part will cost nothing. Photos and reportage of any good news on the ground will be transmitted to the web.
I haven't met "D's" Mam and Granny yet. I have yet to see if my own offer of help will be well recieved. If there is land fit for cultivation, I am told there is, much can be done with a hoe and a spade. If there is more than one body available for manual work I can't see much beyond the arduous rigours of labour that could impede the proposed work. It is not my land I merely respond to the needs , "D" has familial interest, I will not be moving unless after consultation she is smiling in approval.
I hear there is a food shortage. The cynical response I got from folk in London that "They don't need people like you, they need nurses." I nearly laughed. Whether sick or healthy everyone needs food or no work is possible. For best economy, home grown over imported.
My onion bed is ready for planting now. I will take time off from this typing to prepare a bit more of my own mud patch. But first a well placed egg sandwich and a steaming mugga.
I will be bringing vegetable seeds to Haiti, they too will be provided from our own meagre funds. I wont be waiting for a Geldof or Bono style aid circus.
What's to do here? Innoculations ,I will have to pay for them privately, the rest of my ticket and seed money. Not an impossible task. I am halfway there. I have my spade and my hoe. Whatever else good may come of this action will have to get in line I have yet to hit the ground running. I have the will. I will find a way.
Arty Party Squat land? All promises turned to dust the moment I arrived. They don't do what they say on the tin. Clubland failed. It wouldn't have taken much to make a small announcement on the stage and pass the bucket around. They don't seem there to cater for that. A week of speaking to clubbies made me feel glad I don't do that.It would take something akin to an earthquake to shake London out of it's torpor of indifference.
Haiti is in crisis. Port au Prince has just lost over a quarter of a million people. The survivors are traumatised and need moral support as well as practical assistance.
Reconstruction needs skilled people. I watched as two well meaning lads set about hanging a new firedoor for the Passing clouds club. I am glad I took the time to learn.I left them struggling, at least one of them I dare to venture was getting paid for the work. I was making ready my return to France neither enough time to tutor them nor do the job myself. I would feel better placed as one unit of experienced manpower in Port au Prince @Zero % commission than jobbing and begging in the crumbling pleasure domes of Britain. Britain is I am informed short of 2500 workers for it's Olympic village. It is a real pity it trained it's youth to be hair dressers and pop stars. Hardly a world priority.
By next week I will have completed my winter digging here in Le Breil. I will be some way forward on the planting and sowing. The round house can wait. My son Toby tells me he will be here in a few days with his amp and "Triangla", it is hoped we will do a little better on the streets of Renne than I did in London. Regardless of the results of my appeal for funds I am assured that I will be going, even if it means sponsoring my ticket from our part time minimum wage. My food budget whilst I am there will also come out of our own domestic income.
My son informed me of the Google page that was set up after my departure from London. A well meant piece of electronic scribble. It blows my modest trumpet a little too hard methinks. I would rather blow my own.
This is a demure action ,not intended to displace anyone from their own executive responsibilities with what may at first glance seem to be imported grandiose gestures.
What can one person do in the wake of so much damage and heart break. The first few weeks will be spent fact finding. Barring my food that part will cost nothing. Photos and reportage of any good news on the ground will be transmitted to the web.
I haven't met "D's" Mam and Granny yet. I have yet to see if my own offer of help will be well recieved. If there is land fit for cultivation, I am told there is, much can be done with a hoe and a spade. If there is more than one body available for manual work I can't see much beyond the arduous rigours of labour that could impede the proposed work. It is not my land I merely respond to the needs , "D" has familial interest, I will not be moving unless after consultation she is smiling in approval.
I hear there is a food shortage. The cynical response I got from folk in London that "They don't need people like you, they need nurses." I nearly laughed. Whether sick or healthy everyone needs food or no work is possible. For best economy, home grown over imported.
My onion bed is ready for planting now. I will take time off from this typing to prepare a bit more of my own mud patch. But first a well placed egg sandwich and a steaming mugga.
I will be bringing vegetable seeds to Haiti, they too will be provided from our own meagre funds. I wont be waiting for a Geldof or Bono style aid circus.
What's to do here? Innoculations ,I will have to pay for them privately, the rest of my ticket and seed money. Not an impossible task. I am halfway there. I have my spade and my hoe. Whatever else good may come of this action will have to get in line I have yet to hit the ground running. I have the will. I will find a way.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Friday, 12 February 2010
A critical look at the bottom of the bucket...
It is overfull with disappointments, unfulfilled promises and undertakings. The little wallet looks full because it was designed to look fat when it's empty. I will take the bucket to Renne,results so far amount to half the price of a return ticket.I am still hopeful that I will raise enough to take a crail of tools with me as well as my hoe. Should the target not be reached I will donate the money raised to where it will do the most good.
I have done a little digging since I got back, preparing to plant onion sets and spring cabbage. I will do some more today, my body is glad to be breathing oxygen again.I have been holding my breath quite a bit this last week in London . We are not designed to breathe each others toxic exhaust.
I will finish digging the bottom circle now. I will leave the remaining leeks standing proudly against the frosty weather. Spade and hoe will create a pretty picture by this evening.
I have done a little digging since I got back, preparing to plant onion sets and spring cabbage. I will do some more today, my body is glad to be breathing oxygen again.I have been holding my breath quite a bit this last week in London . We are not designed to breathe each others toxic exhaust.
I will finish digging the bottom circle now. I will leave the remaining leeks standing proudly against the frosty weather. Spade and hoe will create a pretty picture by this evening.
Monday, 1 February 2010
For what it's worth...
My old stamping grounds in London have all either been redeveloped or are now too monoxide rich to risk playing. The bucket remains empty but I am not disheartened , the ground work of organising some kind of fundraising ventures needed to be done. Positive news there, a small gig will be held in, The George, Homerton, on February 13 also at a venue"Unit Two", Clapton on February 6 as well as an appearance at"Passing clouds", Dalston on Sunday,(that's the seventh).
I will be blowing and banging outside in Spitalfields in a public space for as long as it is mutually tolerable.Brick Lane market on Sundays seems to be a favourable streetside venue. I pray my performance is good enough to touch people's generous hearts. My ooblee dooblee, "strictly kitchen" genre, going nowhere but on anon.
I have met a Brazilian man, Victor, who is keen to make a small documentary film of the progress and has intimated that he is prepared to follow it through to Paris and later perhaps to Haiti.
This is an international NGO, self sponsored voluntary community action.At present I can see no worthier cause, for the record.
The reportage is about the hopeful modest efforts towards assisting the reconstuction of Port au Prince. Little will be acheived if we can't get our able bodies and our expertise to where we can do some lasting good.
It would be well to note the debt both European and American working people owe to Haiti. The Slave Rebellion was the single most influencial cause of the transition to the abolition of the slave trade.If you can read this , you can search the web for further information. If the significance of our duty of care has eluded you, I advise you take a more active interest in the history of our over exploited planet and it's people.
Nuff sed for now.I will be in Spitalfields tomorrow with my begging bucket. I hope I see you there.
I will be blowing and banging outside in Spitalfields in a public space for as long as it is mutually tolerable.Brick Lane market on Sundays seems to be a favourable streetside venue. I pray my performance is good enough to touch people's generous hearts. My ooblee dooblee, "strictly kitchen" genre, going nowhere but on anon.
I have met a Brazilian man, Victor, who is keen to make a small documentary film of the progress and has intimated that he is prepared to follow it through to Paris and later perhaps to Haiti.
This is an international NGO, self sponsored voluntary community action.At present I can see no worthier cause, for the record.
The reportage is about the hopeful modest efforts towards assisting the reconstuction of Port au Prince. Little will be acheived if we can't get our able bodies and our expertise to where we can do some lasting good.
It would be well to note the debt both European and American working people owe to Haiti. The Slave Rebellion was the single most influencial cause of the transition to the abolition of the slave trade.If you can read this , you can search the web for further information. If the significance of our duty of care has eluded you, I advise you take a more active interest in the history of our over exploited planet and it's people.
Nuff sed for now.I will be in Spitalfields tomorrow with my begging bucket. I hope I see you there.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz wazir Aid 4 -80
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
There has been a slight change of plan.I will be starting in LONDON. I will be there all being well eight p.m. Saturday evening. The single ticket has been booked. I expect to cover my return fair back to France out of the copper remainder,after the silver the gold, as well as any cheques and paper money has been put safely away. I don't want Pledges. Stick them where the sun don't shine.
I will sleep on your floor son and make diesel flavoured "Ooblee Dooblee" flute music in the streets of London with my stainless steel Begging Bucket for as long as my reserve of energy and strength hold out. The objective is to at least cover the cost of the return ticket from Paris to Port au Prince. I can always give someone the return journey if I have to stay. Anne-Sophie will stay here with her care work and organise local support in this region. While I am in London she will liase with "D" towards a meeting in Paris with others similarly motivated and empowered. I will also be busking in Paris to maximise the opportunity.
Anne-Sophie will organise seeds for community garden. I will leave you with a wish list before my departure. The trunk will have to be sent over seperately. TOOLS. Not any old Poundshop garbage. The best you can find by all legitimate means. Hand tools for carpentry. Priority in the hardware department, Hoe heads.
GOOD NEWS of sorts, "D's" mam is in poor health so she is being rescued by her daughter , she will come back when she is well. GRANNY is strong, old school. She is over eighty but she is staying in Port au Prince. We will try and give her something to smile about in her last days LONG LIVE GRANNY POWER.
We will probaby occupy "D's" mam's broken house. set up field kitchen and garden.
"R",that"s "D's" sister will make contact with the YELE AIYTI people in the U.S.
So what is left to say? I will be getting my old rags patched up some and oil my boots. I will charge up the batteries for my amp, I hope you have a charger to use while I am with you. I have a little WHITE HOREHOUND you had best get some more NEAL'S YARD REMEDIES stock it. It is essential to keep my lungs in good shape.
They have had another 6.5 tremor in Port au Prince.
If you haven't taken an interest already, research the Slave Rebellion in Haiti. There is a good documentary on Dr.Bogdanovich's channel on the YouTube..
I hope you don't collapse under the strain of having me in your face for a short time. Pray I achieve my target objective quickly. Needs be said , I don't want to see even a patronising sniff of a facade of neo liberal political correctness while I am visiting. It will be met with me being pissed off to the power at least of 7.5 on the Richter scale.
The whole of the free world OWES Haiti big time. I am not coming to London to argue the toss with alchoholic party liggers. If any should chance to wind me up this time they risk being met with a very firm and unambiguous none vocal response. PEACE OR ELSE.
I Love you son. See you on Saturday.SMILING
I will sleep on your floor son and make diesel flavoured "Ooblee Dooblee" flute music in the streets of London with my stainless steel Begging Bucket for as long as my reserve of energy and strength hold out. The objective is to at least cover the cost of the return ticket from Paris to Port au Prince. I can always give someone the return journey if I have to stay. Anne-Sophie will stay here with her care work and organise local support in this region. While I am in London she will liase with "D" towards a meeting in Paris with others similarly motivated and empowered. I will also be busking in Paris to maximise the opportunity.
Anne-Sophie will organise seeds for community garden. I will leave you with a wish list before my departure. The trunk will have to be sent over seperately. TOOLS. Not any old Poundshop garbage. The best you can find by all legitimate means. Hand tools for carpentry. Priority in the hardware department, Hoe heads.
GOOD NEWS of sorts, "D's" mam is in poor health so she is being rescued by her daughter , she will come back when she is well. GRANNY is strong, old school. She is over eighty but she is staying in Port au Prince. We will try and give her something to smile about in her last days LONG LIVE GRANNY POWER.
We will probaby occupy "D's" mam's broken house. set up field kitchen and garden.
"R",that"s "D's" sister will make contact with the YELE AIYTI people in the U.S.
So what is left to say? I will be getting my old rags patched up some and oil my boots. I will charge up the batteries for my amp, I hope you have a charger to use while I am with you. I have a little WHITE HOREHOUND you had best get some more NEAL'S YARD REMEDIES stock it. It is essential to keep my lungs in good shape.
They have had another 6.5 tremor in Port au Prince.
If you haven't taken an interest already, research the Slave Rebellion in Haiti. There is a good documentary on Dr.Bogdanovich's channel on the YouTube..
I hope you don't collapse under the strain of having me in your face for a short time. Pray I achieve my target objective quickly. Needs be said , I don't want to see even a patronising sniff of a facade of neo liberal political correctness while I am visiting. It will be met with me being pissed off to the power at least of 7.5 on the Richter scale.
The whole of the free world OWES Haiti big time. I am not coming to London to argue the toss with alchoholic party liggers. If any should chance to wind me up this time they risk being met with a very firm and unambiguous none vocal response. PEACE OR ELSE.
I Love you son. See you on Saturday.SMILING
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir
Monday, 18 January 2010
The road to hell ...
...some say is paved with good intentions. "All roads to heaven pass through hell."Sez Iznibz. It shouldn't stop us trying.
I am not blind to the suffering in Haiti. I would have to be dead to not to
notice over the years. Root causes well documented in factual historic records embellished with myths and legends and popular superstition world wide.
Good folk have persevered by each generation to make some modest progress for family and community,working, keeping faith against impossible odds that things would eventually get better have, endured bitter disappointment and grievous tragedy for centuries. The most current disaster, the earthquake, isn't a movie. Realistically it could get worse before it gets better, if ever it does. We live in hope of sustainable long term good result. All of us have a duty of care to ensure that the Republic of Haiti is aided in its daunting task to establish it on the path to a state of equitable grace.
Walking the walk and talking the talk, isn't going to cut the mustard.Doing the do is all.
Some months ago I met a Haitian woman on a train journey to Paris. "D" she was studying environmental and waste management at college, some such title, "near enough" sez I, visiting her partner "T" a fireman in the capital. An incident of little relevance to this story unfolded. A three pipe yarn in it's self, that will get duly blogged another time. The incident brought about an introduction of what we are, rather than who. Our common interests and concerns aired and shared. "D", Anne-So and I bonded in friendship immediately. Her granny and her mam are still in Port au Prince, fate was kind they are still alive. "On the street but alive." Praise and thanks.
On arrival in Paris, before the parting we exchanged addresses and determined to meet up and continue where we left off. That we have done a couple of times now .
I must say, I don't go out of my way to court popularity or cultivate people. Life is too short for shallow trivial"user friendly" relationships. they get in the way of the precious rarity of the genuine article. " Leave space around the table for the real thing," I say.
We muted that a visit to Haiti was in order sometime having discussed the historic social, economic and environmental concerns of the island and it's people. Agreeable wholly with the notion that independent none governmental initiatives were the order of the day. Self reliant ,motivated community action on the ground by the people who are in most need. What , and succeed against the combined force of successive natural disaster, corrupt political compromise and carpetbagging commercial exploiters ? Against the fetid tide of unholy and unnatural congenital prejudice. Wasn't it an Irishman who got into the White House with the slogan "YES WE CAN" O'Bama sez it well and appears to carry a lot of support for his expressed attitudes.
Haiti has been asset stripped since the arrival of Columbus. 500 years or so ago.
I'm sorry, are you getting bored? Suffer in silence you poor darling and keep reading.
The earthquake has moved the agenda forward . Diasporan people "working away" are busy tidying their affairs up worldwide and are rallying and mobilising to the aid of family community and nation as hard as any private citizen may. Friends of Haitian people touched by the pressing emergency are preparing with them to "DO THE DO".
"It iz wot I duz best", sez Iz.
Hang on , don't rush me, this is a single finger epic. (I pulled it out an age and a bit ago). I hate this here lego writing. Organic it's not. I'l have a slice of toast and a cuppa, then I will get to the point. By Heck! That was good. I burned one slice had to start again. Well worth the wait mind. This years Damson conserve is the BEEZNEEZ !!!
So where was I? The Point. HAITI...EARTHQUAKE...AID.
Looks like it's time to take to the streets again. Diesel flavoured flutings aren't my favourite but needs must.I have a stainless steel bucket that is begging to be filled , more than just the once. I need to generate return ticket money and a small contingency fund. "D" and "T" are preparing to go to Haiti in April. Several others,Haitian diasporans will also be travelling en group. I plan to be with them . A seemingly impossible task for me as Anne-So and I subsist on a part time minimum wage between the two of us. We get by without complaint. She can't abandon her care work locally but is happy to maintain a supporting role from home. I have no doubt it will be a vital one as always.
A small none such company will be presenting some of you tolerant liberal well meaning folk with as big a challenge as I will face?the difference being you can walk away I have no choice but to keep blowing my flute till the mission is fulfilled.
RAGGED MAN PROMOTIONS Will be presenting a begging bucket and a whole lot of unearthly racket for at least the next two months, starting with the dogshit covered streets of Rennes. then Paris If their is any breath left I will chance to do some tooting in London . Then back home and breath in.
Concurrent to this I am duty bound to do the spring planting and sowing . I'm looking forward to that. It will get my body into some kind of reasonable working shape.
In Paris we will be meeting with "D" and others to do some practical planning in preparation for the work ahead. I wanna be dancing with my hoe in Haiti by mid April.
Happen I'll bring "D's" Mam and her Granny a jar or two of that conserve while I'm at it. Share a joy, it spreads well.
What else? Tonnes more. Tons more and a bit if you still use the old twelve pence to the shilling. It is 04:39 for cryin' out loud. A bit more and then I'll get some sleep.
If you would like to check out some samples of noises I'll be making. Scroll down.
There is a stash or two awaiting discovery. February will see Toby and I playing together again. I hope so.
If you find you really can't bear me tootings. Send someone who can with a good will bank roll, appeased and assured that you will be sending me and my squeeky notes to hell. or somewhere close too it. That's your lot for now, I will be back tomorrow.
11:00 Good morning. English Breakfast tea. Anne-So has come back from a care visit, we have had a good chatter and a bite to eat. We have just had a phone call asking her if she would be the local union rep in her area. It would be good for everyone. Of course she said yes. She would be my first choice every time. Then I would say that wouldn't I? We are Married.
Blahdy Blahdy Blah... This is going nowhere. No point forcing the issue. That will teach me. I will get an early night tonight.
I haven't a clue who on earth would take time off to read this, but if it does stimulate a little interest you would be better off starting reading from the beginning, the archive starts in 2008. I will eventually link it in to a massive pile of other stuff. Past, Present and sustainable Future. What lasting good ? We will see.
Thinking about Haiti caused me to be reminded of my father, he died in '97. He related hard mens tales to me as a child, drawn from his difficult struggle. Buried alive in a coal mining accident. He was so compacted he couldn't tell what position his body was in to assist rescue. The collapse had also sheared his ear off. They dug him out after several failed guesses. Difficult and dangerous work for all and sundry. Miraculously one of the rescuers found his ear in the rubble, they put it in his pocket and the medics sewed it back on when they brought him to the surface. He carried till his death the coal miners credentials of a faint blue black scar "tattoo". It didn't show much, the medics did a tidy job. besides, he was a brown man. There is a photo of his much battered face taken about six years before his death in the archive. Just so's folk know where I am coming from. In his younger days he served as a volunteer with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. A sacrifice he made for me. The only "Black" man in the regiment, in a most politically incorrect era. He was my childhood hero. Thanks Dad.
He taught me not to beg, so with respect don't trouble me with any misconception that I do that. I have been hungered to starving many times. When you see me on the street I will be acting in service to others, Bhakti by my faith. My hands, my head my heart and my every breath will be fully employed in giving. Recognise that it is the stainless steel bucket which is begging to be filled. I hope you do your part with at least as much enthusiasm. If you do happen to encounter me playing streetside, please don't stand in front of my face and insist on engaging me in conversation. At best I am likely to be very rude, at worst I may just bite your nose off. Wait until I take a break before the idle chatter. Bless all and any who cared to read this. I will be bringing to Haiti seeds for community garden and my hoe my flute and my drum and as much love as a man can carry in his heart. PLEASE SUPPORT MY MODEST EFFORTS.
I am not blind to the suffering in Haiti. I would have to be dead to not to
notice over the years. Root causes well documented in factual historic records embellished with myths and legends and popular superstition world wide.
Good folk have persevered by each generation to make some modest progress for family and community,working, keeping faith against impossible odds that things would eventually get better have, endured bitter disappointment and grievous tragedy for centuries. The most current disaster, the earthquake, isn't a movie. Realistically it could get worse before it gets better, if ever it does. We live in hope of sustainable long term good result. All of us have a duty of care to ensure that the Republic of Haiti is aided in its daunting task to establish it on the path to a state of equitable grace.
Walking the walk and talking the talk, isn't going to cut the mustard.Doing the do is all.
Some months ago I met a Haitian woman on a train journey to Paris. "D" she was studying environmental and waste management at college, some such title, "near enough" sez I, visiting her partner "T" a fireman in the capital. An incident of little relevance to this story unfolded. A three pipe yarn in it's self, that will get duly blogged another time. The incident brought about an introduction of what we are, rather than who. Our common interests and concerns aired and shared. "D", Anne-So and I bonded in friendship immediately. Her granny and her mam are still in Port au Prince, fate was kind they are still alive. "On the street but alive." Praise and thanks.
On arrival in Paris, before the parting we exchanged addresses and determined to meet up and continue where we left off. That we have done a couple of times now .
I must say, I don't go out of my way to court popularity or cultivate people. Life is too short for shallow trivial"user friendly" relationships. they get in the way of the precious rarity of the genuine article. " Leave space around the table for the real thing," I say.
We muted that a visit to Haiti was in order sometime having discussed the historic social, economic and environmental concerns of the island and it's people. Agreeable wholly with the notion that independent none governmental initiatives were the order of the day. Self reliant ,motivated community action on the ground by the people who are in most need. What , and succeed against the combined force of successive natural disaster, corrupt political compromise and carpetbagging commercial exploiters ? Against the fetid tide of unholy and unnatural congenital prejudice. Wasn't it an Irishman who got into the White House with the slogan "YES WE CAN" O'Bama sez it well and appears to carry a lot of support for his expressed attitudes.
Haiti has been asset stripped since the arrival of Columbus. 500 years or so ago.
I'm sorry, are you getting bored? Suffer in silence you poor darling and keep reading.
The earthquake has moved the agenda forward . Diasporan people "working away" are busy tidying their affairs up worldwide and are rallying and mobilising to the aid of family community and nation as hard as any private citizen may. Friends of Haitian people touched by the pressing emergency are preparing with them to "DO THE DO".
"It iz wot I duz best", sez Iz.
Hang on , don't rush me, this is a single finger epic. (I pulled it out an age and a bit ago). I hate this here lego writing. Organic it's not. I'l have a slice of toast and a cuppa, then I will get to the point. By Heck! That was good. I burned one slice had to start again. Well worth the wait mind. This years Damson conserve is the BEEZNEEZ !!!
So where was I? The Point. HAITI...EARTHQUAKE...AID.
Looks like it's time to take to the streets again. Diesel flavoured flutings aren't my favourite but needs must.I have a stainless steel bucket that is begging to be filled , more than just the once. I need to generate return ticket money and a small contingency fund. "D" and "T" are preparing to go to Haiti in April. Several others,Haitian diasporans will also be travelling en group. I plan to be with them . A seemingly impossible task for me as Anne-So and I subsist on a part time minimum wage between the two of us. We get by without complaint. She can't abandon her care work locally but is happy to maintain a supporting role from home. I have no doubt it will be a vital one as always.
A small none such company will be presenting some of you tolerant liberal well meaning folk with as big a challenge as I will face?the difference being you can walk away I have no choice but to keep blowing my flute till the mission is fulfilled.
RAGGED MAN PROMOTIONS Will be presenting a begging bucket and a whole lot of unearthly racket for at least the next two months, starting with the dogshit covered streets of Rennes. then Paris If their is any breath left I will chance to do some tooting in London . Then back home and breath in.
Concurrent to this I am duty bound to do the spring planting and sowing . I'm looking forward to that. It will get my body into some kind of reasonable working shape.
In Paris we will be meeting with "D" and others to do some practical planning in preparation for the work ahead. I wanna be dancing with my hoe in Haiti by mid April.
Happen I'll bring "D's" Mam and her Granny a jar or two of that conserve while I'm at it. Share a joy, it spreads well.
What else? Tonnes more. Tons more and a bit if you still use the old twelve pence to the shilling. It is 04:39 for cryin' out loud. A bit more and then I'll get some sleep.
If you would like to check out some samples of noises I'll be making. Scroll down.
There is a stash or two awaiting discovery. February will see Toby and I playing together again. I hope so.
If you find you really can't bear me tootings. Send someone who can with a good will bank roll, appeased and assured that you will be sending me and my squeeky notes to hell. or somewhere close too it. That's your lot for now, I will be back tomorrow.
11:00 Good morning. English Breakfast tea. Anne-So has come back from a care visit, we have had a good chatter and a bite to eat. We have just had a phone call asking her if she would be the local union rep in her area. It would be good for everyone. Of course she said yes. She would be my first choice every time. Then I would say that wouldn't I? We are Married.
Blahdy Blahdy Blah... This is going nowhere. No point forcing the issue. That will teach me. I will get an early night tonight.
I haven't a clue who on earth would take time off to read this, but if it does stimulate a little interest you would be better off starting reading from the beginning, the archive starts in 2008. I will eventually link it in to a massive pile of other stuff. Past, Present and sustainable Future. What lasting good ? We will see.
Thinking about Haiti caused me to be reminded of my father, he died in '97. He related hard mens tales to me as a child, drawn from his difficult struggle. Buried alive in a coal mining accident. He was so compacted he couldn't tell what position his body was in to assist rescue. The collapse had also sheared his ear off. They dug him out after several failed guesses. Difficult and dangerous work for all and sundry. Miraculously one of the rescuers found his ear in the rubble, they put it in his pocket and the medics sewed it back on when they brought him to the surface. He carried till his death the coal miners credentials of a faint blue black scar "tattoo". It didn't show much, the medics did a tidy job. besides, he was a brown man. There is a photo of his much battered face taken about six years before his death in the archive. Just so's folk know where I am coming from. In his younger days he served as a volunteer with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. A sacrifice he made for me. The only "Black" man in the regiment, in a most politically incorrect era. He was my childhood hero. Thanks Dad.
He taught me not to beg, so with respect don't trouble me with any misconception that I do that. I have been hungered to starving many times. When you see me on the street I will be acting in service to others, Bhakti by my faith. My hands, my head my heart and my every breath will be fully employed in giving. Recognise that it is the stainless steel bucket which is begging to be filled. I hope you do your part with at least as much enthusiasm. If you do happen to encounter me playing streetside, please don't stand in front of my face and insist on engaging me in conversation. At best I am likely to be very rude, at worst I may just bite your nose off. Wait until I take a break before the idle chatter. Bless all and any who cared to read this. I will be bringing to Haiti seeds for community garden and my hoe my flute and my drum and as much love as a man can carry in his heart. PLEASE SUPPORT MY MODEST EFFORTS.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir On going iz Going on Anon Anon
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Iz nodgeworthy notes...
Ooblee Dooblee contains in glorious imperfection a sample of iz practice session.My music still searches for a context befitting. The odds against seem trillions to one at the moment. I had best keep plodding on with the building project if I ever want to get my tunes properly accommodated. Thanks to Toby for his assistence in getting a few "new" tunes posted. Beyond "Ooblee Dooblee", who knows? His server doesn't want to play ball at the moment. Neither does he judging by the silence emanating from his domain.
There was to be four or five other scraps from the notebook; I bet you're glad you were spared. Thank him. If I had my way you would hear a lot more of how my music was meant to sound.
There was to be four or five other scraps from the notebook; I bet you're glad you were spared. Thank him. If I had my way you would hear a lot more of how my music was meant to sound.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iman iz music...
Sunday, 3 January 2010
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